How to Paint a Boat Resting on a Beach | Paint and Sip at Home | Step by Step tutorial

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hi there I'm Michelle the painter from Berkshire paint sip and this is paint and sip at home [Music] so today we're going to be painting boat on a beach and I'm gonna be sipping a little pink Moscato so let's get painting and let's get sipping all right so the materials that we're using today is a sixteen by twenty stretched prime canvas you can get this at any of your local craft stores or online you can certainly switch up the size but I'm going to be using the sixteen by twenty you're going to need a cup of water for washing your brushes you'll need a paper towel for drying your brushes and the two brushes that I'm going to be using today is a one-inch wide bristle brush and I'm using a number six round brush I'm using acrylic paints the colors I'm using our titanium white ultramarine blue fallow green chrome yellow Mars black and burnt umber and of course as always you can switch up those colors as well but those are the exact ones that I'll be using and that's all them to your materials that you'll need for today alright so the first step that we're going to be doing is the sky it's gonna come about halfway down your canvas I'm going to be using the bristle brush the one inch white bristle brush and I will be using fallow green blue brown and white I'm gonna start at the top of the sky and I'm gonna be going pretty dark at the top and then I'm gonna fade it down into a lighter color so what I'm going to do is I'm going to start with brown and blue on my brush at the same time I'm going to be using a left-to-right brushstroke and I like to paint the edges or the sides of my canvas as I go so you'll see that I just kind of wrap my arm around the canvas and again it started kind of on the darker side with the blue and the brown so that way my sky is gonna have a little bit of drama to it and again I'm just going left to right as they come down the sky I'm gonna maybe touch my brush a little bit into the green some blue some brown still with a pretty dark color going on in through here I will be adding the white really soon to it because I do want to soften it up a little bit sometimes when you use these personal brushes you get a lot of real prominent brush strokes or I like to refer to them as scratch marks from these bristle brushes so by adding the white that really softens up the the look of it for you so right now I'm starting to use a little bit of white as you can tell it's getting a little bit lighter and lighter and I do want it to still remain kind of dark because I want this again the sky to have some good drama to it I'm going to be adding clouds on top of it later so I want to make sure you can really see those clouds on top of it and you can see I keep going back up this is just to continually soften that sky as it as the paint is drying I just picked up a good amount of white on my brush and I did not wash my brush throughout this process throughout the sky because I want these colors to look like they're naturally kind of blending together here I just picked up some of the blue and the phthalo green so I'm again just kind of getting my Skye to come later as it comes down but every now and again I'm adding that pop of color into it and again I'm gonna want to bring my sky about halfway down my canvas so at any time you could like I just did just mark your canvas to prevent you from going farther down than you want to and then just kind of finishing up here I do want to make sure that I get the entire sky painted even though we're gonna be doing clouds on top of it later I do want the hoop I almost fell on me I do want the entire area to have at least one coat of paint on it that way when I go to do the clouds later I'm not worried about filling in any gaps and then before I call it and say that I'm all set with the sky I'm gonna just kind of one last time go over lightly the entire sky get this to really blend in nicely together and then what I feel like I'm all done which I'm almost done I want to just get a little bit more darkness up here in the sky or in the top of it what they feel like I'm all set with it I will be using the same brush for the next step so I'm going to wash it and dry it in preparation for the next step and I'm also going to have a sip of wine and preparation for the next step so wash and dry your bristled brush and we'll see you in a minute okay so for the next step we're gonna be using your bristle brush we're gonna be painting the first layer of the water and the colors that we're going to be using our black blue green and white and I'm going to be using them in that order so the way that I'm gonna start this is I'm going to be using black paint with my bristle brush these brushes tend to have a mind of their own so to keep it in control what I'm doing is I'm squishing it on the side of my palette in my and that brings my bristles under control for me and what I'm going to do is I like to make when I'm doing a semi straight horizon line like this I'm not using a ruler so I'm just doing it freehand what I like to do is I'm going to do two dots they both have to be within your sky so I'm going to kind of visually see where my high spot is and that's gonna be right about here and then I need to put it kind of at the same spot on the other side so