Birdscaping - Solo Playthrough

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all right hey everyone this is going to be a solo playthrough of birdscaping and i'll just get right to it i've already shuffled the deck i'm going to draw my draft hand of four one of these cards is going to go to the ai player and i get to choose which one and i like to give him low point birds but i can see a nice combination of being able to yeah that's going to work so i'm going to give him the fairy run that starts the ai players column and this is going to be my starting hand next i'll put out the bird offer we've got the owl and the bluebird up there and what i'm going to try to do is get the woodpecker out right away so i'm for my first action on my turn you get two actions per turn i'm gonna draw a card that's fine all i was hoping to get was a nesting area so i'm going to get this woodpecker out the way i'm going to do that is pay an insect and a seed from these two cards here and then pay for the nesting area with the blue jay there so i'll discard all those woodpecker is going to go out in my trees feature my top row we'll see i might have to move these up a little bit so you can see all of the rows okay uh and then at the end of my turn i discard the oldest card in the offer and draw a new card that is the ai player's turn okay it's now my turn again i want something to work with so i'm gonna use my first action draw card and i think i'm just gonna draw two cards for my turn now let's see ai's turn it's gonna discard the oldest card in the offer and what have i got i'd like to get that yellow hammer out and i have a sunflower or a seeds icon so all i need is a nest yeah let's take the sure thing i'm going to activate my woodpecker his ability isn't very relevant because i'm not taking the draft cards action i also would activate that or i would resolve that ability but um so that was my first action if i'm remembering right and my next action is going to be to play a bird so i'm going to play out this yellow hammer and to do that i'm going to discard this bullfinch for the seeds icon and i'm going to spend this woodpecker for the nest and he has to go in the garden row all right i'm happy with that now it's the ai player's turn so we'll discard the oldest card in the offer and now what have i got this yellow hammers ability lets me draw the top part of the deck into my hand so i'm going to go ahead and do that i'm going to activate my garden row and there's only one card in my row right now and that gives me a free draw action so that was only still my first action oh i wouldn't mind getting him out into my trees row because of the free food and he's not that expensive to get out with just the one insect so how am i gonna do that first i think i'll just activate that as my second action and be ready for next turn so i'll just hang on to him so now it's the ai players turn whoops i drew two cards there by accident okay i need a bug i'm just gonna draw a card as my first action oh and there's no food over here are there any bug food cards in the offer yes there are i want the game to go on as long as possible so i'm not going to take the one from the offer i'm going to take i'm going to draft from the top of the discard so i'm actually going to spend my that's my second action right i'm going to spend this for the curious bird icon basically to use it to draft a card i'm going to draft the top card of the discard and you can see my plan coming together there's that bug i wanted to play him out now it's the ai player's turn we're getting close to the end of round round one already all right so now i know oh no i don't know i can do it yet now i kind of want to get him out because i love the two nests if i can get him into my trees row that is such an asset okay my first action i'm going to draw a card let's see what i might get yeah i just don't have much oh but i do have a sunflower ready to be spent here can i do that i need the bug i think i can do that i'm gonna call an audible here and i'm gonna get the nut hatch out instead of the kinglet so i think i can do that right if i spend this card for the bug if i spend him for the seeds that take her takes care of the food cost and then i spend my prepared my tilted woodpecker for one nest and discard this card for the other nest there we go so we'll i'm gonna take the play bird action and i can pay whatever costs i want in order to make that happen so i'm going to spend this for the sunflower or for the seeds icon i'm going to discard that for the bug discard that for the nest spend this for the nest because i need two nests because he's going in the second column and that gets him out into the tree row and the cool part is there's a cool synergy whenever a woodpecker is activated gain an extra nest this turn that is sweet how about that for a start okay so the ai player has drawn the last card in the deck so we're gonna shuffle everything up and prepare things for round two but first the ai player gets two more cards oh he drew the kingfisher that's so he's doing about average on points but i sure do like having the kingfisher as an option but we'll make do here so i'll draw the bird offer and it's my turn make sure you can see that here um okay i don't really have a pond row going so unfortunately most of my cards are going to come from taking just the draw card action drawing the top card which is kind of risky because you don't know what you're getting and it's inefficient but i just it's going to take me too much work to build out my pond row at this stage in the game since i have these rows started and there's some efficiency in having a deep row because when you activate you can activate everything in the row so i don't want to spread myself too thin that's where my head is at i'm probably going to try to just build out these top two rows so my first action for my turn is to draw a card he's tricky to to make work as part of your strategy so i'm not going to worry too much about that and then i'm going to activate the yellow hammer or my garden row and his ability lets me draw a card for free so that's my turn i got the ren again okay so the ai player will discard the oldest card in my tableau or in the offer i'm sorry and it's my turn again what can i get out see now we're starting to get to the mid game and i want to start looking at the points and make sure i get higher point birds out to try to beat that ai player so what's out in the market man that robin would be nice but i just don't think i have the infrastructure yet in my engine to get the robin out so could i get this rent out just for points he doesn't provide anything useful unless he's in the trees and i don't really need him in the trees so i'm just going to draw a card as my first action there we go i think he would be a good one to try to get out because he has no food costs that's the only