How To Paint A LAMPPOST IN AUTUMN 🍂 tutorial in acrylic

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[Music] hi everybody and welcome back to my channel today i'm going to be showing you how to paint this fall landscape with a lamppost here are some of the colors that we're going to be using so we've got crimson red here i've got some luminous neon orange luminous yellow warm luminous yellow cool so neon yellow here i've got yellow ochre light olive green or green gold and some hookers green or sap green will do as well i'm maybe using a little bit of light ultramarine blue as well and i'll just show you got it right here so this i may use for the highlights and to make the lamp pulse look a little bit frosty sometimes you get that little bit of light frost in the morning cold mornings in the fall and we'll also be using a little bit of black and i'm just going to be using some craft black paint today for that you can use any black you want and these are just the colors that i'm using but anything close to these will be fine you don't need any neon color specifically to make this painting i just really like the bright colors um that these produce so use any i'll show you actually i'll just show you some other variations and alternatives that you can use if you don't have neons so cadmium yellow light hue is a nice bright cool yellow so you can use that if you don't have neon yellow and scarlet red instead of crimson red any any red will be fine and cadmium orange hue instead of neon orange will work just fine okay so we're gonna get started on the background the canvas i'm using today is 11 by 14. i primed it once it's dry i primed it once with acrylic gesso and i just did one coat the acrylic gesso preps the canvas creates a barrier there that will help to hold the colors on top of the canvas rather than have them sink into the canvas and fade over time so that's why i like to use gesso and what i like to do before i apply the paint to my canvas is i like to wet it first and i'm going to use a large brush just to get this coverage so this is a number 50 filbert brush i'll get just a little bit of water here and i just want to apply it evenly if you have a little misting spray bottle that would work as well so this will make the canvas a little bit slippery just so that you can spread your paint a lot easier and your paint will go farther so this is the fun part for me we don't have to add detail right now all we're doing is dabbing blobs of color for the background that's going to be out of focus it's going to be the lamppost that we want to have in full detail and focus so we can just have fun with dabbing and adding colors for the background so i'm going to go ahead and squeeze out the colors that i want to use and i'll show you the brush that we're going to use to apply them and i will be using just a filbert brush but you could really use any brush that you want this is just for applying little brush strokes like this i'm gonna start with my crimson red and i'm just gonna like i said without thinking too much when you stop and hesitate and think too much about where you should put it that's when you're going to lose that natural factor and that natural overall natural look so keep in mind that we're going to use some areas here we're definitely going to be overlapping a lot so you can put some of them close together some of them can be a little bit bigger in shape and size i always like to have fun and play around with my backgrounds i usually have music playing in my studio but for filming and youtube copyright purposes i can't but i really recommend it if you can find some music that helps to put you in a good mood and kind of just create those good feelings any kind of endorphins that you can create while you're painting of course painting can create endorphins anyways but all those things play a part in the process and the state of mind ran when we're painting so the happier and calmer and relaxed you can feel while you're painting the more enjoyable your process will be and the nicer your painting will look so i'm just going to use all of this red and where it's going to be a little bit darker down here whoops it's a little hard dry chunk there where we have some darker areas instead of using black for that i'm going to apply my sap green this one over top of the red will create a really nice dark deep color that we're gonna want so i'm just gonna get a little bit of water here and make this a little bit bigger spread some of this paint around i should say okay so now before this can dry i'm going to go ahead without washing my brush off and go into my next color so this is where you can kind of start to overlap and have a little bit of fun with your brush if you start to create a pattern if you notice that happening we'll tend to do that automatically our brains tell us to do that now you want to fight that so just don't even give your self enough time to stop and look at the canvas to think about where you should place the next one just go for it without thinking and the nice thing about acrylic and i say this in every video just about because i'm always getting new viewers and new subscribers to my channel so the nice thing about well acrylic has a lot of benefits but one of them is that it dries quickly making it really forgiving and easy to overlap and cover up if there's something you don't like that's why i like it i've always been a fast painter i think mostly because i'm i feel very much alive and excited while i'm painting and that makes me want to keep doing doing it quickly and adding more color because i'm so excited about where it's taking me and yeah it's just an exciting fun process okay so i've gone through the crimson red the yellow ochre i'm gonna wash my brush out now and i'm actually going to dry these layers of paint off or this layer of paint off because i'm adding the neons and the neons are