How To Place Your Future In The Hands of God | Marianne Williamson

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let's take a deep breath and close our eyes we see in the middle of our mind a little ball of golden light and we watch now as this light grows larger and larger until now it covers the entire inner vision of our mind we see for ourselves within this light a beautiful temple we see a garden that surrounds the temple and the body of water that flows through the garden we see that the inside of the temple is lit as well by the same beautiful golden light and here we are for we have been drawn together by the power and in the presence of God and we devote all of our time all of our experiences and relationships with one another to him we pray that his holiest spirit be upon us lifting us above and beyond all regions of sorrow limitation fear and despair to the endless love and inner peace that lay beyond and so it is together we all say Amen we are on the topic of linear time and last week's talk of course those of you in Los Angeles we were not here but it was still on live stream was about the past tonight we're going to talk about the future most specifically surrendering the future what that means and also how to do it now we begin with the basic metaphysical construct about the reality of time itself Einstein said as the Course in Miracles that time is merely an illusion of consciousness the only thing that is real is that which is of God and the only point at which God's time one word for which is eternity intersects with linear time is in the present moment the past exists only in your mind one of the exercises in the course is the past is over it can me not and the future is also only in your mind and one of the lessons which we will go through tonight is I place the future in the hands of God the way we heal both past and future is by living fully in the present by living fully in the present we heal the past and by living fully in the present we program the best tomorrow so last week we talked about the past tonight we're going to talk about the future but it's all within the larger conversation of the meaning of time itself I want to begin by reading lesson 194 in the workbook of the Course in Miracles it's a long one but I think you'll agree with me it's particularly beautiful the language in this lesson before we go there I want to mention for anybody who doesn't know this is this lesson contains one of those traditional Christian concepts used in very non-traditional ways and that is the word salvation remember the only thing to be saved from is our own insanity it is the thought system that dominates this world the way it has trained us into a construct of thoughts that inevitably create wound and sorrow that is what we need to be saved from is our own fear-based thinking so just know that when we talk about salvation what we are talking about is being saved from our adherence to the thought system that dominates this planet I place the future in the hands of God lesson 194 of the workbook of the course today's idea takes another step toward quick salvation and a giant stride it is indeed so great the distance is that it encompasses it sets you down just short of heaven with the goal inside and obstacles behind now remember heaven once again traditional concept heaven in the Course in Miracles heaven is neither a condition nor a place it is an awareness of oneness so when it says to dey's idea takes another step toward quick salvation what does that mean quick salvation putting me just short of the experience of heaven quick salvation means I'm obsessing about the future and somebody says come on Mary and just give it a place that in God's hands that was a quick moment of aha we heal one a hard a time that's a quick quick step toward salvation that it just Marian stop so I heard somebody say the other day a great line worrying is a way of praying for the worst outcome you like their line better than my lines I noticed it your foot has reached the lawns that welcome you to heaven's gate once again Heaven's Gate Heaven's Gate is the thought passed which I'm no longer tied to the fear-based thinking of the world the quiet place of peace where you will wait with certainty the final step of God this idea of the final step of God is really beautiful too because there's a place where the course says you cannot of yourself lift yourself completely above the thinking of this world but you can so purify your thoughts by yourself that it is but a step from there into that quantum field of total inner peace this is the meaning in the Sistine Chapel of the painting of Michelangelo when God's hand is about to touch the human hand that you can go so far and then God Himself reaches down and takes you the rest of the way how far are we progressing now from Earth how close are we approaching to our goal how short the journey still to be pursued accept today's idea I place the future in the hands of God and you have passed all anxiety all pits of hell a blackness of depression thoughts of sin and devastation brought about by guilt except today's idea and you have released the world from all imprisonment by loosening the heavy chains that locked the door to freedom on it you are saved and your salvation thus becomes the gift you give the world because you have received and no one instant is depression felt or pain experienced or lost perceived in no one instant sorrow can be set upon a throne and worshipped faithfully and no one instant can one even die and so each instant given unto God in passing with the next one given him already is a time of your release from sadness pain and even death itself God holds your future as he holds your past and present they are one to him and so they should be one to you yet in this world the temporal progression still seems real and so you were not asked to understand the lack of sequence really found in time you were but asked to let the future go and place it in God's hands and you will see by your experience that you have laid the past and present in his hands as well because the past will punish you no more and future dread will now be meaningless release the future for the past is gone and what is present freed from its bequest of grief and misery of pain and loss becomes the instant in which time escapes the bondage of illusions where it runs its pitiless course inevitable though it may seem then in each instant which was slaved to time now transformed into a holy instant when the light that was kept hidden in God's Sun is freed to bless the world now is he free and all his glory shines upon a world made free with him to share his holiness if you can see the lesson for today as the deliverance it really is you will not hesitate to give as much consistent effort as you can to make it be a part of you as it becomes a thought that rules your mind a habit in your problem-solving repertoire a way of quick reaction to temptation you extend your learning to the world and as you learn to see salvation in all things so will the world perceive that it is saved what worry can be set the one who gives his future to the loving hands of God what can he suffer what can cause him pain or bring experience of loss to him what can he fear and what can he regard except with love for he who has escaped all fear of future pain has found his way to present peace and certainty of care the world can never threaten he is sure that his perception may be faulty but will never lack correction he is free to choose again when he has been deceived to change his mind when he has made mistakes place then your future in the hands of God for thus you call the memory of him to come again replacing all your thoughts of sin and evil with the truth of love think you the world could fail to gain thereby and every living creature not respond with healed perception who entrusts himself to God has also placed the world within the hands to which he has himself appealed for comfort and security he lays aside the sick illusions of the world along with his and offers peace to both now are we saved indeed for in God's hands we rest untroubled sure that only good can come to us if we forget we will be gently reassured if we accept an unforgiving thought it will be soon replaced by loves reflection and if we are tempted to attack we will appeal to him who guards our rest to make the choice for us that leaves temptation far behind no longer is the world our enemy for we have chosen that we be its friend okay now that was lesson 194 I placed the future in the hands of God before we go on into the content of that lesson I just want to remind anyone who feels that the material of the Course in Miracles calls to you I hope that this is a reminder of the power and the benefit of doing these workbook lessons you cannot read this lesson in the morning and have the same day that you would have had had you not done so we talked about this a lot but I don't think it can be focused on too much we talked about the fact that you wake up in the morning and you take a shower you take a bath to get yesterday's dirt off your body and you do whether you're a student of the