bird that doesn't have a food cost so he's a pretty good value had four points so that was my first action can i get him out i just need two nests i can't do it because i need two nests because he has to go right there and i only have one nest in my hand so that's unfortunate um i'm gonna activate my top row my trees row as my second action none of these abilities really apply right now okay ai's action or ai's turn is to discard the oldest card in the offer now i can definitely get him out so i'm going to be as efficient as i can spend the nut hatch for his two nests and get the owl out because he doesn't have a food cost so i only need to worry about his nest cost because he's in column two that was a good turn and i have another action um i would love to get one of these two cards in my hand because they're efficient for drafting uh okay i'm going to spend uh probably this ren for its curious bird icon or basically for the draft cards action i'm gonna discard that in order to draft i didn't want the robin i want the dove i'll replenish the offer and i i think that was my turn i didn't take close enough attention i think that was my whole turn so the ai's turn he'll discard that card whoops and i definitely forgot to rotate the back of the deck so it's round two sorry so it's round two i should have rotated that at the start of the round okay it's my turn again i would love to get this dove out he needs two seeds oh i can do this but maybe not this turn i kind of want to be tricky and get the dove out in the bottom row even though it's incompatible because if i activate the owl on that turn i can do that but maybe it's not worth the effort because it's just nice to have him in the bottom row because he has those two icons so i have a long-term plan of building out that pondero i'm not so sure i want to go that route um i'm going to activate my nut hatch as my first action and man i think i can get him out so i'll spend the three nests i have up here two from the nut hatch one from the woodpecker i will spend this card for the sunflower i will discard the song thrush for that sunflower and that satisfies that cost and i needed three nests which i got from up here and i got him out in the garden row man that went really well i'm doing pretty good okay that was the ai's turn i'm gonna just activate this row mostly to have it ready but also for the efficiency of getting a free card draw from that so that was my first action when we get the blue jay i would love to get the blue jay out and that would be ideal for us so that's a new game plan i need these icons for food so i need to come into an apple somewhere or a fruit there's a fruit right there but i can't get that this turn so i'm just gonna draw a card yeah we didn't get what we wanted so that's the end of round two we'll shuffle up deck is getting pretty thin we'll give the ai player two more cards and we'll rotate this to indicate it's round three and we'll get our initial offer and here we go so there's that cardinal i want that fruit so my first i can't discard this card to draft a card because he doesn't have an icon down there so i'm going to be really inefficient and draw a card hoping i can get that i got it and then wow i'm spending a lot of actions to make this happen but i'm gonna discard that card for that icon for the draft cards action and draft this cardinal and replenish the offer those were my two actions and so now it's the ai player's turn oh this is going fast there's only one card left in the deck okay do i have what i want i think so so i'm going to activate this row my trees row and actually i get an extra nest if i wanted it from this synergy with the woodpecker and i need three nests because he's going into column three so i think i can get the blue j out so yeah what do i need here's a bug and an apple for food so i'll go ahead and discard that and i just need a sunflower which i will get from my yellow hammer so there's the food taken care of and then in terms of nests i have one two three perfect i'm liking the birds that i have these are nice powerful birds in terms of abilities okay i believe that's my turn i think that's my turn because i think i drafted and then played it so we'll do the ai player's turn and actually he caused the end of round three yikes so now we're getting into round four okay oh actually these top two cards go into the ai's column so then that's the offer there's only two cards in the market or in the deck you guys can't really see those there we go that's a little better okay this was in my hand i want to just get one bird out man if i could get seven cards out that would be a really good game and i might need it because there's a lot of high point birds over there okay i might just try to get a high point bird into my pond row if i can find one oh yikes my first action i'm gonna i'm gonna draw a card hey hey hey that fits my criteria so i need these three icons the slash means i can do either or oh man and i have this food here for my next action i'm going to activate this top row this blue jays ability says i can resolve the ability of another bird from a different row and you can guess which one i'm gonna choose to resolve i want to draw a card based on that yellow hammer oh no i don't want to do that because that would trigger the end game and this would be my last turn i don't want to do that uh well that was pretty useless shucks okay but i have a lot of resources stored the only not activated card is this one and i believe that was my turn so the ai player would discard that card and then replenish the offer since the ai player triggered the end game i get one final turn and see what i can do here so i want to play this water hen down here just for the points because it's cheaper nests and i i think i definitely can do that so as my first action i'm going to discard him for the food the crossbill and that gets me two-thirds of the way there and then i need either an insect or seeds and i have another insect right here so there's the food taken care of and now i just need one nest since he's going into column one so i'll spend that card and i can't do anything else other than activate cards because i don't have i only have one action left so that's actually the end of the game and we will add up the points here so i apologize this is going to be boring as i do some math so that's nine 15 18 22 27 33 i believe so 33 for me uh so that is what is that 18 no 16 16 20 22 35 37. uh i can't remember exactly what i got but i don't think i had 37 so the ai player wins and uh man and i did so good okay too bad we lost but there's a play through hopefully it gives you an idea how the game plays thanks for watching
Channel: Joe Klipfel
Views: 382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kk2PVQTpmZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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