more of a filter they're transparent so i don't really want to blend these ones in to the crimson red or the yellow ochre when i do i'll lose this viscosity this color this bright bright pop of color that i have so i'm going to take a couple minutes with my hair dryer and just dry this off i'll speed it up and of course turn the volume down so you don't have to hear the loud noise [Music] okay so as you can see it's all nice and dry now and i'm excited because i love to add my neon colors so let's just get started i can go back and use this large brush now because it will be nice to overlap some of these so let's start with the bright warm neon yellow okay so let's just start doing our little happy dance with our color here now i definitely am gonna be needing more in fact i think i'm just gonna approach it in little dabs like this there i think that should be enough now there is a little bit of an odor to the yellow not all of these neon ones from this brand but the yellows especially have a little bit of an odor just uh fyi in case you guys get them and you're wondering if if your paint is off or if it's bad to breathe in um you might want to have the window open i don't know if it's bad like if it's something that you need to be painting in a well ventilated area you probably should anyways better to be safe than sorry and then down in here there's less of the bright color and more of uh the green and the red and more of a dark shadow contrast color so i'm i'm run out of i pretty much run out of that light yellow and that's fine because i've got enough up here now and we can start to come in with our neon orange without washing my brush i'm gonna start to just tap this in so the idea is to enhance and just add this to our wonderful medley of colors fall colors here without completely covering up any one of the other colors so i do need a little bit more here i think i'm going to go ahead and do the same thing start to dab we do have a little bit of that orange that comes down here into the red but not a lot i'm just going to take a little bit of water and help spread this around so it's okay to overlap in some areas but if you overlap all the colors each time you add them you're not going to have all these different shades and tones happening right the next color that i want to use is or are i'm gonna switch plates here i'm gonna clean plate i'm gonna add this light olive green or sap green a little bit of black and we'll save these two for the lamp post i add just a little bit more of my crimson red so i can get some richer tones where i want to have more shadow in here and i prefer to do that instead of using straight black this is more natural i want to save the black for the branches and the lamp post but the leaves and foliage here in the background i want to just concentrate on the red and the green so first i'm going to take a little bit of this sap green here so the leaves are changing but we've still got a few signs that they're not all completely changed yet so in between wherever you see a little bit of white patches or if you've covered all your white patches if you can't see any of that canvas underneath that's okay just pick a few spots follow along with me if you're not sure where to place them i'm not going for any specific shape of a leaf here i'm just dabbing and kind of tapping around and you can see already where i'm placing the green over top of some of the red it's going to dry to that nice color that i really want for some depth and shadow and then i'm just going to a little bit more in here and really down here is where it starts to get dark so apply the green first and then wherever i need to where it's still not dark enough like i don't want anything to look too too green down in this area i want it to be the red and green mixture color so add this first and then when i need to i'll go back in and mix the red and the green together okay now i'm going to take some just scoop up some of this olive green color and i'm going to apply it over top some of these sap green areas for highlight and we'll see how that dries i'm hoping it's gonna dry this color but we'll see if it doesn't then i'll have to go back and balance that with some white meaning i'll mix a little bit of white in with this so that it stays this color white is a good choice to balance the color that you want to add over top of something darker and even sometimes brighter okay now i'm going to come in take a bit of that crimson red green and we get this really deep rich color so i'm going to start coming in this area we're going to have a branch that comes out here and one that comes up here a few smaller branches off from those but those are going to be the main ones i've got a lot of green here so i'm going to go in for more red go back in between some of these areas and add a little bit more of the red with a bit of that green left in there it doesn't matter so again just going back and adding this beautiful crimson red tinted with a little bit of green sometimes less green sometimes more red i am going to go and switch my brush over to a liner brush you can use a liner brush or a round brush just something with a smaller tip that you can have a little bit more control with while painting your branches so i've got this long liner brush here i also have a round brush so i think i'll demonstrate using both for you guys just so that you can really get a feel for each brush and what they both can offer so this round brush is nice because it's the perfect size for the branches that i need to paint and i'm going to start with this one here on the far left it goes off the canvas so i'm just taking a scoop of this black paint i'm not pushing too hard and i'm going to come on an angle diagonally right down and off the canvas and remember branches aren't perfectly straight so you don't have to worry about making a straight line it's a little wiggly and