How to order fast food in English 🍔🍟

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Hey guys it's Ariannita and welcome back to my  YouTube channel today as you can see with the   title of this video I am going to be teaching  all of you guys English at McDonald's as you   can see there is a sign behind me and another  big sign telling you that we're at McDonald's I   recently had a video on Instagram go viral about  me teaching all of you English at McDonald's in   today's video I wanted to give you a longer form  of video on YouTube and teach you more English   at McDonald's and how to order your food because  honestly I'm really hungry right now McDonald's   is actually one of the most important and popular  franchises in the United States and I think all   over the world as you can see I'm outside and it's  really windy so let's go ahead and walk inside and   see how to order food at McDonald's before I walk  inside and order my food I wanted to let you know   that there are three different ways to order fast  food at McDonald's the first one is going through   the drive-through which this car behind me is  doing right now and the second way is to walk   inside and order food at the counter and you can  also order food through the McDonald's app now   I'm going to walk inside and check out the menu  to see what we can order at McDonald's I'm going   to go ahead and open up this door and walk into  their little Lobby right here open up another door   what are you guys doing as you just saw when  I was entering in McDonald's the lady almost   kicked me out but I showed her my Instagram  and my YouTube channel and she let me carry   on with my YouTube video so let's go ahead and  go walk inside once again and learn some English   after walking inside as you can see behind me  there are two ways to order inside McDonald's the   first way is to walk up to the registers where an  employee working here can come and help you order   or the second one is one of my favorites it's  this computerized screen it's a touch screen   and you can choose whatever you want on the menu  I'm really hungry so let's see what I can order   as you can see there is a variety of items and  food to order my favorite part about the touch   screen is that you can see the burgers or the food  you want to order although McDonald's has Burgers   inside the store you can also order things like  fish fillets or different items you can also order   things like chicken sandwiches or chicken nuggets  my favorite item to order and I'm gonna go ahead   and scroll up and see what else they have this  screen is nice because you can actually visualize   the items and if you're worried about ordering at  the counter you can have more time to order your   meal this is a nice screen but McDonald's also  has another menu right over here where you can   order them food but this screen obviously has  more choices with more visuals some items on   the menu have the word mick in front of them for  example if I wanted to order a chicken sandwich   that would be called a mcrispie or that would be  called a McChicken you can also order something   called a Big Mac and this has two beef patties on  it it's called a Big Mac for a reason it's pretty   big also you can order stuff like smoothies or  shakes or even coffee so some of the shakes would   be a caramel frappe or McDonald's also has sweet  treats so you can order a shake called a McFlurry   an Oreo McFlurry or an m m McFlurry this is just  a shake with Oreos and M M's next I'm going to   tap the beverages menu and as you can see you  can order a lot of beverages or soft drinks so   let's go ahead and scroll down they have Coke  products Sprite Fanta they have some iced root   beer and they also have bottles of water and milk  for the kids menu so this is milk and then this is   going to be the apple juice after looking through  the menu on the touch screen I am ready to order   because I have looked through all the categories  now I'm going to go ahead and make a line at the   registers to order my food there and I'm going to  teach all of you guys some phrases on how to order   food so come along with me right now I'm pretty  hungry and I'm looking for something to order so   I'm looking to save some money and I'm going to go  ahead and order a set but what is a set so a set   is a combo where you can order three different  things you can order a sandwich you can order   a drink and Fries this is a combo because it has  three different things in it now that I'm ready   to order a combo meal at McDonald's I'm going to  teach you some phrases to use when you order for   example if you want to sound formal you would say  I would like to order a Big Mac or if you want to   sound less formal you can just say I'd like to  order a Big Mac now I'm going to order some food   with the menu Hi how are you Hi good I would like  to have a Big Mac would you like that in a meal I   would like a meal yes and would you like go to  drink with that yes may have some coke yes and   will that be for here to go for here right there  okay thank you I just finished eating all of my   lunch so I'm gonna throw my trash away I'm gonna  put this in the bag but I'm a bit thirsty and as   you can see the ice is here and there's no liquid  in this cup so I'm gonna go ahead and fill it up   also this is a large cup is this the same size  Cup in your country let me know because I know in   America large sizes can be huge so come along with  me and let's go ahead and fill up this drink at   the refreshments I am going to fill my large cup  full of coke right here is the refreshment area   and here at McDonald's they have Coke products  they have Coke Diet Coke Sprite Fanta root beer   