the easiest flowers i've ever painted!

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel today you're going to get a real-time commentary as you can see I have an array of floral paintings that I just did these are loose florals and they are so so fast and easy to make I call this my dot wiggle swipe repeat method it's literally that and everything is made with a regular around watercolor brush this is a size number for obviously the size of your flowers will be dictated by the size of the brush that you are going to use and I just happen to love this small size this is a little bit bigger I use the bigger brush so you can see the difference but I think they're just great to give away they're very quick paintings they're perfect for gifts I actually framed one here I went to the dollar store and I got a cheapie frame and found this greyish met in my stash although the frame came with a matte but it didn't really drive with the colors that I had and I think it looks fantastic I think it would be a great gift to bring to someone or you can turn those into cars I have made one that's a little bit smaller on a different kind of paper and these would make awesome card fronts so let me show you how to do those the paper I'm using is by Fabriano it's their artistical light extra white 140 pound 100% cotton and this is the cold pressed fine grain so there's very little texture for at the beginning of this exercise I'm going to give you an overall view because a lot of people like to see how I dip my brush in the paint as well as in the water but then again I'm gonna zoom in because you'll lose the essence of this whole tutorial so basically what I do is I start by loading up my brush I have mixed orange with yellow and red and I'm just going to start my first flower so which I want to have it about here so I'm only gonna put three dots of paint quite close to each other I'm going to remove the excess paint on my brush dip in my very dirty water and then in my clean water I don't want my brush to be soaking wet but fairly wet and I'm just going to with the tip of my brush expand the color and I'm just really dabbing at it I'm gonna repeat the process here sometimes I wiggle the brush and it'll give me some kind of a fun effect and I'd like to twist my paper around because I feel that it's easier for me to pull towards me than away from me and that's all it is you can also if you want and I'm gonna zoom in now now that you know how I dip my brush in everything I'm gonna zoom in so that you can see that you can also remove the harsh edges by having a very clean thirsty brush which means that I have dabbed it on my paper towel here and just starting from the white walking into the color and as you can see it softens up the edge as well but when I do lose painting I I'm not aiming for perfectly blended and tapered edges this is I want this to be a little bit patchy if I can explain it that way now I'm gonna do two more dots here and it's okay if the color walks into the other petals again dip in the dirty water clean damp dab a little bit on my paper towel and just by wiggling my brush I can create the other petal and that is all this is the flower and I love the effect of patchy are the better now if you feel adventurous what you can do is dab it in a very contrasting color I'm gonna pick up a little bit of sepia tiny tiny bit right and this is gonna be super dark but what I'm gonna do is touch the white part in the middle and if it'll grab onto each of the petals and if the petals are wet enough that Brown is gonna walk into each of the petals but resist the temptation to touch it at this point I feel like I should be adding a little bit of opera pink to this mix just to make it a little bit bolder so I'm gonna do one up here again one two and three now I have this flower that's not completely dry at the bottom it's alright I don't mind I'm just gonna kind of like circumvent I'm gonna work around the flower I don't want the colors to mix really at this point I don't move that away a little bit but again I'm using kind of like the side of my brush to tap the color I hope in outwards and then I'm gonna grab more and what I try to do when I add the dots is not touch the other petals it's nice to see a line in between the petals but again that's that could be a style so if you prefer all the petals to touch then by all means do what your heart desires do what your style calls you to do you see how very patchy this is I have one petal that's darker than the other and that's all good it's just and again I don't want to temper too much with the ends of the flower I think it looks great like this I'm gonna grab it tiny bit again of sepia and introduce it in the middle here this one looks like it's gonna travel a little bit more that's probably because I have more water on my brush and less paint I'm just gonna grab pick up a little bit more pigment hmm now this one's very pronounced and I think it's gonna be awesome I'm gonna do a third flower here at the bottom I'm gonna doll down to color maybe add a little bit more opera pink and some water and I'm getting kind of like this muted of Burgundy I want to say and I think it's gonna look great with these two so let me situate that one a little bit more towards the bottom so again three dots wiggle more wiggling and once you get the hang of it you can mass-produce these fairly quickly actually I don't have a lot of pigment in this color so I might have to reload sometimes an accident happens especially when you're in a hurry and you just have to go with the flow so this one I'm gonna push that out a little bit it's a little bit the form it's all right it's all good in the middle right here and let that dry in the meantime what I can do is play with the stems I'm going to start by the middle stem I might even start off in the middle here I want to make sure that the stem goes oops too thick I usually like my stems very thin but we'll play with this and this one I want it to curve this way and in this one let's do it here all right and I like to fatten up the bottom of my sense and again keep it very simple don't be too fussy if you have like a little Wiggly thing like this this could be the beginning of a leaf so I would leave it like that and then I would just take my brush and just oops tap to create a very tiny leaf and again the brush I'm holding almost perpendicular to the paper and then a little leaf right here and another one right here how quick and simple is this now at this point you might want to reinforce the stems if you feel that they need reinforcing now it looks like the middle here is going to stay quite dark and what I would like to do maybe is introducing a little bit of white gouache or in this case I have white ink and I'm gonna give it a little bit of drying with the heat gun I have a little bit of ink left over from a previous project I'm just gonna mix it in the ink I'm using is this one right here dr. pH Martin's and white it's quite opaque but it's also reconstitute above water I'm not sure that's a word and I'm just gonna dab oops that kind of went wild but it's okay we can leave it like that I'm just gonna dab the center now this one might benefit from having multiple dots in the middle just to make it a little bit more round of course the final touch I want to know what you guessed it of course gold now I have a funny story about that pale gold that I keep using this week I've actually received an email from the company that manufactures that gold saying that they figured out that someone was giving them a push I'm not affiliated with them by any means but they sold out and so they reached out to me and they said we figured out someone was giving us a push and when we investigated we found your YouTube channel just to let you know that we ran out of stock but they have reordered a batch because these are kind of like hand mold I think and this is Kramer pigments in case you don't know they are a Germany company but they also have an office in New York City and so they have restocked their gold through their German head office and so a stock is coming so there you go I have now a nice array of either frames or card friends to give away and I have an age for it I also absolutely love the two tiny ones and of course the one that we made together and the one in the frame so please do give this a try let me know how it went for you and if you want to share your work with me you can tell me on instagram i'm at kinesio CC on all of my social media thank you so much for watching I want to say a big thank you to my awesome patrons who are supporting my art over at patreon you guys are the best don't forget that I always leave the supplies list in the description of this video so if you have any questions about the supplies that I've used it you can check out the description if you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them below and I will see you soon [Music]
Channel: creationsceecee
Views: 1,818,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creations ceecee, CeeCee's Creations, ceecee, art, watercolor, watercolour, aquarelle, painting, drawing, dessin, flowers, floral, fleurs, nature, illustration, how to, tutorial, easy, beginner watercolor, easy watercolor, watercolor for beginner, beginner level, loose painting, loose watercolor
Id: 2xufWkmvzgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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