How To Pass the MS-900 Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Exam

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so in this video we're going to be talking about the microsoft 365 fundamental exam and give you a few tips and tricks that's hopefully going to allow you to pass this first time out so if you're new to this channel my name is harry lauten i'm a technology strategist for microsoft and the goal of this channel is to teach you technology and hopefully show you a few tips and tricks that's going to help you and your organization so the microsoft 365 fundamental exam the ms 900 you know what is it and why would you even do the exam why would you sit the exam and these are good questions so you know what is it well it's a fundamental exam to prove that you know a few things and one of those is what are the cloud concepts and that's things like what's infrastructure of service what's platform as a service and then why would a business use private cloud or hybrid cloud or public cloud so these are some of the things that you'll just have to learn and then really the rest of the kind of objective domain of this exam and the skills that are measured are all around microsoft 365 so what are the core services things like team sharepoint onedrive for business and then you know what are the security and trust and privacy features within m365 and then looking at things like how do we price it you know what are the different licensing options from enterprise to business and then down to how does microsoft support the platform so i think it's a really exciting all-round exam gives you that good base level you know whether you know microsoft 365 today or if you're learning it for the first time so why would you do it well you might do it because you know maybe a job that you're applying for asked this as a recommendation i did a few you know searches on the old internet on you know jobs for ms 900 and there were definitely a few out there some of them were microsoft 365 roles and some of them were pre-sales roles which you know you may be interested in as well so that's one thing you might be looking to get a new job two it might be a way of you showing your current employer that you understand microsoft 365 and this might help you get your promotions might help you get you know better projects and opportunities within your current firm so i'm really excited about this exam i thoroughly enjoyed taking it so you know let's jump into tip one and and go from there so tip one is go ahead and book the exam now and you might be thinking oh my god harry this has nothing to do with the ms 900 exam well you know this is important because what i found from personal experience if i don't go ahead and book that exam whether it's one week away one month away two months away well i have a goal then that i know that i've got to get all the learning done and get kind of inspired to do that learning to pass the exam so of course make sure you watch to the end of the video to get any more tips you want but after this if this is the exam you want to do and you've got the ability to do so go ahead and get this thing booked and thank me later because getting it on the calendar is really going to help you get this thing nailed out and get yourself that ms900 badge on your resume all right so tip two is all about learning what the objective domain is and when we say the objective domain what i really mean is what is involved in this exam so what what are we testing you on what do you need to learn to be successful so before you dive down too many rabbit holes of just diving into videos and learning i recommend you just get grounded of what the exam actually has to cover so i'm here actually on the ms 900 to the microsoft 365 fundamentals main kind of home page on the microsoft learn website so you can see here this is navigated to that certificate exams ms900 so what you can see from here is multiple things but right now i'm just on the home page you can read the synopsis about the exam this is where you can go ahead and get it booked in but what's really important is this skills measured section and you can already see here getting a high level you know what's in it describing cloud concepts describe core microsoft 365 services and so on and so forth but what you're going to want to do is download that exam outline and once you've got that downloaded you can really now dig in and see what they're going to be measuring you on and what you'll see is those different sections so at the top of the audience profile who's this example we've kind of touched on this stuff already but you can see as we go down now it says describe cloud concepts and underneath this it breaks down what exactly is microsoft looking for so you can see here describe microsoft infrastructure as a service and pass so platform as a service offerings and as you go down this you can see there's multiple things you know describe core services productivity and teamwork and what you want to be thinking to yourself is okay well i'm looking at this productivity and teamwork okay instant messenger chat online meetings okay what does this really mean well here we're talking about things like microsoft teams and it's up for you to then understand do you know these different topics and you might go down here and think oh okay yeah identify deployment and service methods in office 365 pro plus and you might think yeah i really know this i've been doing this in my organization and then you probably don't have to spend too much time learning it but if things jump out to you like oh workplace analytics what is that well those are the kind of things that the light bulb should go off that you need to do a little bit of studying around it and what i often do is i take all these objective domains and i bring them into something like one though and then from one though i kind of lay it out and i put all the things in that the skills measured here asking for and then i just tick off a little box next to it and tick off whether i think i know it or whether i don't but it is worth mentioning i mean there's different things we can see here as we go down we can see security compliance trust 30 to 35 of the exam and there's all those different options if i go back here to the main skills measures page 10 15 and so on and so forth what it's worth knowing is this doesn't necessarily mean in the exam 15 of the questions are going to be on cloud concepts so these are just kind of guidelines everyone's exams going to be different so don't you don't get too bogged down on the numbers just make sure you have a good foundation of all the different things in the skills measured pdf and you're going to be absolutely fine all right so tip free is all about gathering your resources and what i mean by that is what are the tools you're going to use to learn m365 to pass this exam so i'm going to give you the things that i used and i'll talk about some other things i think could be helpful but i didn't use myself but you know i still think they're a good recommendation because everyone learns differently so we're back here on the ms900 microsoft 365 fundamentals your main web page and we're going to scroll down because there's some really important stuff here so after the skills measured what you're going to find