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[Music] so today we're going to be talking about out silencing the narcissist if you love this content please don't forget to click the subscribe button and the notification bell this way every time i upload a new video you'll be the first to know so we're going to be talking about how to out silence a narcissist and what does that mean exactly i think what we have to do is we have to take a moment and recognize that just because we know someone who is a little cocky you might know someone else who can be selfish you might notice someone else who really isn't always there for you that doesn't necessarily mean that these people are narcissists when we're talking about narcissists we're talking about pervasive patterns because i think that it's really easy to have an argument with someone break up with someone and just say oh they're just a narcissist but i think we have to be really careful about this because this gives other people the same right to call you or me a narcissist for the same reasons so they just we didn't agree with them so we're a narcissist or we didn't anticipate their needs so we're a narcissist we didn't do exactly what they told us to do so we're a narcissist and so i think it's really really wise of us to make sure that we if we're going to use the word narcissist and we are here learning about narcissism that we make sure that we're in check with our emotions and that we're just not labeling everybody a narcissist although i do think it's fair to say that if you spend any significant amount of time studying this field you're going to start picking up on narcissistic traits in yourself and even in other people but that doesn't mean you're a narcissist that doesn't mean that you have npd right but i do think it's important that if we are here we make sure that we're looking for patterns of behavior so this is the classic three ease of narcissism the lack of empathy right so people are empathy impaired so these are people who don't naturally and it doesn't come automatic to them to slip into the skin or the shoes of other people they have to be shown that hey you know where's your empathy for this person or why is everything about you and i'm not talking about people on the autism spectrum i'm talking about people who really have high levels of narcissism who generally tend to make almost everything about them and who you can sense over time that there is a gen genuine lack of empathy for other people then there's this sense of entitlement generally people who score high on the narcissistic spectrum has a sense of entitlement in other words people owe them things right so a narcissist or someone who has high narcissistic traits asks you something and there's a 50 chance that you're going to say no they're expecting you to say yes and if you say no they will punish you for saying no so there's this sense of vindictiveness or they cut you out of their life really quick so you don't respond to someone who has high narcissistic traits the way they think you should and there's a price to pay that's entitlement if you ask me something honestly and i say no then and you don't accept it then you expect a different answer so you feel entitled then for me to do things your way and so i'm not a 3d autonomous human being then i'm basically a reactor so you say something and i'm supposed to just react the way you want me to right so that's something to look out for people who have this sense of importance or this this grandiose sense of self grandiose sense of importance this need for excessive admiration and validation these are people who generally have a pervasive pattern of entitlement so they're the people who you'll notice at a grocery store making a big scene or they're the people who walk into a restaurant and they're 15 minutes late and they think that the restaurant owner should never have offered the best seat in the house to a couple that had been waiting 20 minutes so there's a lack of personal accountability which i think goes hand in hand with entitlement another thing that will notice is between the lack of empathy the sense of entitlement there's this sense that the person that you're dealing with really is emotionally exploitative they will exploit your emotions the telltale sign one of the telltale signs of of narcissism or if you want to know if someone has high narcissistic traits it will be when you reveal something to them that's quite private and they make fun of you for it or during an argument they take out this wound that you shared with them and they bring it up so they've cr i always use this analogy where if you want to rob the bank burn down dunkin donuts because now the police and the firemen are all fired people are all at dunkin donuts and first responders are not going to they're going to be so involved with putting out the fire that we're not looking at the real problem so a narcissist will exploit you emotionally when they think they're losing an argument or they feel like they're losing control over you so they'll do this to really throw you off balance to make you experience like self-doubt and to really bring into question even your own sanity so we're looking for patterns and i think that's the easiest the three e's or the easiest way to spot a narcissist or deal with spot someone who you think might have high narcissistic traits so it's the lack of empathy the entitlement and they exploit you emotionally they'll exploit you period they'll export exploit you financially they'll exploit you sexually at the end of the day whether it's financial exploitation psychological exploitation sexual exploitation you will feel emotionally exploited like you as a 3d person just really are irrelevant in in the mind of a narcissist so it's really important to think about now when we're talking about out silencing a narcissist this is basically the scenario a narcissist is upset with you and they curse you out let's say and they don't want to talk to you and they ghost you for a little while and when you do see them again they are just giving you the silent treatment right so this is a form of punishment you said something that someone with high narcissistic traits didn't like and in their minds you went you