Snowman Acrylic Painting LIVE Tutorial

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hello this is Angela Anderson thanks for joining me for this acrylic painting tutorial in this video I'm going to be showing you how to paint a wintery snowman it's gonna be a lot of fun I'm gonna keep it simple for beginners got me husband mark with me hey there everybody he's manage chat for our live show so if you've got questions while I'm showing you how to paint this you can ask those and I'll try to answer them let's get started [Music] all righty I'm gonna be using a Who am I not centered there all right let's move my camera a little bit there sorry guys let me move him up I guess moved him down while I was drawing there I'm using a 8 by 10 inch canvas panel this time this is the Frederick's probe Belgian linen canvas board and you can use burly whatever size you want the original image it was square but I went ahead and did it on this size just so that we could have room to maybe put his arm or something else up here we're thinking about a couple of things that we might add to him we'll see how much time it takes us to get through him today let's go over our colors really quick got unbleached titanium titanium white quinacridone magenta cadmium red medium cadmium red light cadmium yellow medium phthalo green yellow shade teal Dayla blue green shade burnt umber and carbon black now if you don't have all these colors you don't have to you know run out and give them just use what you have that's similar and this color and this color can bill through mixed really the green can also be mixed with the colors that we have here the red can be mixed with a quinacridone and the cadmium red I mean cadmium red light but we're gonna be use enough of it that I figured we'd start out with it already pre-mixed all right let's go over our brushes really quick I've got a large number 10 bright a number 4 filbert and a number 2 round in the 6100 series from Princeton and I've got a couple angled brushes for some of the detailed work this is the quarter inch and the 3/8 inch Velvet Touch angle shaders and this is the Willows blender and the 3/8 inch also The Velvet Touch line and then these are the Princeton select series these this is the bristle fan the 3/8 inch difference Tipler and the number 1 round so if you don't have these exact brushes just use what you've got but Princeton is our brush sponsor and Frederick's is our canvas sponsor we thank you them for providing our materials for tonight and also there's if you've got these little foam pouncer they're really cheap you can get them at craft stores they come usually in the stencil area and you can we'll be using those for some of the background details too so if you've got those grab them but if you don't you can use the deer foot stipler or something like that to do the circles instead well they should pay for them right not just grab them they should that's true they should practice okay before I leave the store we're not condoning that kind of activity sorry that's what I said good good point thank you honey I guess depends on how fast you can run [Laughter] so the snowman is kind of off-center he's kind of really filling up the kind of this half of the canvass here and he is at an angle his head is tilted a little bit so if you kind of want to start that way you can kind of map out sort of the boundaries of his face and scarf just by kind of doing kind of a diagonal line there or something like that just to kind of keep your boundaries so you kind of get everything going the right way and then these parts are going to be going at an angle this way so the top of his hat is kind of this little round section right here goes off the corner and you're cutting off it ends right about the halfway mark so if you you just kind of want to check that they're actually this is probably dead center on our canvas so we're just off center right here where the end of the Hat is right there and then another line there for the top of the hat and then this line curves up this way and this one curves up this way as well all right and then the side of his face curves down like this and then there's the scarf that kind of curved like that and like I said there's kind of an angle here so you kind of know where to end this scarf act and then the bottom of his scarf kind of curves up this way under his chin and then there's a fold right here that goes off the canvas okay then you're gonna fit his face in here and the easiest way to do that is just to kind of do the two eyes up they're very close together kind of up towards the top real close to the Hat here and then fit the mouth in and also this is this angle should match this angle so just kind of keep that in mind when you're doing the mouth that you want it to go up a little higher on this side and the same with the eye this eye is going to be a little bit higher than this since this head is tilted and then the nose is going to be right in the middle of the two eyes and just do kind of little semicircle and then a curved line up and then another curved line down like that and there's the little nose alright and then we might put an arm in here I'm not sure and we won't draw that into later the rest of this is going to be all kind of blue background here so and I thought about starting with the blue total under everything I just didn't get the time to do that so if you want to you can start out with the light blue background and I'll give you a head start on what we're doing but I'm gonna go ahead and start with some sale of blue and some white and I'm gonna keep that background fairly bright for this it's kind of a cool winter scene it might add just a tiny bit of green just to make it a little bit more teal and I'm gonna start up in here tap that in and I'm going to grab a little bit of the burnt umber to darken it in this corner over here and I'm just using the number-10 brush I did add a little bit of water to it every now and then I'm gonna dip a little bit more water in as I work to keep those paints moist on the brush if you don't dip in the water when you're working with acrylics what happens is that canvas is dry and so it's just going to suck all the moisture out of your brush and after a while you're gonna end up with no moisture left in your brush and so it'll just the brush will start soaked sucking off the moisture out of the paints and so your paints will start to get thick and you'll have to add more paint to cover the same area and then then you would if you would just pick up a little bit of water every now and then so water will help make your paints go a little bit farther so just keep that in mind if you feel like your paints are not covering really well just pick up a little bit of water a little bit more water every now and then know there are a particular