How to Make a Simple Minimap in Unreal Engine 5

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what's up guys welcome to new Unreal Engine 5 tutorial and today I'm going to show you on how to make a simple minimap it's gonna be a very easy video to follow so let's get started but first check out the link in the description to get out some Unreal Engine courses on winbox alright so the first thing that we have to do is go ahead and open our third person character blueprint so we're going to go into the viewport over here and what we're going to do is add a new component into our character so the new component is going to be a spring arm so let me just find the spring armor over here I'm going to add it so it's going to be the minimap spring on so what we're going to do is basically add a new camera which is going to be pointing up uh towards down into the player now these the camera is not going to be a regular follow camera or game camera it's going to be actually a different type of camera that we'll see in a second so just add a new component and it's gonna be a scene capture component 2D so now this will be child of this ringer and now we can set the spring arm let's go ahead and rotate it 90 degrees over here so we'll be pointing to the player and we can slightly increase the Target on Armor length so be kind of uh 450. so now basically this is gonna be uh like a camera but that will basically save what is seen basically it's viewport into a texture so if you go down over here uh to here texture Target so what we have to do is basically create a new texture Target so just go here then select render Target and then this is gonna be the mini map uh underscore sorry okay we can you can name it whatever you want now if we open it up you will see that we are actually seeing what the camera is you know in his viewport so it is working correctly so now what we have to do is go over here and create a material for this so we can display it in our user interface in a widget so you select the texture Target and then right click and we'll go ahead and create a material now I'm gonna name this um M underscore minimap Etc and then we can just go ahead and open this up now what we're going to do is uh select the output node and then go into my turn domain and change this into user interface so we can use it in UI and then just connect again the RGB into the final corner and you can see again that we have the player APN there so everything is working fine so go ahead and save everything compile and save and now all you have to do is go ahead and create the widget so just right click and go into user interface and go into widget blueprint it's gonna be a normal just a widget it's going to be the WB underscore mini map for example let's go ahead and open this up and the first thing we'll have to do is in the play find the canvas panel and just add it into the hierarchy so we can actually place things on our widget and the thing that we're gonna add as it is a normal material with a texture it's going to be just an image just go ahead and drag it into the corners that you want in my case I'm going to put in this corner because normally here uh you know we have like prints appearing and notifications are from real so I always like to place the juice in here so as we can see it always a bit better for the tutorial so uh the first thing I want to do is change the size to be around 150 and 150 in both X and Y this is because it's exactly a square and it will just be a bit better so you know position it a bit uh correctly where you want and then what you can do is get the anchors and just place it in the perspective corners of the image so we can later on rescale correctly if we change the resolution of the screen or the S radio Etc and now you guessed it we have to go into the brush and change the image to be our minimap material that we have just created there we go which is this one I believe um so now we can go ahead and compile and save so now what we can do is just go into the third person character blueprint go into the vein graph and then after the gameplay if you do not have the gameplay you can just right click and have the beginning play note in my case I already have things from the template but I can go just after and then say create widget so the widget is going to be the class that we have just created so um sorry it was a minimap and then the online player is get player controller and then the last thing I like to do is just go ahead and get the um return value and just add it into the viewport so it will appear in the player's screen so now if I were to press play you will see that we have the main map over there and if I were to move everything will just display correctly now we have a few things going on that I want to basically go ahead and change first of all use you can see that the camera uh changes its rotation and or rinse whether the mesh of the character is facing and I don't really like that I want to be always facing One Direction and then the player only changing and then you can see that it is in perspective mode which basically gives a lot of depth into the camera and I don't really like that I like more flat Meme and sorry uh mini Maps so there's a few things that we're going to change so let's go first of all into the third person cut to blueprint and we're gonna go into the spring arm and we're going to go ahead and disable all the inherits on camera setting so basically no page no no row basically the rotation will just be as we wanted as you can see now the player will change its rotation but now the camera which is a bit more smoother there's another thing I'm going to do is go into the scene capture component and we will want to change the projection type From perspective to orthographic so now we will basically have a better Viewpoint now you will see that it's right now the width at 512 of course you can customize it as you want but it is a bit too close to the player so you can use experiment by just increasing this um this value into whatever you want for example you can just play with this value to make it whatever you want and and now it's a bit more further from the camera as you can see so yeah you can play around with the settings and now there's no depth into it so it's a bit plain and it is just much better in my opinion and you can customize it as you want now one note is that now the production type is an orthographic so the spring arms um length and distance from the player will actually not really impact anything the thing that you have to change is the width now there's one more thing that I want to add is going to be the last thing which is basically a small player indicator so I just have an arrow image over here and basically I'm going to go ahead and um just add this in my case so we're gonna go into the uh third person character blueprint and I'm gonna go into the mesh inside of it I'm going to add a Sprite which is going to be a normal paper Sprite so now this is going to be the um I like to name it the player indicate or Sprite and then in the sort of sprite well we're going to go ahead and plug in our let me selected our Arrow texture now you'll see that I can actually place it because it is well not it's right so we have to basically compare this into a Sprite so in order to do this we can just select our texture just right click and then you will see that we can go into the Sprite actions and then create Sprite and now we have our Arrow Sprite as you can see now we can go ahead and use I will apply it here into the arrow spread there we go so now you can see that it's appearing there so we have to rotate it around 90 degrees again make it way smaller I mean bulb this will depend on the camera's perspective and stuff so we'll play around one second and now this will be will need to be a bit uh you know on top of the player and then uh a bit lower than the camera so we are able to see it and stuff so now if I were to press play you will see that there's actually a well the the thing appearing on the screen on the mini map sorry now there's a few things first of all is huge then it's trespassingly player and then we can also see it in the normal Place viewport so first of all we're going to go ahead and change the size to be way smaller now I'm going to go ahead and put it way up so it will not be colliding with the player anymore now it's still actually colliding with the player so there's many reasons for this and it's mainly the orthographic mode so after the orthographic mode will bring some problems and issue and rendering uh a lot of times but now the size is correctly so that's great actually it's going to be a bit bigger but now what we're going to do is go into the player indicator Sprite and to make it not appear in the viewport we're going to go down into rendering I'm gonna go into advanced and then see um owner not C so basically the camera which is possessed which is the normal controller camera will not see it with only the orthographic camera which is not possessed or basically um see the the thing uh now it is kind of trespassing the player and this again because of the Orthodox orthographic mode um now you can try to change the material into another Sprite material now there's a lot of them but there's some ones that will basically override and kind of the rendering uh depth into it so we can for example try the masked one and see that will resolve the issue yeah there we go it actually changed the issue so now it will be uh like overriding the rendering so now you know um so yeah we have the the player indicator now it's a bit to the back and a bit bigger there we go yeah that's perfect okay so now we have a simple mini map of course you can add a border to customize this as you want and make it look at this you know pre-turn and stuff but there we go if you enjoyed the tutorial and found it helpful I would really appreciate if you like the video and subscribe to my channel I have lots of Unreal Engine factors so check them out and now yes well I said bye bye [Music]
Channel: Gorka Games
Views: 30,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, videojuegos, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, ue5, minimap, tutorial, quixel, megascans, unreal engine minimap, mini map unreal engine 5, ue5 minimap, ue5 minimap tutorial, ue5 how to make a minimap, unreal engine 5 simple minimap, unreal engine 5 easy mini map, unreal engine 5 simple map ui, unreal engine 5 how to make map in widget, unreal engine 4, ue4, unreal engine 5 easy map ui tutorial, ue5 simple minimap ui tutorial, minimap system in ue5
Id: VzFAujhMdEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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