Hi-C what kind of drinks do you guys have in your  country do you guys have these flavors Coke Zero   sugar Dr Pepper I know some people don't like it  but I love Dr Pepper above the drinks you have   some straws you have large lids for your large  drink you also have small lids for your water cups   and over here you have some unsweetened tea also  next to the refreshments you have your napkins   you can just pull your napkin I'm only going to  take two and you also have some creamer because   McDonald's does sell coffee and they also have  some salt and pepper sugar for your coffee and   some Splenda if you cannot eat straight sugar  pure sugar the nice thing about eating inside   McDonald's is that if my cup is empty I can get  free refills as you can see this sign says free   refills for dine in customers only I'm gonna put  my cup underneath the coke fill my cup up with   Coke as you can see my Coke has some carbonation  so I'm going to go ahead empty some of it out and then I'm going to grab my large lid put  it on top and put my straw through the middle   there you go now I have my free refill of Coke  in your country do you guys have free refills   let me know after finishing my meal now I have  some taste for dessert so I'm going to order   myself a frappe which is basically a coffee  Frappuccino coffee and milk so I'm gonna go   ahead and go over here and pick it up as you  can see from the sign you can order a lot of   food and have a lot of deals so I'm going to  order through the app and right here I'm going   to order a McFrappe I'm going to order through  the McDonald's app and pick my mic frappe up   at the pickup Center this right here is where  you pick up your mobile orders or if you order   something online for uber eats you can also  pick up your food here I just picked up my   mic frappe and now I'm going to show you  guys how to order through the drive-thru okay guys I just finished my meal and wow I  am so stuffed I am so full of all the food   that I ate inside the store but now I'm going to  show you the third way to order food and that is   through the drive-through which I actually  don't know what I'm going to order because   I'm full so maybe I'll order something for my  dad as you can see you order food through the   drive-through like this truck is doing right now  and it's called drive through because you need a   car and you drive through it in a lane and in some  Latin American countries drive through is called   out the Mac so if you're from Latin America or  different countries like in Europe let me know   what drive-through is called in your country and  other fast food restaurants like the one next to   me Arby's it's the same thing it's called drive  through so if you're using your car to pick up   some food that's called the drive-through I'm  going to go inside my car and order some fast   food let's go I'm going to order some food in the  drive-through so I'm pulling the car forward and   going to order at the speaker you can see a small  menu right here that has bacon ranch mcrispie they   have a juicy burger and they have some deals  please no all right what can I get for you hi   could I have a small ice cream please anything  else nope that's it for the first window thank   you as you can see I use the phrase could I have  to order I ordered a small ice cream which comes   with a cone and ice cream on top my favorite type  of dessert is ice cream and I love vanilla ice   cream let me know what your favorite dessert  is down below I'm about to pay for my meal so   I'm going to pay at the first window I'm gonna  pay with a credit card but you can also pay with   Apple pay do you guys have Apple pay in your  country let me know down below I'm going to   go ahead and pay at the first window for my ice  cream and thank you guys so much for supporting   me because this is paying for my ice cream and  don't forget to like And subscribe down below hi thank you I love her yes I love it thank you so much have  a good day as you can see I just paid through   the first window for my ice cream but I didn't  get my ice cream just yet because I have to go   to the second window and pick it up they're  gonna slide this window thank you so much I   have my ice cream cone with the Vanilla swirl on  top and I'm gonna go ahead and park here and eat   inside my car so a lot of Americans actually  do this they will park outside the restaurant   and they will eat inside of their car I'm gonna  go ahead and lick this ice cream because if not   it will melt down onto the cone okay guys that's  it for today's YouTube video at McDonald's I   hope you have enjoyed all of the English that I  taught you today I have my ice cream right here   I'm Gonna Keep on eating it but let me know down  below what else you would like me to teach you   do you want me to go to a different franchise a  different store do you want me to order some more   food at different places let me know down below  because I would love to hear your review about   this video and make more content for the next  video and don't forget to like and subscribe bye
Channel: Ariannita la Gringa | Native English Teacher
Views: 1,435,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ariannitalagringa, Ariannita la gringa, gringa, american, americana, usa, estados unidos, estadounidense, gringo, mexico, venezuela, cuba, colombia, peru, ecuador, argentina, ingles, english, english online, english class, english course, ingles online, ingles gratis, grammar, pronunciation, english learning, american english, youtube, rubia, teacher, class, education, english lecture
Id: E7p4LO7H-L8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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