How to Manifest | Marianne Williamson

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together let's all take a deep breath and close our eyes we see in the middle of our mind a little ball of golden light we watched a slight as it begins to grow larger and larger until now it covers the entire inner vision of our mind we see for ourselves within this light a beautiful temple and we see a garden that surrounds the temple and a body of water that flows through the garden we see that the inside of the temple is lit as well by this same beautiful golden light here we are for we have been drawn together by the power and in the presence of God we devote our time spent together all of our relationships to one another to him and we pray that God's Most Holy Spirit be upon us lifting us above and beyond the turmoil the chaos the fears and sorrows of this world to the infinite love and peace that lay beyond and so it is together we all say Amen in over the last few years it's been very big and sort of higher consciousness and transformational circles to talk about manifestation and you can manifest your dreams I remember years ago reading Shakti Gawain's book creative visualization and my first introduction to a lot of this kind of thinking came when I read the Seth book back wow I guess that was 70s 80s whatever and I remember the book nature of personal reality very few people that I've ever encountered come to the Course in Miracles as you're beginning step in metaphysics and spirituality usually somebody has you know I was into this or I was into that which gave you some sort of basic principles that paved the way for your understanding and for me when I read nature a personal reality that was the first book I ever read that really informed me about the power of thought so and then of course in last few years when the secret came out so that's kind of like exploded into mainstream consciousness and that's a good thing the realization on the part of so many people that your thoughts are creative and as the Course in Miracles says all thought creates form on some level so the idea here is that the world is basically based organized along the law of cause and effect what in the East is called Karma and you think a thought and then the world as we know it is like a screen when the entire three dimensions that we experience in our worldly lives are screens on which are projected the nature of our thinking and that's an important thing to know because you can't just change your life on the level of effect that if you go up to the screen at a movie house you can't change the plot because all that's going on on the screen of course is a projection of the images so that's good that's good the realization that thought is the level of cause and the world as we experience it is the level of effect understanding that is one thing but then after that understanding comes a real divergence in the wood and one side has to do with yippee I can use that for my benefit and I can basically get whatever I want because I can just think what I want and then get back what it is that I visualized so that I thought about well the good thing about that is that the very fact that somebody would think that means that they do understand how consciousness operates but that's not a spiritual mountaintop that's a mental plateau and there is a big difference for this reason if you're looking at the nature of thought in fact here in this building norman vincent peale the nature of positive thinking the power of positive thinking right he was one of the first people you know this stuff did not begin in the last few years right so it's good for you to realize that the power of your thought it's also important because you know that not only are your positive thoughts creating manifestation but so are your negative thoughts and so that can be extremely important but there has arisen over the last few years this thing which just sort of fits in perfectly with the sort of mentality that has seen who have taken over our society over the last few years because it's just one more tool to quote-unquote get what I want and so if you look at it like wow I can use metaphysical principle I have one more way to make happen what I want and there you have all these seminars etc about manifesting your dreams once again this is not to say that's bad but it is a point out listen not the spiritual mountaintop because basically what you're saying is I can use God as my errand boy the Course in Miracles this is is the path of the disciple it is the path of the secret is the path of the miracle worker which is a whole different level of things and it's not where you are using metaphysical principle to get what you want it is where you are surrendering your life to be used by love so that what happens is so much bigger than quote-unquote what you want because among other things the Course in Miracles says you don't even know what to want because what you mean think about some of the people in your life where would you be today if they had wanted you when you wanted them how horrible that would be think of some of the things that you have wanted in your life that you didn't get and you can look back in retrospect and think that there was something about the fact that you even wanted it at that time which had to do more with your own woundedness and your own sense of incompletion than it had to do with some higher vision of what could be possible so I want to talk to you about what the Course in Miracles has to say tonight about an issue that we would think of in today's world as manifestation first of all when a woman is pregnant the most powerful stuff going on the most creative period of time is in the first three months before she even shows okay so later she seems to be getting larger and larger and she's popping and she's growing her belly etc but actually the most powerful stuff was happening in those first three months it all happens in those first three months and then it just gets bigger and fills out okay same with life it all starts inside so we have because we are an eco oriented Society the