How To Paint Watercolour Wild Flowers

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hey everyone welcome back to another video today I'm going to teach you how to paint watercolor wildflowers so let's do it okay so today we are going to be painting some fun little watercolor wildflowers I have my arches watercolor paper with me I have my Windsor Newton professional watercolors and my Princeton snap brush in a size 6 so let's get started okay so I've picked out six wild flowers so we're gonna do and we're gonna start off with a Snapdragon so a Snapdragon I've never seen well no I've seen some of these in person but I haven't seen a lot of them in person so I'm just kind of going by what I've seen through pictures but a Snapdragon looks like it's a long stalk with little buds where the flowers are blooming downwards and as you get towards the top they're more green and they're just little buds so I think I'm gonna do a peach one so I'm just gonna start by mixing my colors I'm gonna take some permanent rose so take any kind of pink that you may have mix it a bit with yellow maybe a bit more on the pinky side if you want and you can always add a bit of yellow then I'm just gonna water it down so I'm taking off a lot in my water and I'm just gonna start doing these flower shapes now we're doing loose little water colored doodles so it doesn't have to be super intense and you know detailed so just have fun with it so we're just gonna be doing these little petals like that like that and I'm just gonna fill it in not too much water and then I might even just add a little bit of yellow in there maybe take a bit more color throw that in there too like so okay and then I'm just going to do some more you know you would have to show the whole flower just doing these like petal shapes leave a little bit of white space coming up here leave some room at the top because we are going to be doing like the green buds up there so some of these don't even look like flowers but don't even worry about it okay I have some on this side and as you see I'm not even picking up more paint I'm just kind of working with what I got adding some water because I'm going to go back in with more paint after okay have one this way I have one over here maybe a bit more paint okay just leaving a little bits of white space some of them are touching some of them are not okay maybe they get smaller as they get to the bottom because it starts to thin out a bit I'm gonna do one more down here because we don't have a ton of room on this paper like that and then I'm going to go back in with my color so I'm gonna grab a bit of yellow just throw it in the middle of some of those spots it's more of that darker color and just throw it in you get a little darker as you go to the center if you'd like you don't have to no rules with this don't even worry about it some darker bits in some places let it bleed like that and then we're going to take our green so I have some SAP green here I think I mixed with yellow earlier and I'm just going to while it's still wet touch a little bit of it I'm going to have a stop coming up the top I'm going to do a bud up here and then smaller buds coming down I'm just gonna wipe a bit of that color off make it lighter because then you can always go back in with more color just do some buds coming from the top like that then go back in with a bit more color and just drop it in like that and then make sure you don't have too much paint or water on your brush you're gonna kind of start to connect it through the center like the stock where they would be going down you're just going to let it bleed a little bit into those flowers okay now if you have too much water or paint on your brush it's really gonna seep in everywhere if that happens just mop it up with your paper towel and try again because that happens but the key is not having too much paint or water on your brush for that part like that okay and we actually might go back in later with a bit more darker color just because it is kind of bleeding all over the flowers and we want a bit of a little bit of detail but not too much I might actually just add a bit more yellow to some of them just change it up a bit like that okay and then we'll go back in and just add a bit more detail after okay so that is our Snapdragon now our next wildflower is a thistle and I love the color of this flower if it doesn't even look like a flower looks like it would be a filler and a bouquet but it's like this really pretty dusty blue so I am going to take cobalt blue here we go cobalt blue and a bit of orange or red kind of gets you that color now I'm just gonna wipe a lot of it off my brush and let's start with these little kind of cone shapes so you're just gonna slightly with water that color down a lot and you're just going to do these like cone shapes like this almost like an oval or an egg shape okay let's do another one here maybe another one right here okay and then you're just going to flick out some little lines from it we're gonna go back in with darker color after but they have these little lines like these little I don't know but yeah they're very textured grab a bit more color okay very light so just the tip of your brush you're just kind of flicking your wrist a little bit going back into some of these like that and just creating texture like that actually gonna drop a little bit of water I just want some of it to be a little bit lighter then I'm gonna go back in with some darker paint tap it towards the bottom like that okay and then I'm gonna take my green I'm gonna go in with some SAP green I have some darker green here too and I'm going to they have these like little spikes kind of coming from the base of the flower so you're just gonna come out and just start making some