Mage Lite - Overview

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okay this is going to be an overview video for mage light this is mage knight in 18 cards this is just going to go through the base game and what i'll do is i'll show you the differences from big mage knight i i'm not gonna attempt to try to teach all the rules um most of the rules are similar and so what i'll do in this video is just show you how to adapt if you already know how to play mage knight um and i have my rule book sitting next to me so i can stay on task here uh the first thing that's probably a big difference to no is the um action cards the game comes with eight action cards they have a starting half and a waning half and so you start with all of them on starting and i'll just draw up a hand here when you play a starting card you rotate it to waning and you put it at the bottom of your deck you don't actually remove any cards from your hand until the end of your turn and so as i'm playing my turn i might say okay i'll play this one and i'll move it up and i'll play this one and move it up and then at the end of my turn i'll grab all the ones that i played rotate them and put them at the bottom of my deck if you play if you're discarding multiple cards and putting them to the bottom of your deck you can actually choose the order they go in likewise you can always look at the top part of your deck try not to look at any others but knowing the next card that's coming is just part of the game um in one of the expansions i have a like a deck cover card that i provide um so let's say i've played and i've discarded some and i've drawn back up and now i have these two waning cards in my hand when you play a waning card it actually goes to your discard pile and then you don't get it back and once all your cards are in your discard pile the round is over just like normal um i think that might be it for action cards so for taking wounds there's no wound cards in the game you take wounds um by kind of exhausting or downgrading your cards and pushing the round and you take wounds right away in the assign damage phase um so you can't so it affects your attack phase so to take a wound you have two main options you can rotate a starting card in your hand to waning or you can move a waning card in your hand to your discard pile if you choose to to just rotate the starting card you actually keep that card in your hand it stays where it is and so um you can use the the new side of the card um the new half of the card in the attack phase if you so choose um so so yeah when you're taking one you don't actually have to discard it to the bottom of your deck if you're rotating a starting card to waning if you can't do either of those if you can't do one from your hand by either rotating a starting card or moving a waning card to your discard you can dig through your deck and you can do those same actions you can rotate a starting card or you can move a waning card to discard uh and then healing is just the opposite of taking wounds so you can move a waning card from your discard back to the bottom of your deck or you can rotate a waning card from your hand back to starting and then if you can't do either of those then you can um again you can look through your deck and you can rotate a waning card back to starting that's in your deck and it stays where it's at okay gaining advanced action so let's say i leveled up and it was an advanced action and a skill token level up you draw up your next hand and then your invent your advanced action offer is the first three cards on the left side of your hand so this would be my advanced action offer and you look at the whoops and i had that one on the advanced action side you look at the back of these three cards and and you decide okay i wanna i want to upgrade this card and then that one stays where it's at but it gets to be on the advanced action side and um and it stays on that side for the rest of the game let's see um you know what since i'm here i'll go out of order from the rulebook but there's no mana dice in the game but you'll notice that there's extra mana icons on the left on the right side of the action cards most of the time you'll be looking at the left hand side one and the source the source mana is depending on how many i guess you want in the source but let's say i'm playing with three uh it would be the first three tokens on the left side of my hand so in the source for this turn it would be red um gold and blue so i can use those as normal there's no crystals there's no mana crystals in the game there there will be in an expansion that i'll provide and i'll i think i'll do a different video on that um but in the base game you're just playing with mana tokens and you just need to remember you know if a card or something gives you a token you have it for that turn okay and since i'm on these symbols let's go through enemies quick the enemies card has you can see it's in it's in um rows and it's in columns the columns are just the different enemy types the rows correspond to these different mana symbols um so you know red and blue for this center row and what you do is you reference the furthest left mana symbol in your hand and i think in the rules i call it the guiding symbol so my current hand it would be red would be the guiding symbol and so let's say i want to know what work that is since i you know it'll be face up and i want to know what that is before i go get it i'll look at the guiding symbol that's red i'll reference the card and try to find the orcs there's two columns of orcs um and so what you do for orcs