brand of bottled water we should be using just regular tap water just use that I mean there are artists that do use your laughing but there are some artists that do use filtered water because they don't have as many minerals I don't really find it it's an issue for me but if you have really heavy mineral water in your area you may want to use filtered water so that it doesn't react with your paints so I'm gonna grab a little bit of the unbleached titanium and just do a little bit of that color in a couple of places here and what we're gonna do is kind of do a little bit dark background for this and then we're gonna let this dry and we're gonna go over the top of it with our little Panzers to add some little bright spots in it so go a little bit darker than you think you're gonna need to for this background also the acrylic paints will especially if you're using heavy body acrylics they're gonna dry a little bit darker than what they go on so they're gonna look a little bit darker after they start to dry but this one this one I'm going to be trying to keep it on a beginner level so and if you notice that I'm just kind of working from one side to another as I add you know more color more of the light color I am blending into the darker color as I work so that it all kind of blends together without drying so if you try to do like dark down here and then do light up here and then try to emit match them in the middle sometimes what will happen is this middle part or this bottom part will be dry and then they won't blend really well for you so just kind of start from the bottom and work your way up this is a small enough canvas that you can you shouldn't have any trouble getting it all covered before it starts to dry onion you can kind of get it sort of softly blended like this alright so I'm going to use this blue that's in my brush and put it up here under the brim of his hat and kind of on the face of my snowman and I'm gonna grab some of that unbleached titanium that I was just thinking I need to start my own bottled water line because first the stickman line stick me on line a flood of waters may bring your art to the next level something you need a catchy slogan if you're gonna do that yeah I got a long enough hose fill up some empty bottles I put on the side of the road what do you think 1020 dollars a bottle yeah something like that okay you good luck with that in like my business models I'm working that out a little bit right now but [Laughter] all right I'm not giving a comment I figured you wouldn't alright so I'm adding it's it's a little bit lighter than the background just a little bit lighter but we want a little bit of color underneath our white when we do our white on top of this so just having a little bit of that blue underneath our snow we're really helped and you'll you'll see just trust me it's gonna look worse before it looks better this painting especially with acrylics we're doing these kind of layering type of things it always kind of looks weird when we first put on the first couple layers but we'll work through it and get get it looking good for you all right washing that brush out and let's grab some of the quinacridone magenta and some of the carbon black and make a deep dark red and I'm gonna use that up in my hat up here and then grab some of that cadmium red medium and just go over the top to again I'm working kind of wet into wet so put that dark color down first and then lay the lighter color in where I want it brightest and then just kind of lightly work it back over into that dark area so that it blends together a little bit and if you get too much of the light color you can almost come back in with the dark color later I need to that's probably about all we're gonna do up there we might do a little highlighting but that's not not doing a whole lot of details up there and then top of the Hat not seeing a whole lot of it and let me think how do we want to do the stripes on this scarf I guess good let's go ahead and just use this color for the red parts and then we'll use another color for the white parts so let's go ahead and just our scarf is curving around I may want to switch to a little bit smaller brush might be easier I'm gonna do a small stripe at first for this one that's kind of curving around the edge and then as we get towards the middle we're gonna get a little bit farther apart a little bit whiter with our stripes and they're going to be going at that angle remember that angle that we're kind of doing our our snowman's head tilting so that we're going to be doing these stripes in the same direction as those is that head tilt so these two in the middle are going to be the widest there's a little one kind of sticking off the side there okay and then let's do this one right here nice and dark these two are gonna be kind of tucked into the shadows of the scarf here cuz it's kind of tucking down into the other ones so if you want to make this bottom part simple you could just do stripes all the way across and not do this kind of crossover thing that we're doing actually I might just do that it'll make it easier for try to keep it simple so you can do this with your kids or whatever alright so we'll just do that get a little bit more that bright red as we get towards the edge we're gonna get a little closer a little smaller so I wonder whether first no man was made when it became an icon well like who was the first person to sit there and roll a bunch of snow into balls and stack them on each other and say yep that looks like a man yeah no probably the same person that started sandcastles and things well they get around a lot between the snow and the beach on the beach well maybe no no no I'm just saying it's kind of same almost using black here and since this is coal eyes you know if we want to kind of make them a little uneven we can do that make them don't have to be perfect if you want to make them perfectly round you could use the back end of a brush or or one of these little counselors if you had a small enough one and do them perfectly round according to the internet they say that the earliest documentation was a marginal illustration from a 1380 book found in the something-something Babloo tickets if they had the earliest known photograph of a snowman is what would age thirteen eighty really yep and they say the earliest photograph of the snowman was taken in 1853 by Welsh photographer marrying Dylan there you go the original which in the original which is in the collections of the National Library of Wales in Scotland why the library of Wales has snowmen but you'd think it had fish and stuff but all right I've made a dark orange with the cadmium red light I added a little bit of this magenta and black to it and then I added a little bit at the burnt umber too I think really just burnt umber would