Worcester NO IGNITION. Gas valve Reset/ Adjust & Fine Tune. Detailed/ Step by step, Fault Finding.

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hello and welcome to another video the boiler we're working on today is a Worcester green star 15 RI which is a regular heat-only or a conventional boiler the problem with this boiler is an ignition lockout but it's not a straightforward ignition lockout where the burner doesn't come on the boiler doesn't ignite what seems to be going on is that the boiler comes on the customers advised it that the boiler comes on seems to be firing up but then it keeps going off it doesn't stay alive so we'll do some full finding and see what happens so full code indication for this spoiler this blue flashing light is a slow Flash and when you look into the manual of this boiler this frequency of the light means it's an ignition lockout there is there are a few possibilities or a few texts you can do in order to rectify or find out what fault is before we get into the video If you haven't yet subscribed to my Channel Please Subscribe and click the Bell icon so you get notified when I upload new content also please make sure to like and comment on the videos we upload and let's get back to the video okay so as you can see it's a slow flash just to remind you mostly our flash is on is an ignition lockout what we're going to do is a step-by-step fold finding first things first we'll see what is causing the ignition lock card and then we'll repair recordingly okay so you can see there are there is an external demand for the heating and hot water which is essential to be able to bring this boiler on we've connected a digital I've got a digital manometer to the boiler's gas valve it is showing that there is gas to the boiler alright so it's got a standing pressure of 24.1 next step is to reset the boiler because we need to test what is going on we've turned the right dial fully anti-clockwise and once it clicks we'll turn it back on okay after that the boiler will start the boiler will the fan runs and the boiler will ignite the green light means is that the burner has come on at this point we can see as the boiler starts to ramp down slow down the burner light goes off that means the burner has gone off on the boiler and we will do that again so we've waited for the burner to come on and we can see when the burner's on the standing pressure has dropped slightly and you can see the change in pressure that means the gas valve is modulating and during the modulation as the burner slows down you will see the increase in gas pressure and eventually the burner goes off and the gas pressure comes to a standing pressure by this point what we know is that the external demand from your thermostat your programmer is allowing the boiler to come on so the external controls are okay standing pressure we've seen is okay the boiler when it ignites the standing pressure moves down that means the gas valve is opening it is allowing gas to go into the burner then as we can see the green light coming on that means the burner is coming on so all of these things steps are okay so it is sparking bring the burner on so next step what we'll do is we will test the boiler in Chimney Sweep mode the maximum and minimum to see if the fold exists only um or is it existing always or whenever the burner is coming on or is it only when it is on a low mode or a high mode we'll make sure where the problem lies Okay so we've removed the bottom panel which sits beneath the two dials at the front of the boiler there is a panel at the bottom retained by I think three screws where you remove it and then there is this this white key which enables you to control the chimney sweep mode the maximum and minimum which we will do on the boiler in order to find out where the problem exactly is so after removing the key from its slot we'll use it and we'll always try and remember to put it back to where we've removed from because the next engineer May struggle to do a chimney sweep test without the key the key's thinner side will go onto the PCB into its slot what I've shown you in the picture once the key is in position it can be turned twice anti-clockwise in order to put the boiler into a maximum Chimney Sweep output mode or a minimum Chimney Sweep output mode or test output mode and when you're done you need to turn it two clicks rightwards or clockwise in order to put the boiler back into its normal operation or in its normal position which you should always remember to do after you're done after you're done with the work you're done with the chimney sweep test always remember to put it back because if you leave it on maximum or minimum output the boiler itself then it will keep running in that mode it won't go back to its normal operation so just to remind you one left or anti-clockwise turn means it's in maximum output mode and one further turn means it's in minimum output mode so the burner will ramp right down we'll start the test by putting the boiler into maximum output mode so one click anti-clothwise puts the boiler into maximum output as you can see the light indicates the maximum output as well which is five blue light flashes all right so while it is in that the fan and the boiler will ramp right up the point the the burner of the boiler will run on a maximum output will observe the burner and see if it goes off it doesn't go off as it did before because the boiler was completely ramped up now we've put it to minimum output mode which means two blue flashes the burner stayed on for a little while but when the boiler ramped down it went off but it doesn't go into lockout straight away okay so the reason we're pointing at the burner light we wait for a few seconds the light keeps on flashing because it's