How to Operate Worcester Greenstar Life 8000 Combination Boiler, Most efficient Settings and More

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hello in this video I'm going to show you how to operate and set up your Worcester live 8000 combination boiler I'll show you how to adjust your central heating temperature to make your house and your border as efficient as possible also how to adjust your hot water temperature and the best setting of to set that at how to reset your boiler if you get a fault code in a display at some point in future your boiler is likely to stop working with a low pressure fault and of course I'm going to show you how you go about topping your boiler up to raise the pressure up and get your boiler back up and running again and of course I'll also show you what that Eco button does and how it affects the operation of the boiler I wanted to quickly let you know I've made lots of other health videos and you'll find those links in the description below like how you balance your central heating system to make it more efficient the most common reason for a radio to stop working and how you get it running again and also videos on programmers like the Honeywell t3r again you'll find a lot of those links in the description below and one last thing before I get on with this video we're all going for an energy crisis right now and we're all trying to reduce our gas bills and I want to let you know I've made a video on 10 things that you can do to your central heating system to make it more efficient and reduce that gas bill and you'll find that in the link above here and down in the description so here's our display on our Worcester boiler and you can see at the moment the display is off so you can't see anything if you want to see the display you need to press one of the buttons these two buttons here will adjust our temperatures up and down they're also used to reset the boiler and also show you the pressure within the boiler we then have the back button then we have an OK button and our Eco button which is the hot water preheat we've got the button to adjust our central heating temperature and the button to adjust the hot water temperature so let's just press the OK button to see what the display says and you can see at the moment it says 28.6 degrees C and that's just the temperature that the boiler is at now we've also got a picture of a tap for a hot water then there's a picture of a radiator for our central heating we can also see it says Eco in the display indicating Eco is turned on or in other words hot water preheat is turned off now if you want to adjust the temperature for your central heating you press the button just here and then the display will start flashing and indicating the temperature that it is set to right now so you can see it says 55 degrees if we want to adjust our radiator temperature we need to press one of these two buttons here so let's just press the button again to make some changes to our central heating radiators now you can see I can press the button several times and keep adjusting the temperature up or we can just hold it in now the highest temperature we can set this boiler to is 88 degrees now that is really really hot and you wouldn't really want to set your boiler right up there because that's really inefficient I mean it's nearly at boiling point so let's just press the down arrow and see how low we can set this temperature to so you can see it's going all the way down and it's going to keep going down until we get to 30 degrees and there we are 30 degrees is now on the display so that would just make your central heating just look warm now the ideal kind of 10 temperature you want to be setting your central heat into is somewhere between 50 and 65 degrees so I can then push the up arrow and adjust that temperature up now just remember this is not the temperature that your house gets to that's the job of your room thermostat but the temperature that your radiators get to which in turn will affect how hot your house gets so the lower we can keep this setting the more efficiently our boiler will run but in the middle of the winter when the weather is really cold our house may not be hot enough so then we may need to adjust this temperature up just to make our radiators hotter which will also make our house hotter also the higher the temperature we set the central heating to the faster the house will heat up but like I said that will also make the boiler less efficient so if you want to try and reduce your gas bill then you want to try and keep the central heating temperature as low as possible now to adjust the temperature of our hot water all we need to do is press the button there's a picture of a tap on you can then see the set temperature which is 50 degrees the tap icon is also in the display so we know we're adjusting our hot water and then we use the plus and minus buttons to adjust that temperature so let's adjust our hot water temperature so press the tap again I can then press the up arrow and I can take this temperature right up to 60 degrees now that's really hot water and in general you don't need it set that high let's try turning it down and see how low we can make the hot water so take it all the way down and you can see there I can take it right down to 35 degrees now that's just going to be lukewarm water now the point about your hot water is you don't want to set it any higher than you need it because there's absolutely no point in heating the hot water up to really high temperature just to cool it down at the tap with cold water you're then just wasting gas you're added unnecessary usage to your boiler which may add a scale build up in your