probably work for it I'm going to fill in this nose I covered up part of it but it's this kind of got these circles circular kind of things happening this is supposed to be carrot I guess so that's a little well it is a carrot I guess yeah are you laughing at me I'm gonna head carrot kind of looks like the leftover stuff from our printer at work why are you talking about we have a plotter I worked as a color plotter and it uses these wax kind of balls they almost look like like pink balls yeah but they're solid and you load them into a hopper and residue it dumps it out into a train they look like stalactites and they're always quickly Wiggly looking just like that I've never seen that I have to bring you some home for Christmas Day okay yeah but somebody believed you sorry great Christmas idea done I bought myself some more Christmas presents last night so I got myself a robe and some gentleman's on sale we have another delivery today hi everybody welcome to the channel we are this weird yeah all right let me see if this is dry enough I think that's dry enough now we can start putting our little circles on there so I'm gonna get this wet just a little bit pick up some white with it I'm kind of using the medium size and I'm gonna brush it into my blue here so I want to go just a couple shades lighter than the blue that we did for the background it's kind of what I'm shooting for here and we're gonna use several different colors so it's not going to be just this is this one color teal here [Music] what's gonna happen is you're going to just set it down and kind of circle it president circle I'm just gonna keep on going until most that's often the more I do it the less paint I'm gonna have and the more soft it's gonna get so I'll have some that are darker and some that are softer and I'm gonna overlap them and see how that works let's go ahead and grab some of that like titanium okay we got a question from new artist okay they said that would you think that it'd be easier to paint the face white before putting in the eyes and nose I'm not sure I'm gonna have to I'll be I'll be having to work around it yeah so I thought about that too yeah so you could wait I'm just I only did it because I wanted to get that dark color on there but I am gonna have to work around it to get that weight on there so it might have been better to wait do some bigger than others there you get some more that teal Miss time undo them with a larger bouncer and you just don't want a lot of water on there you want a little bit of water but I just dipped it just a little bit into water and then put it on a paper towel so that I got most of the water out of it you just want it barely damp and [Music] just keep overlapping these until I'm gonna get him where we want him to be just really whatever looks good to you there's no right or wrong way I'm doing this it's kind of fun do some brighter ones with the white we're gonna put on some snowflakes too and some splatters so they're gonna be all kinds of different things going on back here and you may have already explained it but I wasn't listening okay what are other options if they do not have these sponge bouncers they can use the the I'll show you here they can use their nose just match it in the paint and rub it around on the painting something like this somebody else's nose if you need to smaller ones or big one these ones what this one will do is kind of give it a little bit smaller they'll be a little bit fuzzier around the edges so there won't be as precise but you can kind of get the same sort of effect using the deer foot stipler and just make sure you're not having a whole lot of paint on your brush at once if you're doing this this way kinda helps to make it a little bit softer okay so while we've got this deer foot out just go ahead and put in our white fur snowman I'm just gonna tap it in there run around and yeah definitely will definitely have to clean up around the nose and the eyes so if you only want to do it once you can wait and do this first and then do the nose in the eyes I was just trying to kill time since that was drawing so mmm grab a little bit more of the like lighter blue so I'm still bouncing but it's not quite as bright hardest part is gonna be right up in here a little bit more white right up here get some of that darker color to do under here a little bit more white I'm not using a lot of pressure on here don't have a ton of paint on my brush I'm just kind of lightly tapping so I'm getting kind of these set fuzzy edges and if your brush is sting kind of too close together and it's looking like like little perfect circles you know I would just kind of smush it down and really smush it down onto your palette to spread those bristles apart because especially when they're new these these brushes don't want to separate they want to kind of stay together so you won't get as good separation want it pick up a little tap it off on your palette and come to your canvas there we go so we're seeing the under color through you can kind of see why we did that blue under there it's a really pretty under color for our snowmen and we're going to definitely put a couple coats of this white on here to make sure it's nice and bright in the middle area where we want it to look kind of more rounded between the eyes not all worried about going back over those eyes because with we're gonna be layering this anyway so does not matter okay we're gonna test your knowledge okay what if they don't have a deer for its Tipler if they don't have a different stipler you could use a stiff bristled brush let me see if I have handy here the hog bristle brush works something like this they're real cheap and you can use that for stippling they work pretty well you get kind of similar type effect with it you could use a gesso brush to be a little bit harder I would definitely not try to you know go around anything or anything small but this just a brushes made of that same hog hair is this smaller brush so if you have something like that that would work maybe a smaller size or just a old brush maybe that it's seen better days that's kind of well kind of old and fussed out and doesn't have to be a stiff bristled brush even you can still kind of pounce brushes like this and get a little bit of this blue you can kind of see so what I would suggest sort of people in needing these brushes they can email this link down below the video to the brush guys mm-hmm to their family and say hey this is what I want for Christmas again they can order online 5% off with the code Angela fine-art boom yeah make sure they have that code mm-hmm yeah no sudden there's gonna be deer feet all over the country I've used the deer foots tipplers for oh gosh years and years and years they worked they're just really good for [Music] foliage for all kinds of different