had no right to your feelings even if you try to have an open dialogue with them that you considered fair they will punish you by just giving you the silent treatment i remember when my ex-husband and i were i think we were going through the separation process we were actually separated and had agreed to get a divorce and during the process we were it's just messy you know that if you've ever been through a divorce it's just such a horrible experience it's just just terrible especially if you have children involved and i remember that there was one point when we took the kids out to an applebee's and i started to get started to notice that because we were trying to be like we were trying to get along for the sake of the children it's just you're trying to figure out how are we going to be like in the next phase of this life that we're having after the divorce and i just remember spending time with him at various points and whenever i was with him not whenever but most times i was with him i was dealing with either passive aggressiveness stonewalling or complete silent treatment you know or worse and i remember this one time in particular where we were at applebee's and i could actually feel him just deliberately ignoring me only talking to the children only talking to the waitress refusing to acknowledge anything that i said and it was finally clicking in my head like i can't communicate with this person here we are trying to do something wonderful for the kids at least we thought so and he's punishing me the babies are seeing what daddy's doing they knew what he was doing and i just took out one of the crayons i wrote on the napkin i deserved better because i was finally recognizing the tactic the exploitation and it was only when i really started to study codependency manipulative personalities passive aggressiveness and eventually narcissism that these labels began to make sense to me i began to see a pattern in myself and in my relationship that was i did not see it before you know when you're lost inside a corn maze you don't know that it's a maze you can't see the maze right you don't have that perspective you're in it when you are lost in the woods you have no idea the woods could only be a half mile radius all the way around but when you're lost in the middle of the woods it feels like you are going to be lost forever because you don't have perspective you're too busy your amygdala is on fire patterns of fear are coming to the surface you're in survival right you don't have the perspective you need to understand the big picture when you are struggling with high levels of codependency or high symptoms of codependency you have been you are basically struggling with an identity issue which is a lack of self and in addition to that you are dealing with the subconscious mind we're all on autopilot it just is what it is i know it's mind boggling it sounds hippy dippy but it is what it is so you're dealing with this programming subconscious mind you're dealing with the past you're dealing with fear in the moment you don't know what you're dealing with and so when a narcissist starts to use the silent treatment on you if you're struggling with codependency and you have a loss of self and you have a behavioral issue in that the way you relate to people you fawn you people please you enable you rescue you fix and you get a sense of enoughness or a sense of self through taking care of other people you are going to be extremely off balance when a friend who has high narcissistic traits a boss a lover your mother your father your children when they start shutting you out and they start giving you the silent treatment you might struggle as a matter of fact you definitely will struggle if your identity at all or your false identity is tied to codependency is tied to i'm enough if i can figure out what you need i'm enough if i can satisfy some need that you have i'm enough if you see value in me when you're codependent you feel like love is something that you have to earn you have to work for it you are not worthy as you are and so below the veil of consciousness as i like to say you are constantly efforting and trying to prove that you are worthy of love you're trying to prove that you have a right to be you're trying to prove it's so awful you're trying to prove that you have a right to your opinion you have a right to your feelings you have a right to your lifestyle there's this efforting i've got to prove it i've got and there's life of enduring right and we don't see that that's happening we don't know that it's happening and so yes when a narcissist ghosts us or a narcissist gives us a silent treatment it's going to be very very overwhelming for us to lack an identity and who show up in relationships as codependent who don't feel good enough and who think that we need to prove ourselves to other people and we need to have the other person's approval i.e their love and their attachment in order to survive in order to in order to breathe and so codependency will show up in our relationships so when we are dealing with someone who has high narcissistic traits and they have a pervasive pattern of high narcissistic traits and they use this mind game on a mind game on us one of the things that you can start doing is try to out silence them what i try to do with my coaching clients is i try to teach them how to detach so when you emotionally detach from the game right when you emotionally detach from the narcissist when you emotionally detach from the pain from within when you learn to validate how you feel right so from a higher state of awareness you're now able to observe these emotions and this fear kicking in but you're not reacting to them there are plenty of videos out there i've actually done a few myself about react don't respond don't react make sense but we have to have the same modality within so we respond we don't react we respond to what how we feel we don't react so we all understand that in a 3d world the goal is to not react to a narcissist the goal is to respond well we have to hold the same modality for ourselves and this is the path to enlightenment the path to enlightenment is escaping the world of duality narcissists live in the world of duality they split black and white thinking