Acrylic Painting Techniques

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this is the same dry brush as watercolor except for its adapted for acrylic so do the same process you want to aim for seeing your brushstrokes in the paint scruffy tow are combing involves painting a layer or two of paint and then itching into it to create a design and reveal what's underneath you can actually do wet and wet with acrylic just like you can with watercolor so go ahead and lay down some water on your paper and then you can just drop in the acrylic paint just like the watercolor and it has a very similar effect for overlay or glazing you're going to start by laying down a darker color on your paper and then letting it dry here I'm putting down two colors then let the paint dry for several minutes because what you're going to do is overlay or glaze a lighter wash over top so water it on your paint just a little bit lighter colors work better and then you're just gonna wash or overlay on top of your existing color Gorem paste oh you're going to use a palette knife instead of a brush so this is a really nice way to achieve a lot a different texture within the paint you modeling paste is another great way to add texture into your artwork so you can use a palette knife to scoop it out and then apply it onto your paper you you could also use a paintbrush to apply it directly into your paper and side note you can also mix it directly with the paint color if you want to I always just like to lay it down on my paper make sure you let the modeling paste dry and then you can paint over top of it so here I am applying a second layer of color over top of the modeling paste you so you can use stencils or stamps to achieve some pretty cool acrylic technique in your painting here I'm using a stencil just to apply the paint through it and then when you peel it off you of course have your design and make sure you watch this stencil too when you're done with a sponge similar process as you would use with watercolor you're just using the sponge to apply paint instead of a brush I like to layer different colors of paint together letting it dry for a little bit and then going back in and adding like a second or third layer of paint drips and splatters can be pretty fun so to achieve drips mix some water in with your acrylic paint and you're just gonna kind of angle your paper and guide the drips down and then for splatters it's best to use a flat bristled brush the one that came with your watercolor set works really well and then load it up with paint and you can actually just kind of flick the bristles and really control your splatters so gel medium is an acrylic medium that is going to thicken your paint and also actually make it a little bit more adhesive to so you can mix it directly with your color it'll lighten it just a little bit so here I'm applying it so you can see what it looks like when I mix it directly with the paint and then just for your reference I'm applying the color without the gel medium next to it so you can see the difference you can scumble with paint just like you can with color pencils so use your brush in a circular motion but keep it controlled you you can mask with masking tape of course or you can also use rubber cement for my example here I'm just gonna lay down some masking tape strips that I cut and then I'm just gonna paint a couple layers of paint over top I like to add a couple different colors sometimes instead of just one so it's not so flat then while the paint is still wet actually peel off the tape now my paint did leak a little bit so you can just use your paintbrush to sort of clean it up your edges you so two more mediums you can use our gloss or matte medium so to start I'm just laying down a swatch of paint and letting that dry and then I'm going to leave a section of it plain with nothing and then a section with gloss medium and then I'm going to paint a section of matte medium and this way you can see the difference it's really hard to tell in the video but let yours dry I'm gonna label mine and then you can see how it dries just for different finishes in your paint soft edge and hard edge are just to paint terms for how the paint is laid down and the quality of it so soft edge for example is going to have a softer edge just as it says so I'm using a dry brush here to really make those edges soft they're a little bit more blurred a little bit more natural whereas a hard edge which I'm going to demonstrate in just a second here is more crisp and clean and distinctive so soft edge is really good for like sunsets or blending or skies and a hard edge is good for a lot of other other things and then here we have layered layer just refers to mixing the paint directly on the paper which I'm doing here with the orange and the yellow in contrast with just a single layer of yellow
Channel: Jennifer Funnell Visual Arts
Views: 2,062,859
Rating: 4.9219437 out of 5
Keywords: Acrylic Painting Techniques, how to paint, painting, acrylic, techniques, painting demonstration, visual art, high school art, art class, art school, art teacher, acrylic painting, painting tutorial, tutorial, demo, demonstration, paint, artist, art for beginners, painting for beginners acrylic, painting for beginners step by step, painting for beginners, beginner art lessons, beginner artist, art tips
Id: cDzcoyeaRKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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