things doing trees and anything that you need that kind of soft fuzzy look sorry I didn't mean for it to be that quite that bright there we go [Music] now you can kind of see where when these you know dry if you need to do more to them or if you want to add more I'm gonna put one there that's kind of going off the edge there against our hat in your tier foot is the Princeton their foot select so I'm in in the brush guys link it'll be in that list of your poober mm-hmm suggested right so let's go ahead and grab something that cadmium red medium I've got my angle brush here and I'm just gonna tap with it to add kind of fuzzy texture if we did this dark enough underneath here which I think we did we'll kind of see this show up it was like kind of fuzzies and I'm really just kind of tapping let's go ahead and tap along that edge kind of soften up that edge to make it look kind of like felt tapping and I'm not going all the way down to the bottom because I want to leave a little bit of that dark right down there and in the corner [Music] you can do the white first I'm gonna get some of the black and some of the blue and some white make a gray but it's a blue gray I'm gonna use it underneath my white part of my hat I'm gonna add a little bit more white to that there we go I'm just gonna do it kind of sideways like this so that I get sort of fuzzy fuzzy edges kind of going over the top of mine Fred just a little bit it's kind of going back and forth here we laughing at something nope okay just trying to keep up with chat it's like following tonight really oh yeah are you joking no no no not at all I'm sure I've missed a lot of comments and stuff like that I apologize cuz I stopped for a few seconds like this to talk and it goes so hi to all the usual suspects good you guys hope you had a good weekend yeah I did good had a long weekend well he made me work Saturday but I did make you work Saturday and he told me I got to work this Saturday and Sunday mmm this week you know it's not this week okay not yet yeah thanks for joining us there's a lot of new names in chat welcome to everybody kitchen it's live for the first time it's awesome he hadn't already hit that subscribe button and after the show check out 300 some on tutorials yeah I feel like snowman I did another snowman tutorial actually did one it's the little snowman with the house under glass like a snow globe oh yeah last year and then the year before that I think maybe two years before that I did a snowman ornament set that was really fun so there's there's several ornaments or several snowmen - yeah and people have been posting those in the Facebook group and I know there's so much to remember one of them is a little artist snowman is probably one of my favorite I really need to do one of him like on a big canvas cuz he would be really fun huh yeah he's painting himself he's doing a self-portrait awesome super cute snowmen are like my favorite one of my favorite things paint they're so fun and in your facebook chat this week you're gonna do your snowman collection oh yeah yep we're gonna be going over me doing a live chat is that thankful orator I think the Lark Rouge yep yep so if you want to see the two hundred three hundred and snowmen I don't know how many we have she's good I stopped counting she's got a problem people I do have a problem well we've been collecting them since the 90s so it's not like I went out and bought 300 in one day it's like you know when you add two or three a year after 30 years or whatever another 20 25 years and add the word were just we're just teenagers yeah alright so just add in this light blue here and I'm just really tapping it in like I said kind of not being super careful about the edges so that they kind of look fuzzy and that gives it that kind of look of a sweater you know knitted or whatever this is just a little bit different from the blue in the background just to give it kind of a more wintery deeper blue color just to give it a little different tone but like I said you could totally do the whole background blue and if you did that you could skip this step because you'd already have the blue there and then you could do the next step that we'll be doing over the top of this so and you don't already have that blue underneath your snowmen too so if you want to that would be a way to go just to just do the whole thing with this light blue color that we did in the background to start with and then and then do the upper layers on top lots of different ways to approach a painting somebody was saying wouldn't it have been the easier if I did XYZ and one of my tutorials you know and I was like yeah there's a lot of ways to do it easier but not necessarily look better you know like the the way that I like to do it gives it layers and the layers equal more depth and more depth it just makes it look a little bit more realistic a little bit more professional a little bit I don't know a little bit more special so you can definitely do this all in one layer and be done with it it just won't look exactly the same it's not that it's wrong or right way of doing it it's just a different way of doing it so there's lots of different methods in art and I'm just kind of showing you the way I like to do it but if you find that there's another way of doing it that's easier for you by all means do it I am NOT gonna be looking over your shoulder I am just showing you and letting you look over my shoulder okay there we go oh he looks cute I like him cute cute all right so let's grab some more that blue a little bit more that black I ran out of that gray in color and I'm gonna just wipe off my brush mostly and I'm gonna go in right here underneath the nose do a little bit more of that dark blue shadow right there and I might pick up some of that white and just tap over it to blend it in sometimes I use my finger to kind of just brush it in this kind of thick going on thick so it's not really brushing out but I can go over it a little bit with this white just want like a little shadow there see how that look makes it look like the nose is kind of setting in let me clean out this single brush and then I'll get a little bit more in this color and I'm just gonna point my brush straight down so I'm like getting it on a corner and then wipe it on my palate so that it kind of blends in a little bit but I'm trying to keep that color just right up there and that'll make it a little easier to do this I'm gonna go right up underneath that eye and add a little shadow right around my eyes go into just a shout-out that make it a little more realistic looking all right let's use a little bit of the quinacridone magenta mix that with that blue a little tiny bit of the black so using that gray but I'm also gonna add a little bit of purple it's gonna are a little bit of the quinacridone make