in order to figure out where that is I use my brush as a ruler so I'm gonna hold it up to that and then I'm going to say oh well it's about that much more vacant at the top so if I do that much more I'm somewhere in this vicinity here so I'm gonna make myself another dot and this is just a ballpark we're gonna be doing a little island over here so it doesn't have to be perfect and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to connect them kind of quickly I like to keep my eye on the prize so the eye on the prize is the other dot so for me I'm going to start over on this right hand side and I'm just going to kind of push my brush into my canvas I'm constantly checking where this dot is over here and that guides me in kind of like the lights on the tarmac at the airport I'm gonna be guided in by this other this other dot here and that gives me a pretty straight line if you need to do a little bit of a Justin you can certainly come back in and adjust it a little bit more but that's pretty good too for me visually it looks kind of straight on both ends so I'm not really going to tweak it much more than that and then what I'm gonna do and I want my water to get lighter and lighter as it comes down so if your brush is overloaded with laughs at this point just wipe it on your paper towel you don't need to wash it because you want the black to merge with the next color and my next color that I'm going to be picking up is blue so I have black and blue my brush right now and the back is really powerful so that's why I suggest that you at least wipe it off on your paper towel because if you don't wipe some of it off you might not be able to get this gradient in in a way that you want so I'm just picking up blue at this point and what I do wanna attempt to do is get this water to get lighter and lighter as it comes down again I'm not washing my brush I'm just using the paint that's on there and I want it to kind of merge together and look like it belongs I am going to be going about a quarter of the way down my canvas so if this is halfway I want to go about another quarter of the way down my canvas I've used blue for a little while now now I'm going to introduce a little bit of that fallow green and again fallow green is a pretty powerful color so know that it might be pretty vibrant when you start but as soon as you start to introduce white which is what I'm doing now this is going to get it to soften right up and for me this is a little bit green for me so I'm going to add some more blue to it and you can totally adjust these colors as you see fit you might want it to be really bright and beautiful and light and look like there's a ton of sunshine on it but know that we will be modifying or adding another layer to this water later so know that it doesn't have to be a hundred percent perfect at this point because we're going to be adding waves and you know sand is going to be introduced to the edge of it so just know that you are going to have another opportunity to do some more some some more stuff to this so once you've got it pretty you know visually like you like you hadn't imagined it to be lighter or darker or bluer or greener the greener it is the more it's going to look like it's a tropical water the bluer it looks the more it's going to look maybe it's the edge of the lake but what I'm going to do at this point now that I've got my water in place is I'm going to wash and dry this brush so we can use it for the next step so you can get ready for that all right so for the next step what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be doing the beach area I'm using my bristle brush and the colors that I'm using are brown white blue and green so what any you might use a little black too but that will be at the tail end and you can decide at that point but the primary colors I'm going to be using is brown white blue and green so I'm going to start with white and brown on my brush at the same time and the way that I'm going to be creating this Beach to kind of look like sand is I'm just gonna be doing these quick almost crisscross motions I start with brown and white on my brush and then the next time I picked up just white so that way it's gonna force me to have some light areas and some dark areas I just picked a brown on that time and I'm at this point almost alternating what I'm picking up so it's going to force me to have some light spots and dark spots and if you don't get this crisscross you could certainly dot it if you want to but the idea here is you want to have varying shades of this brown color so you can have light shades and dark shades I do want to get the entire area you can see I'm kind of staying away from the water for the moment and the reason why I'm doing that is one I'm I want it to dry for a moment because we just painted it with with the other colors and those dark colors and - I don't really want to contaminate my beach color yet I want to wait until I have almost all of my sand on here before I start introducing some of those water colors so what I'm gonna do is I'm getting this entire area done with my brown and white first and then I'm gonna show you a kind of a quick technique to get this water to look like it's going into the beach or the beach sand is rolling into the water so I'm just kind of doing some crisscross dabbing motions here to make sure I have the entire ground our beach