everything is either up down left right black or white so you are either all good in their head or you are all bad right so there's no middle ground right so a narcissist isn't able to see you as someone who is imperfect and worthy of empathy anyway in a narcissist's mind if you disappoint them if you don't live up to their expectation if if you are not the person that anticipates their needs if you are not highly attuned to their needs right when you're a narcissist it's all about my boo-boos right you don't have any boo-boos or your boo-boos are insignificant compared to my boo-boos right my boo-boos are the are the worst booboos in the world right and so when you're dealing with someone who has high narcissistic traits and you try to tell them like i recognize that this bothered you but when you speak to me in this language it's also a trigger for me too well you made me speak to you that way well you triggered me first right the trigger could be as simple as not responding to a text message you know within the first 13 seconds of a narcissist sending you the text message or maybe you were asleep when they sent you a text message and you respond in the morning but with the narcissist they're usually very untrustworthy people and so they'll create a narrative in their head about why you didn't call them maybe in their head you did it on purpose right and so when you don't respond to the narcissist or even react to the narcissist the way they expect you to and remember narcissism is like this tragic play right a narcissist needs someone to counter they need a partner and they live in this drama and you become an actor in their play so when you first meet them they idealize you not for you dear one they idealize you for them so they can think that it's great that they're talking to you that they have you in their life you elevate their status perhaps right so in the beginning you'll be love bombed you'll be idealized and in time because narcissists tend to get very bored they will start to devalue you discard you they will start putting you down with insults they will start gaslighting you and here we have a trauma bond you're you're not going to know if you're coming or going narcissists will pick fights with you blame you for things and you will really wonder whether or not you are losing your mind because so much of it doesn't make sense you catch them red-handed hand in the cookie jar and somehow they find a way to blame shift and to create a story about how your perceptions off it really wasn't your hand maybe you're just remembering last week when you saw me with my hand in the cookie jar it wasn't this week and so you have to really really be careful in this arena when you're dealing with someone who has high narcissistic traits because their goal really is to mess with your mind and so how do you out silence a narcissist so i made some notes and i want to share them with you so um a narcissist will expect you to break the silence first so classically you take a narcissist off it could be absolutely anything you know there could be an upcoming party and nars the narcissist is really not handling the stress of the party and the narcissist is picking a fight with you because they have all this stress and they have to get it out and they accuse you of things that you're not guilty of and boom right they have some thought in their head about who you are they create the story the backstory to justify their anger and their rage unaware don't care that they are carrying this anger and this unresolved rage and now they've just found you you're a target and now they're outputting this this rage onto you and now they feel completely justified they want to punish you now because that helps them feel a little bit more in control over their stress level and so to emotionally regulate themselves you know now they're targeting you they're punishing you this story makes sense to them in their head they're raging at you and you're standing like you don't know what to do next and boom they just stop talking to you classically in a narcissist's head they're punishing you in a narcissist's head you're suffering that gives them a sense of power and control and you have to use that to your advantage because when you notice again we're looking for a pattern right i'm not this is not true if you have two people who had a heated argument and now the one person you know what i just can't talk about this anymore we're not going anywhere i need space and they actually ask for space and they just don't want you to talk to them for a few days they want you to leave them alone they want you to just like let them process it right but this is someone who this is not their mo right this is someone that you've been able to resolve issues with in the past right in this situation if you suddenly have a heated debate or a heated argument and and your friend taps out and says i need a couple of days to cool off that doesn't make them a narcissist so remember we're looking for a pattern of punishing people right ppp a pattern of punishing people that's what a narcissist does so the narcissist needs someone to punish why so that they can maintain dominance and control that helps them emotionally regulate why because they live in the world of the ego they live in the world of duality once you um understand spirituality and non-duality then you know that there has to be an ego death i've done a number of videos on this and i've done a number of podcasts on this if you want to learn more about this idea of a narcissist being absolutely in love with their ego or the reflection of their ego and believing in it right and building themselves up in their head most often fabricating thinking that they're far more intelligent far more beautiful far more competent than they actually are in some cases you're dealing with an absolutely brilliant narcissist who actually has proven himself or herself but in lots of the cases you're dealing with a narcissist who really isn't all that but they think that they are but the story in their head helps them feel good about themselves because they have to see themselves as better than you and they need to believe that you believe they're better than you again it's a really sick way to live your