How To NOT LOSE $1,000,000 In "Liar Game 2"

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[Music] if you were forced to enter a brutal gambling tournament where one wrong move could destroy your life what would you do i'm going to break down the mistakes made what you should do and how to beat the dead game in liar game part 2. this girl is going to use the dirtiest tricks to get ahead a month ago now here managed to escape a brutal debt game but her friend akiyama was forced to keep playing the only way she can help him is if she rejoins the tournament and that's when the dealer appears on the screen he announces that this time they'll be playing the downsizing game and the rules are simple each player must write 5 names on their cards to vote on who should advance to the next game but if you write your own name you'll be fined 100 million yen after 10 rounds the person with the least votes will be eliminated but whoever gets the most votes will be given a reward and the right to withdraw from the tournament since they're all stuck here the players have also been given m tickets which can be used as currency to trade for anything they want but if someone refuses to fulfill their end of the bargain they'll be punished with more debt with the rules explained the girl hedged the common area to join the others and overhears one of the men agreed to vote off this player fukunaga after he scammed them on the last game the group hates this guy but that's when the thief has a brilliant idea speaking up he asks how much money now here still owes to the game and the girl reveals that her debt is already paid off that makes the group furious as they scold her for being greedy and she realizes the thief tricked her into becoming the first person they're going to eliminate later the thief talks to the girl in private and suggests they work together revealing he's got a plan to win he explains the rules never put a limit on how many times they can write someone's name and suggest they'd write each other's names five times for every round by the end of the game they'll both have 50 votes which is enough to guarantee they won't lose with no better options the girl agrees but trusting him is going to be her biggest mistake putting their plan into action everyone submits their cards and the results of the first round are announced fukunaga is in the lead with 10 votes and now here is shocked even though he promised to help her the girl has received no votes and it means the thief betrayed her but by the end of the game she's going to turn into a cold-blooded killer and get revenge okay this girl is not thinking straight she's already been through two brutal debt games and if there was one lesson she should have learned it's that you can't trust anyone unfortunately this thief has already tricked her twice in less than an hour and that means she doesn't stand a chance of winning without some help now there might be a way to fix this problem because at its core the game is extremely simple and there are definitely ways to hack it if we know where to look our goal is to get people to write our name on their card and if we can get at least 50 total votes then we're guaranteed to win this game the reason is because of nine players casting 5 votes in 10 rounds that's 450 total votes that will be cast in the game so it's mathematically impossible for you to lose as long as you have 50 votes now all the players want this girl to be eliminated so we need to start influencing them to earn their votes back people are a lot more likely to help you if they get what they want first so with this in mind i would fill someone's name on my card and show that person explaining that i want them to win because they're the best player to beat fukunaga in the next game everyone in the group should realize that this thief is a much more challenging opponent than now here and redirecting their hatred back to him is going to be the best motivation for them to change their minds this forces them to think about who they want to be playing against in the next game where the stakes get higher once they realize that the thief is the greater threat they'll gladly accept five votes from me and that's when i'd ask for them to return the favor by writing my name on their card for just one round there's no guarantee this will work but since they can't vote for themselves this strategy can really put them ahead and they're likely to take the deal now this is the part where he screw everyone over because if we offer the same deal to every other player in exchange they would be giving us enough votes to beat fukunaga and put us in the lead to make this work i would simply tear up all the old cards and fill out a new one with different names right before it's time to vote it's a cold-blooded strategy but there's a chance of getting 35 votes in the first round alone and even though they'll find out we betrayed them there's nothing they'll be able to do about it now it's fair to point out this strategy could only be used once as soon as you take advantage of someone's trust they'll never give it back to you but the problem is that we still need 15 more votes to reach a guaranteed victory it's definitely a risky strategy but the benefit here is that the other players will take us more seriously once they see the result and if we're this far in the lead then they're much more likely to pick on fukunaga instead if the strategy works he would have the fewest votes and is still considered the most threatening player in the game so targeting him for elimination instead of us is still the most logical choice to make the game continues as the players all submit their cards but after several rounds the girl still hasn't received a single vote