Course in Miracles and you were doing the workbook or whatever your spiritual practice is of meditation and prayerfulness and this is what relieves you of the stress of yesterday that you would otherwise take in to the day ahead what good does it do us to clean our bodies if we don't clean our minds if your heart is still heavy with yesterday's stress if your mind is still heavy with yesterday's stress and of course in the world today how connected we are all our technologically and so forth given the stimulus of the modern world and the destructiveness of the modern world and also the bad news of the modern world most of the time you're not just taking your own insanity and upset and craziness into the day I had you're taking the insanity and the craziness of half the world with you so once again when you read in the Course in Miracles I remember reading a book long before I read the course a spiritual book that said a line that I have not forgotten that it said when you actually read these words you are reading between the lines and that's so true of serious spiritual source material you getting some illumination lit quite literally sort of reading the Psalms reading the Bible that you're getting some illumination that goes beyond to the words that you just read so I wanted to to emphasize that because you can always feel it when we actually read the workbook I would imagine that there was a there was at least one person listening just now who went and when do I avoid that every day and that should tell us everything we need to know now let's talk about the content of placing the future in the hands of God the miracle happens in one at one point and that is what the Course in Miracles refers to as the holy instant holy means whole we already talked about the fact that God's time intersects linear time at only one moment there is only one point of time that is real and that is the present now the idea of living happily ever after is not nonsense because it means being lifted out of time happily ever after means you have a holy instant and then it's followed by another holy instant and then it's followed by another holy instant now the ego is the part of the mind that does not want us to have wholeness does not want us to live in the holy instant why is that because if I am filling any given moment with my wholeness my ego cannot exist a holy moment is an egoless moment because where I am my ego cannot be so ego is a place where the real eye has been covered over by the root this is that why it's called the wicked stepmother in fairytales because it's that which claims to be that which can take care of you but it will not it's not the real thing in the wickedness of one who claims to be your source and is not your source the ego is given whatever life it has pseudo life though it is by our own false thinking now because it is manufactured and then maintained by our own minds it given the power of our minds seeks to preserve itself so the ego does not want us to surrender into the complete trust surrender to love surrender to God surrender to love of other people for that matter in the present because the ego knows that that is quite literally its death so the way the ego has us avoid its own death is to have us always focused on the past or on the future because if I'm focused on the past I cannot be focused on the past and living fully in the present at the same moment I cannot be focused on the future and living fully in the present at the same moment except to the extent to which my focus has to do with faith and love and forgiveness of the past and the extent to which my focus on the future has to do with faith and loving a right perception so it's not like living in the present makes you brain-dead and you don't look at the things in the past you need to look at it doesn't mean you're brain-dead and don't look at the things in the future you need to look at spirituality does not lower your IQ spirituality does not mean that you oh my god I couldn't live that way because then I'd just be this la-la and this ditz the Course in Miracles would argue that if you take an honest look rudely honest look at your life you might be that now and so the Course in Miracles is just one area where you can apply what the Course in Miracles says you think without the ego all would be chaos but I assure you all within without the ego all would be love and one of the ways that the ego would argue that we need to organize our experience is this constant focus on the past and this constant focus on the future now living in the present means once again the holy instant the moment we are surrendered to God the Course in Miracles talks about the line that is biblical of course B E as little children little children don't think that they know and because they don't think that they know they are always looking up to someone to explain to them you you put your hand out you know the little baby the little child you know knows that the the adult will die them where they need to go and they know that they don't know and this the Course in Miracles says makes them teachable but we think we know and even if we don't think we know we are trained to think we should pretend that we know so the thinking of our world does not lead us to the noble place of I don't know now in the Eastern religions this is spoken of as presenting an empty rice bowl to God in the II Ching and in the the Zen Buddhism also the empty mind the Zen mind is the empty mind that you present an empty rice bowl to God because if I go into the moment thinking I know I am unteachable so the holy instant is a moment of emptying the mind we're taught the thoughts is and we're taught is fill your mind and the spiritual practice is an emptying of the mind that doesn't mean you don't want to read and learn and grow and educate yourself but what the Course in Miracles is about is a lot is about allowing the Holy Spirit to order our thoughts you can be very intelligent that line from that line from Freud intelligence will be used in the service of the neurosis just having a lot of information and being really smart about anything including the Course in Miracles just abstract intellectual understanding and you're filled with that that of itself does not mean that those thoughts will be ordered correctly the ego is very smart why is the ego very smart because you are it's your own intelligence used against you so you can have all kinds of information that of itself does not mean that you were sauntering into your life experience with the information ordered in such a way as to truly serve you or serve others so what the holy instant is about this is the line and the course I will step back and let him lead the way that you that you realize in the present that if you only let your future your past guide your first we're going to say the past and then get to the future so if I let the past in the ego enters every moment seeking to compensate for what it judges to be lack in the past so it's core belief is something is lacking so I enter into the present moment seeking to compensate for what I thought was lack in the past which means my core belief is that something's lacking so as long as my core belief in the present is that something's lacking what's going to happen there my future will be a manifestation of my core belief that something is lacking and that's what happens when you bring any conclusion or an experience in the past into the present you miss the present you miss the miracle because you miss the programming which is otherwise natural to the universe remember the Course in Miracles says miracles occur naturally when they do not occur something has gone wrong the only thing that can go wrong is your thinking miracles occur naturally as long as love is present so if I bring anything other than my forgiveness of myself and others into the present there is something other than love there and in the presence of love a miracle will happen what does that mean well if there was lack in the past the universe knows it if there was lack in the past the universe is already on the case the universe remember we talked about this how the universe is both self-organizing and self-correcting so the universe is already on it it's like the GPS that recalibrates so if something was wrong in the past all the universe all God needs you to do is so forgive yourself and others so live in faith so claiming the ground that in way I cannot do but that the universe can do this will be strategically ordered and made right and I can just come empty and just be that's what it means to just be on your knees whether it is literally or figuratively say I don't have a clue my thinking what do they say in a your best thinking got you here so my thinking manifest that situation in yesterday so clearly why would I trust the same part of the mind that made everything such a mess yesterday why would I be trusting that part of my mind to try to make things better today by the way the Eco in addition to that as we all know is not only the voice that led us to make mistakes in the past or even if it was to be available for other people's mistakes but that's the