How to move around in the city... Don’t miss the train!🚊😌

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Hey guys! It's Ariannita la Gringa and welcome  back to my YouTube channel. Can you guys guess   where I am? Well, I'm still in New York City (the  city that never sleeps) and in my last video I   taught you all downtown vocab and things you need  to know if you are a pedestrian and walking around   a downtown area like New York City. Well in this  video, I am going to show you the different modes   of transportation in New York because there  are so many options to move around this huge   city. The first mode of transportation and the  most common in any city or town is just walking   around. Walking is a great way to get to your  destination. For example, to get to my destination   Roosevelt Island I have to walk all the way over  there to the ferry station. Come along with me. It took me about 2 minutes to walk to this ferry  station and walking is a great way to move around   the city, explore, and is a great way to exercise.  Walking is one of my favorite ways to move around   the city but now let's hop right in to the next  mode of transportation in New York. Right now   I'm at the NYC Ferry Station New York City ferry  station. As you guys know Manhattan is an island   so a great way to move across the island on  the river is using a large boat or going on   the ferry. A ferry is a great and fun way to move  around the city and it is made mostly for tourists   like me. So I am not from here that means I am  a tourist visiting New York. So being a tourist   it's a great experience to look at the beautiful  Skyline, look at all the tall buildings and enjoy   the nice sun on the river now. I'm waiting in  line to purchase my Ferry ticket and I'm going   to find out how much it costs. Also, have you guys  been on a ferry? Let me know down below. Now I'm   paying for a ferry ticket so I'm going to press  this right here in English and I'm just going to   do a one-way ticket. I'm going to buy one more  ticket and then right here I will pay and then   it is $8 for two tickets so $4 per ticket. I am  inserting my credit card to pay for both tickets.   And then it says would you like a printed receipt  and I'm going to say no. Lastly on the screen,   it says thank you please take ticket below. I'm  going to crouch down and grab both tickets. Now   I'm just waiting for the ferry and then we  will enter the ferry right here on this ramp. That is another ferry. That Ferry is  full of passengers and is on the way   back to the ferry station. I bought  a one-way ticket to my destination,   Roosevelt Island so I will not be  returning back from it. Whereas   a round trip ticket allows you to  travel to a place and back again. Now I'm walking down the ramp and I just went on  the ferry. This is a ferry. It takes passengers to   short distances. I recommend this experience  because it's a great way to move across the   river. Now we are at Roosevelt Island and I'm  going to show you the third way to move around   New York City. Can you guys guess this third way  of transportation in New York City? It is a car   that is attached with cables that moves across...  What is it called? This is called a cable car and   right now we are at the Roosevelt Island Tramway  and I'm going to take you guys across with me and   see the city skyline. Can you guys believe that  this Cable Car exists in New York City? Well   normally cable cars exist in areas with mountains,  but New York City doesn't have any mountains so   we are going to use this cable car to travel  over the river. Now I'm going to see how much   it costs to go on the cable car, but I think  I can use my metro card so let's see if this   works. This metro card does work to get on the  cable car and it costs $34 for a one-week pass.   I purchased this metro card when I first arrived I  can only use it for one week. Come with me inside   the cable car. We are packed in like sardines.  The cable car is crowded and full of people. That was awesome! Who would have thought  that a cable car would drop me off right in   the middle of New York City. Let's go ahead  and find the fourth mode of transportation   in downtown New York. The fourth mode of  transportation in New York City is using   the bus. It is right next to the tramway. I  just walked across the street and right now   I am right next to the bus stop. The bus stop  is where I will wait for the bus to arrive. The good thing about the bus is you can use  the same card that you used on the tram and   the subway. Now come along with me and let's  enter the bus. The person that drives the   bus is called the bus driver. You can pay with  Apple Pay or just use the metro card right here. The good thing about taking a bus is that  you actually have a seat. I'm a passenger   and I'm sitting in the back of the bus in  my seat. But the bad thing about taking the   bus is that you have to wait for all  the stops for the bus driver to stop   at all the stops and you have to wait in  traffic something that the subway avoids. Right now I'm sitting by the window called the  window seat and I have to get off at the next   stop so to get off I am going to pull this  yellow cord called the pull cord. Pull it   down and then that lets the bus driver know  that I need to get off at the next stop. I   just got off the bus. I just got off at that  bus stop over there, but I still have one more   bus to take to get to my final destination. I  just got off at the second bus stop it led me   to this place behind me. I am in Washington  Square Park. Let's recap and let's see what   we learned throughout this video. The first mode  of transportation was walking around walking to   different places and the second one the ferry.  