Course in Miracles says the world as we know it is dominated by a thought system based on fear and so the big question that we ask is what do I need to do to make it happen so the first thing you're supposed to do according to the egos thought system is figure out what you want figure out what you want to make happen and then strategize what to do to make it happen right okay now compare that with the imagery of pregnancy okay now the imagery of pregnancy is that something is growing inside you and you know I remember once when I was pregnant with my daughter I remember one day sitting there in an easy-chair thinking a cup of chamomile tea with my feet up on the on it on a pillow and thinking to myself isn't it interesting the the the the action I can take right now but most serves the process of what is growing inside me is to simply sit here and I have noticed how often that is true in almost every area of my life that the most powerful thing I can do is reflect on what's happening and simply be here with this and allow it to grow inside me because from A Course in Miracles perspective the issue is not that you are to figure out what you want to make happen and then quote-unquote manifest your dreams it would be more like God Himself is dreaming through us the Course in Miracles says you have an authorship problem the authorship problem is we are taught that you are the generator of your life experience you're taught that it's yours to figure out what you want and to go out and make it happen notice a lot of times in our society this is termed as going out and taking the bull by the horns and it takes a moment perhaps to reflect on what a suicidal thing that would be to do but that's called success and it's not a surprise that that's an image we have of success but look how different that is I'm gonna go out there I'm gonna make it happen I'm gonna take the bull by the horns as opposed to I am going to let something be born I'm going to allow myself to be pregnant I'm going to allow my consciousness just like a woman woman's body is the is the womb right out of which the child is born in any creative effort or any life well-lived your consciousness is the womb out of which it can all be born but just as you yourself don't generate that life it is a miracle just as when a sperm impregnates an egg the whole idea of the Immaculate Conception is the idea that the human heart is the feminine to the masculine which is spirit we are impregnated by the Spirit of God and our humaneness rises to receive that and what is then born through us is the new human being the person that you are capable of being and that is a birth process and it is a sacred process and it is a miraculous process no no less actually than a woman giving birth to a child that's the highest birth on a certain level is that you give birth into the world of the person you are capable of being the person you are capable of being this is the whole mystical notion of the twice-born the person that you are capable of being is not just born of flesh the person that you are capable of being is born of spirit you have been impregnated by the seed of God and out of that comes forth a new being now the Course in Miracles says when it comes to what would be the next great thing in your life you have no way of knowing because you don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow you don't know what's going to happen around that bend so whenever somebody says to you well what is it that you really want the course of miracle says actually usually what we are saying that we really want is based on the core belief that we do not have enough already right my core belief that there's something that I think I want it's because I have a core belief that I don't have it all ready guess what the universe is gonna register the belief that I don't have enough so then no matter what I manifest I'm still going to see the manifestation through the lens of my not having enough and so I'm constantly you're constantly on a wheel of suffering the attachment the grasping that Buddha talked about always trying to get something on the external planes in an effort to compensate for the fact that what you have already is apparently for you not enough and the reason the Course in Miracles says that you think you don't have enough is because you do not realize that you are enough now once again the egos thought system is based on the body's senses so the entire drama that it leads us to has to do with what's happening on the outside and we see creativity as what we can make happen on the outside but that entire drama is simply a reflection of what's going on on the inside and when we see our completion in spiritual terms then we know that on a very real level we don't need anything not because of what we already have but because of who we already are and when you realize that you no more and no less than anyone else so this is a big deal in the Course in Miracles we're all created as one you know more complete than any other human being and you're no less complete than any other human being you happen to be an idea in the mind of God now those are not just words in course in miracles' an idea in the mind of God the idea the mind of God is all that is it is all that is ultimately real it is not perceived by the physical senses but the it is the the eternal nature of all that is you are an idea within that what God creates the core says since God is all that is God creates simply by thinking up more of himself father-to-son thought too extension cause to effect you are an effect of God that's what it means to say you were created in the image of God now this is the deal are when we are in correct spiritual alignment the Course in Miracles says we see God as caused with a big see the course is real big into their self with a little less and then there's so for the big s there's cause with the little C and then there's cause with the big C so God is cause with a big C and we are effect okay now when we are in correct alignment God which is the thought that is always thinking so we God thought is always beaming