same voice that now in the present is punishing me savagely for having made that stupid mistake right meanwhile what's going to happen now well I brought the same thinking from the past into the present so I never free myself I'm never delivered to a new trajectory and then my ego gets to say things never change there's no hope I mean it's just I tried it a million times it's never any different and that's because my thinking is the same same thinking as before this is also the esoteric meaning of the New Testaments line when Jesus would heal people and say go and sin no more go and sin no more sin is an archery tournament means you missed the mark so he delivers shakhty he delivers this cosmic reset this chiropractic adjustment of the soul but when he says to people go and sin no more he means go and don't do that kind of thinking again because if you do the disease condition will return does that make sense okay now we've already talked about the idea that the universe is self-correcting it with the GPS of the universe recalibrates so my job is when I'm thinking about the past who did I who do I owe an apology to what do I need to learn where was I off where were my mistakes and the Course in Miracles does say the price we pay for not taking total 100% responsibility for our life experiences that we cannot change it so that's extremely important because it gets us out of victim mentality you know there are heinous things that happen but for most of us our victimization thoughts and feelings are not based on victimization that is objectively all done to you if we are honest with ourselves most of the time even when people have messed with us if we're honest with ourselves we on some level conspired with a disaster now those the Course in Miracles says in the introduction the course can be some very simply in this way nothing real can be threatened nothing unreal exists herein lies the peace of God that's your piece of information right there when the Course in Miracles uses this is where it uses that expression we talked about quite often your problem solving repertoire there is no jewel in the crown of your problem solving repertoire more powerful than nothing real can be threatened nothing unreal exists if it was love it was real and it continues the love that person gave me was real the love I gave that person is real it cannot be destroyed so it is with me now anything that person showed me that wasn't love was an illusion anything I showed them that wasn't love is an illusion to forgive myself and others to atone for my own errors this is what it means to come into the holy instant to come into the holy instant pure means purified of all those fear-based attack thoughts attack judgment defense that's what the ego is attack judgment defense the Course in Miracles says the egos the ego is the belief in separation the way it keeps the separation in place in my thinking is through the perception of guilt you did something wrong or I did something wrong the ego doesn't care who I'm attacking I could be attacking you I could be attacking me either way it keeps me bound to the to the cycle of suffering emotional suffering that that is the egos goal remember my pain is my egos peak experience now in this in the present moment like I said if something went wrong and listened its life this is this is what life is it's a constant learning process and that is the meaning of time time the Course in Miracles says is a learning device we'll talk about that in a moment but as long as I'm learning my lessons which by definition I'm doing until I become an enlightened master that means there will be things in my past for me to look at we talked here about that that line the lyric and Stevie Wonder in that in the old album songs in the key of life God is the only free psychiatrist to every boy and girl that every night you look at it where did I get it right today where could I have gotten it better do I Oh anyone a communication of love that has been withheld this is the inner work and this is you know you begin monitoring other people's process much more easily you stop I mean you you stop monitoring other people's process much more easily when you start spending that time monitoring your own and you go how am i doing where could I you know where you know we all have our moments where we get it right and we usually got it right in places where people were kind people were nice people were supportive it's not that hard being enlightened when somebody just showed you enlightened behavior where do we get it wrong and we got it quote-unquote wrong wrong minded thought and behavior because we got triggered people were not kind or something happened where the appearance death would be an example I might know that there is eternal life but someone I love just died so it's not as easy as just changing my thinking but this is the work to be done now about the future my ego-mind thinks it knows what needs to happen and we are supported in this by a lot of false thinking that is at the crux of some modern perspectives that present themselves as very enlightened what you want to have happen what is your intention to have happen in this meeting now as Course in Miracles students our intention is that God's will be done god is love and will is fought may God's will be done in this situation actually means may my mind be filled with love and not stray because to the extent to which our stray I am neurotic that's how Freud defined neurosis separation from self the self with a big s is the true eye it is in alignment with God ie total love any thought of love comes back as love and so may God's will be done means may I only may my perception to be right mind it may I be in love and the Course in Miracles says other people hear you from the level you speak from so to the extent to which I am in love notice in the second and the lesson that we just read it actually there was quite a bit in that material about how when you get it right the world around you get it gets it right because all mines are joined so if I'm praying only the God's will be done may you see it's the same thing as saying may other people see only the innocence in me may I see only the innocence in them may other people see only the innocence in themselves may I see the only the innocence in myself because if that's the case we are going to co-create in a way that brings only happiness and peace to them into myself now what the ego says is now I got to plan this I got to strategize I got to formulate this I got to make this happen now one of the things the obvious things that the course points out is you don't know what it's going to happen tomorrow and because you can't see what's coming around the next bend how can you know so we seek to plan the future when you know the best laid plans of mice and men off go astray as John Steinbeck right so we're sitting here listening to an ego mind which didn't exactly make the past perfect but is now telling us how we're going to do the future and listening to that I'm not living fully in the present to place the future in the hands of God means as we talked about here often well there's some natural intelligence which knew how to make the embryo into a baby some natural intelligence which knows how to make the Acorn into an oak tree so if I am of that natural intelligence why would the universe if the universe knew how to make the umbro into the baby the universe knew how to make the Acorn in to the oak tree clearly that natural intelligence is intentional in taking all things to their next best place so why would I not trust that the universe is already on it the universe that is self-organizing the universe that is self-correcting the difference between me and the Acorn is that I can say no I think I'll just plan this my self thank you but the Acorn because it does not have free will free will means I can either say oh yeah just flow through me surrender means I'm going to take my hand off the wheel I'm going to take the second place to gain the first and me God's will be done through me which is the same thing as saying Holy Spirit I invite you in order my thinking because when left to my own devices I am insane and I have messed up in my life you say enough to know that it's like people who say God is my co-pilot why would he be the copilot let me know I have to do this myself I it's like insane so I place the future in the hands of God this is why the Course in Miracles says make no decisions by yourself that is why making no decisions by yourself what is our anxiety and stress about tomorrow I don't know what to do I just don't know what to do and then people give you all this advice as though they know now the Course in Miracles does say that the that the Holy Spirit speaks to us through our brothers I remember for instance for anybody who has kids I remember when my daughter was first reaching into adolescence and I saw things this doesn't feel right this doesn't feel right this didn't feel right and I asked my friends and many of my friends said Oh Gina she's just a teenager don't worry about it they didn't have kids what did they know right now you talk to another parent