crooked it'll look even better so the next one we're going to start this one down here so it kind of goes off the bottom now we're going to gently just scoop up to here scoop and then up and then over and off the canvas a little bit of water on here okay so those are the main branches and for the smaller branches i'm gonna just wash this one out make sure you guys are washing your paint out of your brushes and drying them off especially with a little the liner brushes and the round brushes you really want to pull and twist and wipe them off on the towel to keep that nice shape like this over to the liner brush now this one's a long liner brush but you could use a shorter liner brush if you want um for filming purposes this really works because it keeps my hand out of the view for you guys water a little bit of it's got a little bit of green in there that's okay black really overpowers everything pretty much we're gonna just start to follow along follow along that and then wiggle out see where it got patchy there means i need a little bit more water and less pressure so i'm going to put my hand further back on the handle and even if you're really shaky you're going to create even better branches the shakier the better and more natural so i'm going to demonstrate a few here just like that and then you can add as many or as few as you like and over to this one here we've got a few little branches and i'm not even sure how much of these i'm going to cover up with my lamp post but i really want to demonstrate here i don't want to think about that yet i want to create a natural looking background and if you're painting things in your background thinking about what you need to avoid for the foreground and it's going to look less natural does that make sense to you guys don't always think about that don't don't think about the finished product as much as what you're painting on at the time that being said don't judge your painting too soon either think about when it's all done it's all going to make sense so it's going to gradually these branches that come out off of the the main one are going to gradually get a little bit thinner right they're going to start a little thicker and then get smaller and narrower and we can overlap some of these branches at any time with some more foliage i really really relaxing painting branches it's fun for me okay so i'm finished with that liner brush and i'm gonna dry this off and then i'm gonna add a few more colors in the background um just fill in some of these patches that are bright white still and then we'll come in with our lamp post [Music] so one color that i really want to use right now and incorporate is another neon and this one's the luminous neon red i think this will enhance the colors even more so okay the next color i'm going to be using is my luminous violet a little bigger brush here i'm going to use my number 12 filbert get it a little bit wet first so this color is uh really nice for our shadow areas so again we're just enhancing adding another beautiful jewel tone here a little bit of water on there you can go over part of here little tree trunks and branches okay i'm gonna stop there dry this all off again and then i'm gonna go over in a little bit of fog and mist using a bit of this blue violet you can see as soon as i hold this up against the painting the colors look really pretty together so we're just going to use this for a very small hint of some fog and mist and just to set this back in the background a little bit more i think for this background bit of mist effect we're going to be doing more same kind of effect as when we're doing sun rays or making our painting sun drains right so you want it to be transparent so just add a little bit here and there and look how pretty that color is i'm gonna wipe the excess off on a towel and then i'm just gonna look at that these colors all just play off of one another reminds me of those beautiful frosty but sunny colorful mornings in autumn where you get a little bit of that morning fog and it's this kind of a color well that's what i see anyways i always i think artists see colors and see everything in more color than everyone else does so see how soft that is you can even have a little bit more here those bright colors underneath are still going to show through okay now it's time to start working on our lap post over here to my black i'm gonna add a little bit of my light blue violet i'm gonna need a little bit more black here as well because this is sort of watered down from when i was painting my branches okay so i'm going to take a little bit of black we'll paint this in black first like always i'm just going to eyeball it so oh right about here so maybe about halfway we'll start get it as straight as you can i like to use my pinky as a guide it steadies my hand and gives me more control so you want a nice thick amount there quite even and do a smaller line in between there and then at almost a little oval or rectangle on the top of it use any brush that you want you guys for this and then i'm just going to do [Music] a little triangle right here then i'm gonna leave that much space in between for our lantern itself and do a dramatic top here it's like a triangle but it goes really scoopy in here so scoop and scoop out like that i'm gonna wash this out and i'm gonna switch over to a smaller brush just before i do that i'm going to take a little bit off here on the side where i think i may have brought that over a little bit too far and clean this edge up here just a little bit i'm going to use my little round brush here so that i can have a little bit more control where i want to add my details i'm going to make this a little bit wider and come down a little bit lower and then for the top clean those edges up we're going to have a little top on top of our top if that makes sense another little version of what we already have so