Templar Is STILL GOD-TIER! Solo One Bar Magicka Templar Build - GOD MODE - Ultra Easy UPDATE!

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if you're looking for the ultimate easy mode one bar build for The Elder Scrolls Online where the majority of your damage and healing comes from just one button then this is the build for [Music] you everybody Welcome Back HTM here and in this video we're updating our god mode Magi templar build for ESO this build was already stupid easy but I've added even more healing potential in armor to help you survive really difficult content while also keeping the rotation extremely simple this build is going to be amazing for any solo content in the game including soloing dungeons World bosses infinite archive and solo Arenas and I can't wait to show you how it works this is definitely a great update first a quick word from today's video sponsor raid Shadow Legends everyone knows raid for its insane Champions and intense PVE and PVP tactical combat but did you know that raid is currently celebrating its 5th anniversary with 5 million monthly active users and loads of Epic free-to-play content there's never been a better time to try raid than right now whether you want to show off in PvP by fighting other players in real time combat inside the live Arena or battle your way through the increasingly difficult PVE challenge that is the cursed City including 100 stages of action and unique double boss rounds they're something for everyone in raid they even added a powerful new Rarity of mythical Champions to the game recently that can use metamorph skills to transform between two different forms and these are just a few of the many Fantastic features in raid Shadow Legends but to continue the celebration with raid's 5-year anniversary new players can click my link in the description below or scan the QR code on screen to get $100 worth of prizes plus epic boss killer lady atessa and all of these exclusive 5th year anniversary Awards after reaching level 25 so don't miss this limited opportunity to join in the festivities hit my link in the description or the pin comment down below to get started and thanks again to rage Shadow Legends for sponsoring this video all right everybody here we are back on the Maga Templar solo one bar god mode build and it is time for an update as I talked about in the intro this is going to be probably the most powerful version of the build especially if you're looking for a lot of self-healing and survivability it's a lot easier to play than previous versions uh but I'll talk about how it is changed in this video so let's go ahead and start by just buffing up and checking out the buffed stats we are looking at about 30k Max Magi 24 25k let's say Max Health 14k Max stamina very good recoveries there as you can see and I forgot a buff for spell damage you do want that on the magika Templar you get extra spell damage 4700 about 50% spell crit chance which is really good and very good resistances is overall as well again we're going for more of a survivability focus on this build which is really nice 64 points on into max Maga obviously we are the Maga Templar in terms of the Munda Stone let me scroll past all my Buffs here we're using the thief mundis for that extra crit chance that's very important on the Templar especially because you have bonuses to crit damage you want to maximize that as much as possible terms of our consumables we've got the Clockwork Citrus fillet this would be ideal just for that little bit extra stats it does give you an extra line of Health recovery totally not required though you could easily make this work with something like witch mother's potent Brew that's totally fine uh for potions I picked up some trat potions this is going to be ideal just for those extra recoveries uh if you can afford it if not then the basic Magicka potion it's going to be totally fine as well and then in terms of the race here I did switch this over to kajit this patch I feel like kit is in a pretty good place in terms of solo gameplay something that's helpful on kajit is robustness this gives you about 100 extra Health Magicka and stamina recovery we have different ways of buffing that um especially on the Templar which is going to result in even more recovery you get the max stats here Health Magi and stamina which of course is nice and then the crit damage and crit CH uh healing bonuses this shows up a lot on the Templar because we have so much healing coming in once it crits it basically uh is doubled in terms of the healing potential CU we have so much critical damage on this particular build so I do like that of course you can use other magika races high elf dark elf even Breton if you want a little bit of extra sustain point is whatever race you have access to you can make it work on this build all right that is the basic setup let's talk about the gear next now let's start with the key obviously this being a onear build I did prioritize using the oak and soul ring got this with the spell damage enchant bloodthirsty transmuted as the trait why is this so good well obviously it gives you tons of Buffs that would be uh difficult to get on a one bar build otherwise things like major brutality and sorcery for damage major prophecy and savagery for crit chance minor force is very nice to have minor protection we get our major resolve armor buff Buffs to recovery minor heroism minor Slayer minor ages this thing just really has it all so I do recommend you pick this up if you're interested in the easy one bar play style now this is not a heavy attack build primarily we are focusing on the Templar skills but it also gives you the Empower Buffs makes your heavy attacks much more powerful and if you don't have this yet I will have a guide linked Down Below in the description so make sure you check that out now no surprise here the second set on The Magik Templar is going to be deadly strike uh this gives you some very nice weapon spell damage bonuses plus crit chance and increases the damage of your dots and channeled attacks by 15% this of course Buffs the main damage Source on Templar which is puncturing sweep if you