the parent says you better look at the Facebook account you better write so a lot of times we ask other people's opinions when they wouldn't necessarily know so we even though we talk to other people you definitely talk to other people you consult what are your thoughts about this or that the final decision-maker is when we play something in the hands of God and we ask to be shown which road to take now the Course in Miracles says sometimes when you ask the Holy Spirit what to do in a situation the answer that you get will seem quite startling we say here a lot the problem is not that you don't know what God is saying is that you don't like what God is saying because you hear you pray and you get very clear there's an answer in your gut and you pray before you go to sleep at night you wake up in the morning you you think you you're hearing something and then I know I've had this experience you probably have - I would say I'm God um I heard that but I really think if you take another day to think about it you're you because I think you're not really considering the totality of the situation is I you're thinking that if God would see this as you said surely he would make a different conclusion so what's going on there it's that the mind of the Holy Spirit the mind of God whatever you want to call it knows things you don't know how many times have you felt I don't know whether to go to New York or Los Angeles I don't know whether to go to Atlanta or go to Seattle and something in your gut says go to Seattle and you go I just it doesn't make sense why I would go to Seattle so and so's in Los Angeles something else is going on in New York it just it just I just got to get that out of my mind why would I go to Seattle six months later everything marvelous it could have happened is in Seattle and you have that feeling in the pit of your stomach I knew that but you are not yet at a point to trust the voice for God that is why we meditate in the morning that is why we do the lessons why because we all have and there's a phrase used in both Christianity and in Judaism a phrase the small still voice for God we all have a direct radio link to the voice of our native intelligence our spiritual intelligence the problem is not that any of us are without the link the problem is that the thinking of the world is like so much static that in when involved in worldly consciousness we cannot hear it that's why the quieting of the mind is so important and that cannot be done intellectually it actually takes the meditative space and the Course in Miracles says the ego speaks first and the ego speaks loudest the Holy Spirit will not yell at you the Holy Spirit will not scream at you the Holy Spirit will not know you got to do this the mind that says oh you got to do this is the ego by definition of the Spirit and when you hear of what people say to me sometimes well how do you know the difference between the voice of the Holy Spirit and the voice of the ego as though oh that's easy because the voice of the Holy Spirit sounds like Madonna and the voice of the go sounds like Steven Tyler it's very easy it is not that way the voice of the ego is your voice and the voice of the Spirit is your voice but the voice of the ego is you got to do this is all going to be terrible and the voice of your spirit is dignified and calm and wise and peaceful but you don't hear it unless and until you enter into the temple space where that voice is now the more we do this like I said if you did this lesson for instance in the morning you will have a different day than you would have because the Course in Miracles says five minutes spent with the Holy Spirit in the morning is enough to guarantee he will be in charge of your thought forms throughout the day does that mean that you do these exercises and then for the rest of the day you're perfect not necessarily but one of the things that is written in the section I read is you will be gently corrected you will be gently corrected I had a situation in my life a couple of weeks ago we prayed we put it in the hands of God and we asked for guidance and I thought I got guidance and I was very clear about what felt to me the guidance and then I said to this person and it took me days and I said I have to come and I've said bubbeleh and I laid it all out this was my guidance now this person came back at me and explained to me why I was so wrong about everything and at first that kind of shook me how could I been so wrong but I to understand where you went was a loving thought it was just an incorrect thought and then the other person was necessary my daughter had said to me at the time well the problem you're having here mommy is that only one person is involved in this conversation it's all in your head you need to bring this other person in that's what we are to each other that the you will be gently corrected so as long and this is where intention does matter our intention so you invite the Holy Spirit in to order your thoughts and when the Holy Spirit does order our thoughts about the future often as the course says you will hear something that is startling because it's not what you would have expected now remember surrendering to God is not is not a way of abdicating responsibility for your life surrendering to God is a way you take full responsibility for your life do you see the difference there I place the future in the hands of God is the most responsible place we can be the Course in Miracles says and I mentioned this a moment ago that time is a learning device now this I think is one of the most fascinating phrases in the course and that is the following miracles collapse time now that's a fascinating sentence to me miracles collapse time what does it mean well Marian you can get it wrong you can get it right if you get it wrong the lesson will come back around again and one way or the other this is going to happen enough you're going to learn enough it's probably going to be painful a few times because you continue to get it wrong ultimately you will get it or you can get it now and that's how miracles collapse time there have been situations in my life and the life of everyone I know I'm sure everyone here where you realize I got the lesson but I could have gotten it three years earlier you know the Course in Miracles says it is not up to you what you learn it is merely up to you whether you learn through joy or through pain you're going to get it and you know we've all heard those stories you know the universe not and then if you didn't get it this time it will knock a little louder and knock a little louder well after enough times of that you realize that every time that it knocked a little louder it got more painful because that means you continued to quote-unquote get it wrong minded would you continue to accrue consequences that were not pleasant and the purpose of the course the course has a very practical purpose and that is the attainment of inner peace the Course in Miracles says the purpose of our lives is to be happy but happiness can only be achieved through the door of infinite compassion unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness so that's why every lesson is a lesson in forgiveness of yourself and others to the extent to that extent we can be happy in any situation that we did not we will not be so placing the future in the hands of God means number one I don't know what should happen this is the problem of bringing your agenda into a situation we've talked about the sales call where your intention your agenda is to sell 500 products and that sounds really good except that it is playing in to this very corrupt very corrupt thought pattern that now dominates our society where everything has become financialized everything has become transactional we go into every situation figuring out what we need to get and with some people these days tell me that's a very good thing how many I sometimes will be about to go into a to a to a meeting of some kind and somebody with the very best of intentions says okay now what's our internship for this meeting what's our agenda what is it we want to have happen at this meeting people talk about that like it's really an enlightened perspective and then from a spiritual perspective you're like oh I don't know I want to love them I want them to love me because I'm a representative of God and they're representative of God so I want to have namaste consciousness and I want to in my heart salute them and blast them with love before I even go into the meeting which means it because all minds are joined and they will hear me on the level I speak from they will more easily be aligned we will both be aligned with the highest level of love see and then it will be God meeting God great day now the ego would say well then who knows if you'll sell anything how do you know if you'll get what you want now once again the part of my mind that even knows what I want is based on what I think was lacking in the past I don't even know what you didn't know what you should want and you realize that natural intelligence is a win-win for all so if I go into any situation just with that no mistake consciousness