at this rate she'll be eliminated and forced to drop out with a hundred million yen in debt feeling hopeless she hides in the back room when someone hands her a water bot etho here is grateful that she protected him in the previous game but confesses that fukunaga told everyone about their secret deal and offered to help the others win by betraying her using the m tickets they promised to give him 5 million yen each to make sure the girl loses and with every one of their votes contractually bound there's no way for now here to win the game when the results of the fourth round come in fukunaga is still in the lead and the girl's the only person without any votes she's given up completely but the thief has another plan up his sleeve he offers to make her a new deal with a chance to win 30 votes but if she loses he wants 30 million yen and with no good options the girl agrees meeting her in private he explains that her card is the joker and his card is a misprint with backs on both sides she must draw a card face down out of the back and if it's the joker she wins but if it's his card she loses he tells her there's a 50 chance of victory and the first to win 10 rounds will be forced to fulfill their promise with the first draw the girl manages to pull out a joker and she celebrates but she doesn't realize that this whole game is rigged they continue playing but after 15 rounds the man has taken an overwhelming lead one wrong choice could cost the girl 30 million yen but when she flips her next card she's horrified to discover that she's just lost fukunaga has tricked her again and now here has no choice but to give him the money going to an empty room she breaks down in tears but suddenly the door behind her opens and she turns around to see akiyama standing there an agent invited him here to help the girl and with him on her side now might actually survive the game she tells the con man about what happened and he scolds her for getting tricked by the thief explaining that the double-sided card is guaranteed to win since now's card was the joker she only wins if it's pulled out face down cutting her chances of winning in half but the thief will always be able to flip his card to reveal the winning side this game was rigged but the con man reveals there's a way for her to get revenge the girl can mark the cards by scratching the edge and this will tell her which one is hers before she takes it out of the bag by the time the thief suspects she's cheating the girl will have won the game and get all her money back later the girl confronts the thief and demands a rematch offering 50 million yen in exchange for only 10 votes he can't believe how stupid she is and agrees to play again but this will be his biggest mistake okay you know this is a manga when your overpowered boyfriend comes to help you at the last minute and it means this girl has just become the scariest player in the game now fukunaga came up with a pretty smart way to trick her because the man knew he could use this very simple game to make her think she had a 50 chance of winning and steal all her money she didn't realize that even though there are only two cards the game is actually being played with four sides because each card has a face and a back according to his rules now can only win if she pulls the joker out face down and then flips it to reveal her card but the reason this is clever is because if she pulls out his card she will still lose regardless of whether it's face up or face down this means between all four possible card sides she can draw the girl will lose on 75 percent of them the man knew exactly how to take advantage of her naivety but there's something he's doing here that's even smarter and it all has to do with these m tickets at the beginning of the game the agency provided everyone with a booklet explaining that this represents the 100 million yen loan they've been given but this man has found a way to use them to his advantage he realized that we're contractually bound to whatever we write on it and this one detail changes the entire dynamic of the game the good thing about this is that most people don't read contracts to begin with and that's how i would try using fukunaga's own strategy against him now this guy is really smart but we can't ignore that when the girl offered to play his game again with higher stakes he actually believed she still didn't realize that the game was rigged the girl took advantage of him by playing dumb and that's why if it were me i would have written on the m ticket in fine print that for playing his card game he must give us all of his votes for every round this might seem risky but he never checked the ticket to confirm what the girl wrote and it means he's completely let his guard down because he doesn't think she's a threat using this strategy lets us take full advantage of his overconfidence and we won't have to worry if he catches us cheating during the card game it's a dirty trick to play but that's exactly why it's called liar game looking for ways to take advantage of someone is always going to improve your strategy for winning because the real currency in this game is true information the only way to get ahead is if everyone else is making decisions based on lies and since no one will ever guess that now is going to trick them she's in a perfect position to screw them over they start the game and after several rounds both players are tied at nine with one more card deciding who will win confused the thief accuses her of cheating but the girl argues if the odds are 50 50 then there's nothing suspicious that's when she pulls out the final card and flips it revealing another joker the man panics knowing that he's lost and threatens to tear his m ticket but he