area covered and again you can get up close to the waterline I'm just checking here and make sure I've got almost off and your paints gonna be pretty wet because if you did it similar to the way that I did it I'm using kind of thick paint and that way I've got a good a good almost like textured look to it like you would have at the beach but now that I've got this whole area covered with the brown and white I want to start to merge it together with my water so if your water area is still wet at this point you may not even need to pick up any of the blue or green so I'm gonna test it by putting a little bit of white on my brush and I'm gonna start to almost go just left to right see if this is a little wet and it is because I just picked up a little bit of this color here and I you can see I've got some green going on there and all I'm doing is I'm in essence doing this stroke that I did kind of like a left or right and I'm crisp crossing some of my beach colors into my water and some of our water colors into my Beach so that way it makes it look like they're going together it brings the sand color into the water and it brings the water color into the sand and once we get this to look like it belongs together I'll be able to add some little Whitecaps to it I'm going to do that in a minute but first I'm going to get this all to kind of look like it belongs together I just put a little bit more green and blue on my brush because I felt like my water area was getting a little bit dry so as you can see I added just a touch more paint to my brush to make sure I've got some some good wetness in order to bring these two areas together and you could certainly bring one area down a little bit further if you wanted this to almost look like it was like a little hill or something you could bring one side of this water down a little bit further I'm also going to put a little bit of this color down in this bottom corner that way it makes it look like maybe this is just like a little a little Inlet of the the beach area and once it got these colors to intermingle with one another and I'm pretty happy with the way that they're they're blending now we get to just put a couple of little final touches on this and this is where I can decide if I want up like lots of Whitecaps in the water to make it look like there's waves rolling in or make it you can have it really nice and smooth like it's very calm water I'm gonna just add some white to my brush at this point and what I'm going to do is I'm just gonna kind of almost push it into that water a little bit left to right and this is adding almost those little rolling Whitecaps coming into the coming into the beach you could do it at a diagonal you could do it straight across whatever you imagine this water to be either rough or smooth or calm you can certainly create that that picturesque secluded little beach that this is to me you can certainly create it on your own as well and right now I'm just kind of added a little bit more of the brown in through here I'm going to add a little bit more darkness down in this bottom left-hand corner to make it look I think it's a little bit more secluded and this is the corner if I wanted to add a touch of black to almost emulate some of this darkness up here I could certainly introduce back down into this corner but I'm pretty happy with this at this point so what I'm going to do is I'm going to be washing and drying this big brush in preparation for the next step okay so for the next step we're going to be doing the clouds in the sky I'm going to be using my bristle brush and the colors that I'm going to be using are white and brown so for me I don't like my clouds to look like cotton balls you know those big poofy just like circles across the sky I like mine to kind of just be light and fluffy and just kind of floating by so that's why I don't just use white I'm going to use white with a little bit of brown so I also don't use a lot of paint on my brush so I'm gonna put a touch of white and a touch of brown to start these clouds now what I like to do is I'm gonna kind of do like a little bit of a circular motion and then I almost like fade it out at the bottom so it's got less paint at the bottom you can make these look similar throughout or you can you can have like a bigger one going through the middle if you wanted to as you can see I'm going through a light area behind so I'm gonna add a touch more Brown and you'll understand in a minute why I'm adding this Brown to it but I like to keep my edges nice and soft so as my paint is running out or I feel like my paint is getting dry on my brush I almost rubbed those edges out so I have nice soft edges and again you can have a ton of clouds you could have these like little rolling clouds down through the horizon line you can really imagine them to be whatever way you want they could be just super soft almost non detected they could just be streaks throughout the sky they could be these big huge poofy white ones if you want but again for me I don't want mine to look like cotton balls so that's why I tend to rub them out on the edges and stuff so once I've got this thin layer and I've got whites and browns now I'm going to touch my brush in just white and this is where I can fluff out or make brighter some of these areas of the cloud and this is going to give it a little bit more dimension it's going to make it