of I am here to be a representative of him who sent me there's actually a prayer in the course and Jeff maybe you could find this in the in the in the text maybe somebody who has it because it's one of those prayer sections you know where it's if it says you have it somebody says you have it chapter 2 and that you want to find it for me and bring it to me I would really appreciate that it says something like I am here only to be to represent him who sent me I do not have to know what to say what to do him who sent me will guide me or something the language is far more beautiful thank you in the Gospel of Thomas when Jesus says to the disciples go out into the countryside and teach the gospel this has been interpreted by the ego to mean your job is to go out into the countryside all over the world and hit people over the head with our book thank you so much but that's not the esoteric reading of that line at all the mystical esoteric reading of that line is first of all as the course says to teach is to demonstrate and the gospel is love so when the disciples once again that disciples same root as discipline that is what we seek to be a disciple of love by our minds being disciplined towards love you quote unquote teach the gospel means you demonstrate love now in the Gospel of Thomas the disciples then say to Jesus what will we say his answer is very in line with the esoteric teachings which is I will tell you when you get there see that's what the ego would argue you have to have an intention you have to have a plan for this meeting otherwise you won't know what to say the spiritual perspective is no I all I have to do is empty myself I am stepping back letting him lead the way meaning if I empty myself of all I think that I should say then the Holy Spirit will order my thoughts now does that mean I don't prepare for the meeting no of course you prepare for the meeting does that mean you don't you don't educate yourself of course you do you get it all in there and then you let it go somebody said to me once about my work what do you do just wing it now and I said no it's kind of like jazz philosophy I have practiced all the riffs I'm not sure which one I'm going to use at any given time my daughter used to say when she was really little my mommy talks to herself a lot you've practiced the riffs but if you write down what you're going to say when exactly and this is about life then it takes the spontaneity out the spirit gets edged out so it's a yin and a Yong you you come into life prepared and educated but then you take everything that's in there and knowing that you need the Holy Spirit to order it correctly thank you for bringing me this this is a section you can do much on behalf of your own healing and that of others if in a situation calling for help you think of it in this way I am here only to be truly helpful I am here to represent him who sent me I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do because he who sent me will direct me I am content to be wherever he wishes knowing he goes there with me I will be healed as I let him teach me to heal so you can see what a statement and this is in a section called fear and conflict in chapter 2 so once again you can see how this is exactly what we're saying you empty yourself I'm here only to be truly helpful see how different that is that I am here to get him to do this or I am here to sell this much I am here to make this happen so here's the thank you Jeff so I place the future in the hands of God begins with knowing the universe is already programmed for the future to be perfect the universe is programmed to turn the embryo into the baby the universe is programmed to turn the button to the blossom and the universe is programmed to lift your life to the highest level of creative possibility that is potential within you in this lifetime it is already programmed for that the architecture of that already exists in the mind of God the plan of God works the universe the new universe of order that keeps planets revolving around the Sun knows how to handle the circumstances of your little life the problem is we consistently say oh I can do it myself so the idea here is number one God's plan works and number two yours doesn't and that's a big deal because the ego is just as intentional as the spirit the spirit is intentional that you and others be lifted to the highest level of creative possibility the egos intention is that you suffer the egos intention is chaos the universe isn't excuse me the egos intention is chaos the egos intention is not merely to inconvenience you the egos intention because the ego is the mind that is separated from God therefore it is the mind turned away from love the Absinthe of love is fear the absence of light is darkness if the mind is not surrendered to the light it becomes a servant of the darkness and that read anxiety depression failure disappointment bad relationships things that don't work and then extend that out into the whole world war poverty violence environmental degradation and you name it because those are the collective manifestations of collective insanity and the failures and disasters in your own individual life have to do with individual manifestations of insanity so this stuff is deeply relevant and it is deeply practical we we talk here often about how spiritual exercise is much like physical exercise you are training your attitudinal muscles and in the physical body if I do not train my muscle to be strong it is getting weaker if I do not train my muscle to stay up there it's headed down and same with our thought forms if we do not on any given day awaken and surrender this day to God may I be a servant of love and we talk here about the difference that the Course in Miracles delineates between magical thinking and miraculous thinking magic is where you use the power of your mind to make something happen I want this to happen and this to happen in this to happen in this to happen that's magic you are trying to use the powers of the universe to serve your to-do-list this is what I want this is my agenda miracle thinking is different miracle thinking is I place myself today in the service of the universal love that when left to its own devices will lift me and all other beings to the highest level of joy and possibility now the Course in Miracles does say imagine what you would like to have happen now that's a good one because that is standing within the space of that if I let's say you want a great relationship let's say you want a great career let's say you want whatever you want in your life to stand in the space and to get the feeling tone that's a good thing because that is part of what creates within your nervous system as well as your mind the energies that more easily invoke that but that's different than trying to make it happen because when you do that one of the you know is this is all good and beautiful I wish I could make that happen I can't it doesn't matter God knows how I remember somebody saying to me and something happened in my life it was so true as one of my girlfriends who said something like Marianne forget the how that's not your job and that's that was very powerful for me at that time because I was trying to strategize and I was trying to formulate and that's not how we create the best future so the embryo doesn't have to say I know I can become a baby I can make it happen and the Acorn doesn't need to say I know how to make make turn myself into an oak tree of course it doesn't you enter in to the mystery you enter into the quantum field that is beyond time and space and that is what prayerfulness is that is what meditation is that is what spiritual practice is - in it once again intellectually we can't do it we do it through reading the books the doing the meditations whatever your practice is and as we do that the Holy Spirit enters into our mind it would be a violation of the free of our freewill otherwise but if you do surrender a situation remember what you place on the altar is then altered the altar is in your mind the only thing that needs to be altered in any situation is your thinking all thought creates form on some level when we surrender a situation what that means is we are surrendering our thoughts about it so what do we want to do place the future in the hands of God place the future in the hands of God that's the same thing as saying not in my hands because if I'm trying to plan it I don't even know what to try to plan for because I don't know what should happen I don't know where I could be of use I don't know where I could best contribute I don't know what's best for myself and others I don't know what's coming around the next bend so I'm over that you take it God you take my future because I know that if I let your plan be at work then I will by definition time will be collapsed I will be lifted to the place where I more easily and more quickly meet the people enter into the situations and find myself in the circumstances where I and those around me or more quickly and more easily lead to outcomes of love for all and the betterment of all and that's why we surrender we don't surrender to God because we don't