English vocabulary at the SUPERMARKET - Real English Lesson

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what is the first thing you do when you go into a supermarket I usually grab a shopping basket a shopping basket supermarkets either provide shopping baskets or shopping carts for you to carry around your products let's go hi everyone I'm giovana and in this video I'll teach you Supermarket VOC vocabulary we've been lucky enough to be invited inside Flamingo Supermarket here in Miami Beach these are the Isles Isles the first aisle I see is the snacks aisle the snacks aisle in here we can find M&M's and chocolate bars chocolate bars look what I found I found chips chips these are chips let's go to the beverage section because I want to teach you something there this is the beverages section beverages section here we can find Juice soda wine now I want to teach you something really valuable which is wait for it I'm going to grab it this one this is a sixpack of beer a sixpack of beer a sixpack of beer could be also a sixpack of soda so here is beer but it could be a sixpack of beer a six-pack of soda a six-pack of water and so much more uh a sixpack means that there are six cans so 1 2 3 4 5 six cans of soda or of beer here let's find more beverages because there's something else that I want to show you guys so this is a sixpack of water a sixpack of water which means that there are six bottles of water here actually there are six here but it could be eight an eight pack of water a four pack of water the numbers can vary according to how many bottles we have here here we can find frozen fish filet frozen fish filet let me show you guys these are frozen fish filets frozen fish filets delicious we can also find shrimps shrimps these are also tasty here we can also find pizzas and chicken breasts for example I mean frozen pizza and frozen chicken breasts this is where we find condiments condiments such as mustard ketchup mayonnaise or Mayo which is a short for mayonnaise we can also find Bottled sauces bottled sauces they come in a bottle they're so delicious the breakfast and cereal aisle here we can find cereal jars of nut butter and oatmeal oatmeal do you know what is oatmeal oatmeal is a type of porridge usually consumed at breakfast Fest and it's a rich source of fiber how do I know all of this because I'm a not meal lover I have oatmeal for breakfast almost every single day I love it really these are canned goods canned goods they can come in metal cans metal cans or they can come in glass jars glass jars such as canned beans canned chili and canned olives for example this is the cleaning supplies aisle the cleaning supplies aisle what do we find here so we can find disinfectants disinfectants to kill germs and bacteria we find on surfaces these are toilet bowl cleaners toilet bowl cleaners to clean the toilet bowl which is the inside of the toilet the inside part of the toilet as you see in this picture oh scrub powders scrub powders to scrub away tough stains and bathroom surfaces they're very useful and there are many other products here many other cleaners oh look what I found there's some bags bags and beach towels Beach towels because we are at the beach we are in Miami Beach so it makes a lot of sense right oh now I found flipflops these are called flip flops to go to the beach and I also found slides slides they look so cute I think I'm going to buy them what do you think they're pink which is my favorite color I love them there are more flipflops here and I found pool noodles these are called pool noodles for you to float so cool I also found shoes and they're so stylish some shoes and I can see some boogie boards boogie boards let me show you guys this is called boogie board but you can also say body board because we put our body on it so body board or boogie board so cool I think I'm going to buy this one or not I don't know how to swim hats these are actually visors visors does it look good on me wow souvenirs those are so cute I love them look at these These are decorative plates decorative plates to decorate your house hello welcome and as I was saying we can find a 24 pack of water it's really heavy but it's a 20 for pack of water with 24 bottles of water here so good wow keychains these are called keychains you put your keys on the keychain they will look so beautiful so so stylish there's this chain Florida Miami the sunshine state looks so nice and these are shot glasses they're so beautiful they all have a message stamped on them I picked out a souvenir and now it's time to check out and pay for the products hello Hi how are you good morning good morning how are you good good good that's all that's all yeah uh all together is 1235 okay it's debit card sure thank you have a good day the person who receives our money is called the cashier now it's time for me to go home and snack on some M&M's don't forget to subscribe to my channel and see you next time
Channel: English by Giovana
Views: 252,169
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Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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