life because how do you have how do you have empath empathic relationships with other people if this is you you need to believe this in order to regulate yourself emotionally you can't how do you build trust how do you build intimacy right if you're dealing with someone who has high levels of narcissism you can't right but i do think it's it's a worthy conversation to have it's um worthy information to have in your back pocket so number one so that you can ask yourself like am i coming off this way because i don't want to and if i am how can i help myself not be this way right and if you are someone who keeps manifesting people who stonewall you who give you the silent treatment then you recognize what the red flags are so that you can avoid it in the future one of my sayings is namaste and walk away right you don't have to poke someone in the eye and say hey mr narcissist i know you're a narcissist that's just silly you know it's sort of like a skunk when you're walking along a trail and you see a skunk you don't kick it and say hey mr skunk you stink right i know you're a skunk no what do you do you avoid the skunk right so we have to make sure that we keep our ego in check because oftentimes a natural ego defense is to push people back is to say hey i know who you are i know what you are but in the world of energy that just doesn't make sense because what you focus on you bring into your reality that which you surrender to and you have no resistance to will skedaddle just like the skunk in the forest so that's the goal so when you're outs out silencing a narcissist we're understanding on a conscious rational level that this is a tactic that we are now being very tactful and strategic about our next move now if you are struggling with high codependency traits if you have attachment issues right you have a poor attachment to your mom poor attachment to dad your caretakers and you have this insecure attachment style when someone gives you the silent treatment it's really going to rock your world and you must hold on to yourself when this starts to happen and so when you're outsmarting a narcissist right um or out silencing a narcissist one of my best narcissist repellents says shati shatti so shati shati is a little bit different than gray rock so gray rock is basically when you acknowledge that someone's a narcissist you become very dull and you become almost emotionless right or numb around the narcissist and that's wonderful i've done it myself and it's amazing tool shoti shutti is what is the term i use to help people understand that when you know that you're dealing with a narcissist don't give them any information right when you are around a narcissistic mother don't go at her don't i know you're a narcissist or why did you say that you have a narcissistic sister right don't antagonize her right even though it's so difficult and it's going to be really really hard right you're being threatened to be cut out of the will you know you've been the scapegoated child huge in a narcissistic family the whole setup the narcissistic mother creates a scapegoat and honors the golden child pits the children against one another it's classic dysfunctional narcissism inside a family unit but shati shatti is you are at the dinner table and you know that you have people at the table that want to poke you you don't make eye contact you say nothing you don't contribute anything to the conversation you're dealing with the narcissist you have to co-parent with the narcissist you say nothing to this person you give them absolutely nothing so you are out silencing the narcissist when you go shati this works like a charm with certain narcissists now there's no such thing as one size fits all when it comes to recovery codependency recovery attachment style recovery there's no such thing so you have to use a little bit of common sense here now if you know that you're dealing with a violent malevolent malignant narcissist who is like a psychopath is very sensitive to every move you make as are most narcissists they're very hyper vigilant but when it comes to like a psychopath you don't want to do anything to set a psychopath off right you don't lie to a psychopath if you're afraid you say yes i'm afraid if you're hungry you say yes i'm hungry you never lie to a psychopath it's going to set them off so it's important that you recognize what kind of personality am i dealing with here if you're dealing with a narcissistic mom non-violent mom you're not dependent upon mom and she likes to needle you a little bit she's causing issues in your marriage or whatever asks you questions about your kids so she can use those questions against you or the answers against you wants to know about your personal life so that she can talk about you behind your back and criticize you shati shati is an amazing tool say absolutely nothing offer them absolutely no conversation so that's one way that you can out silence a narcissist so the other way that you can outs out uh silence a narcissist is remember to be non-reactive it goes along with shati shati it goes along with grey rock but when you are dealing with the narcissist the tactic is for you and you have to see it as a tactic as a strategy step so i am around a narcissist and it's like being around a skunk and if you react the skunk is going to spray you if you don't react there's no spray right it's sort of like when they say don't run from a bear just play dead right it's the same thing non-responsiveness you don't want to have any reaction to the narcissist giving you the silent treatment so if they're walking around the house and and they're giving you the silent treatment you just busy yourself with something else so you are learning to emotionally regulate you are learning to trump the trigger you are learning to override the amygdala you are learning to override pain versus pleasure because you have pain associated to the silent treatment if you follow the loop why do you have pain associated to the silent treatment if you're co-dependent because if this person that you have made you're the boss over you you have put them in front of you right you have said your agreement to the universe your commandment to the universe is i'm not good enough and i need this person to show me