Teaching English at the Grocery Store 🍌🥥

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Hola soy Ariannita! and welcome back to my YouTube  channel! If you don't know anything about me,   I am an English teacher. And as you can see behind  me, and from the title of this video we are at   the grocery store... but not any type of grocery  store, we are at the international supermarket and   I'm so excited to show you guys what's inside  because this isn't any type of grocery store   this is an American Supermarket where they have  American goods and they also have international   goods from all over the world. There are two  jungle gyms in the city of Cincinnati and this   supermarket is a touristic place because lots of  people come here to shop for goods from all over   the world. Also if you can't understand me during  this video I also have added subtitles in Spanish,   Portuguese. Before walking inside the supermarket  go ahead and give me a thumbs up (a like),   and subscribe to me if you haven't already and  if you want to give me a super thanks (because   that supports my videos) Now, come along with  me and let's go walk inside the supermarket! What is the first thing that you do  before entering a grocery store?The   first thing you do is you can grab a shopping  cart which holds a larger amount of items. And,   the second thing is you can grab a basket which  holds a small amount of items and it'll go around   your arm today. I am going to use a shopping cart  because I feel like I'm going to buy a lot of food   here because this is an international supermarket  and I can't find these goods in my normal grocery   stores like Kroger or Walmart. Also, I live  45 minutes away from this Supermarket so I   feel like I should buy a lot of food because  I want to take advantage of my time and try   new foods since I'm already here so, let me  grab my shopping cart and let's walk inside. This international market is called Jungle Jim's.  And as you can see from this car behind me,   it has a zebra print to it so when we go inside  you're going to see some strange things maybe   some noises of monkeys and you're going to see  a jungle theme based on its name Jungle Jim's I wanted to ask you guys... Where is the  first section or department you guys go to   when you enter the grocery store? When  I talk about sections or departments   these are produce sections for fruits and  veggies, the dairy section, frozen foods,   the dry foods. Let me know down below where  you guys go to first when you go inside the   grocery store. As I said before, this isn't any  typical grocery store this is Jungle Jim's an   international Supermarket where they have  lots of different themes all around me and   as you can see right behind me they have a  mini movie theater where they have a mini   Cinema that tells the story of Jungle Jim's. So  ,come along with me and let's go check it out! These seats are so comfy it feels like I'm  in an actual movie theater which actually   this is a mini movie theater. I might need  to get myself some popcorn and a drink just   to enjoy the story of Jungle Jim's. Also, it was  really hot outside so now I'm just enjoying the   fresh cool air but I have to get back to the  video and teach you guys some English in the   grocery store. I'm about to tell you guys  a funny story so the first time I visited   this grocery store I needed to use the bathroom  really bad so I knocked on this porta potty and   no one came out and then I thought to myself...  "Well right here they have an outhouse but they   don't have a door so where am I going to use  the restroom?" and then someone came out from   this door and I realized inside it's actually  a modernized bathroom! Let's take a look... It's not a porta potty, it's an actual restroom.  I waited like five or ten minutes to go to the   bathroom because I didn't know it was not a  porta potty it was an actual restroom. So,   if you ever visit a Jungle Jim's supermarket, and  you need to go to the bathroom you don't need to   knock on the door of the porta potty you can just  open it up and walk inside because it's huge,   really clean, and it has a lot of toilets that  you can use and flush (unlike a porta potty)! The first section that I always visit when I enter  the grocery store is called the produce section.   The produce section has fruits and vegetables.  Also, another way of saying vegetables is called   veggies (this is just a shorter way to say  vegetables) So fruits and veggies is where   we are at right now and compared to my normal  grocery store this International supermarket   has a variety of fruits and veggies from all  over the world! Now, let's start off with   some vegetable vocab! What is this called in your  country? Here, it's called an eggplant eggplant.   And this one is called yellow... yellow squash.  