it a little bit more purpley color I'm gonna come up here and just go right up underneath where my hat is and use that watered down paint to kind of add a little color right up underneath there where that hats going gonna shadow right there and that's a little bit more right here if you what this down you just need to make sure that your background here is dry if you wet it down a little bit it'll kind of go on thin and then you can just use your finger to kind of blend it out and if you get too much on there you can always go back in with your white and dab off and cover anything that you you know get too obvious but we're just trying to kind of leave a little bit of shadow right there under our hat gives a little dimension alright so now let's add one more layer of the white on our face it'll really brighten it up and I'm gonna mostly go sort of all in this middle part here just try to start stay away from where I've already shadowed man we're gonna and if it gets too solid or you know it just looks like a solid white blob then you can always go back in with a little bit of the unbleached titanium or another color to kind of add another like maybe a little warmer color to it just a little something different so that it's not all the same same same you want a little bit of a little bit of depth in that white so just leaving a little bit of that background colors pop popping through will give it a little bit more dimension all right there we go cute cute cute all right so no oh you know dry it out really well I'm just gonna let that set because I want to put some blush on the cheeks but I want to make sure that this is completely dried before I do that so let's go ahead and I'm gonna get the quarter inch angle brush and I'm gonna put back in their eyes you could use the round brush too for this if you're finding that the angle brush is a little bit difficult for you to manage using a round brush can help maybe give you a little bit more control might be easier for a beginner to use the round brush and go ahead and show you that we come and see leave in just a little bit of that dark border and honestly I kind of think I would have still done this with the carrot and the eyes after having done this because just because it was easier to kind of know where to shade and that kind of thing if if I had done all of the white over the top I might have completely lost the drawing but if you don't like to draw you don't want to draw this I do have tricycles available for a dollar it's $1 a month on patreon comm slash Angela fine art and that's for any traceable that you want unlimited downloads $4 a month and you can cancel if you just want one traceable or just want you know one month of traceable Zoar whatever just if you signed up today you'd have till and then cancelled tomorrow you'd still have till the end of December to get as many traceable as you want so you don't have to stay there's no penalty for canceling or anything like that so I feel like you're locked in for a whole year or something alright and that's where the paintings going back to February 2017 yes so anything before that you'd posted traceable in your thankful heart Facebook group yes I did um some of them I didn't do the tracing boys for everything though so I don't have them available for all the older videos you know if you're missing any I can try to draw one up for you real quick and well because of the traceable because of the the contributions that we got from traceable we were able to buy a really nice digital tablet so now I don't have to do them by hand I used to trace them out on to actual tracing paper and take photographs and like digitally edit it but now I can actually just draw it straight onto the tablet I take the photograph of the original and I use my little tablet and I draw over the top of the actual drawing or the actual painting and then eliminate that err the painting layer and I'm left with the black and white perfect copy so it makes it really nice so thank you to those who contributing to the patreon fun because [Music] and there's a bubble a lot better than the older ones this for sure there's a $5 level that gets you a bonus video yeah we're gonna be doing under Christmas truck this year nice and yeah if you want to see the different things that we're doing in our different levels on patreon I have a if you go to the patreon comm that's public that shows all the paintings that we're doing in December and the two that are for patreon only so there's two there's one for the ten dollar level and there's one for the five dollar level and again in joining those levels you get access to the previous patreon yes you don't know studios and all so yeah not just the older ones all right and people don't like the idea of me trying to do traceable so I guess we'll just rely on you then okay sorry honey no that's all right maybe one day I tried you tried win no did I offer you no to take some of the load off okay no it actually it's really almost like a like a it turns out to be kind of like a drawing you know imma well it is it drawing but I mean the way we I try to put a lot of detail into him so you could even use it as a color sheet if you didn't want to have to paint it you could print it out and like this one especially would be really fun with kids you could print it out and let them color it in okay so just adding back in this color which was the quinacridone magenta burnt umber and cadmium red light just need that dark color underneath there no are you using any type of special technique I noticed you were just like kind of swirling the brush around when you were doing that yeah no not really I'm just kind of I know you've already get a shape or a fact or anything with it no I'm just kind of trying to fill it in and and leave the edges kind of fuzzy so that kind of doing it that way you sort of makes it a little bit the edges a little bit fuzzier so that's all I'm doing alright so I've got a little bit lighter color I mixed up somewhat yellow with my with my orange here I'm gonna do some kind of stripes so I just go over the top actually the lights kind of coming from this side so oddly and the bottom is lighter than the top part on this carrot so I wanna make sure I'm getting that yeah I'm leaving a little bit of dark in there let me go ahead and grab some cadmium red in my burnt umber I'm gonna go this way with the darker color into that wet Orange I'm trying to blend them a little bit together lean that out and then I'm gonna grab some more of the yellow add it to the orange that we put down yeah I'm gonna do one more come right up to the edge and kind of just pull and lift just do a little highlight there I'm not gonna do it all the way down to the bottom because these ones aren't as bright all the way down there but there's there's some bright that kind