Easy BALLOON Technique to Make Unique Abstract Art ~ Fall Inspired Colors ~ Acrylic Pouring

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hi everyone it's molly! welcome back to my channel  thank you for being here. i have been so inspired   by autumn colors and the painting that i'm going  to do tonight is actually inspired by one of my   viewers, becky monahan! she has been such a sweet  and kind person and i just love our conversations   that we have. and your artwork is absolutely  beautiful! and so i just wanted to say kudos to   you becky! you inspired me so this piece that i did. it  was actually part of my amazon live. and i did this with.....  you guessed it! with balloons! this is a balloon dip. so that's what i'm going to be doing tonight in   very similar colors and composition, but i wanted  to do one for this channel so that you could see   how i do my balloon dips as well. so hope that you  enjoy this one becky, beautiful work. let's paint! hi everyone it's molly hope everyone is doing  okay i am going to do balloon dips tonight   and they the colors and the style is um is  inspired by becky monahan who is a viewer   of mine now she sends me the cutest messages and  of her dogs butch and lily and it's just been   a really great time getting to know  becky so becky i appreciate you so   much um and i love the art that you share  so i am going to use this is a wood panel   um that i have i bought it at lowe's believe  it or not it's a full solid piece of wood   they use it for like table tops and things like  that so i have some really big ones that i'm going   to be working on as well they actually weren't  that expensive they were like i don't know like   20 or 30 dollars for the small ones and then they  go up from there um i just hadn't found any like   round canvases that i love that are this thick and  i needed one for a commission i put a layer of gac   100 which is an acrylic primer on there to seal  in the wood and i actually got that recommendation   from a and i started researching it and read  all about it for sealing wood products i got   that recommendation from someone in our acrylic  pouring a to z course they were asking questions   about it and saying what they had researched so i  absolutely love the course and i love the people   that are in it and i'm still learning  things as well which i think is amazing   um let me see and then i so i did a couple  layers of that and then i put some white   uh gesso on there i put quite a few layers then i  sanded down in between each layer to make it more   smooth i say and it's still got a little bit  of grooves in it i sanded this down with um   320 grit 400 grit and then 600 grit sandpaper  so i now have my pouring surface so i'm going   to be using this is the same medium that i do  for my swipe so it's floetrol 70% and gloss medium varnish 30% and my paints are  pretty thick. i don't know if you'll be able to see. they make a little mound stay on the top then it  disappears back in. maybe not quite as thick as i   would do for my ring pores maybe about the same  i also have these cute little can look at the   metallic shine on that from that orange and bronze  copper um i did these and you know they're okay   they moved around a little bit you know i use  them as my wiping surface so i think i'm gonna   i have a paper towel here to wipe on but i'm  gonna wipe the balloon on some of these as well   so my i don't like to waste my balloons obviously  i reuse them so i just wipe them off um these are   just regular party balloons they will you could  get like multiple uses out of these but i um these   are the seven inch balloons i think in my amazon  store i have seven and eight inch if you get the   really big ones it's it's hard to make them this  small and have air in them still um so this has no   water no nothing it is just a balloon that i have  blown a little bit of air into i have not blown it   up fully i have a bigger one here but i think for  this size canvas i'm going to use the small one   so i'm going to pour the base stretch it out  and then i'm going to alternate puddle colors   and dip it in and i loved i think what made me  fall in love with the colors that becky chose   were that they're fall inspired colors and i'm  going to be doing a super fun collaboration   with olga sobi as well about changing leaves so  i'm really excited for that i think we're going   to swap techniques and i love trying something  new so i'm going to try one of her techniques   um which i think i'm going to do the open cup pour   lastly i had a lot to tell you for this video  lastly i am i made this maroon color out of   permanent red which i'm using and payne's gray  from creative inspirations and it made this   deep dark gorgeous maroon color um i think that  is it i have had a lot to tell you this today   so i'm just going to get started with this base  i absolutely love it when the leaves change   and we just have not had it you know we just  don't get that here in florida it's like we   have summer and then like not so hot summer so  whenever i get a chance to like go back home   to south carolina or go to the mountains