Here they have signs right above the vegetables   in case you do get confused... which sometimes I  do especially with this vegetable this is zucchini   it's a zucchini squash. Zucchini is very similar  to cucumber but they have a different taste,   so make sure to look at the signs so you're  not confused. Just next to the zucchini there   is some garlic. Also, this is fresh garlic. This  is different to the garlic in a glass container   like this one right here. I personally like the  fresh garlic versus this garlic because I like the   taste of it I like things fresh. There are four  different colors of peppers there's green peppers,   yellow peppers, orange peppers, and red  peppers, but all of these have different   flavors. Next to the sweet peppers, there  are some spicy peppers called jalapeños. And,   I know that they are spicy just by the smell  of it. I'm not going to take too long in the   produce section in the fruits and veggies section,  but now we're just going to play a little game   to see what kind of fruits and veggies you guys  know. So, this is the first vegetable. You have   three seconds to tell me what the name of this is  this is called a pea... pea! What is this called? Ginger... Ginger! Ginger is famous and many  Asian recipes. Now this one will be a little   bit tricky... What is this one called? This  is called a leek leek! And this one? This   is a green onion and actually I'm growing green  onions in my backyard! And what is this called?  This is called a red beet... red beet. And, they  have a variety of lettuce here. They have around   five. This is called iceberg lettuce, and I'm  going to use the signs to help me because I don't   know. They also have some Boston lettuce, the  romaine lettuce, the red leaf lettuce, and the   green leaf lettuce. Let me know down below if you  guys have a variety of lettuce in your country! I've gotta be honest with you guys I'm from  the United States and I honestly don't know   what some fruits or veggies are called inside  this grocery store! I don't even know how to   eat this... Do I cut it? Do I eat it raw? Can  I eat the outside of it? or Do I have to bake   this in order to eat it? Is this a fruit since  it's a bitter melon or is this a vegetable? Now I'm in the fresh fruit section so we're  gonna play another game like we did before where   I'm going to show you some fruits. I'm going  to start off with the easiest one first and   move on to the hard ones. What is this called?  This is called a dragon fruit. And this one?   This is called a mango. Dragon fruit,  mango. What is this fruit called?   This is called a papaya, papaya. And this one?   This is called a coconut, coconut. Now, I'm going  to show you two of the most difficult fruits that   I found that I do not even know the name of  so this one, What is it called? I'm looking   at the sign this is a tropical rambutan. I don't  even know if I'm saying that right! And this one   this is a pepino melon, pepino melon and it  has a lot of spikes all around this fruit. If   you've guessed both of these correctly I think  you guys are fruit experts. My shopping cart   is empty since I don't need any vegetables  but I might grab a peach, or two peaches! I'm in the bakery section where I can get my  bread, my pastries, or my sweet treats. In the   bread section they have some pita bread and they  also have some Hawaiian bread. I'm going to grab   a pack of Hawaiian bread rolls because I love  eating these at home. Before moving on to the   next section, I'm going to get myself some dessert  so I'm going to grab a package of M&M cookies for   my house. Look at how cute this honey dipper  is! And, you would use this with your jar of   honey and as you can see behind me they have a  bunch of different types of honey. Do you guys   eat honey? and How do you eat your honey? Do  you eat it with crackers? Do you eat it with a   cheese board? Let me know down below! Behind me  we are in the meat section, where you can find   different types of meats like beef, like chicken,  and pork.They have lots of different cuts of meat,   so come along with me and let's see what type  of meat they have here. This is a ribeye steak   and this right here is a bone-in rib eye because  it has a bone inside of it. And this right here   filet mignon is one of the most expensive cuts  of meat at $27.80 look at this small cut of meat   compared to this one. This is just normal beef and  it's $17. $17 compared to $27 which one would you   choose? I should have told you before, but if  you're a vegan you can go ahead and skip this   part, but here in America we love to eat burgers.  So you could eat burgers just buying ground beef   like this or you can have pre-made patties ready  for the grill. Now, I'm in the chicken section   of the meat section. So they have different types  of chicken they have regular chicken breasts that   are inside this package, or you can just buy a  whole rotisserie chicken this big 'ole boy right   here. My favorite type of chicken are the chicken  breasts that I showed you before, or the chicken   wings. Now, I'm in the pork section I personally  don't eat a lot of pork, but when I do I choose   ribs. My dad absolutely loves eating ribs because  we like to grill it out on the barbecue. Now look   at this in Jungle Jim's they have live lobsters.  I'm not sure why they have them here, but this   is one of the unique things they have in this  International supermarket. And, I think you can't   find it in a regular grocery store. Now, look  at the price of the lobsters $12.99 per pound. What else can you find in the seafood  section? You can find shrimp, scallops,   bass, and salmon. Notice how I did not pronounce  the L in salmon like you do in Spanish (Salmon).   You pronounce it salmon, salmon! Look who I found  behind me! No one other than Albert Einstein and   he's inside this machine. Unfortunately I  do not have change on me, so I can't put my   quarter inside this thing. Anyway, let's keep on  moving on, but I'll say bye to Albert Einstein!   