of wraps around so I'm gonna kind of do sort of the semicircle brushstrokes with this so we're not going straight I'm kind of following this curve right here this bottom curve on the carrot right there now I've got cadmium red light and this is just almost straight having a little bit of that okay guys I'm out there see how he looks yeah cute cute cute cute okay we'll let that dry and see if we want to add anything else to it but I think for right now I'm happy so I'm going to use this angle brush and I'm going to add a little actually now I'm going to take the back I'm going to use the number two round and I'm going to grab a little bit of white and I'm going to thin it down with water add a little bit of black and a little bit of the blue so it's kind of like that light blue gray that we were using for this for this color here similar but a lot of white so mostly white just a little bit of blue gray and I'm gonna add a lot of water to it and then wipe most of the paint off my brush alright and I'm gonna use it underneath the eyes right here I'm gonna do a little mark on both eyes just at the very bottom just like a little semicircle like that mark why don't you zoom in a little bit so I can see what I'm doing so I did two little semi circles with this kind of blue gray right there in there and then I'm gonna grab the bright color right on the tip and I kind of flattened out the brush the tip of the brush so it's like kind of got as its rounded tip and I'm just gonna set it down and lift set it down and lift create those little highlights in the eye have fun and I just try to put them in the same spot kind of about the same distance away from the edge and same thing with these didn't go all the way down to the bottom I left a little bit of the black ring around the outside it just kind of gives it a little bit more depth alright so I think this is dry enough we can do our cheeks so I'm gonna go ahead and grab the I think I might use a quinacridone because it's a really pretty pink cheek color a little bit of the color and I'm gonna clean the heck out of this brush so it barely until it barely looks like there's anything coming off of it on my paper towel it will not even show up on the brush that's when you know you've got it right you do not want too much paint on your brush otherwise you're gonna have this big rosy mess over here so I want to do it on the same spots kind of right here and here on my cheeks I'm just gonna set it down really lightly and brush just like you're kind of doing your blusher on your own cheeks I'm gonna kind of want to start out light not barely barely pressing down here to get that really soft glow on the cheeks this is dry brushing so my brush is completely dry I paint very very thin on there and just don't set in the same spot over and over again and brush brush brush because what can happen is you can kind of get a little round spot in the middle like a halo happening but I think that we did pretty good there I can't stand it you know that was coming - oh yeah what do those coming I can't stand it I held out for as long as I could alright so I'm making a really light orange here I've got a lot of yellow in it a lot of orange and I'm gonna do just a little bit sort of right along this edge of the nose right there just a little bit more I like he already looks good and then what can you use a small like round brush you could use the edge of your flat brush if you want to whatever works for you even a pen if you want to but this is kind of like stitching on here on this guy so you just do like little short lines it's super easy to do the little little short lines and I think it's less kind of daunting I think you know for a beginner to you can do a line from here to here but you know when you try to do it from here all the way to the other side it you know kind of like I don't know about that so I can come I'm gonna go ahead and draw back in my mouth here so I have an sort of area to aim for and I'm just gonna start doing these little lines it's a little line there little line there and I'm added a lot of water to my black paint whenever you're using a liner brush or a round brush you want to add a lot of water to it to thin it out make it easier to use it won't come off your brush if it's too thick and then we're just gonna do little dashed lines all along our area here and I'm holding it really close up here and just barely touching it down and lifting so we're getting these little cute little stitches almost for the for the mouth I'm just trying to do them all about the same size but it really doesn't matter if you don't get him perfect and I'm just kind of trying to go along the line of the chalk there don't worry about covering up the chalk it'll come off with a paper towel after our paints dry we can just wipe it right off so you don't have to cover it all up he's cute sound like that lady love it I love it the dark this is that dark burgundy color that was for the Hat I'm gonna just go right up underneath the nose here and the carrot and kind of add just a few little lines to our carrot nose with this brush and that darker color it's kind of that reddish color just to give it even more little detail Aaron honestly if you're doing this with kids you could totally you know simplify you don't have to do all this detail that I'm doing yeah so just do as much as you're comfortable with we can even want to get fancy with our stitches we can go back in and add like a little highlight on our stitches with a little bit of light gray I don't think this guy was a snitch was he it just get stitches you're saying I crack myself up you do but that kind of softens it too softens the look so it's not so harsh all right and now let's finish our little mm knitting here for our Hat so I'm gonna grab some of the cadmium red medium and I'm just going to use that angle brush and dab in sort of diagonal lines here not dad no but horizontal yeah thank you that's the word I was looking for horizontal lines here through our hurry stitching I heard on the radio yesterday morning mm-hmm I've never been a real big fan of the blow up things for your yards right I mean they're okay yeah but you know but I heard that there's a narwhal on or wall mm-hmm you need to get the nor wall maybe why just sounds really cool just because for else Oh the elf normal okay well he has uh scarf and eye candy cane for a nice horn or whatever they call those I hope you find your dad dad nor well you got the one yeah that's what I tell my kids all the time he does he does and he's not getting better all year alone not just Christmas all year long oh my goodness we use way too many elf lines in our household that's all I'm saying bunny python else yeah yes Annelle yeah yeah all right so all of these little diagonal lines here leaving lots of this background