We took the ferry across the river and then the   third way (third mode of transportation)  was taking the cable car across the river   and entering the city. And then once we were in  the city, we took the bus and the bus led me to   this beautiful place right here. Before talking  about the next way to move around New York City,   I want to talk to you about the sponsor of  today's video: Skillshare. Skillshare is   an online learning community with thousands of  classes and members where anyone can learn about   any topic. These classes can motivate and inspire  you to pick up a new hobby or skill. Right now,   I'm taking classes to improve my habits. The  class that I'm taking is how to build habits   that last by Thomas Frank. It has been so helpful  when it comes to language learning. Right now,   I'm learning Spanish. My expectation to learn  Spanish is to get a little bit better each time   and to not be afraid to make mistakes. Keeping  good habits has helped me be more productive   in learning a language. If you're looking to  pick up a new hobby or skill, don't hesitate   to try out Skillshare. Do you want to unlock your  creativity and learn something new? The first 500   people to use my link will get access to one of  Skillshare's best offers: 30 days free and 40% off   your first year of Skillshare membership. Thank  you Skillshare for sponsoring this video. Now   let's learn about more transport vocab in New York  City. The fifth mode of transportation in the Big   Apple is underground. Can you guys guess what it  is? Come along with me and let's go check it out. It's called the subway. The subway is one of the  many different ways to go around the city. Come   along with me and let's enter the train station  but we have to go underground down these stairs,   I'm walking down these stairs and then I'm going  to go ahead and walk inside the train station. I   already have my metro card, but let's go ahead and  check out how much are the prices for a one-day   ticket. You can purchase a Metro Card right  here if you don't have one and you can choose   which language between English, Spanish, French  or Chinese. So if I want a single ride that's   only valid for 2 hours that'll be $3.25 and then  if I want to get a new card it'll be $1 and you   can choose between a regular metro card or an  unlimited ride and I have the 7-Day unlimited   ride that is $34, but you can choose between a  30-day ride. I already have my metro card let's   go ahead and swipe this, enter the gate, and enter  the metro station. I just passed through the gate   and now let's go ahead and see the subway. Right  now I'm on the subway platform waiting for my   train to arrive. You can call it Subway or train.  The subway runs on these train tracks right over   here. Right now I'm waiting for the E train to  go to the World Trade Center. But don't feel bad   if you guys are in New York and if you guys are  lost or have missed your train because the train   system (the transit system) is very confusing and  I missed my train about five times and got lost.   So don't feel bad. I'm hoping that this train is  the right way. So now let's wait for the train. Now I'm going to hop on the train. I got off that train over there because I  got on the wrong train. But that's okay,   people make mistakes. I'm going to hop on  this train once it arrives. Before getting   on the next train I want to show you guys what  this station looks like. Do you guys think it's   clean? Do you think it's dirty? Do you think  it looks old or do you think it looks new? Let   me know down below. Also, do you guys have train  systems in your city and let me know if it looks   new or if it looks old like the one in New York  City. Right now I'm crossing my fingers keeping   my fingers crossed and I hope that this is  the right train come along with me. I'm at   Penn Station. Right here this is Penn Station  34th Street. Also, if you live in America you   may know that there is a restaurant called Penn  Station and let's see if they do have a Penn   Station restaurant here. Let's go above ground  and look for another mode of transportation. I'm walking up these stairs and now I'm above  ground. I'm out of the Subway Station. We're going   to head to our seventh mode of transportation  we're heading to The Vessel. It's a touristic   attraction. It's very far from where I'm at so...  What is another way I can get there? I don't have   a car so now we're going to take the taxi (a  taxi cab) to get there. You can also order an   Uber on the Uber app or Lyft, but I'm going to  get a taxi so the signal you use is you hail a   taxi so the taxi knows that they need to pick you  up. Taxi, taxi! You can order an Uber or Lyft by   going on the app and then setting your location  and the time you want to be picked up right now.   