How to Play a Video In-Game in Unreal Engine 5

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what's up guys welcome to new Unreal Engine 5 tutorial and today gonna show you on how to play a video inside on Google engine in real time it's gonna be a very easy way to fall so let's get started but first check out the link in the description to get out with some Unreal Engine courses on winfox alright so the first thing I have to do is go ahead and import our video file so I recommend importing an mp4 let's go ahead and do that so I have my video here I'm gonna drag it from my you know File Explorer from Windows into the content browser and now we have this new file media source it basically goes into the link of the location and that's it pretty much so now we'll have to do is go ahead and right click and create a media player that's gonna basically Implement a new yeah a new asset that will be able to play the the file let's go ahead and do this now it will give us the option to how to create some assets for us basically create a new texture that this boy wants so go ahead and say okay and take that and now we want to set a name for example um it's gonna be okay so now you will see that we have the media player asset and the texture so if I go into the media player asset and I double click on the video what's up guys uh so that's cool and then also you can see that the texture updated so this basically what I'm going to use to create mn2 and displayed on the on the on the walls okay so let's go ahead and uh create a new uh Chapel here is only a cube and now what we're gonna do is just stretch this into the left right up and then squish it and then go ahead and rug it up maybe not so big [Music] and now we have a screen okay so now what we can do is get the texture and just drag it into the cube and now it will actually integrate a new material for us so this is the material that it will link into this texture that the media player when it plays it will update the texture so then therefore it will update the material okay so now what we have to do is basically apply some sound so let's go ahead and select the cube and now in the details panel we can add a new component it's going to be the media sound and now we need to go ahead and set the immediate sound and basically drag the media players it's gonna be like what video you want the sound to play now there's one more thing to do if I press play you'll see that the video will not play so we have to go into here and say open level blueprint so now what we're going to do is go into the begin play now we basically have to manually call a node from the blueprint saying hey play this video so let's go ahead and create a new variable we need a reference into the media player let's go ahead and create a media variable is going to be a media player right it's gonna be a normal media player it's going to be an opted reference now if we compile I can go ahead and find that one it's just this one so now we can go ahead and drag it get it and then we need to call this now which is open source it's like pretty much playing the video now we want to go ahead and find the media that we want to play and now with that said we can now go ahead and press play what's up guys and then we'll start um so everything is really cool now maybe I need to stretch it a bit [Music] if you found this video helpful I really appreciate you to like the video and subscribe to my channel I have lots of fun with tutorials so you know go ahead and look at them join my Discord server and upon me on all my socials as Twitter Instagram Etc and now yes before I said bye bye [Music] thank you
Channel: Gorka Games
Views: 42,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, videojuegos, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, ue5, play video, tutorial, quixel, megascans, unreal engine tutorial, video play, ue5 play video, ue5 play video ingameui, unreal engine play a video, unreal engine 5 show video, unreal engine 5 simple video player, unreal engine video widget, unreal engine 5 3d video, unreal engine 4 mp4, unreal engine 4, ue4, unreal engine 5 mp4 player, ue5 show video on material
Id: 2GKC8yEgv2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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