How to pack food for a 3-day overnight backcountry hike

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hey folks marty up north gotten a few requests on people wanting me to do a video on how i prepare the meals for my hikes so this weekend I'm going actually it's finally spring has arrived here in Alberta and I'm looking forward to my first hike of the year so this weekend I'm going to go on a three-day trip so I'm going to prepare meals and like I've said on some of my videos I I like to prepare my meals in advance package and kind of a military concept where they do what are called meals ready to eat so I'll show you what I do so rated the pan if you still have some leftover items from from other hiking seasons or grab things that are you know already around in the pantry I got the sidekick meal some cup of soup some some instant coffee and then and then I just got back from the grocery store so for me hiking it's about the destination and it's about being outside it's not about the food and and I eat mostly for sustenance I know some people probably really want to have some really good food out there for me it's not a big concern so I'm gonna show you what I do but I think it does apply even if if if you're doing if you want to do some fancy food so so here's what happened so I started with my breakfast and my breakfast for me aren't that complicated so I take an old you could buy new Ziploc bags I got Ziploc bags here the cheap ones that you buy at the at a dollar store but I bring the ones back from my previous height so for me my breakfasts usually consists of oatmeal and you can substitute the oatmeal for just about anything you could probably put some some some some cereal or some granola so a typical breakfast for me is is two oatmeal's so I put my 200 yells in there and then I'll bring Bruno Lebar so when I'm hiking I'll have a a snack bar of some sort so and what happens is if I wake up in the morning this is all ready to go when I wake up in the morning I got my two oatmeal's my granola bar I might have something else like perhaps a hot chocolate so I'll throw that in there I do carry common things so I'll carry a little you know all my breakfasts are powdered coffee so I'll refill this and I'll bring you know this this hardly weighs anything but now I'm not I'm not going to break out the the coffee into individual portions I just I will see by the end how it's all done so I got so I get so I'll do my breakfast like that and it's about variety so you know this breakfast is one kind of granola bar to to woke meals and hot chocolate and and I'll call that a breakfast and what happens in the morning when I wake up is sometimes I'm not hungry so these are my rations for the breakfast I might eat the two old meals and then I'll put the granola bar in my pockets for the day now this doesn't look like much and it looks like I'm over complicating things but trust me when you start going on five or six day trips you want to stay organized because you don't want to eat too much you want to ration yourself so so here's a breakfast and because I'm doing a three-day trip and I leave tomorrow so I got any two breakfasts so I'll have a breakfast on day two and breakfast on day three and so I'll do variety so that first breakfast for me was cinnamon in this case and now I'll throw in just to be different and go forward to a different the morning I'll throw in two oatmeal the two maple flavored oatmeal and I'll change it up so I'll throw away a different brand of criminal bar so in this case of a fruity granola bar and I might throw in that for variety again I'll throw in something like a maybe I'm maybe a tea in there I mean these things were nothing in fact teas teas and coffee or things I like to bring a lot you folks know I like the camp where I can make fires and it's easy to always boil water I forgot probably the hot chocolate sometimes I'll treat myself I mean I'm not going far on this trip so I can carry a little extra weights I'll throw two hot chocolates so I can I wake up I open my bag and lo and behold I got a treat because there's two hot chocolates in there so nothing complicated here's a couple of breakfast lunches is a similar content so you know here's a here's a crab dinner now the packaging that you get in a box of Kraft Dinner it's ridiculous the amount of packaging that's in there so you know I like I like your crab dinner you know you don't need to bring butter or milk it says to bring you know to cook it with buttermilk you boil it you put the cheese in there and you're good to go and for me I'll have a crab dinner and something like you know the smoked oysters so this is probably the only metal that I'll bring but I'll clean that when I go out there and instead of a gorilla bar for my lunches I like a candy bar this is a Canadian candy bar coffee candy bar called eat mord's it doesn't melt when it gets too hot so it's kind of okay and I might even throw a tea