and it's always beaming into the mind of the Sun which is us and when we are in correct alignment from A Course in Miracles perspective we are experiencing ourselves as the effect of God's thinking then we are conduits through which God's thoughts are extended out into the world then the effects that emanate from that are Co creations of God and men are you with me so anything that we do with love any thought that we think with love any behavior that emanates from love is something that actually was our reception of love then working through us but we don't necessarily know what that looks like when we instead of seeing this in spiritual terms where our only desire is to be an instrument of love not claiming that we know what it looks like not claiming that we know where we should go not claiming to know how to strategize it but rather making ourselves empty it's very the Course in Miracles is very Eastern in feel because the ego is you got to fill yourself up with information you got to fill yourself up with the images of what you want you got to fill yourself up with strategy and then you got to go make it happen the Course in Miracles is very Eastern it's about emptying ourselves so that we can be fully available in the moment and the reason you want to be still and know as the Bible says be still and know is in order to practice what the Course in Miracles calls the holy instant where you are doing nothing you are simply in a state of such complete being that on a level of thought as well as the level of behavior miracles occur what does that mean well if I am in a in a state where I'm trying to make something happen I can't be fully available to you and trying to make something happen at the foot at the same moment either I have an agenda for this moment I have an agenda for you I have subconsciously programmed myself to basically exploit manipulate you in whatever way is necessary to get you to do what I think I need you to do in order for my attendant be met which is complete transactional there's nothing relational about it right there's nothing beautiful and holy about that you know you hear people say that all the time these days what's our agenda for this meeting it completely leaves people out all it has to do it's my trying to get what I want rather than being available to life right but the ego says if you're just available to life chaos will happen and your needs will not get mad the Course in Miracles says the opposite is true love restores reason the Corps says and not the other way around the only thing to get your needs met the only way to get your needs met is to go into every situation knowing there's nothing that you need here because all the universe is is going to reflect back to you what your core belief is so if your core belief is I already have everything the universe says give her everything and give her everything give her everything because her core belief is that she has everything now in that holy instant two things are happening first of all you're fully available how many times have you been in situations where I know I have where was only later you realized that would have been the perfect opportunity to blank actually that would have been the person to talk to or actually I can see in retrospect he was available for blah blah blah what right but you missed it because you were busy trying to make something happen in the future based on your sense that the past wasn't good enough and that's the eCos game because the ego doesn't want you to be fully available in the present because when we are fully available in the present we're not bringing anything from the past because the past is only in your mind the only thing that was real about the past the corsa miracle says was the love that you gave and the love that you received and if you bring anything else you were bringing what the Course in Miracles calls shadow figures from the past and you are then dooming because you are programming the future to be just like the past look at what you missed you missed the present the present because it is the only time where God intersects time and spaces we know it linear time is actually only in our mind there's you're never in the past you're never in the future except in your thinking right so the only place the core says where God's time or eternity intersects linear time is in the present which is what the ego doesn't want you to experience because the ego is obliterated in that experience and the ego is always after self-preservation so the ego is always a guy got to be thinking about the future don't stop thinking about the future and I was that thinking about tomorrow great because you're gonna completely miss the present but the present is already programmed because it is an expression of the mind of God so one of two things is always true either everything that we contribute to your happiness is already here and you're not saying it how many times have we had that because if you miss the present one of the things you miss it's not only the opportunities to make the future better you also miss how much you already have in front of you and only later I've had that some happens so much in my life in relationships where I like missed it when it was happening right cuz you're focused elsewhere so half that I wouldn't say half the time the course doesn't say what the percentage is but sometimes it's that you are missing what's right in front of you and also it's that the universe is program so that E they're everything that could make you happy is already here or is on its way because the universe as an expression of the mind of God is already perfect it is self-organizing and it is self-correcting but when we are not making our minds conduits for the expression of that then it's like your mind is a giant computer there is an undeletable file called God's will now let's talk about God's well for a minute God equals love means love and will means thought so when you go into every situation and instead of having an agenda and trying to make it happen and all of that and trying to impose and trying to generate instead