Let's Paint My Favourite Spring Things

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hey everyone welcome back to another video my name is emma fave and today we're going to be painting some of my favorite spring things so let's jump right in okay so today we're going to be painting some of my favorite spring things well i say that fall is my favorite season of all time i think spring comes into a close second i just love the idea of new things growing and blooming and a fresh start and just kind of lifting that winter fog so we're going to be painting some of my favorite spring little illustrations i'm going to be using my arches cold press watercolor paper my winsor newton professional watercolors i have a pencil and an eraser and i also have my craftable brushes i have a size 10 2 and 6 round and we're ready to go okay so for the first one sometimes i sketch things out first sometimes i don't um we're going to be doing some tulips to start just a cute little bouquet of tulips and actually i think i'm going to use a size 4 brush for this and i'm not going to sketch it out first because i kind of have a better feeling of what i want and we're just going to kind of wing it and go with it so i want to make sure that i leave enough room on this page for multiple illustrations so i'm going to do them fairly small so i'm just going to grab some permanent rose and some cadmium yellow that was mixed with some permanent rose i'm gonna grab just yellow here and we're gonna paint some cute little tulips okay so i'm just gonna start here with a small little bouquet and i'm just going to do this rounded kind of petal shape and then one on the other side it's almost like a leaf shape like that okay and then we're going to do this one with like a v in the middle kind of popping out the top there okay actually let's make it a lot lighter so i'm just going to mop up some of that color with my brush like that let's do another one doing it with even lighter so kind of like a leaf shape and then round it on the other side and then a little one in the middle that comes down in a v in between like that and let's do we can do like an orangey one again i want to make it lighter taking off some of that pigment one can be more closed i just want to make sure they're still wet because i'm going to add a little bit more pigment and just add some straight permanent rose to the base into the middle of that v just to get a little bit of depth and go around you can do the tips you just want that dimension of having some lighter petals but then like the base being a bit darker like that let's do a couple more maybe we'll do like a yellowy one so light wash i love tulips i feel like they are peonies are a peony is my favorite flower of all time tulips i think are a close second as well just because every time it's like tulip season that's like i get really really excited and i go out and i get myself some tulips almost every week because they don't last long and that's like such a shame with those flowers but and they're fairly cheap so i can always grab like a new little bouquet for like five bucks each week if i want to and they make me super happy i love treating myself to flowers okay and we'll do another kind of like peachy one a little bit more pink just grabbing a bit more of that color you can always like throw some yellow in there if you want into like a pink flower like that okay and then i'm gonna grab some sap green and i'm just going to i'm not going to touch the flowers i'm just going to kind of drag down a stem and i'm going to leave a little area for like a little tie or something like that i'm not touching the flower i don't want it to bleed too too much or anything so we have our stems and then we can go from here and make some larger long leaves they can overlap some of those stems we just kind of wanted to place where they'd be coming from and to get to these nice long leaves you're just doing light pressure heavy pressure i have to skip kind of behind oops this flower go behind and just drag it out have them flick out different ways just trying not to touch that flower it's going behind some of them and curve them so it gives them a bit of movement too i actually currently have one of the nicest little tulip bouquets i've ever had in my house right now i bought myself the other day okay like that maybe put some at the bottom too just so it doesn't look too unfull does that make sense too sparse then we can grab a little bit of darker green i'm just going to grab this purling green you can use whatever darker green you have hooker's green you can mix it with some purple whatever i'm just gonna go just add a little bit of darkness to the bottoms of some of these just to give it a little bit of depth like this one was dry so that's why it's such a sharp line so i can just wash off my brush and dry it and blend it out if i need to yeah because they're already dry that's okay like that then i'm gonna do a cute little ribbon i think we're gonna go with like a little blue ribbon i'm gonna grab some cerulean blue should i do blue or purple let's do purple i'm gonna grab some mauve and some cobalt blue and do kind of like a lilac color i'm just to start with a little thing like that i'm just going to do like a little bow and then this way just kind of have it flopping i'm going to grab a bit more color and just add it around just tap it in there so you can have some colors bleeding so it's not just one flat color you don't have to make it like a specific shadow or anything you do some highlights on it later there you go there is your cute little tulip bouquet okay so that is our first illustration and then i think also when i think of spring cute little bunnies easter's obviously coming up and i just i love bunnies so um i've also painted them a couple times on this channel so i'm gonna start off with a sketch because i like to start off with a sketch for animals i'm gonna do a little fluffy bunny butt so i'm