How to Make a French Press Coffee (that tastes good)

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good morning coffee lovers one second [Music] [Music] yeah that's better good morning coffee lovers and welcome back again to barista mentor today we are going to talk about a fuente poiss or a french press or a cafeteria or a coffee plunger or a coffee pushy devicey thing whatever we want to call it we're going to talk about our tips and the way to make the best version at home in your own kitchen now making a french press seems easy in theory but as you know coffee is quite the rabbit hole so let's dive on in it let's pull this bad boy apart it's quite simple two parts so you've got the actual plunger itself in this technique we're actually not going to use this which just just wait stay with me bear with me and you've got the actual plunger cafeteer french press itself so as you may or may not know a french press is an immersion brew of coffee which results in a very full bodied flavor now the reason it does this is because coffee is a soluble content we're going to add our coffee in and steep our coffee for several minutes so it's going to continue to try and extract those coffee solubles so the longer we leave it the longer the brew the more it's trying to extract now it's quite easy to over extract the french press because we'll leave it in there for too long and it will be quite muddy and quite bitter the tips that i want to show you guys is to help get rid of some of that muddiness or that some of that sediment that you might be left with at the bottom of your cup each morning before we get started on the brew let me just quickly run you through what we're gonna need as mentioned you're gonna need your french press a grinder uh freshly ground coffee is always the best version so for hang ground electric grinder whatever you got that's great we're gonna grind coarse remember a server uh or just a cup is fine set of scales to track the brew a couple cup of duppies and just a kettle now you don't need a fancy kettle just the basic setup is fine just make sure you're using filtered water of course and lastly we're going to need a set of spoons ideally cupping spoons but if you don't have them our soup spoons or a large tablespoon will be fine that's going to help us with our brew itself reminder you can get all of this stuff on our little website down below check out the link we've got this wonderful copper french press hand grinders hope to have electric grinders live very very soon as well so check it out guys let's get started now the first thing we've done is we've boiled our water now remember the hotter the better in this case and it's filtered of course and i've ground my coffee fresh now with ground quite coarse so let's take a quick look at that if i don't spill it all over the bloody bench so quite coarse and and again because we are doing an immersion brew so it's quite important there covered in coffee before we start i'm just going to quickly preheat the french press i'm just going to add a little bit of water get that nice and warm keep the temperature as consistent as possible give it a bit of swell and just dispose of that to the side we're going to tear our scales and add our coffee in working to a 60 gram to one liter of water ratio i've got a little bit more than that i've done 16 grams in the pot and i'm gonna brew about 250 mils because i have no friends i'm having this coffee by myself if you want to be my friend leave your comment or don't now the coffee's in i'm gonna start my timer and fill this to 250 mils now i'm making sure that i'm going to coat all of these grounds as much as possible with quite a quick pour straight up to 250 giving that a bit of an agitation as well not too much because it's gonna stay for a further four minutes right so i'm at 250 i'm now going to let that sit i'm not going to touch it for four minutes now this is the crucial stage of extraction as you can see the coffee is steeping in there so it's going to continue to extract as much as it can now let's let that sit you're going to see the coffee form almost a crust on the top after this four minutes i'm going to break this crust and scoop it off finally i'm gonna leave my plunger thingo dingo on the top and i'm not gonna push it why you think that's weird well after this four minutes drops you're gonna slowly start to see now that these coffee particles are slowly dropping to the bottom now if we press the plunger we're just re-stirring that we're resurfacing all those grounds we're starting the extraction process again and worst of all you're going to end up with all those coffee grounds and particles in your cup we don't want that we want to have a nice clean subtle yet full-bodied brew now let's let this steep and we'll come back in a minute in the meantime i don't know make some breakfast or call your friends someone call me [Music] alrighty coffee lovers coming up to four minutes now what i'm going to do is take my cupping spoon and just give that crust a break couple stirs not too many because we don't want to keep over agitating that coffee now what i'm actually going to do take this off the scales i don't really need them anymore to be honest and those particles are going to continue to drop that last little bit and i'm just going to take off this top little layer almost that forms like a little crust by this stage most of the coffee particles should have sunken the fuel on the top is also just down to ground distribution because we're using now i'm not making excuses i'm not i swear but because we are using a hand grinder uh that has conical burs uh we have a slot uh distribution indifference now as you can see i've put the the lid of the plunger back on the top and i've pressed it just down to where the water is notice i'm not going to push through because that's now ready to serve you can then let it steep for a couple more minutes if you want to let that coffee drop even more but the top filter will obviously filter any of that coming out so we're actually good to go good to serve leave that lid on top just hold it there and you want to pour this out straight away now you want to divide this up if you're doing a larger brew with your friends again i'm by myself so i'm just going to pour it all out by myself into one cup straight away now the reason i'm doing that is because i don't want to keep coming back to this coffee as it sits a lot of people would just let that sit and kind of continue to pour but as you know that's when it becomes quite sludgy in flavor very bitter you get a lot of sediment coming through as well it's not very enjoyable so that's all i'm going to have if you had a thermal server you could pour it straight into there of course which would keep it nice and warm but then we're good to go yeah have a sip have a scoop notice the color as well you know it's a little bit darker again because of the immersion brew so you can kind of see that there do a nice little stir make sure those flavors are incorporated but yeah as the immersion brew is you know the coffee's sitting in there uh it's a little bit darker but still very tasty now i've got a much cleaner brew because i didn't re-plunge that re-agitate the coffee but beautiful full body bloody good there we have it easy as now you can test it out at home make sure you try our technique please let us know in the comments below and if you did like it make sure you give that little bell tick a little uh subscribe and we will see you soon thank you very much adios you
Channel: Feind coffee
Views: 1,800,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coffee, frenchpress, plunger, Cafetiere, homebrew, coffeeathome, frenchpressathome, plungerathome, cafetiereathome, homebarista, makecoffeeathome, makefrenchpress, makegoodplungercoffee
Id: q-7AaGLpcG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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