How to Travel to the Next Level through a Door in Unreal Engine 5

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what's up guys welcome to new Unreal Engine 5 tutorial today I can show you on how to travel to the next level once you have reached the end uh door gate or whatever this is gonna be a very easy way to follow so let's get started alright so the first thing I want to do is go into content browser right click and create a new blueprint class and this will be a nectar because it will basically place it in the world and this will act as the trigger so when we enter it basically travel into the international level uh so we can just say BP underscore um you know skate or whatever and let's go ahead and open this up and uh once it opens come on quickly um basically we're just gonna add a collision so we can detect the player entering and access team and then also use a simple mesh so let's go up here and go into Collision I'm gonna search for a box Collision of course you can choose whatever shape it is better for you but normally a box will do its job and I'll just call this trigger so now down over here we're gonna go into the on component begin overlap and add 8 event so basically when a actor or even a component whatever basically collides with this and enters in trigger it will call this function well event so now looking at the other actor and then cast to our third person character of course if you're using any other character blueprint you need to call the one they're using for your game uh in our case it is the third person character well right now I'm just gonna go ahead and just print hello just to see if it's working right and and then what we can do is just add a cube for example which will be the seven mesh but what we're going to do is a bit of a cool thing is to add actually the gate or the door however you want to call it so I can just go on the starting mesh put door frame and then I can just go up and search for door now the thing is that I do have the door meshes because I imported the content example uh well started content so if you don't if you didn't do that when you created the pro or you can just go up here and to add a feature or content pack and then go into content and add these are content you shape at right and you will have all the doors and stuff I don't know why close it let me open it back there you go so what I can do is just like this a door frame and then just go here and search for door and then we can see here we have door from here great and there we go pretty good and just get a trigger and put a bit up and of course we'll have to fill it in and now my door will be like I guess already opened or whatever I mean what I can do is just duplicate this and add the door and inside or the door itself I don't know how you would call it but um in English but I guess for example this door and then just put it like this here inside and then just rotate it a bit so it's like open there so it's like you can go inside basically right and we have the trigger so it will detect so we can make it a bit bigger and like this so you don't have to kind of enter entirely you know since you enter here you will detect it great so with that said we can now compile and say this blueprint just drag it into the scene I'm going to have it here it is actually a little round so 180 degrees and I've got so now if I press play and you will see that if I go here and go through the door you will see Hello over here all right uh now what we want to do is actually go and of course go into the next level so what we're going to do is just go to the bank graph and delete the hello print and what we can do is just get this and then say open level and we have two options by name or object reference in today's video I'm going to do by name so here basically you have to pass the level name that you want to learn in this case it will be your next level or whatever you want so in my case let me just quickly go into go up here new level a basic and this will basically just be my level so I can just say this level if I were to for example add the player spawn or the player starts go here hit save and this will be level two without any spaces and then I can go into the gate and here I can just put level two now have in mind that the name has to be exactly the same okay there cannot be any spaces at the lowercase and uppercase has to be the same so make sure in the same and in here you don't have to change anything about that and that should basically go ahead and work so now if I return back into my normal third person map which will be like for example your first level or whatever I can press play and I can go into the door and boom I am in the next level and of course you can add effects to make it a bit nicer or maybe it sounds I mean actually we can do so so you can just go here and say apply the sound 2D and then we can just go and put here uh basically I don't know for example this sound and I'm gonna just add a little delay so there's no interruption now quick thing I'm going to do is add a widget with a nice fade animation so yeah it's a bit nicer so I'm quickly going to just right click the user interface with your blueprint is a widget that would be unscore fade uh now I do have a more in-depth tutorial about which animation so if you want to figure that out go ahead let's go ahead and just add a canvas panel and then just go and get an image drag it go into the anchors and put it in the full screen now we want to do is just go in all the offsets and just put it in zero so extend to the whole screen and now we want to get the tint you need to put it into a dark so now we want to do selecting this which you can is called the fade uh image or whatever we're going to go into animations if you don't see this you can just go to widget sorry window and animations just click add it's going to say fade and everyone select it and I'm here working this add a new fade image well basically the one while we are selecting it so now we can just go to color and opacity and the a let's put it into zero put a keyframe and then after I don't know Point 50 seconds maybe we can test this put it full dark so now boom we have a nice fade and now what we're gonna do is just go to the graph delete all this and create a new custom event which will be the fade uh we're gonna call it the same as the animation so fade and name now we just want to get the fade animation get it and then say play animation and now we just plug that in and without getting as comparison go back to the gate blueprint and then right after we play yourself for example again let's go and say create widget and here we can just select the one that we have just created which is a BP uh sorry our WB fade and then we can just go get this and add it into the player viewport and then of course the delay should match a bit the 0.5 seconds that we had over there in the animation so in this case as you can see was around yeah 0.5 so that's what we want so we can use press play and you will see that now I go there and oh okay that so the reason that that happened is because if I go back to my blueprint you can see but by default if I'm not previewing the animation it is well completely trans sorry opaque so we just want to make it by default zero it's compile save go back to here and then if I go back into my door and pass it here you can see the now okay it didn't happen because of course I didn't uh call the well the end the play animation events that I did so I forgot so we can just go up here and then just do this and then say play a fade well actually it was his fate and then nothing was called there we go uh connect it back over here and now yes if we compile go here let's play now pass the door that we always have a nice round session and opens that's it guys if you found material helpful I would say if you like the video and subscribe to my channel I have lots of Unreal Engine Parts sales so go ahead and check them out if you want this web server Link in the description and follow me on my socials such as Twitter and Instagram now yes before I said bye bye [Music] thank you
Channel: Gorka Games
Views: 55,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, videojuegos, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, ue5, travel to next level, tutorial, quixel, megascans, unreal engine open next level, open level through door unreal engine 5, ue5 load level, ue5 open level when trigger tutorial, ue5 how to travel level when finish reached, unreal engine 5 go to next level, unreal engine 5 gate travel, unreal engine 5 player force, unreal engine 5 magic door, unreal engine magic gate, unreal engine 4, ue4, unreal engine 5magical gate tutorial
Id: KUwnBb-Kvgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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