lines again try to make sure that you don't have too much water or paint on your brush because then it will seep into the whole flower and that's not what you want you just want a little bit okay you want it to bleed just a tad and I'm gonna do the stem like that let's do the stem coming from this one you can have it connect like that do our little spiky bits coming from it I hope you guys love how technical with my terms I am so I try really hard to know what I'm talking about and then they have these kind of weird spiky leaves so maybe I'll just do like one or two so with the tip of your brush you're just kind of creating these like spiky leaves same kind of deal as what's under them might do a little bit of Darkness underneath let it bleed a bit like so okay I think I'm gonna go back into with a little bit more darkness and just drop it at the base while it's still wet okay I got there is your thistle okay so the next wildflower that we're going to do is baby cosmos so I think I'm gonna do another tutorial on cosmos because they're really pretty but there's some baby ones that are more wildflower ish like okay so I think I'm gonna grab a little bit of pink of my permanent rose okay and they're just kind of simple flower shapes like what you think actually you know what before I do this that I'm gonna do this Center just so we can place where the center of our flowers are gonna be so we'll do maybe like two little ones so I have one here and we'll do one here and then maybe we'll have a bud so we won't do the center okay all right now I'm gonna grab my pink again water it down so I'm just taking a lot of that paint off my brush and I'm just gonna start doing these petal shapes my traditional petal shapes with rounded edges and then we're gonna make it look at like it's the perspective where it's kind of you seen one side more than the other so the leaves on or the leaves the petals on this side are a bit shorter and the petals on the side are a bit longer okay like that and that just gives it a different perspective and I'm going to leave a bit of white space as we get to the middle and then I'm going to go back in with my pink and I'm just going to go around the edges of this the tips of the flowers like that okay then we're going to do it again I think I want more of a peachy color okay there's one let's do it again really really light let's do it facing this way so the longer petals are gonna be on this side shorter ones on the side like that and they don't have to be perfect they're wildflowers they're all a little bit wonky some of them again leaving some white space closer to the middle going back in with my darker more pigment pink going around the edge like that okay and we will do a bit more detail once the middle dries okay so now oh and I wanted to do one little bud so we're gonna have a little bun over here like so and now we can do the stem so I'm going to make a bit more of a brownish green for the stem that is just makes a bit of burnt umber with some hookers green and whatever other green I had there and you can touch the little bit of the petal just to make it bleed a bit if you want and then I'm going to connect it here do that and then again these flowers have like weird kind of jagged they don't even look like leaves they're like so you're just gonna take the tip of your brush and you're gonna do these kind of weird I don't know they almost look like stems you can even have it touch another one if you want I don't know they're weird did I say they're weird me they're weird they're not really leaves excuse me just kind of doing these lines coming from one another like their little tree branches almost it's interesting none like that okay so there's our your baby cosmos we might do some more in the center still waiting for this Snapdragon to completely dry okay now we are going to do wax flowers wax flowers are really pretty too you probably see them a lot so I'm just going to create another pink we might mix a bit of purple this time I have some purple here like this pinky purple color so I just have some permanent rose and I think darks is in purple and I'm just gonna create these tiny little flowers okay so we're gonna just do really easy one two three four five they don't even look like real petals so don't even put too much pressure on yourself okay your student five little petals one two three four five like that they can be in different directions you don't even have to see all of them okay we're gonna do some that are just buds that having bloomed yet believe the center white so we can do the center after as well see that's barely even a flower just be really loose with it you know maybe it hasn't bloomed properly yet maybe it's just the side view maybe someone stepped on it who knows okay are these just really easy cute little flowers okay like that I think that's good and then we're gonna do some buds and they kind of just look like berries so I'm just mixing a bit of my peach with that pink that we just made I'm just gonna do some more buds some little around it they look like berries so just like that up on here here some of them are a bit more PG too like that okay then we can add in more if we need to and start doing the stems okay so the stems are also interesting I'm gonna get a bit more darker hookers green like that maybe a bit of dioxins even purple just to darken it up a bit actually they're kind of on a stick so I'm gonna do Brown for the stem and then they have these like almost little pine needles coming from it so I'm gonna pick a little cluster that will be kind of the main stem I think it's going to be these ones so I'm just gonna have stem coming like this okay and then these are gonna connect to every little petal so just gently connecting to each little