know that ability you also know that it heals you back and so the more damage you do the more healing you get so deadly strike just makes a lot of sense on this particular build and yes I know it's a PVP set but I've tried to identify sort of the easiest pieces if you were to buy them on Guild Traders so we're not even using weapons this patch we're just using two pieces of jewelry so we got the deadly necklace and the deadly ring and then three pieces of deadly on the body so deadly Boots the legs and then the chest piece obviously you want to put Max Magicka glyphs on this and then uh divines for all of your body pieces if you can okay so so far nothing has really changed but if you noticed in the uh stats I did have a monster set that was proing so I decided to put on chokethorn on the Magi Templar just for that little bit of extra healing and this thing works like crazy uh you can see for the two-piece bonus here when you use a heal ability you have a chance of proing the Strangler this gives you almost a 20K heal over 6 seconds which is absolutely huge it's one of the best healing monster sets in the game and it's a base game set so it's pretty easy to pick up now the cool thing about Templar especially Magicka Templar is your sweep will proc this um anytime you're doing damage you basically will be proing the Strangler so you have this insane uptime on this massive heel now I also really like the fact that you get a one line of magika recovery sustain can be a little bit challenging on the Templar when you're spamming those sweeps so this actually does make a big difference in my testing but yeah this just feels really good and it makes the build so much more tanky and so just basically you can stand in the red and uh take damage because you're going to have so much healing over time coming in so I'm actually running this as a heavy armor set for the extra armor I'm also running all three armor weights that's going to help with undaunted passive so we got the heavy chokethorn helmet heavy shoulders and I did put one Health glyph there you can use max Magicka it's fine okay so you might be wondering well you have a five piece you have a monster set you have a Mythic for the one bar build so what are you doing with the rest and I decided to make things easy I'm just going to run four pieces uh for the other set so I'm not using a full second five piece I'm using four pieces of mother sorrow that's going to give me one Max Maga line two lines of crit chance very effective obviously we got over 50% crit chance on this build still even without the five piece bonus and the extra Max Magicka I think think is important uh this makes chokethorn do more healing it also gets us over that 30k Mark for Max Magicka especially using three bloodthirsty traits that's not easy to do so yeah we've got the precise mother sorrow lightning staff lightning staff is going to be important that does increase the damage of your channeled effects as well perfect for the Templar honestly we got the absorb magic enchant with the precise trait for even more crit chance so remember this is a two-ended weapon so that's two pieces and then we we've got the third piece on the waist mother sorrow waist and then mother sorrow gloves that'll make up your total four pieces there so once again just to overview that setup is Oak soul ring Mythic we've got five pieces of deadly strike four pieces of mother sorrow and then the choke Thorn monster set this is going to be our survivability SL healing setup now if you want more damage the original version of this build works completely fine I'll have that listed in the written guide check the uh link down below for that one but that's basically Oaken soul with deadly strike and you could do either mother sorrow or orders wrath as your second five piece set with one piece of slime cross since you won't be running the full Monster set in that case all right we talked about the set options let's look at abilities next starting with our first Templar skill solar barrage this comes from Dawn's wrath uh this does nice AOE damage around you this has a nice long duration of 22 seconds but the reason that you want to use this is not even on the tool tip it's because of this Templar passive right here called illuminate when you cast a dawth ability you gain minor sorcery for 20 seconds increasing your spell damage by 10% so even if you don't use this particular skill you want to use a skill from this skill line just for that passive you can also use living dark for the heal uh if you're focused on like a single Target boss only you could put radiant glory for the execute or vampires Bane for the single Target dot bottom line is you do want a skill from this skill line for that passive next up we've got a flex spot currently I'm using radiant Ward for the damage Shield I do like this for bosses that have a lot of ads because each enemy hit when you proc this Shield increases the shield size by 20% it also has a fairly low cost uh under 4,000 magika for a damage Shield is actually pretty good I don't have five light pieces of light armor so I can't run the light armor Shield but I can run this skill and it is very effective now what else could you do uh well you could run more damage here you could run something like blazing spear for an AOE dot you could run another very powerful AOE dot with a huge radius ritual of Retribution is very nice as well so if you're playing with a Healer or if you're just doing easier content where you're not uh too worried about needing a shield definitely slot something here for more damage again blazing spear ritual would be the best options in that case third ability we're looking at a destruction staff skill called Elemental drain this applies major breach so this is perfect for bosses it's going to reduce their armor by about 6K but also give us minor Magi of Steel so that's a nice bonus to incoming magial recovery Templars don't have a lot of options in ter of in terms of sustaining their Maga pool so this is really nice you will notice a difference so I do recommend that and the 60-second duration really nice as well but of course that leads