How To Overcome The Fear of Losing Loved Ones By Sadhguru | Mystics of India 2020

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so in my life how many people that are dear to me I have buried don't ask me it's happening all the time whatever comes our way in our life life will come birth will come death will come this is will come defeat will come victory will come all kinds of things will come if you're living an active life [Music] well I hope I don't sound silly asking this question how do you think positively in circumstances or you know external factors that are very negative if I term it like that I'll give you a specific no no don't don't I understand those situations relevant to my question I'm giving you a specific you know situation here for example you find out that your mother or a close relative have been diagnosed with a you know serious life-threatening disease how do you hope how do you think positive how do you stay stable then thank you I know when somebody dear to us their life is threatened or something comes to them injury accident disease well will cause distress to yourself but I want you to understand this see this is the nature of life this is what I've been trying to remind you from the beginning in this last whatever hour-and-a-half that we need to understand this is a fragile happening this life right now it's on the design of this life is such inhalation exhalation inhalation exhalation next inhalation did not happen this is gone back to the pavilion you did nothing wrong you just stood there but back to the pavilion many times isn't it no way out short nothing simply it's just nicked by itself and went off so this is the case this is the nature of our existence it is just that when somebody is dear to us we get so emotionally wrapped by this this is simply because you have only one or two or three or four people who are dear to you I live a life where so many I don't know the number so many people are weary intimately very profoundly involved with me on a daily basis so in my life how many people that are dear to me I have buried don't ask me it's happening all the time all right so right now the reason why you go through life the way you go through life is because your involvement is very selective very discriminatory only this one person you will involve because I identify her as my mother only that person because I identify him as my brother but if you new larger involvement with life you would understand almost every day you lose somebody who's very dear to you yes that's the case with me does it mean to say you have no emotion does it mean to say there is no sense of loss now all this is there all of it is there it is just that if you are in terms with the realities of your existence you live one way this is what I was trying to tell you in the beginning itself you think your psychological world is bigger than the exist tential creation what this means is your creation has become more significant than the creatress creation once this happens inevitably you will suffer if somebody is ill around us what do we do we do our best to turn them around if it's possible if you cannot turn them around you let them go gracefully this is all you can do whether you cry laugh turn you turn yourself on your you know upside down do whatever the hell you want this is all that will happen isn't it so the question is just this whatever comes our way in our life life will come birth will come death will come disease will come defeat will come victory will come all kinds of things will come if you're living an active life will you handle it gracefully or will you make a mess out of it that's all the choice you have isn't it do you have any other choice I'm asking you whatever life throws at you is not your choice what do you make out of it is 100% your choice isn't it this choice you must exercise this choice you must exercise what life throws at you is not your choice who knows what kind of ball is the next ball you don't know what life throws at you is not your choice what you make out of it is your choice this is the power of being human that you can make what you want out of it if I am saying I know this is very hurtful what I am saying but you must decide whether you want solace or you want a solution to your life I am NOT somebody who will separate words and give solace I do that only to children with children if they say something ok we'll have them all them do this well if somebody is in grief even if they're adults because when they're in grief they become like children so we treat them like children but you must decide in your life whether you want solace or solution to your life if you want solution there is one way to approach if you just want solace we can give pretty words but what will they do with all the pretty words I will die you will die isn't it solution is just this we come to terms this is why I am saying from being a physiological and psychological drama you have to become a phenomena of life that's what you really are what is the most important thing in your life right now but you are alive right now isn't it so hello is it the most important thing life is the most important thing not what you wear not what you popped outside not the home that you're living in not anything else not your thought and emotion what is most important is the life that you are but how much attention has gone into that dimension of life if your attention was for that you would see your end your involvement with life would be indiscriminate once your involvement is indiscriminate you will learn to handle everything gracefully right now when you're in distress when somebody dear too is ill this sounds cruel and all that but I'm still taking the risk of saying you this saying this to you because I want you to ponder upon this because this is all the choice we have we don't have a choice to decide what life throws at us we have a choice to decide what we make out of it [Music] you
Channel: Mystics of India
Views: 260,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sadhguru, sadhguru new videos, sadhguru death, mystics of india, jakki vasudev, sadhguru videos, how to overcome death of a loved one, what to do when you lost someone, how to deal with death of a parent, how to deal with death of a loved one
Id: zFCcf0kK9zY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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