that i am and the relationship the agreement is i'll just work my butt off and if i do enough or maybe if i figure him out or figure her out they'll change so that's the agreement you've set up that's the matrix that's inside your head the matrix is not outside any of us the matrix is always inside our head so we have to get the matrix clear so that the outer world were clear it's just like looking into a mirror right so you're looking into a mirror do you expect the reflection to change no you know that if you want the reflection to change you have to change your facial expressions that's when the matrix changes that's when the mirror changes that's when the reflection changes right and so we have to recognize that if we're being someone's using the silent treatment on us we have to be strategic about not not being the one to break the silence first some would say oh you're just playing a game and i say no i'm not playing a game i'm being very i'm being strategic right i'm learning to honor myself i don't want to have to engage with someone who is highly narcissistic who punishes me because i don't agree with them or who doesn't see me as an autonomous 3d human being who is going to go on twitter and label me and say things or facebook or instagram or whatever you know write a blog about me who you're not even i'm not a 3d autonomous human being to you so no i'm not really playing a game i'm being strategic in that if this is who you are i've got to push you out of my boundary circle and so no i'm not creating this pattern of i'm you stopped talking to me and now i'm going to chase after you for your approval i'm just not going to do that i'm not four years old and this is parents do this all the time they stop talking to their kids right they ignore their children and what are they doing they're withholding their love my parents did this all the time both of them not one both of them if you didn't agree with my mom after she raised at you she stopped talking to you and it was days before you know days before she looked you in the face again and sometimes she didn't sometimes she just kind of referred to you my dad was the same way except he was a little bit more overt about it because he was the only person in the house that was allowed to get angry but certainly if you come from that type of dynamic as an adult you can be a doctor you can be a lawyer you could be a head of state you know you can run a fortune 500 company right you can have 10 000 employees and go home and have someone give you the silent treatment and you could feel like you're four years old again that's like unnecessary so when we're when we are met with the silent treatment by anyone and again i'm not talking about the person you've just had to blow up and the person says you know what i need some time away from you and that's it it's over and they actually ask for space i'm not talking about that i'm talking about the person that you've deemed has high narcissistic traits they stopped talking to you because you just had a minor disagreement and this is his or her pattern so you want to make sure that you are using the gray rock you're using going another level and you're shutty shuttie so you're at a family dinner and you know someone's ignoring you give them no attention they are hoping that you're going to have a reaction don't hey do you see me hey i know you're ignoring me hey hey hey you know oh so-and-so is ticked off at me because of an argument no don't do that ignore them right back have a grand old time don't let them think that it bothers you and do what you can to not let it bother you this is a very immature way of relating to people it's highly toxic and unnecessary and we cannot grow and evolve as people if we keep tangling with people that behave this way so that's a couple of ways that you can out silence a narcissist another thing that i would like people to consider is ground yourself it can be very destabilizing i know it was in my life when my parents stopped talking to me we had an argument i was thrown out of the house essentially and it was about a year before we started talking again i can tell you that that was a very topsy-turvy year in my life and i needed to ground myself that's why if you listen to my podcast you listen to youtube you take my classes you hear me talk about meditation a lot it saved my mind i was able to ground myself and in the grounding i was able to see when my mind was slipping down a rabbit hole of reactivity of of resistance i could actually see when my mind was becoming codependent i could feel the anxiety mounting and i was learning to observe it rather than react to it or respond to it rather than react to it like i spoke about earlier and it literally was an amazing time because that is when i was learning to master my mind right and it's so incredible no matter who you are no matter where you are you can master your mind but it takes practice this doesn't happen because you watch a youtube video this doesn't happen because you go to therapy for six weeks this doesn't happen because you read four or five books on the subject matter no it happens in the stillness it happens when you go within when you become silent and you go within you say oh i see that i see that now i can change it right so it's really important that you ground yourself so someone's trying to upset you by giving you the silent treatment ground yourself and whenever you think about this person remember to ground yourself mentally right where you are so they come into your mind and you immediately immediately orient yourself to time and space so it's whatever it's it's july 2nd it's 6 30 in the in the evening this is my name this is what happened today these are these are the things that i accomplished today so it's like you're grounding yourself to the here and the now very very important because this is going to push your fear of the narcissist out and away from you so when you're out silencing a narcissist you have to remember that they're going to take you not fawning after them as a personal attack they're going to take it personally that that you're not chasing them and so you have to be prepared for whatever response they might give you and you also have to be prepared to know like what