you're asking only that God's will be done all that you're asking may loving thought prevail and miracles occur naturally as expressions of love miracles occur naturally as expressions of love where there is love either your eyes are open to see the incredible things that are happening or you are putting yourself in alignment to attract and to magnetize and to co-create with God the manifestation of all the things that could make you happy the Course in Miracles says we've all had those times and experiences in life where it seemed like we didn't get what we prayed for but this is the deal God's intention for your life is your ultimate happiness the egos intention for your life is short term happiness that's usually a cover for a long term despair now let's talk about why that is the ego is the love less Ness of the human mind the human mind is so powerful and every thought creates form on some level so when we are loving we are literally open to the miraculous flow of the universe the Course in Miracles says miracles are natural when they do not occur something has gone wrong and what is gone wrong is our thinking we when we do not think with love we're not downloading that file and that's what free will is free will means I can think whatever I want to think I can think with love I can just show up in this moment to love you to be a space of possibility for you to wish you the best to rise to the occasion to just be present here knowing you're here so you must be it that's that you're here in this moment so that's all I need to know that the perfect lesson for you and for me is our being deeply present with each other which is the only way I can assure myself a miracle I cannot know what that's supposed to look like but if I try to know what it's supposed to look like I'm actually corrupting the the process because I'm imposing self will but it's self well with a little s rather than a big s so there are prayers in the course like I I don't know why I'm here I'm only here to represent him who sent me I do not have to know what to do or what to say because he who sent me will guide me so it's very Eastern it's very this is in mind that in the Bouton's in Buddhism the empty mind in the eating when it I think eating were allowed to in Eastern religions when it talks about present and empty rice bowl to God and then God the universe can fill it up the DAO can fill it up and that's also very parallel to the notion in the New Testament of being as a little child the Course in Miracles says that the Bible says be ye as a little child for this reason a child knows that they don't know a child knows that they don't know and is looking to someone older more experienced to explain it to them I think this is a place where men are particularly violated by the society because I think women actually have in a way more permission socially and culturally to say we don't know but men are really made to feel too often to at least pretend you know even if you don't know rather than the realization that there is a certain attitudinal space of not knowing which allows us then to be shown but we are looking to be shown by in the course of miracles the elder brother Jesus the internal teacher whatever name is true for you at the end of the of the prayers every Tuesday night when we're here and we talk about how if you are in the finding it difficult to stand in the light and the light is defined in the course of miracles as understanding you can't find the light put out your hand as would a small child seeking the guidance of an elder brother who will guide you back on to the path and stay with you there if you request it and then I say a line from the Course in Miracles when I say every week this is no idle fantasy he is here and that is a line from the Course in Miracles this is no idle fantasy so in A Course in Miracles it's not where you're trying to figure out what you want to have happen because a Course in Miracles says beware no wait wait hold on self-generated plans beware self-generated i think the word of self is itself generated plans I think it's self generated plan it's the basic notion there is that if you were figuring out what you want sometimes people will say to me you know I just don't know why it didn't work I thought it was such a great idea but from A Course in Miracles the fact that it was a great idea might not mean it was your assignment because the in the human body every cell is assigned you you're assigned to the lungs you you're signed to the heart you you're signed to the bones you you're assigned to the pancreas well the cell that is assigned to the pancreas doesn't go to the lungs but see those cells don't have free will so sometimes you might have a good idea that doesn't mean that's your assignment that doesn't mean it's your Dharma as it were I thought the movie Amadeus and the play Amadeus is very much about that Amadeus wanted to be Mozart but he wasn't Mozart but his assignment was actually no less significant right it was it was no less well no that's all yeah right right yeah there was no less significant but the sadness is that it took him a while to get that the Course in Miracles says all of the children of God are special and none of the children of God are special all of us have a unique function to play nobody's function is any more or less important where we get thrown off is trying to figure out what we think would make us important what would make me important what can I do and then that would make me important as opposed to knowing the very fact that you exist is important and as we exist within any given moments asking only to be used for God's manifestation then we are lifted to a level of manifestation where we will see later why it was important you know how many times do you not know where to go you don't know what to do and decision-making is a really important issue in the Course in Miracles because it says you were to make no decisions by yourself should you move to Chicago or should you move to Boston well the course American says how would you know you don't know what's gonna happen in Boston you don't know