still in minimum output mode and a few seconds later the green light comes on because the boiler has come on again and and again what the boiler will do or if did is that when it is ramping down only then it is going off and the flame keeps going off okay so at this point we now know is that the basic checks are okay the ignitions find the burner comes on stays alight uh the gas pressure is okay and the controls are okay which we checked earlier as well initially otherwise the boiler wouldn't have come on to start with okay and then we've tested it on maximum and the boiler stays on the burner stays on on maximum when the boiler is ramped right up but as soon as it Rams down starts to go on a low flame on a low burner the burner goes off okay so at this point what we will do is we will test or not test we will set the gas valve the setting for the low burner mode okay so when the burner is modulated right down it has gone very slow we will adjust the gas valves setting the low setting and I will show show you how we do those settings on the boilers gas valve so the tools we're going to need is a four millimeter Allen key and a 2.5 millimeter Allen key to adjust the gas valves maximum and minimum output modes all right so from the gas valve you can make these adjustments using these Allen Keys I've got the Allen key screwdrivers which are a bit more convenient rather than having the L-shaped Allen key which can be a bit difficult to operate okay um so the gas valve when you look at it the this cap this is a cab behind this is a four millimeter adjustment screw which is for the minimum output and at the top behind this Blue Cab is the maximum adjustment lnt screw which is furthest away from you okay so when you look at it from the front you can see uh furthest away is the maximum setting and minimum is behind this cab as we undo this cap this is not the setting this is just the cap okay do you remember that so you're not doing any anything wrong you're just removing the cap behind that there is a little brass screw which will enable you to make changes to the minimum output of the boiler okay so to give you a bit more of an explanation what we're changing what adjustments we're making on this gas valve and what does it affect the middle one as I said it adjusts the minimum the middle one when you turn it clockwise it will increase the setting when the boiler is on a minimum but when you turn it anti-clockwise it will reduce the setting or the the readings on your minimum output on the boiler okay but when you look on the 2.5 millimeter Allen key which is sitting on the top right hand corner that is for the high or minimum or the maximum output of the boiler when you're turning it clockwise it is reducing the readings whilst you're testing the maximum output of the boiler and contrary to that when you're the same 2.5 millimeter Allen key when you're turning it anti-clockwise you're taking the readings the maximum readings up so you're increasing the readings so for example if it's sitting on 9.6 the maximum reading if you turn it anti-clockwise it will start to go up 9.7 8 9 even 10 11 and so on okay so this is just to give you an idea what will happen when you turn certain uh setting dials on this gas valve so the boiler went into an ignition lock card because it attempted to light up a few times and it failed and locked out so now we'll reset the boiler turn the dial anti-clockwise reset and turn it back to its original position where it will have a normal demand of temperature these are the two readings we're looking for 9.6 on maximum and 8.6 on the minimum flutes readings okay once these readings are received your boil will stay on there won't be any ignition problems so the boiler has ignited still in minimum output mode but on the analyzer we can see that the CO2 readings the 9.6 and 8 point something it is going down even though the burner is on it is going down quite low and this is the main reason the burner keeps going off is that because the burner and the boiler is under gassed on the minimum output mode okay so the what the so when the burner's trying to come to a low level because the air mixture the air in the mixer is more than or way more than what it should be the burner keeps going off okay so what we're trying to do is to reduce the amount of air mixture on the minimum setting of the gas valve so the burner stays on rather than too much air causes the burner to go off yeah so we'll try again we've made slight adjustment to the gas valve obviously we turned the Middle Screw clockwise at to reduce the amount of air and increase the CO2 which is which should be eight point something it is three point something and we'll try and see if we can adjust it manually without resetting the gas valve um sometimes it works but most of the time you have to reset both sides maximum and minimum on the gas valve in order to bring it back to the factory settings and then fine tune it okay so we'll try it one more time and then we'll see what happens okay let's see what happens the burners come on as soon as the boiler ramps down we will know if it stays on or if it goes off and it has gone off that means that means that we will need to now reset the gas valves minimum setting okay so what we will do now the two setting screws the middle one on the gas valve for the minimum and the top right hand corner the small one for the maximum setting we will wind it down completely tighten it as we're tightening a screw down don't go crazy once you've reached its stopping limit and then you have to for the maximum setting as you can see on this piece of paper which gives us guidance on different models it gives you Junior SI system and RI models okay so on the gas valve the center screw and the top right hand screw