i  mean i just i miss the leaves uh oh there we go not as many bubbles because this paint has  been sitting for a few days but i hope i don't   have any clumps in there as well so i'm just  going to stretch this on out i do see a couple   but hopefully let me get my tweezers okay i got out most of the lumps if i  see any more i'll get them as i go it's always   good to work in good lighting so that you know  and some of them will spill over the side and   i'll be able to better see like i see one as  soon as i put it down i lose it there we go okay i have not worked on a long i mean  along a circular canvas in so long and especially i don't know if i've ever worked on   i have for resin worked on wood circular canvases  but y'all i'm already spilling it all over myself okay now that it's spread thin i can see  just a few more pieces that i need to get out i just want a little bit to  cover this side right here okay i think i'm gonna start down here i'm trying to think about  my composition so i want it to flow   across and then up there i think  so when you are doing balloon dips   if you dip too many times in the same place  it will get muddy if you um don't have if   you have too much paint on the surface when  you dip your colors will completely get lost   if your paints are too thin then you won't pick  up enough from the balloon to create the design   so this is definitely it looks very easy but it  was not an easy technique to kind of of get down okay all right so i'm going to start and i'm going  to layer these a little bit differently each time   now i'm putting you know multiple colors on here  so keep that in mind because when i dip down   and and pull it back up i don't want a huge  puddle of paint there so i'm gonna go here maybe i'll put them on this side easier access so i'll start with just one puddle  and do a dip and show you what i   mean because it's not going to look  like much and then i will show you when i put multiple puddles and start  to connect them with the balloon how   that looks because that's really  where this starts to take shape all right so first balloon dip  down i'm gonna dip on in here and see how that doesn't look  like much and if i take this   and dip right along there see it's  not doing much but watch what happens   i'm gonna go ahead and put this  one on there oh that is so pretty   oh and i love this as the background because  it's gonna have some so this is what i just   did there it's gonna have some dimension  there yes super pretty all right so now   i'm gonna do multiple puddles so i'm gonna  come in another red puddle right here and i'm just gonna start  alternating some of my colors then i'll go red over here orange over here so you can alternate your  colors and you can alternate like at you   know sometimes i'll leave a color out if i want  something to be more predominant my garage ghost i do like the metallic to be a lot of times on top just because it gives such a really pretty shine and i do love this maroon so i really want that  to be predominant okay maybe not that predominant okay so watch what happens now when  i start to kind of dip these together and again every now and again take your balloon   and dip it off you can wipe it you  can dip it man it's really pretty so i'm going to continue dipping here and i like these little kind  of curlicue things that happen i actually want them to happen  because i think it adds some interest then i want some of this to start coming  off the sides so all i'm doing is kind   of smooshing a little bit to the side and  that's traveling that paint over that way and then i want just a little bit of a gold puddle  right there because that's like really white maybe a little bit of orange oh love it love what happened right there and  this paint it looks really raised because when you   bring the balloon up from the  canvas it raises the paint off   but this it settles back down as  long as it's not too thick yep love okay i'm gonna keep working my design up this way  and up that way and then these tiny little drips   if you don't want them you just touch  your finger to them and they go away and then look at how this is coming out i love it all right and then on the sides  if you want to just wipe your balloon there   you can kind of paint your sides as you go i'm  going to paint these a solid color once i'm done   but you don't have to waste anything   i think i'm gonna start with red because it'll be  the bottom and then go with some of these other oh i said i wanted orange  to be the top on that one okay this is such a fun technique and once you  kind of get everything together it creates   beautiful results and this  one's pretty you can replicate   different compositions obviously no  painting and fluid art will ever be the same   but okay so i'm going to connect these  two and rotate this on up this way don't press too hard when you're doing this and then take your time and wipe your balloon off   this one's got some really pretty white striations  on it oh wow i really just want to just keep that oh i don't want to get rid of it okay  i should have had a third canvas here i'm bringing them together  