what's gonna happen in Chicago you don't know what's gonna happen next week you don't know what's gonna happen next year but there is an aspect of your mind which does know but your ego mind which is the mind that is basing reality on your physical senses therefore on your mortal self alone cannot know because it's tied to time and space as we know it but the Holy Spirit what the course use is the traditional term there the Holy Spirit by whatever name you call it I love how in the urantia book it's called the thought adjuster the notion of the internal teacher is an aspect of the mind which dwells with you here within the three dimensions but also it's like the Holy Spirit sitting on the fence and on one hand it's with you in this quantum terror taury of infinite love in reality where none of this is even happening where this is just a hallucination where this is just this mortal illusion the Holy Spirit gets that but the Course in Miracles tells us the Holy Spirit has been sent into the illusion with you so the Holy Spirit sits on the fence knows you in your cosmic state which is beyond the body your eternal self your eternal innocence but it also totally sees what's going on so if you say I don't know if I should go to Chicago or go to Boston Holy Spirit please tell me should I go to Chicago I should go to Boston the Holy Spirit is the part of your mind which is dwelling in the quantum field beyond time and space knows the future just like it knows the past so it knows that which would create the highest probability for the fastest trajectory to bliss love and happiness for all living things past present and future or you can do it yourself and go slower it's completely up to you that's what free will means so the Course in Miracles says all things are lessons God would have me learn so asking that God's will be done in any situation is not naive everything else is naive because when you say may God's will be done what you're saying is may a divine alchemy override my mortal considerations and I ask that my mortal consideration to be overridden with the realization that there is a limit to what my mortal mind can know I cannot know how I best fit into the larger plan I cannot know what's going to happen tomorrow I cannot even know what would ultimately make me happy like I have no way of knowing so I don't have to carry that stress of thinking that I should know what I absolutely can't know and I don't have to carry the stress on the anxiety of pretending to other people that I know when I don't know they don't know why we're all pretending that we know so when you say may God's will be done it's not because you're in this naive place it's because you're actually taking the higher path you're actually taking this super sonnig wrote you can't know but you were asking that your mind be used to download that now it's not that we all don't have the voice for God which would then direct us we all have the voice for God within us the core says all of us have that voice but because we are not mentally practiced through prayer through meditation through what in the Course in Miracles you know doing the lessons it's just like you do physical exercise to hone your physical muscles you do spiritual exercise to hone your attitudinal muscles which means building up your inner ear you know we talk a lot about your inner eye but you have an inner ear and in too many cases its withering away in people why is that because the Course in Miracles says the ego speaks first and the ego speaks loudest so you wake up in the morning the first thing you do is you go to the newspaper first thing you do is you go to television go to radio go to the computer and the illusions of the world beginning impressing themselves upon you even assaulting you from the moment you wake up that's a big deal because when we wake up is when the mind is most open to new impressions right so what happens is the ego is speaking first the ego speaking loudest whereas the Holy Spirit of God is what in both Judaism and Christianity is referred to as the small still voice for God the Holy Spirit will never yell at you now sometimes people say I don't know what God is saying well two things are true they're one of two things because it's not that there's not a voice for God inside you there's a voice for God inside you there's a voice for God in everyone okay sometimes people say I don't know what God is saying one of two things well three things one is that you are so unpracticed in the art of listening that you you view for all intents and purposes you just have no practice at listening to the higher frequencies of your own wisdom and your own nobility and you're not necessarily putting any any high value on it you know you've got the TV on all the time you've got the you know the out of the world just jumping at you all the time you know Blaise Pascal once said all problems in the world stems from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone that goes back into what I was talking about being pregnant that you just allowed these allowed wisdom to come to you so sometimes you're not hearing what God is saying to you because your mind is so the last its you're so unpracticed at listening that's number one number second option is absolutely you heard what God said you just don't like what God said you don't agree with what God said every time you ask you get the same answer and you're thinking you know I'm gonna ask again - Marcus I think maybe God isn't like understanding it the way I am because God saying go to Boston but it makes no sense because Chicago's offering me more money so why would he say that I don't think God slowly understands the financial implications of this so that's it sometimes you totally hear but you haven't yet experienced enough to know war I really made a mistake in 1999 because I didn't listen to what I knew in my heart to be true sometimes the answer hasn't come yet there are still things to understand there are people too in situations and factors to fall in place don't try to rush it you know there is that story that we've all heard of the you know the