care we surrender to God because we do care does that at least intellectually make sense are there any yell BOTS before we go into meditation no yeah BOTS okay then Richard there MA you want to come up here now I assume that you have while I've been talking thought of certain situations in your own future and you don't know what to do you don't know what to hope for you don't know what to plan for and what's going to happen in the future causes your anxiety and stress so tonight we're going to say I don't need to stress about this I don't need to be an anxiety about this because I'm placing it the future in the hands of God that doesn't mean you are handing it to a random universe it doesn't mean that you are handing it over into the random order of things that means you are lifting it out of the random order of things it means you are lifting the situation out of the trajectory of chaos the ego is the mind of chaos pretending to be a way to order your life in placing at the hands of God we're saying may the Holy Spirit that which I cannot possibly intellectually even understand how it operates come into me and where my thinking is faulty correct me where I'm coming from judgment teach me how to bless where I'm coming from unforgiveness teach me that which I need to forgive take my mind train my attitudinal muscles put me on the path to right minded thinking which means the thinking that will create the outcome that is best for myself and others does that it intellectually makes sense right okay so now it's time to you to allow your mind to illumine to be illumined in regards to your own personal circumstances now when we do this personal I have a piece of hair is drawn Amina your own your own personal circumstances might be brought up in this exercise but it might not it might be just a general sense it doesn't matter but allow consciously the holy spirit to enter here seek to really empty your mind and to know that in placing the future in the hands of God you are actually placing it in the only place of total comfort total safety total security for yourself and others okay let's pray dear God we come to you knowing the limits of our own thinking surrendering our minds that your Most Holy Spirit might now come upon us we open our hearts we open our minds and we invite God's holy spirit to enter into us at the deepest regions of every thought and every feeling we carry with us dear God the burden and the stress of thinking we have to do it somehow we have to make it happen the world is scarce and there's a lot out there and there's a lot to compete there's competition and there only so many resources and we're not taking care of unless we go out there and make it happen and yet dear God that thinking has caused us so much stress and so much anxiety and we live in such a state of internal struggle tonight there God we place our future in your hands we place the future of our relationships we call to mind the people in relationship with whom we stress over outcome we stress over what's going to happen or what is supposed to happen we place these relationships and these situations in the hands of God we think about our healthy and be healthy realizing the irony of course it in our efforts to be healthy and stay healthy we're creating so much stress that the stress is bound to make us sick and so our bodies to dear God we place in your hands we think about our careers we really want this to happen we really want that to happen and yet the more we try sometimes dear God the more we seem to fail and in this moment we remember that you already have planned that which is the maximal contribution that we could make and that our only problem is that we interfere too often with your plan and so we place our jobs our career goals all of that the mere idea of professional achievement in your hands we place the future in your head now we think of our finances our money our bills our debts we think of the money we have and our fears also about the money that we do not have any feelings we have a financial failure we recognize how much fear can come up for us and relatedness to this area we place the future in the hands of God we think of the state of the world we think of the state of the environment violence on the planet so much misery so much unnecessary suffering so much political insanity so much inability for human beings to simply get along we place the future in the hands of God for in all of these areas your way your love your perfection has not been allowed to reveal itself on earth for we have snatched from your hands dear God the job that is rightly yours and so on this night we remember that you surrender to you is not to surrender to nothingness except to the sense of quantum divine nothingness out of which all good things come and so dear God as individuals we place in your hands our future and literally feel within our bodies the lightness of being that comes when we hand our burdens to you we give out come to you we give our attachments to you how silly we were to try to be God when only God is God we are now we now allow you to be God to source our good we apologize to ourselves for ever having stood in the way of that which only cares for us which has been with us since before time began which gave us life and continues to give us life we did not know to whom we could turn for refuge and comfort but we know now and it is to the God of all creation that we give our lives we give to you dear God all that we have and all that we are our prayer is that you use us may we feel forgiven that we might be channels of forgiveness heal us and lift us above and beyond our own woundedness that we might help heal others make us who you would have us be that we might do what you would have us do purify our minds purify our hearts open our ears and open our eyes illumine our thinking and renew our hearts that we shall be untouched by the past and released to a new future reset the trajectory of historical time that we might must be lifted above and beyond all that is dark and delivered to the light unbound from the chains of fear and delivered to endless love and may with us walk now into a future of new Dawn's a future of new beginnings a future of new birth a future of endless light and endless love and endless peace we present ourselves naked and reborn to God himself we place the future in the hands of God and so it is we all say Amen thank you Richard love you okay alright I'll make a few announcements and then after the few announcements we will go to some of the questions I will go down there for the questions here for those of you on livestream I have quite a few I can't take them all but I will do what I can okay okay thank you Richard Lamont as you know I speak at the spawn theater on Monday nights in Los Angeles our free live streaming of my Monday night Los Angeles lectures go to Mary Ann comm for information once you register you can watch the live stream any time this weekend I will be in Chicago for those of you in Chicago or there abouts I will be in Chicago giving a talk at the Chicago unity on Friday night and a where is the camera am I looking at it right where is it yeah I thought okay and I will be doing a workshop on Saturday so that is May 15th and 16th so please look on Mary ENCOM for that also I will be going to Seattle on June 4th I will be giving a talk with the Lawrence Lessig's organization on getting money out of politics that's always good right that will be answered you probably know about Lawrence Lessig New Hampshire everybody that will be on June 4th but then on June 6th I will be giving a workshop at the Unity Church there so satellites and everybody knows about Seattle please go on Mary on comm for that information okay all right that's that's sort of it on on that I want I want to say something those to those of you here in Los Angeles but the live streaming is free but with live streaming although there are costs we don't have to rent a building and so forth when we started the live streaming I said let's just do that about Monday nights too and I said to you I'll let you know if that's not working it's not working I shouldn't have to bear the cost we don't to make money on everything we do but I shouldn't be losing money so for those of you who who come on Monday nights it's still as it always is because the course says that no one turned away who cannot pay for lack of funds that will always be true of anything I do but I'd like to just go back and you're thinking to a suggested donation of $15 most of you are it's very honorable it always was it was fine but I think that when we set that out as free I think that some people have have failed to remember that there are costs here so if that's relevant for you please just remember it once again no one turned away who cannot pay but if you can please do that which in your heart feels reasonable to help share the costs of what we're doing here does that make sense ok familiar thank you okay all right I recently noticed that the dynamics of all of my personal professional relationships is me seeking parenting and reassurance I would like to switch this and something switch this