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[Music] hi guys so you're here watching the shorter version of martini night if you'd like to watch the real time much longer video i'll leave a link below where you can join patreon and unlock other videos you haven't seen yet plus this one thanks enjoy the video hi everybody welcome back to my channel it's tony young here and if you're new please subscribe to my channel now and let's begin this silhouette painting we're going to be using a 12x16 black primed canvas and i've got a large chalk brush just for blending and creating some light for the background i'm going to be using titanium white and mars black so i'm just going to get my brush a little bit wet first i'm going to pick up some white a little bit of black and i'm just gonna simply start creating some circles like this clockwise and counterclockwise because we're working on a black canvas this is going to make for a really striking painting i'm actually going to come back in now with a smaller mop brush and all i'm going to do is just soften this doing those continuous circles i'm going to create some shadow down here it'll help draw our eyes into the light so i'm ready to begin the next step and i'm going to take a flat brush and i'm going to take some white with my large flat brush you can use any size of flat brush that you want i just recommend a flat brush because it's got that nice straight end to it so it makes it a little bit easier for you to get a straight line wherever you need to okay so i'm gonna start right about here and i'm just gonna pull and then let off so it's the brightest right here i'm going to come underneath make it a little bit thicker and i'm going to pick up black now i'm going to go right along the bottom from here okay see that slant right there for the end of the table and right above and just by adding this black line right above it'll make our white stand out a lot more too and then there's some darker shadows coming right up here so i'm just gonna scumble that out and soften that okay back into our black cut right underneath make this narrower now i'm just going to come in with a little bit of a soft gray here mini little mop brush this is the perfect size for creating some glowing hazy lights so i want to take a little bit of white maybe a tiny bit of that gray in there and then maybe we'll have one there one a little bit bigger here number eight and i'm gonna use dark gray so almost black right down here first so right about here her knee we're gonna see her knees so we'll just do a little round half circle like that we're not gonna see too much of this just the indication just keep it nice and dark and then a little line there and then her dress that's in black i'm gonna cut across black all the way over we're going to go right under here right into the table with the black as well and just outline her leg like that so we know her leg she's sitting right about here and then her dress starts it's a very low low back that goes around and up curves around like that we'll have her shoulder right about here oh it comes down a little bit on a slant like that and we'll paint this inside all black and then right up here here then her head's an oval shape we'll add the details of her hair after and then i'm going to come in here and i'm going to dry brush for the shading so the shadow starts here if you have a lot of black somewhere you can just take some of that off and use that i'm gonna take a little bit of white just a little bit make sure my dress or my brush is pretty dry and i'm going to start coming in here and stumbling inside and then we come a little bit over to the right here and down and down right into that v i'm going to take some of that off i just want to have a little bit more of the white to work with want to soften these edges taking a little bit of white now i'm going to come up here and start adding around it and then right in here her neck her hair and her face now i want quite a dramatic contrast so i'm gonna do more white here and then right in here on the other side a little bit right in here whoops still a bit too wet there let me just get a little bit more paint to work with come right under here and then there's some gathering ripples in her dress in her waistline and i'll bring this table in a little bit closer to her and now i'm just going to start i haven't even used my small filibert brush i might not need it but it's there if i do she's got her hair up and some kind of pretty updo little pin curls or something i'm going to add this black and where those shadows and curls wrap around just a little twist with a brush fiber brushes are great you can use them for all sorts of things in your paintings they're very underrated and underused okay making that gray color again and start adding her arm okay it comes down in a point like this and go right under there bring this in here along the side just a light light gray and then that along the left side so the white comes in and then out and over that's going to be really really white i'm just going to outline right down to the bottom where her elbow is and bring this up i'll take a little bit more black exaggerate this shadow a little bit more her thumb is going to be there in her hand we'll just do a little curve like that i hope you guys are doing all right and you're following along okay just take it one step at a time you guys i know you can do this you've got this i'm here with you to encourage you along the way just keep going you're going to be a better painter by challenging yourself so the only way to get better is if you challenge yourself and do something that's out of your comfort zone out of your comfort zone and you'll get there i'm just going to come along the side now take a little