butterfly the caterpillars and the chrysalis and it's not time to come out yet and the the little bit of a butterfly wing comes out of the chrysalis and some man trying to help the process cuts it out well that destroys the butterfly the butterfly will never will never fly and it's kind of like being pregnant you can't rush it it's a process it's seasonal and when you value that about manifestation and you value that about how things organically arise that you're not strategizing you know I've made big mistakes in my life because somebody said maryann we got to decide today you're gonna have to know by five oh you can have to make a decision by five o'clock I may some big mistakes in my life because I let either my own sense of of of impatient or somebody else's sense of how things needed to be done you're gonna have to make a decision by 5:00 I know better than that now I know how to say if it's not here yet it's not here yet if I don't know yet I don't know and I've lived enough to know that all those situations where I was pushed you have to know by five not really it was somebody else's convenience perhaps or somebody else's sense of the way it needed to go down but when you become practiced when your attitudinal muscles become practiced and once again is the Course in Miracles says it's not that this is difficult what I'm talking about but it's different that's why it takes practice that's why we do the workbook it's not that this is difficult but it's very different and it's simple enough but life is complicated so I might say something like well you you simply if you don't have the answer yet you simply tell somebody you don't have the answer well that's easy for me to say but the way life happens it can be very lot of pressure professional pressure etc powerful people don't allow themselves to be pushed if they don't know yet they don't know yet and every time when I've made that mistake I look back and realize it was actually no reason why I couldn't have waited till Monday I also realized the most powerful people don't answer immediately you know I was I was talking to my daughter the other day and I was I was mentioning a person a public figure and I said you know go back look online I said look at his interviews I said you're gonna notice something interesting whenever he's interviewing he takes a second you always see he doesn't know I'm gonna talk about it and then it gets kind of you know whatever about him but he he you can always see his mental process he never like he always you you see him kind of like the the athlete who sees the move before they jump into it he gathers his forces and we have this like you know got a no and somehow paralyzed okay got to do this got to do this okay let's roll that's often your weakness and not your strength play seen yourself in alignment placing yourself in the place of the holy spirit and really cultivating that perspective may God's will be done something I mentioned earlier was this idea it's not the way the Course in Miracles says it but philosophically the point is that the universe is both self-organizing and self-correcting we've talked about that a lot now the way the Course in Miracles talks about that is each and every one of us has a unique function yours is no more important than anyone elses yours is no less important than anyone elses your value is inestimable it is already established by God one of the exercises I think it might be the only one repeated in the course is I am as God created me there is no way that you can even conceive of your value and the Course in Miracles says the people on this planet who have achieved the most have achieved a fraction of what each and every one of us is capable of as a matter of fact the Course in Miracles says moving mountains is small compared to what you can do let's talk about that for a second when the Course in Miracles says moving mountains is small compared to what you can do do you think the Course in Miracles is saying you know really you have the physical power to take a shovel and move so much dirt that the mountain is gone no that's not what it's saying at all it's saying that through your holiness the laws of time and space are transcendent that is the story in the Bible of the parting of the Red Sea that is the story of all of the miracles performed by God when the Israelites were in the desert that is the story of all of the miracles that Jesus performed in the New Testament the idea of the miraculous is the idea that when you are when you are placed within your consciousness above attachment to the limitation of the world your consciousness is freed of the limitations of the mortal world and therefore miracles occur naturally the Course in Miracles says when they are self-directed they are often misguided and that's what magic is when you're trying to make a miracle happen because you had this idea of what you want to make manifest that's magic but it isn't miracles now the idea is that there is that natural intelligence within every cell that leads one cell to co-create with other cells to serve the healthy functioning of the heart another cell is not given natural intelligence to go and to co-create with other cells for the healthy functioning of the lungs and another cell is is led to collaborate with other cells for the healthy functioning of your stomach and so forth we are all cells in a larger body of Christ for instance you might say it that way now the idea here as we speak of often is that sometimes in the body a cell disconnects from its natural intelligence a cell goes insane a cell no longer follows its natural guidance to collaborate with other cells it goes off instead to do whatever it apparently wants to do what do we call that cancer it is a malignancy when when a cell in the body disconnects from its natural intelligence to collaborate with other cells to serve the healthy functioning of that which is bigger than itself that is destructive to the body and what has happened that what that's what the ego is is a malignancy and consciousness it is the belief that it's all about me it's a belief that