If I were to order an Uber at this location to  go to the vessel it would cost around $15.98,   but now I'm going to look online and see how  much are the taxis because I know the taxis   charge per block you go to and how many  minutes you wait in trafficl. Taxi, taxi! Hi, I have a question. How much is it  to get to the vessel? The Vessel? Yeah,   how much would it be? Less than $20  less than 20. Could you do $16? Okay. I just took a taxi cab and I was able to negotiate  the price from $20 down to around $16. So it's   kind of the same amount of money you can either  pay $15.98 for an Uber or around $16 for a taxi.   Also right here we made it to our destination. We  are finally at the vessel. This is a new tourist   attraction and I'm so excited to take pictures  right below it. But unfortunately, I can't go on   the vessel because it's closed. Right now I'm at  The Vessel and it's such a beautiful place because   it has the most amazing architecture. People  are right here watching some tennis on this   big flat screen and enjoying the summer because  it's almost about to end. I'm inside the vessel   and the first floor is the only floor that's  open and you can come here and take pictures   with your friends or family but unfortunately  the top it's closed because people were jumping. When I was inside the vessel, someone interrupted  me and told me I couldn't record record the video.   Well you can take pictures, but you can't record  videos which doesn't make any sense and they said   I couldn't take a video because the vessel is  apparently private property. I'm getting a little   bit hungry. I'm going to go to Times Square  and order a donut at the famous Krispy Kreme   that they have over there. And the seventh mode of  transportation that I'm going to take is using the   bicycle. People in New York City whether you're  a resident or a tourist (a visitor) they ride   bicycles on the bike lanes because sometimes it's  even faster than taking the subway. So come along   with me, and let's go rent a bicycle. This is the  last mode of transportation and it's called riding   a bicycle. Right behind me they have bicycles  that you can rent. It's nice because the bicycles   are right by the vessel where I just came from.  Also, I had to download the app called 'City Bike'   and as you can see if I zoom in you can see that  there are different stations where I can rent the   bicycles from. Now I'm going to go and rent one  bicycle and I think that they charge per minute. I   already have the application (the app) downloaded  on my phone 'City Bike'. There are two types of   bikes. So you can choose between the newer bike  (the bigger one) or the smaller bike (the blue   one) I'm going to go ahead and scan over here and  scan the older bike because the old bike is $4   for 10 minutes versus this new gray bike is $8 for  10 minutes. If you want to ride the bike you have   to scan this QR code right here. It's going to  charge me $1 just to make sure that my credit card   works. Once you scan the bike with the QR code, it  already has a timer and it'll track how many miles   you ride on the bike. The number of minutes and  miles will let you know how much they will charge   you to ride the bike. I just unlocked the bike  from the bike station it's already timing me to   see how much I'm going to spend. Now I'm going to  ride this bike to Times Square to eat some donuts. I just arrived to Times Square and now I'm  going to park this bike. To park the bike,   you will align the bike and then you're going to  push it into the docking station. And then you   have to make sure that it clicks. Okay and now  the bike is locked so I can't use it anymore. I   paid $4.89 just to ride one bike and the duration  the time it took for me to ride the bike to my   destination was around 25 minutes. Here in the  US we use miles we do not use kilometers the   distance that I rode the bike was around 0.86 mil  (1.3 km) so around 1 mile. This was a lot cheaper   than I expected. Do you guys have bikes that you  can rent in your city? Let me know down below. Okay guys! I'm already finished with this  video and I made it to Krispy Kreme Donuts.   I came here just for this special donut called  the Big Apple and it's only sold here in the   middle of Times Square. I hope you guys  enjoyed this video about the different   forms of transportation that they have in  New York City. don't forget to subscribe,   like, and give me a super thanks  if you guys like my videos! Bye!
Channel: Ariannita la Gringa | Native English Teacher
Views: 340,772
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Keywords: Ariannitalagringa, Ariannita la gringa, gringa, american, americana, usa, estados unidos, estadounidense, gringo, mexico, venezuela, cuba, colombia, peru, ecuador, argentina, ingles, english, english online, english class, english course, ingles online, ingles gratis, grammar, pronunciation, english learning, american english, teacher, education, english lecture, learn english online, online english classes, online english tutor, modes of transport, car, taxi, bus, metro, subway, nyc subway, bike, bicycle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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