Video 1 - At the restaurant

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good evening are you ready to order well first can you tell me please what is today's soup it's bean soup it's very good okay I'd like soup as a starter and then could I have V galope for my main course is that with salad with vegetables please certainly Madame I'd like the same for my starter please and then I'd like spaghetti bnes for my main course with salad and you sir could I have risoto as a starter please and then what is chicken and malfie it's our specialty it's chicken with a tomato and mushroom sauce that sounds good I'd like that please and would you like something to drink Mary Anna would you like wine I'd love a glass of red wine the house wine yes that's fine thanks i' just like some sparkling water okay two glasses of the house red wine and a bottle of sparkling water please very good I have very good desserts here too the ice cream is wonderful great I love Italian ice cream me too
Channel: Social Media Video Test
Views: 693,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sIWm5Fi8Z7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 19sec (79 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2014
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