plate heat exchanger resulting in a plate pieces change it needing to be replaced and of course if you want to be green you don't want to be burning unnecessary gas so what temperature should you be setting your hot water to my friend right about 48 to 50 degrees seems to be a pretty good temperature now if you can set that temperature a little lower then that's obviously going to reduce the amount of gas use which will reduce your gas bill so set the water to where you find comfortable now there are a couple occasions where you might want or need to set your hot water A Little Higher One is if you have a mixer shower that's a shower mixes your hot water and your cold water you may find that even if you turn the shower right up to its hottest temperature it's still not quite hot enough and in that case you'll then need to set your hot water a little higher another reason why you might want your hot water just that bit hotter is if you like having really hot baths and you want to top your bath up with some hot water then you may find that you want to set that temperature higher so the hot water your top of your bath up is really nice and hot now that's absolutely fine if you need to do that some of my customers just turn the temperature up on their border when they want to have a hot bath and then they turn it back down again when they've finished and that's a really sensible way to use your boiler we can use the back button to take us back to the normal display and there we go now moving on to the Eco button as you can see at the moment Eco is in the display but if I press the button ECO goes away that now means we've turned preheat on if we press the button again then Eco comes back in the display turning preheats off and there you go you can now see Eco in the display so what does eco function do well this fraction is purely for your hot water and what it does is it keeps the boiler pre-warmed sense the word preheats so it keeps the boiler hot all the time so that when you turn your hot tap on it doesn't take very long for the water to come out of the tap because the ball is pre-warmed but this does mean that the boiler will be keeping itself warm all through the day and through the night when you're not using it just so that when you turn a hot tap on it doesn't take very long for the water to come out of the tap obviously that's adding extra wear to your boiler and of course increasing your gas bill now this function may be useful if you're on a water meter because then you wouldn't need to run the tap for as long before the hot water comes out of the tap you also may want to consider using it if your boiler is in the loft or in their Outhouse but just bear in mind if your bullet isn't Aloft and in this case it's in the garage then the board is going to cool down faster and so preheat is going to be on even more now I always recommend to have preheat turned off which on this boiler of course is having the Eco setting turned on and that will stop the bullet from preheating now let's just take a quick look at the boiler in operation so if I turn the hot tap on we then see the hot tap will start flashing indicating that we are using the hot water and then the Flame's gonna come on and the temperature will start to rise on the front of the boiler there we are there's a picture of the flame and then we see the temperature start Rising as it heats up our hot water and there he goes you can see the temperature rising heating up our hot water and then if I turn the hot tub off again we see the flame would go out and then the boiler will continue to run the pump for about a minute to let the boiler cool down a bit if we turn our central heating on the central heating symbol will start flashing and again we've got the flame in the display and the temperature will rise as it heats up your central heating and then when we turn off the heating the flame is going to go away and then this symbol will stop flashing now just a quick note on the way a combination boiler works if you have your heating on and then you turn a hot tap on the hot tap will override the central heating so your central heating will then be off whenever you're using your hot water because combination board is only heat one thing at a time and a hot water always has priority so a little thought may be needed if you have a large family or you have someone who likes to take a really long showers because your house might get a little chilly whilst they're taking that nice hot shower now if we want to know how much pressure is enough boil that if we press one of these arrows just here the up one or the down one hold it for three seconds the pressure will then be displayed on the screen if you find the pressure is a little low so that would be below one bar you should then top the boiler back up to round about one to one and a half bar and I'll show you how we go about topping up the boiler in just a bit we can then just press the back arrow to take us back to the home screen before I show you how to reset and top up your boiler I'll quickly introduce myself my name is Mark Ballard and I've been a gas registered engineer for nearly 30 years the aim in my channel is to help you with your central heating and your plumbing if you find this video helpful at all then please give me that little bit of feedback by clicking on that thumbs up and that will also help others to find the video you can click on that subscribe if you like the video click on the Bell if you want to receive a notification and of course share the video with your friends a big thank you to everyone who has thanked me by getting me a cup of coffee and leaving a donation in my toolbox phone it is really