just gonna do like a fluffy behind here so like kind of like a big oval and i'm going to curve it in a little bit at the top here and then you'll have the head kind of poking up and then this fluffy fluffy tail like that and then the ears i feel like this could be a little bit taller and maybe one ear is kind of flopping like that okay let's let's erase this so it's nice and light and you won't see it underneath and i think i'm going to do like a little brown bunny so i'm going to grab some burnt umber i'm going to just bring it over here i'm going to do a little except for the tail i'm going to leave a space for the tail into this cute little brown butt and i'm not making it too the lines too smooth you want them a little jagged like there's going to be fur there okay and then i'm not going to do the just yet i'm going to wait till that dry so i can get some separation i'm going to do the ears okay i'm going to leave a little bit of space for pink in there so it's like one is kind of turned yeah i'm gonna grab a bit more pigment i'm just going to kind of tap it around just to give it a bit more shading and depth and we'll do a little bit of fur after grab a bit more brown just tap it in there a bit more brown towards the bottom and the base of the ears you can just do like a little bit of too much brown just a little bit of brown kind of strokes right there wait for that to dry and then we can do the heads just so it's separate so let's wait for that to dry for a second while we're doing that we can take an even smaller brush and do a little bit of um lines on our tulips here if you have um pencil crayons you could always do lines like that too you don't have to do it with watercolor it just gives it a little bit of texture honestly like the smallest amount of color on your brush to do this and if you wanted to go over some parts of your leaves you could just with some lines to give that a bit of texture totally up to you and then with the the bow i might just add a bit darker like it's kind of folded over so i'm going to darken right under here where it looks like it would be curved grab a little bit more color so it looks like there's a bit of shadow like that okay i think our little bunny is dry so now we can do the head and we're just gonna do a fluffy little head here really cute little hairs up there grab a bit more color and just shade around you can even do some little lines on the ears if you want and then because this is dry you can just take your brush and just do little first strokes if you want you don't have to just to add a little bit of texture to your bunny and take a dry brush and just like flick if you want and that adds a little bit of texture to the fur too like that i'm going to grab a little bit of dark darker brown just kind of make it a little bit darker under here around the tail i gotta grab a little bit of pink for those ears like that and then i'm just gonna take my smaller brush again i'm gonna do a little bit of grass around the bunny i'm just gonna have little looks like it's sitting in some grass do a couple over the tail i mean we definitely kind of left some white spots so we could have gone over the bunny's butt a little bit more but that's okay like that that's a bit too much like that very cute okay so we have a bunny we have tulips i think i'm gonna paint some yellow rain boots because spring rain you know it happens i have done a tutorial on rain boots before um and i love doing them so so i'm gonna start off by doing the calf we're just going to curve it a little bit and it's going to come in and do a little dip where the ankle of the boot would be okay you see that it's going to come in and it's going to come back out and then the heel the boot is right there okay and then come down and then the front of the boot is a little bit straighter so we're just gonna come straight down and then right where it kind of hits the ankle you're gonna slope down like this and create that little foot part like that okay and then you're gonna do the other one right beside it kind of parallel lines slope where it slopes so these boots are side by side you can create a little heel on your rain boot like that and then it's going to be a slightly curved line and a slightly curved line on top so you can see inside the boots and i've seen a lot of paintings i actually might have done one where there's like cute little flowers or something in the boots so you could always have the the flowers coming out of the boots i'm just gonna fix this one a bit more like that okay so we kind of have our outline here so let's erase it and we're gonna do some yellow boots so i'm just gonna grab my size four brush and some cadmium yellow maybe some lemon yellow to get a brighter yellow in there and wash off some of that pigment and i'm always going to start off with a lighter wash okay and i'm just going to go over the whole boot with this color and i just keep adding water on my brush to water it down a bit okay i'm going to do one boot at a time actually no i'm not i'm gonna do both of them just gonna do them both together and then i'll wait for it to dry to kind of separate them and then while it's still wet i'm just going to grab a bit more of cadmium yellow which is the darker yellow and i'm just going to add some shadow some darker pigment there behind that side and then on this side right where it hits the heel and then maybe at the bottom here and at the back of the boot like that so you see that little shadow there and then you can always wash off your brush dry it and you can even pick up some of the pigment on the front of the boot to get some of that highlight okay so i wash and dry off my brush and then i just drag that kind of dry brush along to pick up some of that color and that creates a highlight you can always use a white gel pen after too if you didn't want to do it that way okay so let's let that dry um and then we can do more detail on that so while that's drying let's do