stopped at last second by the agent she warns him that he'll be fined a hundred million yen if he doesn't answer the agreement and the man throws the ticket on the floor furious he was tricked later the results for round six are announced but that's when the dealer reveals that someone has traded votes everyone is shocked to see that now here has received 10 votes for fukunaga and they have no idea that she's got a plan to win the game after the results of the eighth round are announced the girl approaches a condo here revealing that the thief will leave this game with a 65 million yen advantage and they can't let that happen that's when she offers him 70 million yen to buy 10 of his votes explaining that he can use this money in the next round to help take down the thief the man accepts her deal and she signs the m ticket but this decision is going to backfire on him later everyone waits in front of the screen but as the results come in they all realize something's wrong somehow the girl has taken the lead with 80 votes confused okano demands to know what is going on and that's when she reveals her master plan she made the same deal with every single player to buy 10 votes for 70 million yen but with one round left no one can get the 50 votes they need to guarantee a win according to the agreement she can pay them any time before the final vote and that's when akiyama appears making it clear that she will be selling her extra votes to the highest bidder in private some of the players approach the girl to make a deal but akiyama tells them they'll sell two votes for 70 million yen the players are shocked but the con man points out the girl already owes them 70 million from their first deal making it an equal exchange and with that the men agree to the terms akiyama then visits the thief and offers to sell him two votes but the price just went up to 80 million yen it's a horrible deal but the man realizes there's no other choice and pays to stay in the game later the agent approaches the girl reminding her to confirm all the transactions with the agency but that's when she realizes something nobody has to lose this game and comes up with a clever plan that will save them all rushing back to her friend she finds akiyama and asks to take over the operation he knows she's up to something and lets her talk to the player but is surprised when she asks the woman to give up all of her money in exchange for one single vote with time running out the other players keep coming back to purchase her votes and by the end now here has managed to collect 900 million yen leaving the rest of them with nothing it's a brutal strategy but they don't realize she's about to save everyone okay this is insane now here's just accumulated over six and a half million dollars and is completely dominating the game akiyama explained to everyone that with only one round left nobody can gain enough votes to guarantee a win unless they buy them from the girl if you do the basic math only 50 votes are left undecided for the final round and if they're split evenly between eight players it's clearly not enough so the players need to make sure they can buy extra votes from the girl before anyone else does what's so great about this strategy is that if the others realize that this is their only hope of surviving then akiyama can increase the price whenever he wants it's a classic example of supply and demand these votes are a rare and valuable resource and the fewer there are the higher their value the other players will become so desperate they'll pay almost any price to stay in the game now it might seem counterintuitive for these players to take the risk of selling 10 votes in the first place but there's one major reason they all fell for this trick every one of them had abiding contract with fukunaga and it gave them false security that since nobody was allowed to vote for the girl she would lose and their victories were guaranteed they didn't stop to consider that she would make this deal to other players because according to her m ticket the girl only had 70 million to spend which is exactly how much she was offering that's why this was such a genius strategy because by making the same contract with everyone she was spending money she didn't have yet knowing that it would buy a monopoly on the remaining votes and could then sell them back for an even higher price now it's fair to point out that this is a lot of money but personally i would never accept her deal 500 000 for 10 votes sounds like a dream come true but the problem is that if anything goes wrong and you lose the agency will put you in a lifetime of debt and that's terrifying it would take the average japanese worker more than 18 years to pay it back with no money left to eat and when you factor in exactly what's at stake here it's just not worth the risk now as smart as it was their strategy had one weakness because a vote is only worth what someone is willing to sell it for and if enough players negotiated for a better deal the plan would not have been as effective if this is the final round i would not be handing out my votes like it was a fire sale because we'll risk losing and that's why they should have either rejected the offer or tried to eliminate as much risk as possible and change the deal when the girl first approached the other players she told them that there were other revival rounds happening around the country but one in the winners dropped out and all she needs is 10 more votes to take their place it's a ridiculous story but if we insisted on helping i would only offer five votes for 35 million and encourage the girl to use what she has left to buy five more votes from someone else this would give us a better margin of victory in case something