DIY Rolling Walls LIKE A PRO!

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this Chris got a whole painter now paid live TV today I'm going to show you how to properly roll a wall like a professional painter I've got a wall right here going to be repainting it gray 400 coat for a metallic finish and then in another room we're going to be doing a green and this could be an undercoat for a Venetian plaster and I'm gonna show you the proper techniques to rolling the wall so you'll get walls that look like a professional painter that aren't streaky and watching so stay tuned for this video Lucas is working on the cut it's these who's along really fast and I want to get my wall roll before my cut is dry so and because I want to work myself into a wet edge right here a good practice to always keep a wet head it's the same as when you're rolling you're gonna be bullied into a wet egg I'm gonna start off from the end we're gonna be working on this wall from left to right and I'm open up my roller I'll show you guys I just load up my roller I'm gonna place it right in the middle of the wall and then I begin unloading it from top to bottom as I go just like that I'm gonna back up again I usually do one pass and then load it up so it's young little unloading it from top to bottom and one here's an another thing I'll show ya I just flipped over to my roller now I've got it direction when you're actually rolling if I'm low in this direction I want to go the direction the roller is actually facing as I'm creating pressure it's pushing the roller onto the roller frame always if I flip it over and roll this way your roller can actually work itself off the frame if you don't have a good tight connection between the two if you use royalty or play these high-quality rollers frames would use these blue Tigers it's never going to work itself off so I don't have to worry about the direction that I'm facing it's not as critical but some professional painters think it's pretty important that you always roll the same correction but to come over here now I've got a lot of paint on the wall I'm gonna begin my layout so I'm just laying it out I cut it this way so I can get close to the wall otherwise my frame would be hitting the wall site you can get close to the wall lay now I like the laid out from top to bottom come as close as I can as the ceiling laid out from top to bottom laid out on top the bottom it's pretty important this color right here probably would never see an issue with black marks or streaks with this color and this paint but if I was using like a vibrant red there's something like that that's where the Malayan out is very important so unloading it from top to bottom I'm listening for this downward roller by trying to continue to go yo this direction to continue to unload it it'll start to hiss more and more you'll start to make a lot of sound I know now I'm what what we're doing is called dry mapping my roller is no longer putting out paint but it'll actually start taking off paint so I want to keep this thing loaded up all the time and I and I hold my extension pole I get it in my hands to a point where when I'm fully reached I'm about you know that bar from the ceiling that way I know I'm not gonna accidentally hit my ceiling so I laid it out from there I'm not gonna lay out continue working right along not too much pressure type you put a lot of pressure the top right come down that's gonna leave a heavy spot at the top that's gonna run say if you come down here a lot of pressure right there it's going to leave a heavy spot right there that's gonna run too so as I get to my ends I'm gonna put a lot less pressure one of the things most do-it-yourselfers do they have a tendency to not go to roll or huffing up yours if you notice every just every nine-inch pass I'm basically loading up my roller keeping it absolutely sopping wet there you have it that wall is done this is actually the undercoat for a metallic finish that we're going to be doing a bow arrow metallic grit but this creative back this will look really cool you can check out that video at the end of this video there'll be a link to it if you want to see how we go about doing that but I know you're going to see a lot of you know how they're doing yourself on home improvement sites and stuff show you this whole V thing which I kind of don't understand it a little bit myself but hey everybody's got their own you know techniques that work for them rolling walls this works very well for us and once again this next wall it's gonna be really critical that we do it and lay it out properly so here we go let's go to the next rooms Lucas is doing the cut-in so always good practice especially this now if I was to do if I was working on myself but if I did all these cut ends went out had a sandwich took a break some like that and it was dry and came back and rolled my walls there is a high high likelihood that I'm gonna have what is called um hat banding or haloing once again and that's gonna be a difference in color to your eye to the human's eye of where the cut ends were versus where the wall was rolled and some of that you know it could be attributed to if you do your cut ends and you just brush your cut ends and then you roll your walls where it's brushed the paint is actually applied differently and it leaves brushstrokes and then you go back and you roll your