How to Use a Percolator

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greetings Derek the Fairweather camper here on this overcast gray slightly rainy morning today I'm going to show you how to make the most important meal of the day coffee I'm going to be showing you how to make coffee and a percolator now I know much like pedots and poodle skirts and mullets percolators have pretty much fallen out of style but I like to use mine on camping trips makes a good cup of coffee kind of nostalgic there's several parts to a percolator part here got this base plate that catches the bubbles from boiling water forces it up through this tube when the water gets to the top of the tube it bubbles out onto this spreader plate into this cup onto your coffee grinds and down into the percolator just like a drip over coffee pot you can get filters for a parator now since I'm using just my regular everyday coffee grinds they're a little fine they're not the special coar ground grinds that you really need for a percolator that you really need for a percolator and you'll notice it has these little holes in the bottom of the cup regular grinds sometimes get forced down into these little holes and out into the bottom of the pot which is not bad but it's undesirable so when I'm using regular grind coffee I'll just put in one of these paper filters it just sits in the bottom of the cup and covers up the holes keep the coffee a little bit cleaner and one important thing about a percolator since this sits inside here you don't want to fill it up higher than the bottom of this because that'll keep it from percolating properly so so this one is this one is the faberware percolator pretty sure you can still buy these off of Amazon it has markings on the inside tell you how much water to put in [Music] yeah I'm making a full pot oh like I said just regular everyday ground coffee that I use in my drip pot at home nothing special no special grind or anything and you want to put the coffee straight into this little cup I'm going to use six tablespoons put the plate with the tube in sink it to the bottom put the cup full of coffee grinds on there put the spreader plate back on put this lid on and fire up your stove you want to turn that on high and just let it go and I'm going to tell you right now if you're in a hurry don't try to make coffee in percolator [Music] all right for 16 and 1 12 minutes nothing has happened and then all of a sudden things are getting exciting you can see the top this little clear bulb up here water water is boiling up through that tube hitting the top of this and splashing down onto that plate that is actually making the coffee so the water inside the pot is boiling and that is bad news for coffee counterintuitive right but the boiling point of water is actually too hot to make good coffee so once it starts percolating like that turn the stove down right now it's going too fast that's what you want to see just barely percolating and you just want to let it perk for about s minutes [Music] all right like I said before the boiling point of water will actually burn coffee so I'm going to turn this off let it sit for a few minutes and to keep the pot warm you don't want to turn the flame back on because then you're burning fuel and you're burning your coffee so to keep it hot I'm going to pour it into a vacuum container uh for [Music] and that'll keep it hot all day long without burning any fuel so there you have it Camp coffee I'm going to wake up a little bit and then we'll make [Music] breakfast
Channel: Fair Weather Camper
Views: 13,117
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Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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