color showing and I'm not being particularly careful you can kind of see them going over my edges a little bit into that white area to just slightly what we can't start laughing and not tell me what you're laughing at us not fair somebody posted fruit spray okay I'm going to use my number one for this I'm gonna use the white or I'm sorry this is number two and I'm going to yeah that's that's a little bit easier than that angle brush see that and I'm gonna curve it gonna get it to at the top there so these top ones kind of curving a little bit really fun this is super fun very easy really easy you do not have to be particularly careful or neat with this it goes on really fast very forgiving your eye sees those kind of diagonal lines and it says oh that's hat that's a knitting you know so you're kind of just tricking the eye here you don't have to draw in all those little stitches or anything just kind of do those little diagonal lines in it gives you that effect that we're looking for let's do some down here I'm leaving a little bit of that dark blue you can see I did the same thing up there so leaving that dark blue so that we have our edge there that Porter yeah it makes it look Rolly yeah if it curl it just a little bit when I put it on it kind of makes it look yeah that blue kind of gives it that little shadowy depth of - yeah it's just ridges exactly put along there right man I think you know what you're doing I've seen it snowman a few times that's all I'm saying [Laughter] right fun all right so now we just want to put a little highlight on our red part of our snowman's that's so let's go ahead and grab some white and mix that with the red and if it's if your red is reading to pink and you want it a little bit more neutral you can like if you're not using a cadmium red medium you're using a different red that's making it look kind of pink you can always add a little bit of yellow to your red and that makes it a little bit less pink right and I'm just gonna kind of do it towards the top on these not gonna do all the way down looks like it's a little darker down that's injuries are so you said add a little yellow mm-hmm cut it make it not look so pink yes mm-hmm you're doing highlights in your red it just makes it I don't know if that I'll help me in my job tomorrow but there we go all right I think we're pretty good there now if we're gonna get real fancy you could go back in and shadow get the Hat a little bit but I think it's pretty close I might use a little bit of this unbleached titanium and just kind of go up underneath with a little bit of that just add a little a little something extra there just for another color happenin but I think they're pretty good okay so I thought we would add some let's go ahead and add some snow first so I'm gonna use my fan brush I'm getting some white if I can get some clean white here there we go add water to it you can use a toothbrush too if you have a stiff bristled toothbrush some old toothbrush just work really well for this she had enough water that's kind of like a milk consistency you should be able to see through it when you scrape it on your palate and the more water that you add the big earlier splash is going to be so I'm going to do I snow tap-tap-tap walnut real firm with one hand to tap my snow he's gonna show up mostly against our how close you hold it no I hold it about six inches away or so that probably that gives you Pat okay because you if you do it too far away it kind of does it wide dispersal if you get it a little closer you kind of get little clusters where you can kind of control where it goes a little bit better somebody posted a picture of their tablet I've been there done that I have I have my old phone case not this one but the one before it was covered with paint I had it too close to one I was paint one day and it it was just covered okay so I'm now my mouse yeah I forget about my mouse is all messed up you know the bat at the bottom of it look it's all covered would think yeah I'm I was grabbing it oh nice keyboard to my keyboards like all splattered with paint all over the places I did some I don't know what that is some orange brown there's no telling it's all right a my monitor to my monitor is just far enough away that it gets it gets some of the splattered but not too bad that's not to say bladder all the things exactly okay I'm gonna get more white I want some fresh white in here closer what you okay so we're seven we're not too bad we're doing great work you are I'm just sitting here [Laughter] you're helping tremendously honey thank you I'm adding witty irrelevant comments all right I'm gonna get some bigger things Oh try to scoop up some getting a little bit bigger snow flakes here there we go I don't necessarily want their lines in it but I do want those big letters and I'm just gonna blot it if I wait a little bit it won't smush around so much if I kind of wait just a little bit and then blot it will give me kind of a ghost of a color there in my background makes it look a little farther away something I'd do some snowflakes and we'll do some more spiders just at the very end I've got some really messy splatters in here if you catch a mother wet you can just kind of wipe them right off okay all right so let's do some snowflakes then use my small liner brush where's it I don't see it oh it's over here it's brush my white add water to it just like we did with the black and I think I'll do like one right close here do you line and then do an X so we do do one down here the line and then an X then do we want to do mistletoe or do we want to do an arm hanging up here what do you think we could do is a little arm right here maybe let's do the arm or waving yeah like his arms kind of catching the snowflakes or something oh cool I don't know let's do a big snowflake right here here we go and then I'll do I'm gonna use this large round didn't end up using these two yet so I don't know that we needed the filbert so I'm gonna make a brown with the burnt umber a little bit of the unbleached titanium there and we're just gonna kind of start off over here I think his shoulder would be like right in here so those arms gonna be coming down from like right up in here and I'm just going to dab and try to get it smaller and as I go up press down a little bit less as I go up then we can thicken out the bottom of our branch there there we go cute so of course everybody could stop wherever they want to oh absolutely yeah if you don't want to do the arms you don't have to know ken reminds me a stick man's family you know it kind of goes a little bit better yeah he's like trying to catch the sniff like coming down mmm cute I like it all right grab and uh unbleached titanium here I'm gonna use that on this log I'm just gonna dab in I've been highlight on that top edge well it's wet