you're going to tolerate in most cases not in all cases right this is nothing is black and white there's always the gray there's always the middle path so in some cases you're going to have narcissistic people people who re who have high narcissistic traits react very very poorly when you refi you refuse to chase them and so you have to be prepared for that right and i would say that the less energy you give someone with high narcissistic traits the better you know these are just people that want a reaction from you and me personally i think we have to question anyone who is so vindictive that their agenda is to cause harm to another human being right you know in the best case scenario you have a falling out and people go their separate ways but there's no i want to hurt you there's no vindictiveness it's just okay it didn't work out or whatever but when you're dealing with a narcissist what happens is the smear campaign the triangulation the lies the projection you know you've triggered their narcissistic injury how dare you not consider them supreme how dare you not give them all of your attention or all of your time or all of your money how dare you disagree with the narcissist in their perspective and so i think it's important that if you decide to out silence a narcissist that you be prepared for what might happen but i also think it's important that we pay attention to the whole process what is the goal right every day i wake up and i know my goal is peace my goal is equanimity so what does that mean i'm not going to sleep with a rattlesnake i'm not going to poke a rattlesnake i'm not going to dig up an old rattlesnake i'm not going to hang out with rattlesnakes i'm not going to try to change a rattlesnake even if i played with the rattles rattlesnake and i didn't know it was a rattlesnake and it never bit me but once i know it's a rattlesnake namaste and i walk away i wish you peace i really do i wish you peace no matter who you are and so because i know what the goal is the goal for me is peace during the day when i'm making day-to-day decisions i absolutely know that the goal is to not bump up against abrasive people to not have issues with abrasive people to really figure out how can i live in equanimity regardless of what's happening outside of me a narcissist can't survive without drama the narcissist has to make other people their targets the sources of narcissistic supply they have to love bomb you they have to discard you they have to devalue you and they have to rinse recycle repeat and so when you are out silencing a narcissist remember the goal really is to break your own pattern of codependency perhaps your face your own fear of being triggered because remember when you out silence a narcissist what you're confronting is your own fear of abandonment what you're confronting is your identity issue or your lack of identity like i am no one unless i'm taking care of other people and seeking approval and so you're facing all of that right so you want to ground yourself and one of the most powerful things that you can do is create a mantra and one of my favorite mantras is infinite intelligence is flowing to and through me now like a golden river infinite intelligence is flowing to me and through me now like a golden river infinite intelligence is basically source and you are an extension of source like it or not you are we don't have to call this extension god we don't have to call it anything spiritual if you will we don't have to give it a name but when we say infinite intelligence we're acknowledging that our bodies are divine that in every cell of our being there is divinity and our infinite intelligence knows how to take care of us and knows that we're enough and so handing over our fear to infinite intelligence right really can empower us day to day when we are dealing with someone who we have deemed has high narcissistic traits and we just don't want to play this silent game anymore remember if you chase after someone who gives you the silent treatment you're actually playing into their hands you're teaching them right they're training you to be afraid of the silent treatment and to behave and to acquiesce and to back down i've seen this played out so many times in my life far more times than i would like to even remember with my children and people they were married to with people my that i know personally where one of the partners was more narcissistic than the other and the more codependent partner did not anticipate the needs of the more narcissistic partner and the narcissistic partner just punishes punishes the more codependent partner and just gives them the silent treatment doesn't talk to them for days and before long the more codependent partner is like crying uncle begging for approvals can we please talk i can't stand not talking to you and all that does is teach someone with high narcissistic traits that all they have to do is threaten you with abandonment and you become putty in their hands and so this reinforces a very toxic dynamic dynamics so i really hope that this has been beneficial i hope that it has helped you understand that the power of out silencing a narcissist because that's really how you find your own personal power and that's one of the ways that you can break the fond response to someone who is highly narcissistic who is using the silent treatment if you love this content don't forget to check out the next video and you can go to my website and take the codependency quiz
Channel: Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc
Views: 499,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lisa Romano, self improvement, self development, codependency, codependent, how to outsilence a narcissist, narcissism, narcissist, narcissistic, silent treatment, signs of a toxic relationship, how to deal with a toxic person, narcissistic man, narcissistic woman, codependency recovery, outsmart a narcissist, why narcissists give silent treatment, outsilence the narcissist, lisa a romano, narcissist silent treatment, silent treatment narcissist, lisa romano narcissist
Id: WAxRqwZfkOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 45sec (2505 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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