another little illustration i think we should do like a cute little watering can maybe so let's do a cute little watering can here all right so i'm going to do there's so many ways you could do this it's totally up to you i'm going to do these two lines that are both kind of coming out they're slightly not curved but slanted outwards and then they're going to come back in at the bottom like this and i'm going to do a rounded bottom like that okay i'm going to do a rounded top there's only going to be one little hole here like that i'm just doing the top of it let's do the handle totally up to you how you want your watering can to look like that and then i'm going to have the spout so it's going to start off thicker and then that little spout right there and i think there's also like a handle up here now so i'm gonna do a handle like that okay so there we go and again i've seen illustrations of people like putting flowers in their water and cans which would be cute too so i'm just gonna erase those darker lines and i think we're gonna do like a teal color because i love that so i'm gonna use some turquoise and some sap green to make this teal kind of color and i'm going to start off with a really light wash and just go over the whole kind of the whole watering can i just keep adding water on my brush a little too much pigment that's okay the spout here around the top like that okay and then i'm going to grab a bit more pigment so just a bit more of the actual color this will be a bit darker and i'm just going to start popping in some shadows so at the top here a little bit more blue around the top here i need a bit more color oops under the handle along the bottom while it's still kind of wet and then right here like that okay so we're gonna wait for that to dry and then we can do a bit more detail the boots are dry so now i'm going to grab a bit more yellow and i'm going to go along this boot behind to make it a bit darker and that will just give the illusion that it's behind wash off my brush dry it and blend it out oops there's a little blue on my brush hold on like that you can add a bit more darkness if you want okay and then the inside of the boots it's going to grab a bit more of like an orange actually we could kind of make like a yellowy shadow color and the way i do that is i will still wet it's okay actually hold on i want to wait for this boot to dry just so i can get the crisp inside okay so sometimes i'll add a bit of purple to my yellow and that will create a darker yellow that will act like a shadow like that you can even create it you can create it you can put it along the inside here to act as a shadow along the bottom of the boot so it doesn't take away that yellowy color just kind of acts as a shadow color that makes sense even a bit more on one side okay like that and then you can always do like a cute little buckle on the side of the boot with that shadow color like that and then looking at our watering pan i feel like we could use like a little like gardening spade so i'm just gonna do so we'll start off with the handle and then like a little metal part and then it kind of has two parallel lines and then comes to a point like that so it's a cute little like gardening tool okay so i'm gonna grab some of that teal color so they're matching like that then i'm gonna grab like the lightest wash of black so it's like the lightest shade of gray like that and then i'm just gonna put a little bit of darkness at the bottom and then around the tip of it and then down the middle okay let that dry and we can just go over the watering can here and just kind of sharpen it so i'm going to sharpen this top area with the same color go into the back here with a shadow maybe we'll make the spout a little bit darker so it looks like it's attached to it that's cute okay and then wait for those to dry quickly and do a little dark gray or black actually hole on the inside here you can kind of outline it if you want and then just the handle part there a little bit of this like triangle shower shower shadow like that and there we go okay so now those are done and then let's do some more of my favorite things actually i think i'm gonna do some butterflies so let's do that we're gonna do a little butterfly here okay so i'm going to start off with this large wing and you start off closer together and then they're going to make its way out you're just going to kind of do a little curvy line here okay so there's that one and then you're gonna do another one behind same kind of lines like this let's do the little body i'm not too good at explaining this clearly like that like that okay so we have it this little wing at the bottom and it will have their little legs or whatever okay sorry i don't think i explained that one at all all right let's do like a monarch butterfly because they're so pretty and they're fairly easy because they are just orange and black so let's grab some cadmium orange water it down and we're just going to go over the wing with this light wash of orange cadmium orange okay i'm going to do one wing at a time i think so we have this light wash here i'm going to grab more cadmium orange and i'm going to go down at the bottom like that then i'm going to grab some cadmium red which has an orangey tint to it it's just like a darker orange and go at the top kind of let it bleed i'm going to wash and dry off my brush and just kind of mix them together a little bit i actually might grab just a little bit of water throw it in there just to kind of push the color away so the darker part of the wing is at the top with the cadmium red maybe i'll throw a little bit of yellow in there too like that okay so let that wing dry okay now let's dry we can do the next wing so let's fill it up with a light color or a light wash of cadmium orange okay i'm going to drop a little bit more cadmium orange at the bottom of this wing and then cadmium red at the top okay and now since that wing isn't touching this