if there was just one column you just look at this row and that tells you what it is but since the orcs have two columns you have to pay attention to because you can see the red symbol is a little bit left of the blue symbol and so my guiding symbol was red which means i would do the first column of orcs so this would be the orchid face okay going back to my rule book here units are all on one card silver on front there's six on front and then there's six gold units on the back when you recruit a unit the initial unit offer you're supposed to rotate this i think i say in the rules and then it's top right top left bottom right you have to do one of these outside ones and so you have those three to choose from in the unit offer and let's say i recruit the crossbowman you tuck that under your character card and it shows you um which unit you have recruited and you can put that however you like like that would that would show that i just have that one unit recruited and then after that the unit offer is the two that you could um that you'd be able to recruit next based on adjacency so it would have to be this one or that one because i could uncover those like i couldn't recruit this one and then recruit that one because there's just not a good way to reveal both of those out from under your card and then when it's time to when you reveal your first quartile gold units are available to you to recruit obviously they're on the opposite side of the card so you can't own both a silver and a gold unit at the same time so what you do is let's say i own both of these you total up all of your influence and you can kind of bank that and carry it over to your initial recruitment of gold unit so let's say i i have the crossbowman and the peasants so that's six and four is ten influence there plus or minus my reputation which is zero right now and then i would add however much influence i play from my hand and so you total all that up and you get to flip over and you get to recruit um probably from you know here here here to start um but you can move in and you can recruit and carry all of that influence over and and recruit what you can um so really you could recruit three gold units at once if you had like a bunch of influence banked on the silver side um and what else was i going to say about that i can't remember maybe it'll come to me yeah i can't remember so um oh it might have been wounding units so wounding units you don't have any like you can't put a wound card on it to remember and so i say that um when you wound a unit you have to disband it so if i would win this one i'd have to cover it back up and and disband it unless you can heal the unit that turn or the next turn because i figure any turns after that it's hard to remember which ones you've wounded and so if you if you draw up the next hand and you realize well i'm not going to be able to heal it then you got to disband it okay so that's units i'll put the page in my rule book here then there's spells and artifacts these are on the same card there's a spell side and an artifact side um [Music] when you're when you start the game obviously you're not starting with any but whichever one you gain first if you gain an artifact first or if you gain a spell first what you're doing is you're committing to having only that type for the rest of the game um so let's look at a different here we go so let's say i move in and i um defeat that mage tower and i didn't have any spells or artifacts yet well that would commit me to having spells for the rest of the game and i would you know pick my one spell and then anytime you would gain an artifact after that since you can't gain artifacts because you're committing to that side of the card you would gain a spell instead and the same goes for artifacts if you do lose um you know say i have an artifact and i use the bottom half of it and now i have no artifacts i guess you could um you could get a spell next and then that would flip the card for you because you're kind of starting from scratch there um let me think that's probably good enough on those they work just like units except for there's a cost to using them so they're always available to you um you know i'm playing the game from my hand i'm playing cards for my hand but i also have like this gem pouch available to me to use and you can use it once per round um but there's a cost to it i have to discard a different card in order to use my artifact or my spell so to use it i would play this one and then i could use that yeah and so that's how spells and artifacts work i think that's all i needed to say about that uh fame and reputation are on these two cards here this is your fame track and you point to the fame you're on with that arrow i have the levels noted here so once you hit three fame um or pass it you're on character level two and it's you can see oops sorry i hit my camera there you can see it's an advanced action and a skill level up noted by the icon and then the next one would be a command token level up at level three and it goes all the way up to 1999 here and then you would just start over if you would somehow pass that back at one um so you just move this around to track fame and then this is your reputation you start at um on the yellow side with zero and then when you gain it you rotate it to the right uh and keep doing that and then if you come around again then you're on the plus two and you can go up to plus five if you get below so say i'm here and i lose a reputation you flip the card and now you're on the red side and you're back at zero and then you can go further uh into