wall you're having stippling and so you're going to see that difference and this is going to be a color difference to your eye and sometimes actually a texture difference same with in the middle is wall if I roll this wall and I stop right in the middle of this wall go off take lunch and then dries right here and then I continue more than likely I'm going to see a difference of a color difference where I started and where I stopped and in a color like this and you know if you get into really really high-end paints high-end paints are less likely to cause half a halfpenny or halo II but there are some really expensive paints to just do it anyways so Lucas is gonna get he'll get his cut ends done top and bottom and then I'll start rolling we're using this is blue tape this is blue frog tape so we're less likely to get any bleeding underneath or on to our baseboards using move on tape the frog tape actually has a polymer that swells when it gets wet or any liquid hits it so nothing will bleed underneath that what's good I'm working out of a 9 inch pan the 9 inch roller because it's just one wall I mean there's multiple options 18 inch rollers no inter fed blowers stuff like that but just to do one wall I don't need anything real big and most of the time you know when we typically you'll see in our videos we're doing our cuttings or brushing it and then we're going back and back rolling it with a four inch roller we're not doing that here because Venetian plaster is going to go right over the top of this so we don't have to be so critical but we're very particular about not leaving a brushstroke on our cut in because I can't get to the ceiling I mean I get to get to the top I can tell me about this short from the ceiling without touching the ceiling and that's gonna be a brushstroke going that direction that would look different than my my roller you can roll up to the wall and it's probably you'll probably notice it this paint right here this is going to because there's so much tint in this another trick but load up my roller you get an unloading it I don't want to roll too fast if I roll too fast I'm going to cause splatter coming off of my roller so here we go here's the paint right here for anybody that is curious Claire so it's not sold did any box stores or anything it's only sold online so we it was sent to me in the mail and so I didn't pay for it so it was sent to me to test out and see if I like it and I just did a bathroom today the color pink and I gotta say I didn't like that of it splattered really bad and it didn't cover very well which is kind of interesting because now this one is actually covering really well the paint did not cover well and splattered bad the art tools we sell like this this is a pretty mere extension pole if you're curious when it moves a blue tiger roller I think it's the best roller frame I've ever used really high qualities they're all sold on our store and I'll show you as I'm getting to the end what I'm talking about so you load up your roller put it in the middle and then extend it all the way down and all the way up it's gonna be heavy here and it's gonna be really light down there and you could you know continue working it out but the technique I showed you you're going to more likely have even paint across your wall less likelihood and have light spots and that's looking pretty dang good definitely this was not going to be I'm not going to be coated with venetian I can see some white speckles here definitely not a one coat paint there really is no such thing as a one coat paint so those paints that say paint primer and one one coat it's all kind of bunch of nonsense just marketing ploys you try to you know market to the do-it-yourselfer so don't believe it all right there you have it some tips and tricks how to roll a wall like a professional painter to get really good results hopefully but enjoyed this video hope you got some tips or tricks if you have tips or tricks you did here in this video you want to share them leave them down in the comment section below check us out on Facebook and Instagram for more short tips tricks videos there Facebook is the Idaho painter Instagram is Idaho painter don't forget if you want to get notifications on these videos and we come up with them subscribe hit the notification bell if you don't hit the notification Bell doesn't do anything when you subscribe because you'll never get notified like a week when I'm done doing this metallic finish or Venetian plaster I end up doing on this wall when I post it you'll get notified and you won't miss it so there you have it hope you've enjoyed the video we'll see you how to see you on our next one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Paint Life TV
Views: 90,412
Rating: 4.8718786 out of 5
Keywords: how to roll walls like a pro, how to roll a wall, how to paint a wall, rolling interior walls, painting walls, interior painting, painting a wall for beginners, do it yourself, how to load a paint roller, how to cut in ceilings and walls, painting for beginners, how to be a professional painter, amazing painting hacks, tips painting walls with a roller, how to paint walls fast, techniques for rolling walls, how to paint a wall using a roller, no lines, painting, pro painter
Id: AJtTdozm1-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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