there's no higher good than me doing whatever it is I want to do that's malignant it's malignant in the body and it's malignant in life and by the way it doesn't just destroy the other organs wind up if the body dies it destroys the cancer cell as well that's why we say often the ego is your self-hatred masquerading is your self-love when I said earlier it has your long-term despair as its goal because your separation from God's love is that play where you don't know where you belong you don't know where you fit in so you keep trying to get yourself to fit in in the world but you'll never be able to fit in the world until you realize you fit in in the universe and that's enough because when you realize you fit into the universe no more and no less than anyone else does you relax you're not trying to make anything happen and that's when the universe can use you because you will be so fully present in every moment it makes you more attractive right now the universe is not only self-organizing like that it's also self-correcting so there's also an immune system in the body and the Course in Miracles says God has an answer to every problem the moment the problem occurs so what that means is we all get off track sometimes and we get off track sometimes not only as individuals but obviously as societies but the nature of the universe being the handwriting of God the reflection of God's mind is such that the moment we get off track the Holy Spirit is already activated like a GPS to recalibrate so the moment the world trade centers were here anything going on in our world today you know it's very tempting if you look at what's going on and on our planet today what what's going on our country today it's very tempting from an ego perspective to feel hopeless you feel anxiety to feel despair to feel anger but from a spiritual perspective God's on this God's not saying man I'd love to help you but did you read that tweet I mean that's it's not where God is right that's not how God operates God is that which is already programmed to bring all things to divine perfection and our only question has to be not how to strategize that but how to make ourselves fully available for use the Course in Miracles says that the Holy Spirit's answer to you will often sound quite startling sometimes it's bigger than why would Holy Spirit be telling me to go to Boston when they offered me more money in Chicago sometimes things that even make less sense than that it's like what but the Course in Miracles says that if God gives you an assignment do not be concerned about your own readiness only be concerned with his he says do not be concerned with your own readiness only be consistently aware of mine he says is it reasonable to assume I would give you a job to do and then not provide you with the means of its accomplishment so our planet is in trouble our planet is in trouble on many different levels where our systems are stressed our biological system is stressed our planetary system is stressed on so many levels and it is stressed because it is a reflection of a human race that has forgotten who it is and has not been centered in our full availability to love for love to use us for its purposes it's the 11th hour but it's not midnight yet and we are all being programmed with the guidance for who we not only who we need to be but for the remembrance of who we already are in order that we will be lifted to the collaborative matrix the Course in Miracles says that is your consciousness rises you there will be a point where you will not go forward alone you will be joined by mighty companions the more the higher you are and your availability or you say the deeper you are and your availability to God the more you will attract other people in the in connection with whom in collaboration with whom you can then manifest more together for the greater good of all then either one of you could have done by yourselves which is the purpose of relationships how can you knowing me and me knowing you actually create greater good faster in the universe than could happen if we were by ourselves but once again only the ego would say okay well I'll have an idea of what you should do and I'll have an idea of what I should do and what Spirit knows is no you need to know how to completely love that person they know how to completely love you and sometimes then the person with whom the greater the greatest collaborative potential exists is a person who drives you insane why because they're driving you insane is exactly what you need to see because where they drive you insane is the gap between you and your Christ itself and none of this can happen unless you get enlightened faster so God sent that collaborative partner to you in the form of someone who drives you crazy right so once you realize that that's all that's really going on is that the universe with its intention is not only to get you to do but to get you to become the person who can do it because what good would it do for me to somehow get my assignment but not be the person who knows how to carry it off so our preparation is not only on the level you know you're not going to get some FedEx with your instruction that's not how it works and some people act like I don't understand my mission yeah I'm waiting for my mission your mission your function on any given day is with every who I remember you're talking to and any given in any given moment how'd you handle that how'd you do and it might seem to you to have nothing to do with the higher mission but you know it's like I said earlier sometimes a week later or a year later two years later you realize who that person was you realize something about how that might have been a difficult experience but my showing up for that experience the way I did made all the difference because I had to learn that lesson because if I hadn't learned that lesson with them then I would have blown it even more with the next one so to dwell within the mystery is not naive about what's happening on the planet at this time to make yourself fully available to God as not does not mean that you believe in fairy tales