in there so so there's a lunch now a couple of things I haven't shown yet so here's here's a typical Watchers one lunch now I'll bring a I'll bring a bag of little cheese like this these little baby bells I'll probably tomorrow morning he's in the fridge overnight but I'll throw these in individual packs or maybe I'll just leave it like that I'll also bring some you know I don't put everything in individual meeting the packs that the individual rations I'll bring things that I'll keep separate like this you know I'm not going to put a handful of peanuts in every meal but I'll bring some trail mix I'll bring about a pound of trail mix for every two days so I got one lunch I need a second lunch so a typical second left would be nothing fancy maybe a maybe an itchy band - and an itchy band and another chocolate bar and perhaps another tea so that's a small lunch and some cheese and a couple of dinners because I'm not going far I don't mind to end it's only three days I can carry a little extra weight so I got these packs of cheese Smokies I could I could if I was going farther bring I have some rations left over from last year I could bring a freeze dried milk meal but for lunch like this or a dinner I'll have a fire so I'll bring some cheese Smokies I'll bring another one of my new band soups and then I'll bring a couple of teas maybe uh you can never have too many teas at night you're sitting around the campfire you make a fire constantly boiled water and I'll throw in another hot chocolate pouch so so that's so that's a dinner they got at dinner we using some old ziplock bag of using swimming time now and then the second dinner and I don't mind eating a cooked sausage two days in a row so I'll bring another fatty Smokies then I'll bring one of these sidekick meals again I make sure when you choose these Lipton with this this is a norm meal make sure you choose one that only requires water because it's I mean if you had if you didn't have milk and you have to just water I don't think it'd be the end of the world but and then I'll throw a chocolate bar candy bar again hot chocolate actually I'll mix it up a different variety of hot chocolate and another another tea so there you go quick simple and literally when I go on trips even if I go with the family if I go with my sons everybody goes through the exercise and everybody makes their own meals we might make some communal meals that's why I got some bigger bags I might make it a two-person meal there you go two dinners two breakfasts or two lunches two breakfasts I bring some communal food or some some some both food so I break some trail mix some little cheese my coffee I forgot to buy some little packets of drink crystals so I'll buy some some diet drink crystals I don't need all the sugar and then and then then I quickly look around and if I got a couple of you know leftover items I'll you know I'll make one last bag sort of emergency rations sort and it's you vans to a couple of teas in there that are left over a hot chocolate and oatmeal what else might have leftover I got a I got a granola bar or a candy bar so this this is in case something happens it's actually quite amazing how much food is on the table right now it doesn't look like much but I'll I'll pack all of this and then I'll have the little emergency ration so I mean this is probably because of the sausages this is at least 1200 calories 1200 calories little you know thousand calories and then an extra couple 500 calories I could I could actually survive with this for four days perhaps even five and and then I have a first aid kit in my first end of my survival kit there's a couple of cup of soup some Leon's so some of these things are very lightweight you know doesn't take much to bring a couple of extra soups and key you're out on the vine so there you go folks I hope I hope this was helpful I'll go on my trip and you'll see me preparing some of this food while I'm on a hike there you have it hot chocolate granola bar T typical breakfast show and oatmeal dang meal granola bar chocolate 19 that one pretty good smoked mussels oysters to a little fashion crowd dinner hits band - pretty pretty simple wedge this one just an itchy band - maybe I'll pick up some beef jerky on the way out to lunch or dinner that's one book the I already took out the sausages but their sausages with the pasta the sausages with an itchy band and some hot chocolate and some spare food fill mix some coffee we're good to go
Channel: Martyupnorth
Views: 64,281
Rating: 4.8081393 out of 5
Keywords: Hiking (Sport), Meal Ready-to-Eat (Type Of Dish), MRE, BAckpacking, Hiking, Survival, camping, camp food, kraft dinner, Dehydrated food, Instant coffee, Jasper, Alberta, wilderness survival skills, rocky mountains, Canada, instant oatmeal, alpineaire, knorr, cup-a-soup, Food, Bear bag
Id: 7fnsuNkVvvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2015
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