we can just do the next wing right here just gonna add some water grab our cadmium orange the bottom a little bit of cadmium red at the top then i might even again wash and dry off my brush and just push some of that pigment away okay so let that completely dry and now we can do the black part so you can either use um a brush or you can use a pen so it's totally up to you i'm gonna try and use my brush um at least for the thicker part so i'm going to grab my brush and we're going to use some black and i'm going to go around the top of the butterfly wing and then when we get over here i'm going to make it thicker i'm just kind of outlining it and i'm making it thicker on the side like that let's do this one and i might use my white ink pen too to do some of those dots okay so i'm going to start by drawing with my brush this section here it's like a long teardrop and then from there you're gonna go down one two three okay and actually you know what i think this whole thing is black here let's hope it turns out oops i think i should have gone out a bit further my bad i'm gonna make that a bit thicker okay let's do the other one i didn't do that as well like this that like that like that okay make this all black okay and then we're gonna do some white dots back there i feel like i f that up but that's okay totally did it's fine okay and then we'll draw the little sections on the bottom so there's like a big teardrop shape again and then there's these like little sections coming off of it like that and then the rest of the wing is black so back here it still looks like a modern butterfly it does we know what kind it is okay and then i'm gonna grab some more black for the body here and the head do the little antenna you can do the little legs totally up to you okay and then wait till it's fully dry and grab a white ink pen or white gouache or white watercolor if you have it i love my uniball signo white pen and you're just gonna do couple bigger ones and then you do dots you can always look at an actual reference photo too like that we're just doing dots all down the black part and their bodies actually have black dots too it's really cool i just want to make sure it's dry first like that and there's our little butterfly and then here i want to do like a little pot of the crocus flowers okay so i'm gonna start off with a pot doing two diagonal shapes and then a round bottom round top parallel to that same curve okay and then the crocus they come up like this and they're like these cute little flowers they're purple i think mostly and then we're gonna have flat petals on this side because they open up quite a lot and they've these cute little grass kind of leaves okay maybe we'll do another one over here i'm going to do just like a long petal shape long panel shape and then flat flat like that and let's do another one long petal shape long petal shape a flat one flat one like this okay so let's start with our colors so i'm going to do more move i think they're more like dioxazine purple colors let's grab a bit of move too okay so what i'm actually going to do to start is i'm going to wet the whole flower so start off with one flower with clean water it's like slightly tinted purple but that's okay okay i'm gonna wet the whole flower like that then i'm gonna take my purple i'm gonna drop it at the tip of each petal and it's going to bleed in okay and then you can dry off your brush your brush and slowly kind of help it along if you want but the center is like mostly white and then the petals are purple they kind of fade into this pretty purple like that okay we're just tapping those and you can just drag it a little bit with your dry brush like that okay but leave that center white because you're gonna have a little um stamen that's orange okay so again you're trying not to touch that first crocus flower i'm just gonna do a light sort of clean water wash it's a little bit tinted purple but that's okay okay grab your purple tap the tips of the flower petals and you can just kind of gently guide it down just a bit and i have a bit of mauve and a bit of dioxazine purple so it's slightly different like that okay let's do it to the last one oops that's a lot of water and that is my dog making some noise okay grab your purple tip tip tip tip got it down gently i'm gonna grab my second purple which is my move okay and we'll let those dry and while those are dry we can do the pot let's do like a reddish clay pot so i'm going to use some brown matter which is this color it's kind of looks like a clay pot color almost and i'm just going to water it down and go over the whole potted area like that grab a bit more pigment go down the side to make it a bit darker in the bottom i'm going to do like another like little lip at the top and then around the back a little bit maybe okay like that and then we're going to let that dry i think the center of these are quite dry so i'm gonna grab some cadmium yellow and i'm just gonna do a little stamen in the middle of these crocus oops that one was not dry i thought it might be but it wasn't it's okay like that then i'm gonna grab some sap green i'm gonna do like the little stem of the crocus and the little grass leaves like that and then we'll do the soil so i'm just going to grab some burnt umber maybe a bit of black do the soil here and it's bleeding into the pot because i'm super impatient grab that pot color again like that and there we go there's our cute little potted crocus okay i think we should just do a cute little robin because this is when the birds start to come out so i've done a robin like a little bird a couple times um so i'm gonna start off with a circle head and then a bigger circle body and you're just gonna connect the circles like that a little beak there you can even make it a bit bigger if you want like that and i'm just going to erase the circles inside lighten up those lines okay and we're going to start off by wetting the whole bird area except the