5 tips you should always do when using acrylic paint,Clive5art

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today five things you should always do before you paint with acrylic paint very simple tips some of these you have seen before some you won't have seen before and let's just get straight into it let's go into tip number one although so we picked our canvas we have got the right size canvas for the paint and we want to do and this is the first thing you should always always always do I emphasize this on every single video and that is the gesso your canvas it is very important even with pre-primed canvases know you can buy shop two-port Jessel you can make your own gesso there are recipes there in the eye cards for you to go along and all you need to do is put a couple of coats of gesso on now what this does this is this is very very very very important if you don't Jess or you might get grease spots your paint will not will not run smoothly over that canvas your paint will absorb in to the canvas it's going to make your life so so difficult even if you're just even if you're an experienced advanced / if expander or you it's very important if your beginning you've got to go to got to go to the expense of getting some gesso or even making your own Jess or please please please I can't emphasize this enough this stage is very very important there are lessons there which I will put in the I cards to show you but the first thing is make sure you do this at least twice at least two twice that's gonna make your life so much easier and that takes me on the tip number two um tip number two is so easy now we've we've gone ahead we put this is this is our third court or second court of gesso that we've just put on our canvas and it is still wet now before that a dries we need to put a ground on it a ground is basically just the color that you choose specifically for your painting some people like burnt umber groans some people like yellow groans some people like pink groans I don't know but this particular paint and I'm gonna be painting I'm gonna put a little bit of blue paint into that gesso as it's still wet and all I got is some standard acrylic paint in a little tab like this and I'm just gonna put that on it doesn't matter whether there's brush marks or whether it's perfectly smooth or not all you're aiming to do here is basically get rid of the white background of the canvas that's gonna help you dramatically with your tones so when you get a lot of white there it's a bit like walking across the Antarctic without sunglasses on you're gonna get snow blind and in this case you get color blind because the white really does affect your perspective as far as tones are concerned so it's important that you do put a little bit of tonal color on and by mixing a little bit of acrylic paint into the gesso you are not going to lose the grub of the surface if you waited for the gesso to dry and then put the ground on you were basically put in pure acrylic on top of a grabbing surface and that's going to go slightly smooth which is not what you want you want a surface that's got grub that makes painting with acrylics so so so much easier it certainly does that's tip number two so tip number three yeah three tip number three again is related to the canvas this is going to make your life even easier as far as painting is concerned so we need to flip our canvas around like that if you haven't got any of these wooden things called keys then don't worry about it I'm not putting them in in this case but that does what that does it they go in these little slots and it stretches the canvas be put before we do that all I do before every session unless it's a canvas board which is different so if I'm painting on canvas I wet down and moisten down the rear of the canvas like that and that's all I do give it a good old soak what that's going to do that's going to soak into the canvas fibers because there's no paint this site it's going to soak in it's going to keep that surface wet and it's going to stop the paint from coming through and evaporate in this way because this wet is moist at the back it's going to stop that evaporation problem now I attach my canvas to my board with some blue tack but 99% of the times you'll just lay it on your canvas like that on your easel like that and carry on painting if at any time you think it needs another wet turn it around redo that process and that's going to save you so much time and make your painting so much easier that's tip number three tip number four brings us to the pallet now it's important that you set your palate in the same way nearly every time no I don't mean by putting your colors in the same place what I'm saying is put your warm colors your Reds your oranges yellows to one part of the palate put your cools your blues and greens and things like that down the other half the color keep your neutrals your Brown your white and your black which you use for changing your tones to the one side set the palate out as you want it and there you'll know every time you go there you're gonna know roughly where your warms are where your cools are many neutrals our mix life easier but that's not the tip the tip is if you're going to use water make sure you've got two different containers you've got one for washing your brush one for thinning down your Pink's so that is important because you don't cross contamination with your paints always have at least two pots and what I would say about what I would say about the the water is it's very important that you don't dip your brush in like this don't dip your brush in like that that's no good you all you need to do is just put the brush just on the side like that just pick up a little bit of moisture scrape your moisture off your brush and then continue to go in to your paint and then that I'll thin it down enough don't forget too much water is dangerous for the paint because it will break down your polymer molecules in the paint and under bind it which is not what you want so if you're going to use water use spare in amounts of water the other thing is while I'm on that is don't leave your brushes in tubs like this why because they will bend over time they will Bend like of that and that's not what you want even have a Miss shapen brush so always wash your brushes out in dirty water give them a quick rinse out in clean water and lay them down and before you do to paint or always moisten your brushes first that is gonna save you time and it's gonna make your paints work a lot smoother that's tip number four tip number five is very simple you've seen me uses no end of times during the painting in fact is on every single video and what do I mean well quite simply it's a wet palette very important for a critic painting because it stops the evaporation from the paint the paint dries with evaporation if we can stop the evaporation of the moisture out to the paint then it's going to last a lot longer and take a lot longer to dry that's is why we've gone through the process with the canvas and the process of pre-soaking your brushes so this brings me on to the wet palette so what is a wet palette well basically it's just a box that's got some kitchen towel in in it or whatever that's absorbent in the base it comes with a lid that I've explained very quickly so all you need to do is get some water you put some water into the wet palette area there I got a little bit more where's my water so I put a little bit more water you want it quite you want it quite moist that's basically if you want to know how to get the best out of a wet palette then just watch the videos and there are links as well now I've got some grease proof paper or parchment paper baking paper anything like that that's got em it's kind of like a waxy Cortland on it's not going to affect your paint it's just going to stop the pink I'm sticking that's all it is so we need a place of that in to our wet palette if you want something a little bit tougher then I suggest you use some tracing paper I cut that the size that always works I've found out over the years that this is the best system for me but might not necessarily be the best system to you tracing paper can work really really well so if I'm got anything else use that that then is put in place when we place our paints replace our paints in sequence then around we've got our warm colors in one area we got our cool colors in the other area we've got our neutrals there when we come to finish our session we can replace the lid like that that's going to allow the pallet to sweat a little bit always leave a little gap that's a little bit of air out otherwise you'll find that your paints won't go it won't dry they'll just go very runny that's not what you want always leave a little bit of a gap that's tip number five now if you use all these five principles you were going to find that your painting experience is going to be a lot more enjoyable you're gonna have a lot more fun you're going to find out the pink runs smooth and you're also going to find out if it doesn't dry it so quick on you the other thing is what I suggest you do before you start the paint is quite simply get a a water container like this a mister bottle and just slightly miss the front of that surface of the canvas or even your canvas board not too much on canvas boards because a cardboard and that will allow the paint to run smooth and not dry so much so if you liked these tips please let me know in the comment boxes below if there's any questions please ask them always you to help and click out the I cards for all the other tips and tricks and I upload every Monday so please subscribe to the channel and there's a always a free lesson every Monday at Harbor seven Greenwich Mean Time bye
Channel: CLIVE5ART
Views: 828,447
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Keywords: life hacks, acrylicpaintingtechniques, #clive5art, hacks, 13 life hacks, paintingtechniquesacrylic, taras kul, Acrylicpaintingforbeginners, howtopaintwithacrylicsforbeginners, acrylicpaintingtutorial, acrylicpainting, paintingwithacryilic, werid life hacks, stupid life hacks, pencil sharpening, ghacks, painthacks, weirdhacks, crazyrussianhacker, hacksforlife, painting, shoenice rubbing alcohol, lifehacksyouneedtoknow, savemoney, school hacks, crazy life hacks, painting tips, easy painting
Id: k1v18PL6fho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 03 2018
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