This grocery store has two sections they have the  Americanized grocery section where you normally   would find things like in your local Kroger or  Walmart, and they have an international section   where you find things from different countries.  Let's start off with the American Grocery section   and learn some vocab! Right now, I am in an aisle.  An aisle is a pathway that you can walk through   with similar types of food. In this aisle (aisle  seven) they have chips so let's see what chips we   can find. Right here, they have some Doritos. I  love Doritos and these are the party size look at   the difference between these Doritos versus these  Doritos. This one is a bit smaller than this one.   Now I'm in the canned food aisle. Notice when  I pronounce the word aisle I did not pronounce   letter 'S" Aisle. What can you find in a can? You  can find a bunch of different canned soups right   here and to my left you can also find vegetables  like corn, peas, spinach, all different types of   vegetables. Canned food is really good because  it does not expire as fast as fresh fruits or   vegetables so it can last longer and you only  need a can opener to open up the canned food. And,   you can heat it up easily so it takes less time  to prepare. Now I'm in aisle six in the cereal   aisle and look at the abundance of cereals behind  me. They have different brands like Fruit Loops,   Kellogg's Corn Flakes. Here they have a variety  of different types of cereals and they also come   in different sizes. Look at this giant size  of cereal and the price of it is around seven   dollars. I think if I bought this I can  last for about four months by myself. Now,   I'm in the beverage aisle where you can find so  many different types and flavors of beverages.   So to my left you have Coca-Cola products and  these are in 2 liter bottles and below the 2 liter   Coke bottles you have the mini cans. And this is  what a mini can looks like. It's obviously smaller   than a two liter. And, they have even more flavors  like Sprite, Fanta and this does not look like a   2 liter because this is 1.25 liters and this is  definitely a lot skinnier compared to this one. As   we walk down, over here they have more beverages  like Fanta look at how many flavors they have!   They have orange Fanta, pineapple, strawberry...  I didn't know they had so many Fanta flavors.   I gotta try those in a little bit. And across  from the soft drinks, there is water so this is   a giant bottle of water and it's plastic. I have a  question for you guys. Do you guys buy big plastic   bottles of water like this in your country?  Because I know in some countries you normally   just boil the water and then you can drink it. And  this costs $1.19. Look at all all of the different   types of brands and sizes of bottles of water.  For example, they have a 24 pack. Below it they   have a mini pack (it's kind of like the Coke cans  that I just showed you you have a mini pack and   then you have a bigger one) and this brand right  here called Fiji is two for five dollars and for   me that is very expensive because this is imported  straight from Fiji so people like the taste of it.   Let's see what else we can find... Wow this glass  bottle of water is four dollars. Would you buy   a glass bottle of water for four dollars? Let me  know down below! Behind me they have sports drinks   like Powerade and Gatorade so you normally would  only drink sports drinks before or after going   to the gym because they're full of electrolytes.  And behind me you can see the 12 packs of Coke.   Americans absolutely love their Coke products and  these sell so fast. Next to the regular Coca-Cola   they have the diet coke which has no sugar and and  no calories and then they have Coke Zero next to   it which just has no sugar. And then over here,  they have some more 12 packs of Pepsi which is   similar to Coke but it has a different taste and  then they have Diet Pepsi (it's the same thing   like the diet coke it has no calories), and they  have the Mountain Dew notice how I pronounce the   word Mountain because this is a glottal stop so  you do not pronounce the 'T' in the glottal stop   you will say Mountain Dew, Mountain Dew. Have you  guys tried Mountain Dew before? Let me know down   below. Next to the Mountain Dew of course they  have the diet Mountain Dew (like the diet coke,   diet Pepsi) and then they have seven up, root  beer, sunkist, and they have even more 12 packs.   Now let's move on to the dairy section. Moving  on to the dairy section there are milk products,   cheese, yogurt, and surprisingly eggs. The milk  is inside a refrigerator to keep it nice and cool   and prevent it from expiring. Now, I'm going  to show you the different prices of different   milks. I'm going to open up this refrigerator  and this gallon of milk is whole milk and it's   $3.99. Next to the whole milk they have the 2%  gallon milk which is also $3.99 and over here   they have whole milk but it is organic so it is  a lot pricier than the normal gallon milk it's at   $6.19. Now I'm in the frozen section where we have  frozen food and as you can see I have goosebumps   because this section is cold because they have  a lot of freezers here. So frozen food basically   consists of food frozen inside of a box that is  pre-made and ready to heat up. Let's see what we   can find... right here is pre-made chili so what  you do is you just open up the box put it in your   microwave and then it's done! Americans love  to eat frozen food because they work a lot and   sometimes don't have time to cook for themselves  at home so this is a great way to eat at home   and frozen food is pretty cheap for Americans  too. Personally, I don't like frozen food because   the taste might be a little bit different and I  like eating fresh food prepared at home. Frozen   food consists of pizza, frozen dinners, pot  pies, appetizers, frozen chicken, frozen rice,   and many more. Behind me is the deli section  where you can get fresh sliced meat and cheese. One of the last sections of this Supermarket  is their liquor section where they have a bunch   of beer, wine, and hard liquor that they  sell here. If you go to an American party,   you might find white claw there and what is this?  