and in your naive and you don't know what's going on on the planet quite the opposite if that you're so clear about what's going on on the planet that we must not tarry we must not tarry a moment in the realms of the meaningless we must not tarry one more moment in the realms of small-minded narrow-minded self-centeredness that has nothing to do with the miraculous it has gone too far of course America says there is a limit beyond which the Son of God cannot miss create we have miss created we have miss created on this planet we've miss created with our with our systems with our biological systems with our bodies with our relationships but God's got this but that doesn't mean we can say ok God will handle it because God cannot do for us what he cannot do through us we need God we need these higher energies to be able to heal the world but the Course in Miracles says just like we need God God needs us the healing of the world is a co-creation so life really does take on a different psychological and emotional tenor when you're not coming from a place if I got to figure out what it is I want to do and instead move into a deeper level of on any given day that prayer in the Course in Miracles where would you have me go what would you have me do what would you have me say unto whom knowing that there's never a moment that isn't one in which the perfect echo the course there are two exercises two lessons one all things or lessons God would have me learn and one of the other one of the other lessons in the course is all things are echoes of the voice for God every single interaction every single circumstance the issue is what is my lesson here not how can I use this to get what I want but how can God get what he wants out of the situation which is my being the person that I'm capable of being that I might be in service that I might rise to the occasion that I might be a space of higher possibility for the person I'm in or interaction with or thinking of and once you know that even though on a Material Plane what you give away you no longer have on a spiritual plane you only get to keep what you give then you become as the Course in Miracles says generous out of self-interest and then your mental habit patterns all in line that way and you don't even make it happen you just start seeing oh my goodness that makes me so happy it just happened oh my goodness that is so fantastic it just happened oh my goodness that's so amazing it just happened why because the universe loves you so much that everything that could possibly contribute to your happiness is already programmed God is love the intention for bliss love happiness highest creativity for all living things we deflect that love by failing to give that love so if your only goal in any situation is to be a conduit for that love then it will be coming back to you at you and for you in ways that you cannot possibly imagine but which you will enjoy so much more when they do occur because it won't be oh my god I made this happen but now how do I know if I can keep it it it won't be that you get that short-term job so much necessarily but you'll get the career you won't necessarily get the short-term cash but you'll get a a righteous flow of abundance in your life you'll get the deep stuff the real stuff the stuff that has to do with your life just working but when it happens that way you will be very clear you didn't make this happen he did that's as we close our outer eye we open to the light which is within dear God we carry within us so many layers of concern and worry so many plans so many hopes so many visions and so many fears and in this moment there God [Music] we lay them all down and we stand naked before you without pretense without defense without armor [Music] allowing ourselves to simply be and in this moment we wonder why do we ever think there need be more [Music] we pray dear God that you dissolve all the accumulated crustiness our harshness [Music] our defensive Ness our dishonesty our fears our pretenses our plans our strategies our goals all of it we simply lay them at your feet and we feel how much lighter we are no longer thinking we need carry the burden of thinking we need to make our lives important we need to make it happen and instead we remember you who created us in any moment can create more you dare God who hold universes together can hold in alignment the circumstances of our lives please do [Music] we give to you our relationships and we call to mind the names of the people in relationship with whom we desire blessing and healing [Music] we can do this with people who we knew in the past as well as people we know now for in God there is no time [Music] you [Music] we are toned for our own mistakes [Music] we forgive other people for theirs [Music] and we allow ourselves to feel in the middle of our chest a divine fire a golden light this divine fire this divine light that is the truth of who we are the same eternal flame within every man and woman and child we now allow ourselves to feel this light expanding through every cell of our body our entire body now filled with light in the presence of this light every cell is revitalized and restored and now we see with our inner eye the light extending beyond the confines of our skin and the light itself growing brighter and brighter [Music] the body itself mirror shadow the body itself Mearsheimer ah for the light is who you are [Music] be here in this noise relax at home at last love at home here [Music] the light the love who you are may God himself boost angels around your most holy mind that you might be reminded [Music] and so it is [Music] together we say Amen
Channel: Marianne Williamson
Views: 421,526
Rating: 4.7674494 out of 5
Keywords: Marianne Williamson, Marianne Williamson (author), A Course In Miracles, ACIM, Consciousness, Love, Happiness, Spirituality, Humanity, Our Deepest Fear, A Return to Love, manifesting, consciousness
Id: e_HWMrUXWdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 50sec (3710 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2017
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