us to our main DPS skill that is puncturing sweep so this deals magic damage in front of us applies a snare and you heal for 36% of the damage done with this ability so this is your bread and butter on the god mode setup you're just going to be spamming this as much as possible you're doing damage you're healing at the same time you also have the chance to proc that uh healing monster set so yeah pretty much a no-brainer and then finally channeled Focus comes from restoring light now this is mostly for sustain we don't need the armor buff remember that comes on the oako ring by default if you're not running Oak Ando then this is even better uh but look at the recovery that you get about 250 Magicka every 1 second that's equivalent to almost 500 Magicka recovery on your stat sheet does not show up on the stats but this is super effective uh in terms of just letting you do sweeps all day if we don't have this you're going to have trouble with sustain uh but also the healing is nice if you're standing in that Rune it is more effective so about 1,600 base heel almost 3,000 heal and it does heal you every second can proc your choke Thorn too uh by the way so yeah it is uh definitely recommended that you pick that up and then finally our ultimate here from the destruction staff went with elemental rage this is just probably the best damage ultimate you could use right now for consistent AOE damage if you want to do something that's a bit more of the Templar feel then definitely I would use Nova morph that to solar disturbance for a solo build because this going to give you a nice long duration of major MIM that's redu reducing the uh damage that enemies do by 10% that's the setup again all the alternate skills all the passive skills those are going to be listed in the written guide link for that's down below if you want more information so in terms of rotation we'll do a quick World boss test here you want to do this yourself I'm actually in the zone of Riven Spire this is Manor Stone skin a very good test of your build for uh playing solo so we're going to start with the debuff here and then put down our armor put down solar barrage and then we should be able just to stand in our Circle and then take damage because we have so much healing that it's not even going to be an issue you can see I'm just going to maintain my uh heal here I'm going to maintain solar barrage you can use the shield here if you want just to let your healing catch up a little bit it's going to be especially useful when chokethorn is is on cool down pop that Shield use my potion here too off balance so I'll get a nice heavy attack stun on that guy all right so that's the first wave of ads pretty easy bring the boss over here a bit sure we maintain our Buffs I'm going to refresh Elemental drain on the boss keep that going oh got stun there let me drop the AL here and a shield this is a little bit more difficult now we've got three ads coming in okay finish off these stay in your circle use the shield all right I want to get a couple down here before I kill the Healer just cuz there's too much okay let's focus on the Healer now interrupt that rebuff try to keep things close and group together if you can that definitely helps with the Templar cuz then you can just damage everything all right so we had the waves kind of stacking up there but definitely very easy on this build and we'll just burn off the ultimate because why not all right let's check out Champion points next starting in the green tree as usual you'll be able to find these Champion Point breakdowns in the written guide for 300 600 900 and 1200 CP so check out that link after you watch this there's definitely something there uh that can help you out but in terms of the Green Tree slotted Stars always start with steed's blessing and then I'll pick up treasure hunter followed by rasher and liquid efficiency in the blue tree typically you want to start with biting Aura and mastered arms these specifically are going to buff your sweep damage remember that equals more healing after that you can add in fighting finesse for some more crit damage 8% critical damage and critical healing that works really well on this build and then we went with wrathful strikes just for some more offensive potential as our final slotted star in the red tree pretty basic setup we've got rejuvenation for the recovery fortified for the extra armor boundless Vitality for the health and then the fourth star siphoning spells a little bit of extra Magi is sustained when you kill enemies but that is it for Champion points very basic setup and then if you're curious about the outfit style we could check that out as well this is called a niones court wizard everybody thanks again for watching if you need more help on this build or have suggestions make sure to leave a comment down below don't forget have a full written guide over at hackthe minitar decom where I post the full build plus the more damage Focus version using orders wrath and if you found today's video helpful do me a favor and Crush that like button so YouTube knows to share this video with others if you want to support the channel even further then check out our YouTube membership the Elite Squad which is our tier 2 Channel membership gets access to dozens of extra members only videos like a recently updated death knight stamina Necromancer build which is another amazing solo option and is nearly unkillable big shout out to our channel members as always who keep this channel going I could not do it without you and thanks again to all of you for watching this video but I hope you're doing well stay safe out there and I will see you around in the next [Music] video oh
Channel: Hack The Minotaur
Views: 20,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hack the minotaur, elder scrolls online, eso, hack the minotaur templar, best solo templar build eso, eso solo one bar build, solo one bar magicka templar build, eso one bar magicka templar, eso one bar templar, eso best one bar build, eso best solo build
Id: JwVA4bwvBZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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