leaving a little bit of space and then if you don't like a section  you can always pour back over it   this has a lot of white so  i'm not going to use that   on this canvas i like the orange and the maroon  colors i'm going to come back through here again i really like it when some of this is like bright  look at that i should have some uh tera slate   paper to put those on to make little thanksgiving  cards oh i just came up with another idea okay i'm liking this i really wish i hadn't  quite gone all the way up there because i really didn't want all of that now what do i do i was talking to you and wasn't really  thinking about it and i was just playing around but in reality i don't want i  wanted to leave a little bit more negative space but i think what i'm going to do now is  come back around this way a little bit more   i have committed to not having negative  space now i mean i'm gonna have some but just pouring a couple more petals just smush off a bright one there and then i'm really liking the gold oh no i spill i don't know how i do it  i spill every i'm such a klutz gotta love it gotta love it oh i do not like that so you know what you do when you don't like it you fix it there we go better okay let me get this off of here so i'm  done i think with these two canvases i think i'm going to come up here i don't know i may even scrape that off and put  a little bit more white there i don't know yet i do not know yet and i feel like this needs  orange here in the center okay bit of orange gosh that's so pretty i  didn't think that i wanted to dip the balloon anymore but i couldn't help it getting that paint off the  balloon helps a ton with actually   pulling up a design if you don't it's just  going to like smush everything so like   i don't have a ton of paint on here when i dip  into there it really helps create a design there and then i just store this on a little cup  and it is good to go for quite some time   as long as the air doesn't come out of it all  right so now i'm just going to actually like well you know i love finger painting so um take a look at these super cute minis that i made so cool all right so here it is yes i  dipped a little bit more don't judge me   and then here are the little  designs that are in there and it just draws your eye to  so much i like that there's like   some blocks of color just bold color in there super fun design now i dipped  a lot you could dip much less and just play around with the design but how fun all right i'll show you how this dries i first wanted to show you these little pieces how  cool are those i think i'm gonna paint the sides   and i think i'm gonna resin these  as well that's my favorite one   crisp edges the beautiful gold gold orange so yeah i think i'm going to paint the  sides because see the sides are a mess   paint the sides and then yeah i think  i like this one better than this one   but using some little canvases all right  let me show you the the round balloon dip all right so here it is i'm gonna  start at the bottom here and show you   now the one thing i will say is that i needed to  sand this board better let me see if i can show   you you see there's you can see my brush marks  from the gesso still so i will be investing i   believe in a palm sander but i think what i'm  gonna do is coat this one with resin and i think   the metallic's going to be shine even prettier  you can see it there ah i'm in love with this so   becky monahan you did amazing let me see if i  can turn it or twist it just a little bit hold on i mean it didn't do much but i'm just trying  to figure out the best way to hang this for   composition wise because what ended up happening  and it's not what i wanted i i wanted it to be a   little bit more light and airy i got a little bit  happy with my balloons and i wanted this is more   like a straight line across here and i wanted it i  maybe wanted just a little bit more negative space   there and then to flow out but i am really happy  with this piece let me turn that so you don't want   it straight up and down with the line maybe just  the tiniest bit off is that how i had it before so so it got really good side coverage because i  just sewed the sides um i just needed to sand it   a little bit better so this one is going to get  a coat of resin but i really like the technique   i will be doing some more of these balloon  dips and it's always a learning process right   well i hope that you enjoyed this video  thank you so much for watching! happy painting! bye
Views: 772,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acrylic pouring, acrylic pour, fluid art, fluid painting, acrylic painting, abstract art, art, abstract, pouring, pour painting, pouring art, pour art, painting, mollys artistry, florida artist, acrylic, fluid acrylic, artwork, modern art, modern abstract, art tutorial, pouring paint on a canvas, molly artistry, acrylic pouring abstract art, paint pour canvas art, easy art, making art with balloons, balloon art, balloon dips, fall colors, fall inspired art
Id: UTRbL4puuuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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