appreciated and it does really help me to make more videos which will hopefully help you oh and don't forget to check out my website where I've categorized all my videos and I've left links to all the products and parts that I recommend if your brother develops a fault then you'll get a flashing warning triangle and then a number underneath it the number corresponds to The Faults which the boiler has detected and your boiler manual will tell you exactly what the fault means but for the most part as a home owner all you can do is to reset the boiler and to do that you press and you hold both the up and down arrows for around six seconds and you wait for the display to change and you see these three dotted lines and then you release the two buttons now your ball is reset and you hope that the fault code does not come back again now you can keep resetting your boiler but if the fault code keeps coming back then you're gonna need to call a gas roasted engineer to come and look at your boiler you'll find the link to the UK gas register in the description below now with combination boilers and system boilers you need to maintain the pressure within the system when the pressure drops down too low the display will start flashing at you can you that the pressure is getting low in your boiler and you want to top it up and when it gets even lower again it will then stop working and then you'll definitely have to top it up now I'm just draining some water off this boiler to show you how this Pressure Works you can see the boiler has just come up with a fault coat just there but now the boiler is showing l-o-p-r which stands for low pressure and also L 0.6 bar so at 0.6 of a bar in pressure the display will start flashing at you like this telling you that your pressure is getting low and you want to top the boiler back up again when the pressure drops down to 0.2 of a bar the warning triangle is going to come up in the display and your boiler is going to stop working and you won't be able to get it to work again until you top it back up again and of course I'll show you how to top your boiler up right now so to top up all the backup again that we need to go underneath our boiler and we need to remove that plastic panel on the bottom so we can get to the topping up valve now on the side of the panel you'll see there's a little clip here and there's also one on the other side just here and what we need to do is push those two in and then the panel will come off so here we go it just push that clip there in and this one here push them both in and then the panel just drops down we can now get to the filling valve which is this little blue lever right here to top the boiler all we do is just pull down on this little blue handle like that you just pull it down it's sprung loaded so it will close straight away as soon as you release it so you can see that my bullet now has zero pressure in it so now I'm going to top the boiler up so all I need to do like I said is just pull this handle down when you do this you're going to hear some noise as the water goes into the boiler and then we're going to keep an eye on that pressure and make sure we don't put too much water in it and you can see the pressure is rapidly Rising I'm still holding that handle down it's sprung loaded so it's just going to spring back and close again and there we are now we're at 0.7 about 0.9 of a bar I'm Gonna Keep on taking up and any second it's gonna say stop on the display there you go stop so stop filling your boiler up when you get to this point so just release the blue handle and that's it as you pull the top back up again and it should start working again now you don't need to worry about this stop in the display in a short while it would go back to its normal display and the screen will turn off now if you're very unlucky when you pull that little handle down and nothing happens and the boiler does not top itself back up now what's happened there is a check valve inside this little part here has become stuck and I'm afraid there's not a lot you can do but if you have come across this problem then I have many separate video on how you go about fixing that problem I'll leave a link in the description now we just need to replace the panel on the bottom it's pretty straightforward you just line it up in its position and just push it straight up and listen for the two clips making a little click as they go into position and that's it so that's how you operate your Worcester boiler I'm not going to go into the filter right now if you want to know more about that I'll be making a separate video but I have already made videos for the Magna clean and that filter is virtually the same as this one so that's about it then so if you want to watch my video on 10 ways to reduce your gas bill you can click on the video just here and of course you can click on subscribe you can click on the Bell give me a thumbs up share it with your friends and as always my toolbox friend bye for now and I'll see you next time
Channel: Mark Ballard LTD
Views: 100,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to operate worcester greenstar life 8000, worcester greenstar 8000 life operating instructions, greenstar 8000 life turn off heating, worcester greenstar 8000 life service manual, how to reset worcester greenstar 8000 life, how to repressurise a worcester greenstar 8000 life, how do i reset my greenstar 8000 life, How to top up the pressure on my Worcester Bosch Boiler 8000, how to top up pressure on worcester greenstar 8000 life, worcester greenstar 8000 life low pressure
Id: 0n-eA_wNfOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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