smaller and skinnier a little triangle just like that sorry for the noise it's just from it's a little bit tacky the paint is dry enough that i can place my finger there without wrecking it but it's making a little bit of a noise okay so now what i want to do get that black out of there and i'm going to start adding some blue here this is going to give us the frosty look that we want okay so we're gonna have a little bit coming down in the center here then i'm gonna pull up up up wipe some of this water off had just a little bit of water on there so we want to have a dark shadow and black line in between these and then it's going to start right here we're going to start ready from this end scoop scoop scoop and scoop so it's like a scallop right and then inside each of them kind of wiggle like flower petals kind of wiggle to fill that gap in and then scoop but leave that space so the majority of paint you want right here and then scoop let off and that paint will just naturally fade out where it should i'm going to wash all of that blue out back into my black right away and i'm going to go underneath add a little line here and here pull across and go underneath each scoop just to define those okay so the next thing we want to do is add a little highlight or add a little frost here so just a little line on the top a little bit here and then right in this little area here then we're gonna skip this section and then i'm going to turn my brush like this i want to load the bottom up like this okay and then i'm going to line my brush up pull and drag so that it's not solid and then i can switch over i'm gonna do this carefully with my other hand but you could come from a different angle or just turn your canvas over or flip it around whatever you have to do so it's really um right on the outside edges here with this little bit of blue and then we can come back in and balance that out with the black just in the center though so you can even just kind of pull like this just in the middle part you still have a little bit of that blue but not as much as we do on the outside giving it more of the frosty look towards the outside and of course you can make any design you want for your lamp post there's so many different ways you could take it and things you can do okay so there we have uh the main part of the lamppost i want to add the light inside first before we come over with our black lines here so making sure my brush is clean and dry a little bit of this neon yellow this is the cool luminous yellow i'm using now and it's called luminous lemon by holbein and i'm also going to take my neon orange just realize i haven't used any white yet at all in this painting but that's about to change i need just a little dab of white here in order to make these colors show up against the background we need to add a little bit of white so i'm going to go in the middle here where we're going to have our brightest yellow and a little bit of that i'm just going to start fading it out and another layer of white here where it's going to be the brightest because it's going to dry darker okay i'm going to dry this off i'm going to go into my bright bright yellow they're nice and bright and then into my orange mix that yellow with it this just makes the perfect lamppost light color i'm gonna start just kind of dabbing it around here and then i'm going to add a little bit more of just straight neon orange so it's brightest in the center and then it starts to get a little bit more saturated around the outside okay now i can come in carefully with my black and i'm gonna add the line right through the center line it up from here right to here one in the middle one from here and one right down here so now i have a few lamp post painting tutorials in different seasons uh a couple of them are very along the line witch and wardrobe narnia uh themed and based so if you guys are lamppost fanatics like me then be sure to check those out i'll try to remember to leave a link below or at the end of this video i'm going to add a little bit more of my blue here add a little bit more of a frosty look right here i'm just going to dab soften that with my finger and just add a little bit more right on the ends there i just really love how all these colors look together and let me know what you guys think of the com in the comments below if you enjoyed this tutorial uh and if you want to give it a try we'd all love to see it i'm going to add little dots and dabs here to give it a little bit more this is another approach to giving it that frosty look rather than the sort of palette knife technique using a brush pull and drag right you can do these little dots and dabs as well and then little hints little hints of this blue getting that misty look so as i add the finishing touches to this painting i want to thank you guys so much for joining me today this is really fun i always sharing my painting tutorials with you guys and seeing what you come up with um if you want to share i'll leave a link for our facebook group where you can do so and it's a really nice group of people all very supportive and i think that you'll like it over there so check below the video for a full list of colors and brushes we use today as well as the canvas don't forget to subscribe to my channel for more and give this video a like leave a comment below and i'll see you all very soon in my next video bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Joni Young Art
Views: 6,507
Rating: 4.9709091 out of 5
Keywords: How to paint a fall landscape, Lamppost painting, Maple trees, Fall leaves, Colourful painting, Autumn scenery, Art, Acrylic painting tutorial, Joni young art, Neon paint, Canvas, Brushes, Step by step painting tutorial
Id: RaficZ0MmMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 15sec (2715 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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