#FreshwithGary: How to know when a melon is ripe

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okay this is like the guard lunges to tell witness once picked is rough and then when it's not robbed the normal our SWAT will pick up response pectin and smell act and and 11 of the melon the new varieties done during the development so what you look at is is under peduncle yeah you'd ever weather with a melon which got splitting this one is got nice blood so it's actually anger up this one is actually started splitting me you can see you in the peduncle I've got a slot split they this one's but what you would call a full slip which is split wide around the Podengo so this one this fruit is ripe and this one is obviously it's started cracking on the side so it's actually overall so the fruit if you actually wanted to eat a response back immediately there should be the right one to you to choose if you wanted a few days this would be a bitter this would be a better option and these ones that are having better play more for processing which which is obviously much more crunchy
Channel: Full Stop Communications
Views: 70,692
Rating: 4.4883723 out of 5
Keywords: Habata, Think Farm Fresh, Gary Webb, melon, fruit
Id: Dy8NdF1Btf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 7sec (67 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2017
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