flower again try not to have too much paint or water on your brush it will bleed into all those little flowers okay you can always do more flowers too if you feel like you didn't make enough I think I might add some more to that that one looks really at a place hold on you can do another little cluster here I don't know why I connected a stem there oh good I'll put a flower there we'll fix it okay like that and add little flowers there okay like that let me just add a couple more flowers where I think we could use them you can make them really light there's different tones of these these are a bit more purple but I've seen like more pinky ones you can do whatever your little heart desires okay and then we will do the center those after but we're going to do the little kind of like pine needles that are almost coming from them okay so I'm just going to take my green not too much on your brush and then you have these little holes like pine needles coming from them from each little stem so just with the tip of your brush and light pressure just create these little green needles okay like that okay and then we'll do the center of those ones after as well okay so now we're gonna move on to chicory I didn't know that this is what it was called but I see these flowers all the time there's really pretty blue so I'm gonna take some cobalt blue here it's almost like a lavender color actually gonna move it over here because I'm gonna add a bit of move to it just a tiny tiny bit to get this like dust not dusty blue like almost like a periwinkle color okay again taking a lot of it off of my brush I'm gonna use this water and I'm just gonna start by doing these I'll actually let's create a center so we'll start with a dot and you're just gonna do these petals coming out like this they don't really the pedals don't come to a point they're not really rounded they're almost squared okay we're gonna go back in with some more color after we're gonna do a different perspective of it so maybe here let's do our Center longer petals on this side and they start to get shorter shorter shorter okay like that you'll do one this it's alright Center and then they're gonna get shorter on this side just a different perspective okay these are fairly easy now you're gonna go back in with some darker color right in the center like that and we'll go in again with some more after once it's dry okay actually let's hold on want to create some light areas too we'll go in more after okay I'll grab your green and these are all going to be connected together so we'll have the stem coming from this middle one stem coming to this one hold on and then stem coming through the back of this one right there okay now as you see it's bleeding quite a bit into my flower I'm just gonna go back in with some blue it doesn't really matter it's not a big deal you mop it up a bit add a bit more of that blue in there like that okay and then again these have I don't really see too many leaves there like on these long kind of stalks right that grow in the wild they're cool you usually see them on the side of the road I got the highway almost then we can just have some other little bits where it looks like some more is gonna bloom soon like that and they're like spiky almost like that okay all right again we'll go back in with detail on those ones and then for our last ones we are gonna do cone flowers now I had no idea that these that this is what it was called but they're super pretty just the color so they are like this the center is like this orange color but then it's a really deep mahogany underneath so I'm gonna do the lighter color first so I'm gonna take some orange not too much again a light light wash and I'm gonna do kind of the same shape as this maybe a bit bigger I'm just gonna do what we're gonna do two of them so I'm gonna do a cone shape like this and I'm gonna do spy Keys spy Keys like that okay and we're gonna go in with darker color after and then we're going to do some magenta petals so I have this quinacridone magenta color already you can just use permanent rose and a bit of purple if you want I'm gonna water it down and then I'm just gonna gently touch this and do a petal like that okay and they're gonna just continue to come down like this leaving a bit of white space at the top here where the pedals connecting to that Center you can leave a bit of white space in between two if you want that and now I'm gonna go back in with some more magenta I'm just gonna let it bleed from the bottom maybe bring it up a bit maybe go back in with some darker purple so by dioxygen purple I'm right at the base or yeah at the base here we're gonna go over that Center again so don't even worry actually gonna mix that with the magenta so it's just a darker magenta so if you see that it's already starting to dry up here and then it's really wet here it's all bleeding in there I'm just gonna wet up my brush just wet the whole area again I can even just mop that all up we can fix the middle after sometimes it just happens that you need to fix things bring that orange back and actually I think I'm gonna mop up some of this too and then I'm just gonna go back over it with water I want to create some highlights like that and then maybe we'll do another little one over here just a small one it's again to keep my orange color doing a small small one here take my magenta lit right into my orange it's okay like that but it purple again I'm gonna lighten up just mop up some of that color to get a bit of highlight like that and we'll let that dry I'm gonna do the stem quickly and now I want you to imagine it coming from the tip right here right the center bring it down like that and like move that okay I'm not going to touch that and imagine it bring it down like that and then