6 Signs You Have DEFEATED the Narcissist

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hey there you want to know what the six signs are that you have defeated that narcissist stay tuned and i'm going to give them to you [Music] hi i'm rebecca song i am a lawyer i am a narcissist negotiation expert and on this channel and in these videos i give you tips and tricks on how to smackdown that narcissist in negotiations and in real life as well so if that is something that you are looking to do i invite you to subscribe to this channel and hit that notification bell alright so let's talk about ways to defeat that narcissist or the signs that you have defeated that narcissist actually like okay you're negotiating with them and you're trying to figure out like how it's going are you close have you defeated them do you think that you're kind of on the way to defeating them because sometimes it's maybe hard to tell because they don't want you to know obviously i mean they want it to look like they're winning at all costs and at all times and they're never gonna let on i mean even if they're like losing badly and things aren't going their way and you're like showing them evidence that things aren't going their way they're still going to say i'm winning i'm winning it's going my way it totally is i mean because that's how they've gotten along in life all along you know you can show them hey you know look these text messages show that you're cheating and nope that's not what that says that's how they get along and i mean i was actually just talking to a one of my private clients recently and she was telling me that she really appreciated one of my recent videos which was four signs that the narcissist is losing control which you can check out yourself if you'd like and she said she loved that video because she was like okay like a lot of times you know she was saying i'm afraid i don't want them to lose control i'm afraid of doing things that are going to make them lose control i don't want that to happen but actually she could see that that meant that she was starting to get there that she was starting to make headway that she was starting to cover ground that she was getting closer to her goal of where she wanted to be so so that it was actually okay that in this case she was dealing with a husband but you know sometimes you're dealing with a business partner i've actually dealt with quite a few situations where people are dealing with maybe a family member in a probate situation something like that but it's okay if they're actually starting to lose control because that means that they are showing signs of being defeated as well and so you don't you don't necessarily need to fear that and also remember that they have conditioned you they have conditioned you to believe that they are winners that you don't know what you're doing you don't know how to think that they do that they're smarter that you can't trust your thoughts that you can only trust what they think they've really con conditioned you to believe that and a lot of times you know your thoughts things that you think are actually your thoughts are actually thoughts that they have conditioned you to believe okay so six signs that you're starting to defeat that narcissist number one is they're gonna start love bombing you again they're gonna start coming back so you know what happens is they start going back to that well of things that worked for them in the past you know they don't have a whole lot of tricks in their arsenal they they have their things that worked for them so they go back to whatever it was that worked for them in the past i mean they're they they have these patterns they have these playbooks that worked and and that's why you know it's kind of interesting i mean you know when you start to study what they're like they're pretty predictable in the sense that you kind of can tell how they're going to behave even though it's pretty awful but you can pretty much tell how they're going to behave so so they'll start off kind of small you know and then they'll kind of work up to the things that you know when it's really bad defeat okay so you know the love bombing might start be the first kind of sign then the next thing is okay that didn't work so let me go to the next thing and that's when they start to get a little bit more desperate so they start to flood you they start to flood you with the text messages show up at your house show up at your office you might start to see some crazy texts at this point you might might start to see some you know little undertones of not so nice uh text or maybe some even like threatening sort of language in the communications that you're receiving so that you know it's starting to ramp up just slightly you know you're starting to feel that heat rise because they're starting to feel um you know like it's coming right so that's number two number three is they start saying and doing all sorts of [Music] weird things like this is where you start to see like where they kind of start to get like a little bit desperate where they they start to you know get a little bit crazy and so sometimes you'll start to see them just say weird things like okay where did that come from okay they get a little bit outlandish sometimes and so that's you know how it kind of starts like they kind of get they get a little bit crazier crazy or crazy or crazy or crazier and until they're just you know full crazy and into collapse and they've just become undone and you know by the way the mini series with hugh grant and doing great example of that whole thing and i actually did a whole video on that if you want to check it out really great example of that whole thing and so okay so those first three are all about them it's all about the narcissists themselves and so those are all signs that you've defeated the narcissist and that's about the narcissists themselves so the last three i want to kind of focus on signs you've defeated the narcissist i want to focus on you signs that you've defeated the narcissist but focusing on you because that's really when you know that you've defeated the narcissist because you feel it on this side of the fence all right so number four is you know that you've defeated the narcissist because you're no longer emotionally triggered it's like they say things that normally in the past would have gotten you all like upset it's like you know superman with the bullets that just pop off your chest or wonder woman they just like went right off your wrist and you're like did somebody say something i thought i thought i heard something but nothing i got nothing it didn't even like phase me at all nothing like when you're not emotionally triggered by that at all you know you've actually defeated the narcissist okay that's number four number five is you get what you want you get what you want in the negotiation but you've taken your ego out of it what do i mean by that that means that you've ethically manipulated the manipulator they think they've gotten away with something you've let them on to believe that they want that they got something out of you and you actually manipulated them into taking exactly what you wanted them to take so and you do your best meryl streep or al pacino or whatever it is and you went oh my god i can't believe this is all terrible you know whatever and because you took your ego out of it because you you know what they have to feel like they want and that's how it goes it's okay it's fine that's that's gonna be how it is you know you have to let them think it's their idea or or whatever it is okay so that's number five number six the last one is this is the best one really and that is you no longer have any fear no longer have any fear in interacting with them whatsoever not only it's no emotion you have no fear in interacting with them you receive emails with from them you see them you talk to them you have no fear and i get so many emails from people who've done my programs who've watched my videos all the things that i've told you guys to do and then you tell me that that's the miracle yeah you've gotten the outcomes you wanted all those things but the miracle is that the fear has disappeared so what i want you to do right now is i want you to write in the comments no fear because that's your goal in defeating that narcissist and where do you start you start by getting my free question my negotiation prep worksheet at windmynegotiation.com you join me in my free private facebook group narcissist negotiators with rebecca song come join me there and of course you know like this video share it drop me that comment tell me no fear subscribe to this channel hit that notification bell we're here for you today is the first day to start negotiating your best life as always and thank you so much for stopping by and i will definitely see you in the next video you
Channel: Rebecca Zung
Views: 275,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6 signs you have defeated the narcissist, signs you've defeated narcissists, signs you've beaten narcissists, signs of narcissistic collapse, how do finally defeat the narcissist, beat the narcissist, signs a narcissist losing control, how does a narcissist react when they can't control you, narcissist having a breakdown, what happens to narcissists in the end, signs narcissist is collapsing, negotiate with narcissists, rebecca zung, covert narcissist, signs of narcissism, npd
Id: 3RRjKQC58vA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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