look a little bit more real so you have like those bright spots and those darker spots I just put a little bit more white on my brush here and you can see I'm not painting the entire cloud with the white I'm just kind of being selective as to where I want those bright spots to be and this is again it's just gonna make it look a little bit more natural and it's gonna have a little bit more dimension to it you could certainly add more colors to these these clouds or more layers but in an interest of time I'm just kind of using two and this is a great beginner level way to start these clouds you can do as you as you paint more clouds they're actually kind of a difficult thing to paint so as you get more used to it you can certainly experiment more with colors like if you're doing a sunset you can add some beautiful reds and yellows and you know those other purples and other colors that you see in the sky but as you can see I'm just kind of keeping these a little bit on the more simpler side and adding a touch more Brown to this one because I feel like it's a little bit too one-dimensional or two-dimensional so to me this looks pretty good and once you've conquered your clouds what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna switch brushes to that small brush so you can put the big brush away and get get that small round brush out and ready for the next step alright so the next step that we're doing is we're gonna do the first step of the boat I'm going to be using my number six round brush I'm gonna be using black paint only and one of my tips to keeping your brush nice and pointy is just spin it in your paint on the side of your pallet that will keep it nice and pointy and where I'm gonna start the boat is in the back side of it so to figure out where I'm gonna start I'm gonna kind of look where my center point is of my canvas I'm gonna find where my Beach and my water meet I'm going to come up about an inch or so and then I'm going to go over to the left a couple of inches and then I'm gonna make myself a horizontal mine that's about an inch and 1/2 inch inch and a half wide and then I'm going to make myself a vertical line from this left corner and this is going to be about two inches down into my beachy area so I'm not using a ruler I'm just kind of guessing what this somewhere around the two inch mark and then the next line that I'm going to be making is I'm going to go over to the right of this one maybe about three inches or so and I'm gonna go up a little bit maybe about a half of an inch and that's where you're gonna start this we're gonna be doing a another vertical line but I want it to come down way past here so I want this to come down maybe two or three inches past wherever this is so I'm gonna just take this starting point that I have here and I'm gonna draw myself a vertical line that's going to come down past here about two or three inches alright so once we have that line now what I'm going to do is I'm going to connect this top mark here with this back corner here using a sweeping motion so you can start here or here whatever is more comfortable for you I like to start here because I'm gonna bring it down I want it to swoop down farther than this point here so I'm gonna start up here I'm gonna bring it really far down and then I'm gonna start swooping right about maybe maybe almost where this is are a little bit higher to it and then I'm going to swoop this all the way up to this corner here once I have that line I'm going to then connect this top right corner into here and I'm going to use a pretty similar angle doesn't have to be exactly but I'm gonna connect this right into that once I have that solidified then I want to make I've got to create the corner the other front corner of the boat so I'm gonna just take this line from here and go down at a similar angle as I did on the left side and then at some point I'm just gonna scoop it up just a little bit in that corner now what I have to do is I'm going to connect this corner here to this back corner here and this is gonna be a long scooping motion I'm going to touch this on my way by so here I go I'm gonna bring this all the way down here I'm going to scoop it past here and then I'm gonna ride this all the way up to here and now right now almost ran out of paint there so now I have pretty good shape to my boat and of course you could modify it if you need to if you feel like you need to work out any of these kinks in this front area you could certainly just bump it down a little bit more if you wanted to and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to color in this part right here just straight black so I just put black on my brush and I'm going to color this whole part in with black paint and then when you're all done with this step we're gonna switch back to that big brush so we're gonna give this outline a few minutes to dry while it's drying we're going to go on and do another step so you're gonna put the small brush away in your water cup and you'll take out your big brush in preparation for the next step alright so the next step that we're doing is we're going to be creating a little island over here I'm going to be using my bristle brush and the colors that I'm gonna use are all of the colors except for blue so I'm using yellow black brown white and green and the way that I'm gonna do this is I want my island to have some sunshine