which controls the minimum and maximum setting on Chimney Sweep mode on the CO2 readings which I mentioned earlier so the maximum setting is the top right hand small screw which is 2.5 mm you tighten it fully clockwise so it's fully wound home and then you undo it three and a half to three and a quarter turns this is just a guidance this gives you an allowance to be able to keep the burner on but set the burner and set the correct readings at the same time and same goes for the minimum readings the center brass crew which is the bigger one 4mm you once it's pushed in not pushed in it's tight and fully home it's fully tightened in don't go crazy when tightening you just need to start where it stops tightening and then you unwind it or turn it anti-clockwise about two and a half turns and it should allow you to have the burner on while you do any further fine tunings so let's see how we've done that so firstly turn the power off to the boiler even if you have to turn off the fuse spray you can do that and we'll tighten up or fully turn clockwise the minimum setting screw so as you can see I've turned it fully home and then I'm going to turn this little hole I keep as a reference for one or a half turn Okay so once I can see it it is one turn and then two turns and one more turn brings it to three and I will turn a little bit more to keep it to three and a half or three and a quarter all right so thereabouts so after that setting is done we will turn the power back on to the boiler because we had turned it off earlier once the power's back on we will reset the boiler because it keeps locking out for ignition lockout once the bonus reset we'll wait for it to come on wait for the burner to come on so we can see what the readings are and if the flame stays on okay so let's see once the flame comes on we'll see if it stays on or go off again burn is now on we will see for a few more seconds when it ramps down if it stays on or if it goes off again um so let's see we'll give it a few seconds and see when it runs down what it does so it looks like it is staying on as you can see the burner has stayed on so that means the resetting of the minimum setting on the gas well the boiler has allowed the burner to stay on so the flame rectification or the flame the ignition lockout is no more there now what we need to do is to correct the readings the minimum and maximum as you can see 9.6 is on maximum and 8.6 is the minimum CO2 as the ball is now in minimum we will make the adjustments to the gas valve to bring this CO2 reading down to 8.6 all right so the middle one so this Allen key screwdriver we've got we will turn it anti-clockwise because remember turning it anti-clockwise what it does it reduces the amount of CO2 so a simple way to remember is that it is allowing more air into the mixer hence the CO2 is going down okay so this is how I remember the minimum is the air adjustment so you anti-clockwise turn it to introduce more air so the reading goes down and you turn it clockwise still talking about the minimum to reduce the air as you're tightening a screw or tightening a cap reducing the flow when you tighten it clockwise it will reduce the amount of hair so the middle one controls the air you can remember it like so so at this point what we're going to do is we're going to put the boiler back onto the maximum output mode because the burner is now staying on we can play about or we have to check the maximum minimum maximum minimum back and forth to make sure that both of them are intermitting so whilst the maximum is okay the minimum is okay as well so after we put it on the maximum mode we have to make sure that we're not just adjusting the minimum and taking the maximum completely completely out of order or right out of the reading out of the limit where it should be so on the small one the 2.5 millimeter Allen key screwdriver we will tighten it clockwise to reduce the amount of gas okay so remember or the way I remember this is the maximum output which is the top one okay that is controlling the amount of gas okay so you tighten it you turn it clockwise to reduce the amount of gas so your readings will come down but you turn it anti-clockwise so you're introducing more gas and you will take the maximum readings up all right so by turning it clockwise we tighten the screw we've reduced the amount of gas which is going in hence the CO2 is now coming down we'll reduce it a little bit further more because it's sitting on 9.9 and it should be 9.6 on the maximum setting all right so we've made some adjustments see if it makes any difference to 9.9 starts to come down we'll wait for to come to 9.6 and then we'll revert back to the minimum and make sure and try and match both of them so at the same time when you put it on the minimum it's okay 8.6 and maximum 9.6 um at the same time okay so as I said we will now turn it back to minimum to make sure while the maximum is now okay the minimum is okay as well it should be 8.6 as I've mentioned um in the the text on the video so let's wait for this 9.4 to start com start to come down and we're looking for 8.6 all right so we'll turn it to to bring the readings down we've introduced more air so we've turned it anti-clockwise so the reading should now come down okay remember we're introducing more air on the minimum so the CO2 reading the gas actually the the gas in the mixture is coming down so the reading of the CO2 should come down all right we'll wait for it for a few seconds to stabilize and see if it's come down far enough if it hasn't then we have to turn it anti-clockwise again so we introduce more air on the minimum and the reading should come down even more alright so the reading seems to have stopped not going down anymore so we'll introduce a bit more air