something be present for others and not in endless need well I acknowledge you for recognizing this you're probably not a lot of fun to be around the Course in Miracles says we create what we defend against so if you go into a situation trying to defend against being rejected you are subconsciously programming yourself to be rejected and if you go into a situation needy and seeking reassurance and we parenting then you're right this will mess with your relationships because it will make people feel burdened by you're codependent needs because they are being burdened by you're codependent needs you have one parent and that is God and it is God who gives you reassurance it is God who gives you re parenting you know sometimes people say well I don't want this god stuff I don't I don't need a crutch oh really well this is the deal the soul leans you're going to lean on something so just like a flower leans to the sunlight and what I've certainly found in my life and I think all of us do if we're honest with ourselves when and if I have not leaned on God I have found myself leaning on someone or something I would have best not leaned on so you're right if you feel the course America says you have an authorship problem you think you authored yourself if I think I authored myself I'm constantly looking for the author that I feel should be there I might not have gotten it from mommy or daddy so I try to get it from you and you're absolutely right other people will be repelled by that healthy people will be repelled by that that's why you look to God to repair you if you didn't get something from mommy God gives it to you if you didn't get something from dad daddy God gives it to you and then you go out into the world not an incomplete person emotionally leaning on other people you are a complete person you lean on God every day to the extent to which I lean on God I go out into the world independent the person who does not lean on a spiritual source is more more likely to be dependent on other people to the extent to which we lean on our spiritual support source this makes us independent in the ways of the world does that make sense okay all right I'm going to do a few of these okay this person this is you Delores I struggled with trying to forgive my parents for having an unhappy childhood I have forgiven them but I have a new problem with my own grown children not forgiving me for any of my mistakes I have made with them you should light on how the ego really makes a mess of things when things are going wrong I do believe in miracles I want to believe there's one to resolve the situation that has developed over the years the destruction of them withholding their love and not willing to communicate with me is very painful what suggestion do you have for not for working out any problems with my own grown children and to ask for their forgiveness for anything I may have done while raising them well this is very sad and also very illustrative first of all notice we do this a lot we're so busy seeking to forgive what we think our parents did wrong that were not conscious of all the things we might have been - it might be doing to our own children I used to say to my daughter I turn around the middle of nothing are you having a happy childhood because they're going to ask you that someday I remember when she used I would say to my daughter things like she you know how little kids go I hate you mommy eat mommy I don't care how you feel about me now I I care about how you're gonna feel about me in therapy 20 years from now right so we are so obsessed in this culture with how our parents didn't get it right and not nearly as focused as we should be on getting it right with the children who are growing up now and that is not only our own children but all children so Dolores in some ways you've paid the price for this whatever it was you thought you didn't get right with your parents didn't get right apparently and and and I feel for you because if your grown children won't even communicate with you some things went wrong now I don't think any parent gets it right 100% of the time and I can't think of any parent that doesn't you know once our kids get to be 18 20 and the jury starts coming in I know I certainly definitely and everybody I know has things that you in honesty say to your children I wish I had done this differently I'm sorry about this so I'm sorry about that and I think that's important so even though this seems obvious I would hope Dolores that you have actually if they won't talk to you maybe it's writing them emails what maybe it's writing them a letter but I do wonder if they have number one heard you deeply apologize for the things that you might have done wrong that's number one number two have they seen you change have they seen you grow in the ways that you need to that they need to see that you're different and number three remember what I said tonight you heal in the present the future will take care of itself and as you seek to become a better person you cannot control their reactions to you you cannot control whether or not they forgive you but you can control how forgivable you become you can control whether or not you were turned and once again people hear you on the level you speak from all Minds are joined if you were seriously atoning for the mistakes that you made if you've sincerely apologized everybody knows that everybody knows everything unconsciously so as you can turn this over to God you ask for healing of these relationships then the universe will on its own be working on this as you just seek on being the better person that you can be on any given day now I I would think that Dolores is probably not the only person who has or is experiencing problems with your own children and it can be very very painful I'm sure if our own children do not forgive us I know I had with my own daughter I remember a few years ago there were were things I thought nice dude shouldn't have left that town I should have stayed in that town I shouldn't blah blah blah remember my daughter at dinner one night saying mommy enough I had a happy childhood and she had heard me apologize enough and it did none of that needed to be said anymore and she was right and I was taking it out of proportion but I think it was important that I did recognize the things I would have done differently and I think that happens in the life of every parent and I think our children do appreciate it and I don't think I would have gotten that reassurance from my daughter had she not heard me apologize for the things that I felt had not been as as perfect as of course we all want to be as parents does that make sense okay for those of you who have children and for those of you know listen we all needs the nephews and children in our lives are just the children of the earth you know with 17,000 children on this planet starving every day all of us if we are in our best think about ways that maybe we have not attended to the children of the world in which we might have so let's pray with Dolores and pray for all of us dear God we join with Dolores in placing in your hands her relationship with her children as well as her relationship with her parents may forgiveness wash all beings clean may she see only the innocence in herself and her children and may they come to see only the innocence in themselves and in her may her relationships with them be lifted up above and beyond all separation and all guilt and all walls that would divide them may your hand of healing and forgiveness do what she cannot do for herself as she now releases the situation into your hands more deeply and powerfully than ever before and thus begins to feel the comfort that only you can bring and so it is together we all say Amen I got two letters from women who have been raped so I would like to speak to that both of them are on livestream terrible things happen heinous things happen unfortunately here in the United States alone one in four American women statistically are assaulted at one time I have in my own life been deeply served by weeding about people who had to forgive heavier situations than I've had to forgive a woman that I talked about here often Naomi Warren who was in Auschwitz from the age of 21 to 23 who said Hitler got two years of my life he will not get more if you read books by people like Viktor Frankl who man's search for meaning how do you make meaning of the fact that I was in a concentration camp and my family died there a very powerful book by a woman named immaculee Ilibagiza called left to tell she's been referred to as the Rwandan and Frank who went through a situation so heinous and yet emerged because of forgiveness reborn and so we begin with that something terrible happened to you the issue now is how can I take the terrible thing that happened to me and turn it into something good for others that's the only question we cannot change sometimes what has happened but we can change the trajectory of the effect that what happened will have on our lives like they say you can be bitter you can be better so having had the experience of rape which is obviously criminal on every possible level you have