on the top I want it to be bright on the top and dark at the bottom so what I'm going to do is I I'm going to start with brown and green on my brush now this green is a real unnatural green so using the brown with it will neutralize it a little bit but you are definitely going to want to use some yellow in it as well but what I'm doing is I'm just using the green and brown to get the the shape of my of my trees going but you can see that you can see through these and you can see my horizon line you can have this island as big or as small as you want you could have palm trees on it you can have pine trees you can have autumn trees these are really it this is really a section that you get to modify and make whatever way you know you can imagine it to be but what I do is I bring in about an inch below my horizon line and again you can get these to be nice and tall I definitely like mine to have different shapes to them in different heights I don't like it to look like my landscaper just came and trimmed them all up nice and neatly so I get the edges to be a little bit rough and then once I have the shape that I want now I'm going to start to add my highlight on the edges so I didn't wash and dry my brush I'm just gonna pick up a little bit of white and yellow so yellow and white go on my brush at the same time and this is where I'm just dotting in some bright highlights at the tops of my tree and this yellow is also going to neutralize that unnatural green that we're using so I'm just adding a little bit of highlights over here and then you can certainly if you wanted to have some smaller trees you can certainly add a little imaginary tree line in the front and then once I get the highlight on there I can start to put my shadow down at the bottom so I just wiped my brush off on my paper towel and I'm gonna put black paint on my brush and I want the bottom of this island to be nice and dark so I've put black on my brush and this is going to give me a nice dimension to it and nice and shadow and down at the bottom and now I want to do my white caps in my water to make it really look like an island so I quickly washing and drying my brush and I'm going to put just a little bit of white paint on the tip of my brush and what I do is I'm going to and just get this in control here I'm going to just almost like lightly dab it going left to right and this is just going to give me the representation of white caps it doesn't have to be anything super powerful if you want it to be you certainly can you can have waves just crashing into this little island if you want to or you can have it pretty subtle if you feel like you've gone too far on the white caps you can always bring back some blue or bring back some green or black or whatever you want to get it to be more subtle and I think that oh well I think I might just add just a touch more violet on on this front area just to make it look like it's not stopping at the horizon line and then we are going to use this brush for the next step but I do want you to wash it and dry it so after you've got this little island as bright as you'd like it to be you can wash and dry the big brush for the next step okay so the next step that we're going to be doing is we're doing the shadow underneath the boat we're going to be using brown and black paint I'm going to be using my bristle brush and the trick here is less is more you don't want to use a lot of paint in this step because I want to be able to control this shadow and I want it to look like it's like the boat is just kind of like sunken maybe not sunken into the sand but definitely maybe been there a little while so what I'm doing is I'm just hardly touching my brush in the in the black and the brown and what I like to do I'm not going to do it at a diagonal like the boat is I'm gonna do it left to right so what I'm doing is I'm going to put a little bit of this paint right at the bottom of the boat and then if you feel like you have too much paint like I feel like I have too much paint on my brush right now I'm gonna wipe it on my paper towel and then what I'm gonna do is I'm using what I refer to is like a dry brush technique and I'm just wiggling my brush left to right and pulling some of that wet paint from the edge into my sand so just left to right just a little like a dry brush technique and you can see it's very uneven around the edges and that's exactly how I want it to be and then I'm gonna take a little bit of this color maybe I add it touch more onto my brush and maybe I put a little bit of a shadow over here in the sand and it's okay if you touch the boat like I just did I want it to look like it it belongs with it maybe just a touch more black and three here and again I'm using such little paint that I actually needed to go get more but you can have fun with this if you feel again like you've gone too far with it you can certainly just let it dry for a minute and then you can bring back some of your sand color on top of it and then the next step that we're going to do is with your small brush so you can put your big brush away in a water cup and get out your small brush in preparation for the next step alright so for the next step that we're doing we are putting the color on the boat I'm going to be using primarily white blue and green you could have a yellow bow if you want to pull in some red you can have a red bow you can