these have more these bigger regular kind of leaves so and I'll go back in them with a bit more darker green just towards the base of those leaves give it a bit of shadow like that okay so now that we've done the first layer of a lot of ours we can go back in with a bit more detail so maybe for these snapdragons I will just just create a center just do a couple little lines coming out none of all of them just a couple just to make it look like it's the center I'll wash off my brush maybe add a bit of shading to some of them and I'll act as a different layer so we'll be quite harsh that's okay just gives it a bit of texture take a bit of pink too drop a bit of pink in there that and that's good um for the thistle I think we're pretty good if you want to you can always create a bit more you know just some lines over top once it's fully dry to create a bit more texture like that maybe just on one side or whatever you prefer okay and then for the baby Kosmos I'm just gonna do a little bit of brown with a bit of pink in the center here and just do these like little kind of lines like that just around the center like that really really light Lyons put that color that maybe take a little bit more yellow add a little bit to the center just a little like that some yellow dots around it like that nut kind of makes it stand out a bit more you can even take a little bit of pink if you want and separate some of those petals just a little bit maybe some lines coming from the top whatever you want you can just leave it you don't have to do any of this if you don't want it like that but it just adds a bit of detail to it okay then the wax flowers okay for the center they're a bit darker so I'm going to create this actually there's already kind of color here it's like a burgundy so a bit of red bit of purple maybe a bit of brown okay and then I'm just gonna create little middles to these flowers just little dots around like that some of them don't even have to be like that you just do like a dot here or there it's just like a purpley reddish kind of mix but more purple like that and again if you want to add a bit more you know something to these flowers you can just add some more color to separate some of the petals or go over some of the petals if you want totally up to you like that okay and then for our chicory I'm just going to go back with the same color does it dry yes it's dry and I'm just going to create some little bit layer some lines for these petals just separating them just a bit well the really really light wash and not touching the center she's kind of outlining some of these petals almost okay and then I'm going to go back and with some indigo which is a lot darker maybe a bit of Payne's gray or you could add a bit of black just a dark blue and then I'm going to create little lines coming up from the center like that and they can even bleed into those petals that you just did like that okay and then last but not least I'm just gonna make sure this is completely dry okay now I'm gonna start going into the center so I want to create this dark kind of reddish burgundy color again so I'm gonna get some of my own Syrian red Ella's area I don't know how to say it guys it's a dark red like so some dioxins in purple like that maybe a bit of black like that okay okay so now I'm just going to go around the bottom here and I'm just going to start creating like little lines this is a bit more difficult because you want to leave that orange so leave the orange as the highlights so more towards the top leave bigger spaces of the orange and then more towards the bottom you can make it a bit more dense with the darker color if that makes sense like that okay so more dense at the bottom start to leave more space closer to the top okay and actually once it dries again I might go back over it with some darker orange cuz it really faded okay like that then I'm going to go back into these petals with my magenta and I'm just going to separate them a bit just dragging some of that color down with a little bit of lines you can drag some of that middle color down that Center do some lines towards the bottom yeah so maybe lines towards the bottom of the petals and the top you can separate the pedals if you want you don't have to okay and while we're at it let's just liven up maybe some of these leaves a bit so especially here these green ones taste green maybe I'll do some veins on the leaves that darken the bottom of some of these buds maybe do another layer of the spiky bits maybe I'll make the center here a bit more there we go I don't know just a little something like that okay so let me just wait for this one to completely dry I'm going to go back in with a bit more orange and then I'll be complete okay now that it's more dry I'm just gonna take some of this orange I have here it's actually pretty bright it's okay it's a darker orange and I'm just gonna go over I'm gonna do some little lines I'm not even gonna go over the whole thing I'm just gonna add some of those spiky life like that and I might excuse me go back in with that darker color here and just do some more lines again more dense towards the bottom like so and there are your fun little wildflowers thank you all so much for watching my video I really hope you liked it and I hope you learned something don't forget to subscribe to this channel and follow me on Instagram and Facebook for even more have a great day guys bye [Music]
Channel: Emma Jane Lefebvre
Views: 837,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: watercolour wild flowers, how to paint flowers, watercolour flowers
Id: Arw-nteUQ3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 11sec (2351 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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