two choices you will not be quite the same having gone through this you will not be quite the same you will not be the same person you were before that event but what is left in your hands is a choice whether you will be better or you will be better your spirit was not raped your spirit cannot be raped it was a spiritual violation to be sure but your spirit cannot get sick your spirit cannot be raped your spirit cannot be bludgeoned your spirit cannot die so this is not denial this is transcendence we are not denying what happened to you but we are denying that the what happened to you can have a permanent effect and so the resurrection the deliverance to the promised land the miracle of healing is that we stand within darkness but think the thoughts of Lights this person who did this to you was clearly in an insane place clearly in a non loving place but what is not real does not exist it was their horrifying hallucination drew you into a horrifying hallucination it happened within three dimensions of reality we're not denying that but the Course in Miracles tells us that that three-dimensional reality is itself a larger mortal hallucination your spirit remains untouched your spirit is untouched by cancer your spirit is untouched by disease your spirit is untouched by any manifestation of the horrors of this world enlightenment is a shift from body identification two-spirit identification and then you will transcend the negative consequences of this event and you when you know it's like in a a someone who has been in recovery has a healing touch with someone coming into recovery that someone not in recovery does not have where a bone has been broken it actually comes together stronger than it was before it is broken so the fact that you have been through something terrible when the prayer becomes how can my having been through this make me of greater service to the world one of the ways that you can be of greater service to the world if you are led to that is that when you whether you your path is you will feel and be led to work for a rape hotline whatever you will have a healing touch around certain things that you would not have had and if the path becomes a healing touch with women who or men who went through that terrible experience you because you will have been speaking from experience and particularly most importantly because you will be speaking from a place where you went to the experience and you survived where you know there's life on the other side of this you will be able to give hope and sustenance to people who are still in the damaged place that someone who has not been there could not do so the Course in Miracles says you think you have many different problems you really only have one and that is your separation from God so once again if you take this situation and say may this be of use heal me that I might be used in the healing of others I think of this person who did this to me during odd I cannot even imagine forgiving this person but I am willing the Course in Miracles says you know once again those thoughts that are in your problem-solving repertoire I am willing to see this differently does that make sense and and I for those two women who wrote those letters please know that there are thousands of people right now wishing you healing and wishing you peace okay I'm having trouble with the statement in lesson 132 that states there is no world this is the central thought the course attempts to teach page 243 the world does not exist I understand we see in the world what we perceive is the course saying that the world the planet is an illusion I see the beauty in this planet and no the loving energy and majesty that ties it all together is the planet we live in not a creation of the Divine is the course saying this dimension is not real also please explain if we're an idea in the mind of God or we will or we the loving energy in which God is okay this is the deal love is what's real in this room and what's not real well our bodies are dust to dust our bodies will not last nothing that is of the mortal world if nothing that is of the mortal world that is in this room will last this building will not stand forever our bodies will not last forever they are of the illusion they are of the mortal and yes the Course in Miracles does say that the entire three-dimensional reality is itself a mortal hallucination why is that it is because God which is the thought of love is all-encompassing it is all that is real what is all encompassing can have no opposite when we are thinking without love therefore we are not thinking at all we are hallucinating that does not mean that there is nothing real in this room there is profound reality in this room what is the profound reality in this room the love in everyone's heart the love that is in the heart of all the people are watching on live stream and the Course in Miracles says our vision of one world costs us the vision of the other so the problem is because we are overly focused on what is in the mortal world we have we are weakened in our perception of all that is happening that Israel and that is immortal so it's not that this world is not happening within three dimension within three dimensions it is happening it's just that the Course in Miracles is saying that the three dimensions themselves are like the tip of the iceberg they are a learning assignment now what about when we are in nature last week I was in Newfoundland this is one of those places on the planet when you go to the wilderness I'm thinking of something like the Beartooth Mountains in Montana or goodness we're in California I mean look at the extraordinary look at the beaches look at that I mean there are so many ways in which you look at nature and you go I see divinity here I see the beauty here well you know what this is like this is almost as though God said I wouldn't have done this with you but as long as you did it I'm going there with you in other words it is a decision that human consciousness made however even even it carries the imprint of the divine because everything we do carries the infant print of the divine so of course we look at nature and we are amazed how can you look at the birth of the baby and not see God there how can you look at two people falling in love and not see God there of course we see things that happen within the illusion the Course in Miracles says the Course in Miracles is an illusion it's just a book but it is an illusion that leads beyond delusion forgiveness itself is an illusion but it is an illusion that leads beyond delusion so the Course in Miracles is not saying to ignore the world and that's a very big issue because a lot of people use that that principle that the world is not real as an excuse to not concern yourself with starving children to not concern yourself with greater peace to not concern yourself with any of the mistakes that we make because after all it's an illusion that's not what the Course in Miracles is saying the Course in Miracles quite the opposite is saying in your mortal self you are living within the illusion invite the Holy Spirit to enter with you into the illusion that you might dwell within it in a way that dissolves the illusion and you might use the things of the illusion to lead beyond it remember the Course in Miracles says if there's a line where it says in the in the Bible it says that Adam fell asleep but nowhere does it say that he woke up so the state of humanity is in this sleep we are not awakened to who we are of course a miracle says that in our state of sleep obviously nightmares have come the Corsa miracle says there has been no mass awakening but it is time to initiate one now some people want to go from the bad dreams to a fully awakened state that's not the teaching of the course the course of miracle says you must go from a bad dream to a happy dream after you have turned the bad dream into a happy dream then you can awaken what does that mean you have to get rid of war when you have a world that is at peace it will still be an illusion it will still be a dream when everybody is getting along but it's a bunch of bodies on the planet it will still be a dream but it will be the happy dream and that will be the path to a complete awakened state which when the illusion will not be needed anymore the course does say once you've completely transcended you won't even need to be in a body anymore I've had people say to me I'm really worried about doing this course because if I really get it right it says I won't even have to be on the planet anymore every time I've heard someone say that my thought has been don't worry you're not that close so I don't think we have to worry about that okay
Channel: Marianne Williamson
Views: 577,232
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Keywords: Marianne Williamson, Marianne Williamson (author), A Course In Miracles, ACIM, Consciousness, Love, Happiness, Spirituality, Humanity, Our Deepest Fear, A Return to Love
Id: Rct8mgPwmUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 30sec (5310 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2016
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