beak oh we can add like the feathers like the wings so like a little tail like that so first i'm gonna grab some cadmium orange and i'm gonna tap it up here and then a little bit of cadmium red tap it up there from some red i'm going to try and leave the belly part at the bottom white you can bring this down just a bit okay like that then i'm going to grab some burnt umber and go around the top of the head in the back i love doing wet on wet for birds like that okay you might grab a little bit of sebia to make it a little bit darker or you could grab some black do a little couple flicks there okay i might add a little bit of just clean water to push some of the pigment away from the belly and we'll just let it do its thing maybe a bit more red like that and let that dry okay so while that's drying let's do another little illustration i think we should do some eggs and a nest i have a tutorial on that as well we're just gonna do a small little one so let's start by drawing an egg here we're gonna make it a bit bigger and then we'll have one behind that maybe one facing this way actually let's have it facing this way like that and we're just going to roughly draw kind of like a nest it's going to go behind like that okay i'm just gonna erase some of the lines for the eggs just so it's not too dark and let's make a really nice cute little blue color so actually i feel like a watered-down cerulean blue would be good for this oh that's not watered down add more water actually hold on i want part of the nest to go in front of the eggs so i'm not going to do the whole egg like that that i feel like it's a bit more minty isn't it it needs to be lighter i'm actually just going to grab a little bit of water and drop it in there ah i took a bunch of that pigment up i'm just gonna go over it with water i want it really light see how light those eggs are i'm going to go around the bottom just add a little bit of shadow like that and then let's wait for that to dry i wonder if i should do the whole egg oh maybe i'll move it down just a bit okay so we're gonna wait for those to dry okay our bird is kind of dry so i'm just to grab a little bit of yellow for the beak here with a bit of brown like that and we can do cute little feet you can just take a bit more darker brown just do little oops he's not too dry that's okay little lines like that a bit of texture then we'll do the eye after do some dots like that we're waiting for those two to dry we'll do our last one which will be let's do like a little daffodil with kind of like this cone shape for the center of the daffodil and do like a kind of squiggly circle like that i'm just gonna fill it in with a bit of water light light light and then the petals around are gonna be nice and light too we're just going to go do some pointy petals i'm going to use my size 4 brush okay so we have these light petals and then i'm going to just go in with some more pigment especially right at the base here and then that circle where that cone was and just kind of have it a little bit darker where all the petals meet and grab a bit more of that lemon yellow like that then i'm going to grab some sap green for the stem and it can bleed in a little bit if you want it to we're just going to do those long kind of leaf shapes like we did for the the tulips and i have another leaf shape coming over here but behind that petal so i don't want to touch it grab a bit more pigment like that okay wait for that to dry let's grab a little bit black marker to do the eye here for the bird oops and you can grab your white pen too to do a little highlight if you want you could do some little lines if you want on the bird's wings like that okay and let's do the nest here is this dry okay so let's do the nest i'm gonna grab some burnt umber starting off with our lightest brown and i'm just gonna go around really rough around the eggs go behind them and have little sticks kind of poking from behind so i'm just starting with this one shade of brown and then i'm going to grab some darker browns like sepia or black if you want and you can just kind of start creating like these like stick lines to make it a bit darker grabbing some more burnt umber just doing some like bendy sticks like that and we're going to wait for that to dry this is dry now so let's add a bit more detail so i'm just going to go over that cone shape again kind of darken this area and do little lines going on each petal with more yellow and then just darken the inside here of course my son's yelling what else is new maybe a bit of orange in there if you like like that that's it then again i'm going to take my white ink pen and i'm just going to do some kind of like white sticks coming around you can smudge it if it smudge smudge it if a bit if you want i'm gonna do a little bit of highlight on the top of these eggs like that and go back in with some darker brown again just add another layer of kind of sticks let me get a little bit darker here like that maybe we'll have a cute little leaf like that and then i think i'm just gonna sharpen up some of those eggs a bit just grabbing a bit more of the same blue i'm just going to add a bit more shadow to the ones that are behind that front egg so i place the color wash dry off my brush and then blend it out like that this one and wash dry off my brush blend it out like that just adding a bit of shadow on that one too a bit of shadow on the side like that and there we go there is our page of my favorite spring things thank you all so much for watching my video i really hope you liked it and i hope you learned something don't forget to subscribe to this channel and follow me on instagram for even more have a great day guys bye
Channel: Emma Jane Lefebvre
Views: 91,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pZAmk-XDJD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 42sec (3462 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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