certainly make this very customizable for yourself but what I'm going to do is I'm going to just start by using white and blue on my brush and I'm just going left to right I want to use a good amount of paint so that way I'm in essence gonna be hiding anything that's underneath it you can go all the way to the edge if you use almost like a curve in your paint stroke that's going to give the illusion that the hope is round I just added a little bit of the green to my brush and if you need to modify your shape at the bottom you can certainly do so like I just did I'm going to bring it right up close to this this Center mark that we have going on here and I like mine to almost be like stripes looking like it's gonna be a little bit darker at the bottom and it's going to a little bit of a highlight where that boat curves along the front edge so what I'm doing is I'm making it a little bit darker back here I'll make it a little bit darker at the bottom of the boat and then as I build these stripes so to speak I'll be getting them lighter and lighter in through here I think I might actually also add a little bit of a decorative stripe down the boat so what I'm gonna do is once I get this first little pass of colors on through here I'm just picking up a touch of black and for me I'm just gonna kind of make myself a little decorative stripe and again this is just something that is if you want to visually break up the side of the boat or give it more of a round shape illusion you can certainly do that now you're just going to go and color that other side of the boat so again I'm just starting with a little bit blue and white you can go right up to your outline you can even overlap that outline a little bit so it doesn't look so no fun outlining if you want to make it look a little bit more natural you just kind of almost leave a little hint of that outline in through there and you can see I'm still using this like curved brush stroke in through here and this way it's giving the viewer the illusion that this boat is round and that it's got that curved front to it I am going to my little decorative stripe over on the other side and again you can get this as fancy as you want you could put polka dots you could put I don't know butterflies on the back of it which we did once you can so you could really get it as as decorative as you want but I'm closing in on on finishing the colored part of this but my boat's not done I just got to add a little bit of a highlight to the back of it to give this a not flat shape so I just wiped my brush on my paper towel and dipping it in white paint and I want this back to look like it's got a little bit of a highlight so all I'm doing is I'm putting white paint on that back edge I put a little bit of white paint down the side here like this is maybe the railing part or the top edge of it you could put it a touch of white down here you could put a touch of white down this this front Center stripe and this again it's just all about kind of customizing it to whatever is visually appealing to you and then you know there's just touch-ups if you want to go back and make this color brighter or darker if I want it to add more highlights along this curved part this is all again a visual preference you can make it light or dark or colorful whatever you imagine this little boat to be I suppose you could put oars coming out or resting upon the side of it so just know that that boat can be you know maybe it's something that you and your dad went fishing in when you were a kid or something so just make it your own make it pleasing to you and then after you get the the whole goal colored and you and you're enjoying the look of it what we're going to be doing is we're going to be doing the final step to any good painting which will be done with that small brush so once you get your highlights on and your colors on you're going to take that small brush wash it and dry it in preparation for the last step alright so last step to any great painting that you're going to create is signing it so I take my small brush I usually sign mine in the bottom left or the bottom right corner this particular painting I'm going to be using black paint in my small brush and you can sign your initials you can sign your first name you can sign it the date whatever makes you happy is fine by me this is your own personal identifying mark so that's that's gonna be how I sign mine and that is the conclusion of this painting so I hope you enjoyed the process I hope you loved your painting and I look forward to painting and sipping with you again sometime [Music]
Channel: Michelle the Painter
Views: 33,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to paint, paint and sip, paint and sip at home, learn to paint, painting instructions, acrylic, painting, tutorial, lesson, beginner, easy, Michelle Iglesias, artist, Michelle the Painter, michellethepainter, sip and paint, class, social, activity, party, drink, wine, alcohol, step by step, tips, at home, painting steps, paint party, guide, learn to, drinking, sipping, sip, quick, fast, short, materials, supplies, how to, brushes, boat, beach, island, sea, ocean, landscape, clouds, sky, summer, row boat, canoe
Id: 97PLFc-rgxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 2sec (2282 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 17 2018
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