This is a hard seltzer that has carbonation and   has a different taste compared to beer. And right  here they have non-alcoholic beverages like beer.   If you like the taste of beer, but you're  pregnant, if you're sick, or you're taking   antibiotics and you can't drink liquor this is  a great way to buy beer. Now I'm in the wine   section. Now if you think there's only one type of  wine there aren't. Here are the different types of   wine and each type has a different flavor right.  Here they have Sauvignon, they have Chardonnay,   Cabernet. Over here they have some pineapple  sangria which actually sounds really good,   raspberry sangria. Here, they have Pinot Noir,  Pinot Grigio, Merlot, and at the very bottom they   have some more Pinot Noir, and sweet red wines.  And they also have some boxed wine which can be   used at parties if people want to pour their  wine themselves. You can also use boxed wine   to cook and sometimes boxed wine is cheaper than  the glass bottle. Now, I'm in the international   part of the grocery store and it's my favorite  part because you can find food from all over the   world! For example, I'm in the Hispanic aisle  and you can find food from countries based on   the signs they have here. For example this is  a sign and it says Mexico, so in this aisle I   can find items that are found in Mexico. Also, I  know I'm in the Mexican aisle because there's a   piñata above me! And next to Mexico is Venezuela  so they have products imported from Venezuela,   and it's not a secret that I love Venezuelan food  so I'm going to take this Cocosette home for me!   Now, I have teleported my myself to Colombia  and they have a bunch of sweet treats wow look   at these lollipops. This is passion fruit and  it looks so good! Now I'm in Argentina and I   found myself some mate. Which mate should I get?  Which team is better? Let me know down below! Now I'm in Peru and I haven't found a lot  of candies but they have a bunch of jars of   different spices. Now I'm in Brazil and I have  a bunch of Brazilian friends and they told me   to get Guarana which is a two liter soda,  so I'm gonna get it for myself. Moving on   away from Latin America right now I'm in  Europe so you can buy things from France,   from Holland (which is now called the Netherlands)  and they even have these wooden pair of shoes   that you can buy from the Netherlands. Now I'm in  Asia and as you can see behind me this is just an   aisle of beverages full of tea and Asians are  famous for their teas and bubble teas. So I'm   gonna try some out. I'm gonna try this one (the  strawberry) and this one. This is not a bubble   tea this is just a famous Asian drink. I'm still  in the Asian aisle but look at this cute little   lunchbox I found and the price of it is $23.99  rounding up to $24. But how does this lunchbox   work? So you just open up the top of it and I'm  assuming this would be the rice bowl but wow look   at the difference between American lunch boxes and  a traditional Asian lunch box. Now I'm finished   with my shopping trip and before I leave I need to  pay for my food and to pay for my food I am going   to check out the food at the checkout counter.  I'm emptying the cart by placing my groceries   on the conveyor belt so the cashier can scan each  item. I am paying with a credit card but you can   also use cash. While I am paying, the cashier  is bagging the groceries in a plastic bag and   putting them back in the shopping cart. Now I  am swiping my card to pay for the groceries.   I'm finally done bagging my groceries and ready to  go home. Okay guys I'm finally finished with this   YouTube video and I'm going to let you guys know  what I spent on my receipt it says that I spent   $38.86 and my groceries I just bought a bunch  of snacks because I wanted to try snacks from   all over the world. Okay guys if you like this  video go ahead and give me a thumbs up a like,   and subscribe if you haven't already.  And, if you want to support me give me   a super thanks. I'm ready to go home but  I'm late for my train so I gotta go bye!
Channel: Ariannita la Gringa | Native English Teacher
Views: 512,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ariannitalagringa, Ariannita la gringa, gringa, american, americana, usa, estados unidos, estadounidense, gringo, mexico, venezuela, cuba, colombia, peru, ecuador, argentina, ingles, english, english online, english class, english course, ingles online, ingles gratis, grammar, pronunciation, english learning, american english, youtube, rubia, teacher, class, education, english lecture, baseball, cincinnati reds, baseball vocabulary, baseball vocab
Id: 3VP8OZyr87A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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