is this section saying two ways to prepare and we got the online free and the instructor led paid but let's talk about the free one first and this is exactly what i did so first thing you know after i booked the exam and looked at the skills measured i went to this resource right here which is our microsoft learn and if you've not used microsoft learn before you're in for a treat this is all free training online gives you videos gives you documentation gives you quizzes and exams to test out how you're getting on so you can see here there's multiple different paths we've got things like 365 productivity and teamwork microsoft 365 business management security compliance licensing and these are all the things that we saw on the skills measured so this is great and this is absolutely free so let's just dive into the top one for example and you can see here that when you get in gives you an idea of what's you know what's to come what we're learning but this is really cool stuff so the first module what is microsoft 365 well if you're new to it this is going to be super helpful understanding productivity and teamwork how to engage employees in stream teams and yammer so i'm not going to dive through all of this but just go ahead and go through this microsoft loan course because it is built for you to be able to pass or help you pass this exam so that's what i did first and i would recommend you do the same next is what i did is i went to vlad talks tech's website and this blog post in particular is phenomenal vlad did a great job but the main thing that i used vlad's post here for is after i did that microsoft learn course well i still felt like i probably had a few gaps so what vlad's done here which is great is he's taken all the objective domains and he's gone ahead and put little posts and links to different things there might be a link to an article or a youtube video it might be a link to some other article outside of microsoft so i definitely recommend going having a look at this like for example if you're like oh you know what i'm still not that comfortable on what power bi is you could go to that link and read more about it so vlad you know shout out to you fantastic job the other things i'm going to mention on here that vlad has because you know i don't want to spend too much time in it but if you're a learner that enjoys reading you can see here there's links to the ms900 book so you can go read our exam reference and vlad's actually also done and this is paid for so this is pluralsight but he's also done a bunch of uh you know pluralsight videos and if you're not a pluralsight subscriber you could get a free trial as well and get going with that so that's vlad's blog definitely recommend checking that out something that i did which i have to call out because this is how i passed as well is i used the measure up practice exams and by no means do you have to do this because depending on what you if you work for microsoft this might be free for you if you don't this is going to have a charge you can see here it costs 99 so this isn't mandatory you don't need this to pass i'm just one of those people i love taking practice exams before i dive in it gets kind of gets me going gets me understanding what the different types of questions i might get but as i say this is a paid resource and i don't recommend it for everyone necessarily because it does cost some money and you may not need it and the last thing i just want to note is uh there are trials so if you're a hands-on learner which me myself i'm i am you could go get the office 365 e5 free trial you could also do the same for enterprise mobility and security this would just allow you to have a play when you're reading through the documentation or going through the microsoft learn you might want to just put something into practice so just bear that in mind so that's really it for this tip go gather the resources that you want to go and learn from and as i say microsoft learn is a great place to start definitely go read vlad's blog and you should be well on your way to earning the badge so for step four i just want to give a few more just kind of quick tips which is just overall exam tips really not necessarily specific to the ms 900 but should hopefully help you out and number one of these is make sure you schedule time for learning and you know you know i've already told you to schedule the exam but this is somewhat similar is make sure you put time in your calendar to invest in yourself so whether that's friday afternoons you're going to spend that time learning and doing exam prep maybe you can't do it in hours of work so it's in your mornings or evenings or weekends just make sure you have some dedicated time to do studying and that you know the people close to you know that this time is protected for study so that you don't get that broken up by something else and that's going to be really important to help you get these exams and that goes with any exam secondly is make sure you answer all the questions i know that sounds so obvious but you know a lot of people kind of get to a question that you know they get stuck on and they just click next and then they may run out of time for example so don't do that make sure you just even if you don't know the answer have an educated guess and then move on and then if you have time at the end come back and spend a little bit more time reviewing those answers and in any microsoft exam you can always flag a question to review later on and then the next quick tip is just make sure you actually read the question um i know that sounds obvious but in most microsoft exams you know there's going to be little tip bits throughout it which are going to help you understand what the answer is going to be you know for example if they're talking about collaboration then you're probably going to think about teams you know don't get kind of carried away in the weeds of a question and that goes kind of for the answer as well especially if you're really technical you know quite often we can look at an answer and then think of all the different ways that we could do that just think high levels of the fundamental exam don't get too carried away in how you answer things and then lastly on the day just make sure you relax this exam there's definitely plenty of time for you to get through the questions and still come back and review them as well so with that we've looked at a few things here make sure you get your you know your exams scheduled in the books make sure you know what skills are being measured make sure you've got all the different kind of prep and resources that you need to be successful and that's going to be it on the game day just go out there and crush it and earn your badge and you know i look forward to seeing you next week with some more tips so make sure you like and subscribe and we'll see you soon
Channel: Harry Lowton
Views: 41,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ms-900, Microsoft 365 Fundamentals, ms-900 exam, ms-900 microsoft 365 fundamentals, ms-900 microsoft 365 fundamentals exam, Ms-900 fundametals, ms 900, ms 900 exam, microsoft 365 fundamentals exam, microsoft 365 fundamentals certification
Id: Bwq2f9pGg4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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