bit of this highlight off i'm gonna make this darker now inside it'll come up bring that down a little skinnier and right in here we're gonna pull on an angle bring that up there's a shadow right there from her elbow so just adding a little bit of black right there that's all you have to do let's just do the end of her her cigarette right there and then right in between these fingers we've got our little cigarettes see how easy that is and come right up to her arm here and add that black for a nice outline nice dark outline i'm just going to go into a little bit of white now with a clean brush and of eyelashes right there just a little wisp of white and the light catching her hair a little bit just little half circles like that and i'm just going to dab my white hair a little bit more now that it's dry it's not that bright white anymore that i really want so it's quite normal to have to do that during the painting process when you're working on black canvas i'm just gonna pull and drag that out and then soften with my finger take a little tiny bit of black here and bring down a little bit of a shadow right here i'm going to go along the table again right above adding that black right along slant like that for the end of the table and her leg here because again it dried a little darker into black pull and curve where there's the bend in her knee or where her knee is you know what i mean a little bit of smoke on the end of her cigarette but first so there's the light there and then there's a little bit of black on the tip you want to have a watered down thin white and pull up and just wiggle just like you're painting smoke from the chimney coming out of a chimney so i'll be using a little bit more white this time and i'm going to do two lines and then just kind of twist and roll my brush around i'm going to go over the table again more white bring the contrast out more her head is looking a little too small for her body so a easy way to fix that is to make the hair a little bit bigger the head we'll come up taller with it see it makes such a big difference it's black and that's white that is going to dry darker we know that [Music] so i'll say the glasses oh right about here and any more black that's not showing up so get a little black in there and go right down to the bottom come in with some white so i'm just adding little dabs of white where we're gonna have those bright bright highlights go right inside with black dab at the base and then just underneath here and there's a little bit of black along the edge here a little bit that comes over i'm going to switch to a smaller flat brush now i've probably got one smaller than this but i'm just going to use this because i can't find my other one i'm going to place my pinky where i know the painting's dry so i can steady my hand just come along the top push that down a little bit on the edge there dab along that side and there and or else it's going to be bright we've got on either side of the stem and use whatever brush you feel comfortable with liner brush is fine i just like the um straight edge go straight into this i'm gonna go inside with my black again i'm going to do a little ashtray along the side here too just a little bit more white right here bring that up a little bit in the center and then just a little square here for the ashtray that's kind of a grayish color there and i'm just going to tap tap tap tap to make it look like it's a crystal or glass ash tray and i'll use a little bit of black now so just a little something like that just keep it really simple guys and maybe there's just a little reflection on a shiny table just dry brushing a little bit of white you can barely see it it's kind of just looking like a light gray here to create a soft soft shadow give a little bit more arch to her back and i'm just going to come down down scoop and then back up there into my black i'm just gonna pull a little bit of shadow a little bit more shadow and contrast down here and more black again just using my little round brush here just doing those half swirls and scoops for some more shadow and depth on her hair and the last thing i want to do is just add a little bit of sparkle to her glass and i'm going to be using my smallest liner brush i have it's a micro mini this is a number 10. first i'm going to take some white and i'm going to go right in here and add some more white over top of this make it really bright make those darks stand out even more and just create a little little sparkle here a little dab of white and then like you're painting a little star and maybe we can have another one right about here i'm adding a little bit of white right here just to make our fingers show up a little highlight here little dabs a little white there and a little black on the tip and that's it i want to thank you guys so much for joining me today this was so different and fun to paint i can't wait to hear what you guys think of this one don't forget to subscribe to my channel now hit that subscribe below like this video take care i'll see you guys soon in another video happy painting everybody to see the full version of this video in real time uh click the link below head over to my patreon where you can become a patron and unlock a lot of videos you haven't seen yet and ones that are upcoming to my channel bye everybody
Channel: Joni Young Art
Views: 59,927
Rating: 4.9669147 out of 5
Keywords: How to paint a lady, Figure painting, Lady with a martini glass and cigarette, How to paint people, Portrait painting g, Acrylic tutorial, Black canvas, Black and white painting, Joni young art
Id: TcezzZaRqMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 11sec (1991 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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