it's gonna kind of blend a little bit if you wait till it dries that's fine too it'll be a little bit more noticeable but that's alright grab a little bit of that darker color we can even grab some white do a little bit of white like he's got some ice on his branch there we go cute and then we can do our snowflake pretty much however we walked here we can get real fancy with it if we want we can keep it fairly simple if you want to keep it simple you could just get kind of some dots and just do a few little dots on either side like dot dot dot now dot the ends of these I'm gonna do some zigzag lines so it's like got these zigzags shapes can I do like a C shape right there so down below the video you click this show more north a little arrow depending on what device you're watching um you'll see a list of all the paints Angeles used also links to the brush guys and the five percent off with the Angela fine art if you need to buy brushes right also the Amazon store the Amazon links yeah oh the stuff you're using correct so like those yoga mats yeah I keep getting asked questions about that so that's why she's got her painting propped up on it's a unique solution to that problem yeah well it it just puts it just at the right angle for me when I'm doing these videos cuz a lot the way the light if I have it straight flat you can see the light condition reflects on it really weird it's really bad if with darker colors the darker you get the worse it is so yeah this works really well for it I'm going to do like little dots inside here we can do as fancy as you want it snowflakes are really fun as long as you get this rig you know this outside shape right then you can kind of fill it in however you want to let's go ahead and do some zigzags this way on each end - that's but a little dot at the end of all of these they don't even have to touch they can just be kind of out on their own [Music] don't think there's anything else I want a day with these maybe do one more little smaller zigzag at the very end there we go so people do maybe a small Cardinal or something on them yeah you could put a bird yeah that would be really fun totally the string of Lights yep we just did string of Lights in the the door that we did last week so you could use that and do like you know bigger ones but yeah that would be really cute there's all kinds of things you could do could even do a broom handle like a broom doing something I don't know so real quick we talked about earlier the Snowman horn rinse he did a couple years ago yes traceable for those are in the facebook group under Randy files section of the thankful our Facebook group yes yeah so they were before patreon or there when they are one of the few that are in that group yeah yep and do a circle here did like a zigzag line there it's two dots cute I like it so we'll do this one kind of a medium size gonna kind of big meaning it small and then this one will kind of be in between size and the rule of odds here so odd number of snowflakes on number of branches odd number of noses you've got an even number of eyes so we're kind of throw it off thank you never all there right so you want to put a third eye in there's no work no look we're okay okay be okay think you can break the rules every now and then you're so rebellious there we go cute and then want to do one layer of splatters to finish sure why not well well this those ones like I I am took most of them off and I wanted him to look faded so I've blotted it but this time I'm not gonna blot I'm gonna keep them nice and bright and white so excuses excuses hey it is wintertime I can splatter all I want nobody can say anything about it it's my time to shine I'm trying to cover that little black spot up I don't know what that was all right so got some water on here no wait get back to my oh there we go this one's for you Dave a mess the earlier splatter rounds oh did he okay yep there you go dude I think he's recovering from the splatters from the last show I like I like having these big ones in here every now and then so you kind of have to get a lot of water on your brush to get those to come out real big like that there we go plus we wanted snow on top of our branches - we don't want them to look like they're they're not included in this snow snow extravagance no Stravaganza how do you say that no snow again yeah all right there we go super cute I hope you guys try this it's a lot of fun a lot of fun and I definitely think beginner-friendly so super chat nice - that's for all the new people who are wondering why the heck were we were moving in chat more cowbell because of the cowbell there's some history behind that so the tonight's super chatty person was Deidre and she says cute cute cute so darn cute Thank You Angela mark oh thanks I appreciate it yeah this one is tipping the scales on my cute meter and he's going up in my snowman collection for Shore really fun yeah no stick man again huh hey I kind of got worked into the he's gonna to find us that job again yeah maybe next time went a little bit long than this one but it was worth it alright guys thanks for watching we'll be back Saturday for another show gut what are we doing Saturday trying to think is it the red truck I think rock we're gonna be doing a painting yeah we're doing a red truck I'll be fine are you sure I think so yeah make sure talk about your links and all that stuff oh yeah you uh if you want links to any my social media to follow me or join me for that thankful art art chat on Thursdays that I do two thirty live in that group it is down in the description you just click on the show more or the arrow down and it'll take you to my social media links down there in the description and all the good stuff yep you're right is a red Chuck Med time he already poses he could go over there hit the remind yeah mmm-hmm you can go hit the remind button it'll remind you before the show and we'll do it every every Saturday at two o'clock except for the 22nd this month we're doing it early but uh normally we're at two o'clock every Saturday doesn't family stuff to do yep alright guys thanks so much for watching we'll see you next time bye you
Channel: Angela Anderson
Views: 71,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: angela anderson, acrylic painting tutorial, art, step, create DIY canvas art, free online painting, easy acrylic painting, learn to paint, how to paint, painting instruction, beginner painting lesson, acrylic paint, canvas painting, painting techniques, snowman painting, how to paint a snowman, Christmas painting, Winter artwork, Christmas art, Beginner snowman painting, snowman painting tutorial
Id: 5aKT4soIK4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 0sec (4980 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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