debt on that just like normal and you get to the minus five or the minus x or whatever that is so um i think that explains that and then leveling up with your hero in the base game you just got the one card the expansion provides two cards and it gives you kind of a skill tree to work with but here it's a little bit predetermined for you which skills you get you start with the the level one to two so you're on level one here and it tells you your armor and your hand size and then the icons the number of icons tells you how many command tokens you have so we have one to start and then when we pass when we level up to character level two um we rotate it to the two here and it shows that we gained this skill and of course we also have the command token that we had originally and then when you get to level three um you get that command token upgrade and then four you get an extra skill and then you'd flip the card over um this card only goes to to level eight um and so if you would happen to pass that on the fame track um just give yourself like extra mana tokens probably two extra mana tokens every time you level up since you won't be be able to gain any more levels on your card okay i did the enemies card let's go through the map and i think that'll probably be we're getting near the end here of what you need to know um use a token or whatever you can find i use a penny and then if it's day i have it on heads and if it's night i have it on tails you start with just the one card out and you start on the bottom left partial hex there and then you build in orthogonal directions and so i can explore this direction and that direction and build the map out like that i say in the rulebook i call it like a modified staircase because you know in the in the normal game it's a wedge at least for the the solo conquest um this is like a staircase so if you imagine it kind of goes up and to the right and straight east and so you can build out straight east as far as you want at the base of the staircase but you're limited you can't go straight north so you can explore one north from um your starting tile but from there you can't go further north yet you'd have to go over and then you could go up and so you can imagine the staircase going up from there um let's see so the partial hexes you can see there's these ones cut in half because when on the outside corners there because when you join the cards together if i would explore east then that's a whole hex and so i call them partial hexes in the rulebook you can move into a partial hex i mean you start on a partial hex over here and you can move into them and so from here that's considered adjacent to the um the unexplored area to the north and to the east and so you could explore this direction if i was on that that partial hex you could explore this direction or this direction when you if you were on this one and you did explore to the east here now that becomes a whole hex and you actually you don't have to move into the other half of the hex you're just on that whole hex and so you could move here from there if you wanted or you could you can explore north so since this is touching both unexplored regions you could explore this one from here or that one and then the only other part with the map tiles that could be a little bit confusing is when you're when you're moving north and south just by the way that these line up you can see you can move straight north and south so from here i could move here but if you're on an inner hex which i are like these two or those two just not a one of the hexes that is a partial hex when you're on an inner hex you can also move diagonally if you're going north and south on a card so from here i could move to here or to here as well but if you're on one of these hexes one of the outside hexes of the card you can't move um diagonally to a north or south card so i couldn't move from here to here i'd have to go straight north and that applies even if you know it's combined here i couldn't move from that to here or there so only the inner hexes when you're moving out of those you can move diagonally as well as straight north and south so yeah you start out with just the one um [Music] tile out and then once you have all your countryside tiles out then you have to start stealing from tiles that are already out so let's say i'm over here and i want to explore east i would probably grab these two shuffle them up and then flip it and the asterisk side is the core tile side and then i put that there and i'd put this at the bottom of my deck okay i'm trying to think what i might have missed um i think that's about it i have scoring and a couple other details but i don't think i need to go through that here that's all in the rulebook um one thing i might mention is monster dens um you can't really get crystals as rewards and so you need to um i have a special way of of you get boosted mana in the source um it sort of works like keeps when you're on or next to a monster den that you've defeated um for everyone that you've defeated you get an extra mana in the source and you can use an extra mana that turn um i think that might be it i'll i'll do a different video for um the expansion uh talking about crystals and the extra stuff that's in the the expansion but otherwise thank you for watching i hope you guys enjoy the game
Channel: Joe Klipfel
Views: 2,640
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Id: nvaY7Y0BkXk
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Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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