Easy Line and Wash Florals

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everyone so Before we jump into today's video I just wanted to let you know that my brand-new watercolor booklet is out now in my Etsy shop it's all on spring florals how to paint five different types of flowers greenery color mixing tips on composition for florals and basic strokes so if you want to pick up your own digital copy head on over to the link in the description below go on over to my Etsy shop and go pick up your copy now let's jump into the video hey everyone and welcome back to another video today I'm going to show you how to do a simple line and wash floral drawing and painting so let's do it okay so today we're doing a very simple and fun line and wash drawing slash painting I'm going to be drawing a really pretty simple floral arrangement with my pencil then I got outlined it with some ink and then I'm gonna do a really simple and fun watercolor wash okay so we're gonna start with our pencil and we're gonna draw a peony type so let's draw a circle just to help us start which is gonna be kind of like the center of that peony and we're just gonna start doing some petals kind of folding over like that one is gonna come right here go all the way that way then we'll have one coming up here like it's folding over in and then one folding over in this way okay now you can just do some little fold like this like there are more petals tightly crammed in there and then we are going to do some coming apart like coming off of the peony okay so we're gonna have petal here and then to create the illusion that the petal is folding you're just going to do another line and that's gonna be like that petal has kind of curved up that makes sense alright you can just use that technique to show some dimension and we're just doing some wavy kind of petals maybe it's folding a bit on this okay these are the pedals kind of falling down from that bud shape and then as we get over here you're not gonna see those folds as much so maybe just have it flat like that maybe there's another one over here you do a little slight fold this one's curved up a bit another one there I don't know I'm just I'm kind of just winging it and just doing some curvy petal shapes like that okay and then when we go over it with ink it will they will look a bit more intense and more realistic I'm just going to erase this one I don't know if I really like that maybe just make it a little smaller I thought and then I'm gonna do some enemies on either side we're just making this a simple simple one so we're gonna do pedal shape like this one another one curved and another one and then the one that's down here is kind of folded up so you're just gonna do kind of like a u-shape like that and then we're gonna do the center with the ink after you don't do another petal there sometimes it doesn't turn out I'm not gonna pretend like it does every time anyway okay like that okay and then we'll do one on the other side and I'm just gonna flip this around so I can get that because it's kind of like a side view that you're seeing of the enemy okay so I'm actually gonna start with the bottom petals that would be shorter here so you're gonna do kind of a gate u-shape like that and then bring it in and I'll do one right across from it another one and another one that would be fooled like that like that okay I'm going to put some greenery around these these flowers so I'm just gonna do some stems and some leaf shapes coming from these flowers okay and I think I can do most of them with the ink I just want to plot down the flowers okay just to get an idea so now I'm going to go in with ink I have my mono drawing pen by tombow it's a size zero three and I'm just going to go over the drawing [Music] and so just before I finish just a little tip for these smaller leaf shapes so I'll do a line and then back further from that line not from the tip that's where I'll put the leaf so you get a little bit of that vein in the leaf okay just a little tip for that and then for the center of these and enemies I'm just going to fill it in with some circular shapes and then I'm going to do some lines and put some little circles on the edges of those lines okay so for the last part of this we're just gonna do a little bit of detail on this peony here we're just gonna add a bit of shading with our pen so as we're those the places where the petals are tightly kind of together I'm just going to add a little bit of shading in line and then from the base of the petals I'm gonna add some lines as well so the base just a bit and then just have some of those lines curving with the petal you don't want them straight you want them to curve with the petals so not a lot of detail for this but just where those petals meet kind of like the ones that are behind and a little bit of shadow behind there like that and then maybe even a couple lines at the tip of some of the petals like that now we are going to add a couple to the enemies as well just coming from the center again curving with those petals like that like that and now we're gonna erase all the pencil lines underneath okay so now that our line drawing is done we are going to add the watercolor part I am going to use my professional watercolors over here and we're gonna make this very very simple I'm not even going to really add detail I'm just gonna lay down some water like this let's start with the peony over the whole peony and I'm just gonna drop in some color so I think I'm gonna add some permanent rose and I'm gonna make it darker towards the center might wash off some just drag it out a bit but we're not making it specific or realistic we're kind of just letting the color do its thing okay so I'm doing a light wash around I'm gonna grab more color put in the center maybe where those under petals are just dropping in the color just making it fun nothing crazy then I'm gonna wash off my brush and I'm gonna actually go outside the lines of it okay then I'm going to do the same with the anatomy so I think I'm gonna add some orange it's gonna be more of an orange II an enemy so I'm going to do light wash you or you could just do water and they're gonna bleed together because it's all wet but it's just more like a not an abstract look but just it's less is a lot looser so you have this structure of the the line-drawing and then the looseness of the water color okay I'm gonna actually add some water over these leaves and then I can add some green in there too just dropping some green like that grabbing some more of that orange e color that heck let's just go over all of this about but you can probably hear my son in the background snacktime he's asking for cheese it's gonna drop in that green and just have fun with it just don't be too specific don't think about it just drop in that color take some of that edge of it that's my son calling his dog our dog oli he's obsessed with him he simply doesn't call him he yells for him it's very important to yell for him had some pink in there maybe yeah let's add some pink towards the center have that bleed like that and just have fun with it it's okay if the green bleeds into parts of the flower I wouldn't mix it around because then you'll get kind of like a brownish color but if they bleed into each other that's totally fine it's a kind of a cool effect okay and there you go very simple line and wash watercolor painting dry thank you all so much for watching my video it really hope you liked it and I hope you learned something don't forget to subscribe to this channel and follow me on Instagram and Facebook for even more have a great day guys bye
Channel: Emma Jane Lefebvre
Views: 74,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -mL3iA3zGSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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