we'll turn it further anti-clockwise so you can see the readings coming down further it's 8.7 and it should come down to 8.6 if it doesn't will do a smidge more uh turn of anti-clockwise on the gas valve as you can see now 8.6 we've got on the minimum setting and after it's stabilized stop will turn it back to the maximum because you you should always be matching both readings into its own limits of 9.68.6 at the same time it just needs testing so you're testing maximum reading should be okay you're testing minimum reading should be okay all right so 9.6 and it we will wait for a few more seconds see it stabilizes it seems to be going down slightly so we'll make it the maximum setting will turn it anti-clockwise so more gas comes in more CO2 so the reading goes up smidge okay a little bit it goes up uh well again wait for it for a few seconds to see if the reading is going up or not um 9.6 has gone to now it's gone to 9.7 and even 9.8 so we need to turn it clockwise again slightly to bring it down again so it is quite sensitive um you have to give it a bit of time and if you have to then make slight adjustment to the gas valve so we'll do tiny bit clockwise so this is the gas valve okay let's see what it does to the reading so that seems to have worked so the maximum is staying on 9.6 where it should be so we'll turn it back to minimum it might seem a bit annoying but you have to make sure because as you can see the reading is now going down we have to make sure that every adjustment we make because it's the same gas supplier same same Appliance uh taking the same same amount of air we're making sure that it's okay for both sides at the same time all right so 8.6 it is staying out so it looks like it has stabilized it is okay let's give it a few more seconds and see if it moves at all or we're nearly done okay so one last time we're going to turn it back to the maximum and make sure that it is okay uh turn it to the maximum make sure everything's in position to make sure the readings are okay as well so 9.6 give it a few seconds to stabilize let's see if it moves at all if it's not then we should be completing okay so all the readings have stabilized so now what I will do is what the test is done we will remove the manometer the digital manometer we had connected on it we'll turn the screw and a tighten it always make sure to put the leak detection fluid do not spray on it because there is electrical connections beside it it might Short Circuit the electrical connections are always gently dab the The Leak Detection fluid onto it so you're sure even when the screw is tied it is not leaking now we're checking the fan pressure the negative fan pull it should be a minimum of 3.5 minus 3.5 millibars it is 4.3 so we're way above uh the minimum requirement which means the main heat exchange is clear it's allowing sufficient air to go through all right so we'll remove the flu analyzer we'll put the flue cap back on always make sure you put the pack uh the cap back on take a picture of it if uh you're like me and keep forgetting or confusing your own self that if you've remembered or you've gotten to put the the cap back on all right so now we've put the boiler back into normal operation mode taking the key out which turns and puts it into maximum and minimum it goes back into where it should be always remember to put it back so it's easier for the next engineer to do the work if required and when required okay so we'll put the cover back in and before I put the screws back into the cover what I've done is I've removed the lnt screwdrivers from the minimum and maximum setting there is a blue cap which goes on to the maximum setting of the gas valve I've checked once more that the gas valve where we had the manometer connected that screw is done up even though we did the test there is no harm in testing making sure that that screw is not left undone all right now for the screws the three screws which go into position to hold the bottom panel in place all right so we will put these screws in and tighten them decently don't go over crazy because that can uh very easily crack the plastic and it will it is something which will then start to make this panel dangle and not fit in place all right so once the screws are done up we'll put the cover back on the boiler will tighten up the two screws at the top so one is on the left and one is on the right side same at the bottom there are two screws at the bottom one on the left and one on the right side as you can see make sure that these screws are tightened and well in place all right so this is how I repaired the ignition lockout and this boiler it didn't really needed replacing a component in the boiler but where I think another engineer had visited before myself he tried to adjust the gas valve and he probably messed it up and couldn't repair it couldn't fix it thinking maybe the ball is broken down it needs a component of some sort so this is how we repaired this is how you adjust the boiler gas valve even in other circumstances where you don't where you want to adjust the readings the maximum and minimum even though the board is working fine but the readings slightly out this is how you adjusted this end if you're having obviously a fold on the boiler and this is uh something which might cause at so many instances it can cause this sort of problem to occur the flame will keep on going out hopefully you've learned something from this video if you have please like the video share the video and leave us a comment and subscribe to my channel and until the next time I will see you in my next video
Channel: F Raj
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Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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