unexpected happened and we can make some extra money without losing the game later the group gathers in front of the screen and the agent announces the results of the final round congratulating now for coming in first with 51 votes as the winner she's given a special prize of 100 million yen and the agent announces each person's final tally until it's revealed that eto here will be eliminated he's just lost the game and breaks down in tears feeling absolutely hopeless the others can't believe she would let the thief stay in the game when he screwed her over but now explained she found a method for everyone to be free of debt thinking back to the previous games she realized that there had always been enough money for the players to drop out of the tournament without any debt but only if they worked together instead they chose to fight for the cash and that was their biggest mistake turning around she approaches the loser and hands him 200 million yen he'll be able to pay off all the debt he owes to the game and drop out of the competition for good the girl promises to split the remaining money evenly between the rest of the players and they're all shocked by her compassion that's when the dealer interrupts pointing out she won't be able to withdraw from the game but the girl doesn't care telling him she's decided to continue playing in the third round after giving everyone their cash now and akiyama are about to leave when suddenly they find the exit blocked by agents and the dealer announces that the third game of the tournament is ready to begin these men have come to take all the players to the next arena and they leave the arcade in the back of a truck with no idea what to expect the next morning they arrive at an airport and when they finally step out of the vehicle the agent welcomes them to the third round she's about to take them into the building but another agent tells her one of the other games has too many people they'll need a transfer player named yokia but they'll soon discover he's the most dangerous person here entering the building they each take one of these name cards and are led into an airport terminal that's when the dealer introduces them to their next challenge called the contraband game and explains the rules the players will be split into two teams taking turns trying to sneak 2.5 billion yen through customs and whichever team has smuggled the most cash will win while the losing team will be forced to drop out and pay the debt using their name cards to withdraw money the smugglers can put up to 100 million yen in this case while the inspector from the other team has two options he can let them pass or doubt the smuggler and guess how much cash they're holding if the guess is higher than what's in the case then the money will be given to the inspector but if the guess is lower the smuggler passes and gets to keep what's inside however if the case is empty and the smuggler is doubted then the inspector must pay the smuggler half the amount as punishment after 30 rounds whatever cash is left over that they don't smuggle will be shared equally to the opposing team and the winners will be allowed to advance to the fourth game suddenly the lights change colors and separates the room in half the people on the blue side will be citizens of water country while everyone else will be citizens of fire country with the teams decided the players enter their terminal and now here insists she goes first okay this girl should not be going first in the last game she just cost a 6 million dollars by giving it all away to the players so sending her to a room with a hundred million yen in cash makes me really nervous now having said that what's unique about this game compared to the others is that it can only be won as a team behind all the crazy rules this game is extremely simple because your only goal is to cooperate and smuggle more money than your opponents this is almost like if you were playing capture the flag across international borders because in the game you have to get into your enemies territory to get the money and sneak it past the inspector to bring it back to your team now there are two roles here we have to strategize for because as the inspector we need to stop the other team from smuggling their money on the other hand we can't win without smuggling as much of our own cash as we can and that's why we need to hack this game so that our opponents can't predict what's in the box the solution here is to think like an actual smuggler would and find a different way to smuggle money that nobody knows about if we look at this pile of 100 million yen we can see that there are 10 piles and each pile has 10 bundles with 10 000 no bills if we do the math that makes up 1 million yen each but the most important observation here is that based on the size we can easily hide at least five bundles on our body every time we walk into that room without anyone noticing if everyone on the team does this then over the next 30 rounds we could sneak an extra 150 million yen past the other team's inspector because it's not the case for them to find if it's starting to become a close game this could make the difference between winning and losing and we need to consider every advantage we have to make sure we don't fall into crippling debt now we also have to figure out how to cheat as the inspector because if we guess they're smuggling but find nothing inside we have to pay them half of whatever our guesses that means if i claimed this player had 100 million yen and the case was empty i would lose 50 million as punishment this is an extremely expensive mistake and that's why if it were me i would always carry one bundle of cash into the room that way when we open the case to check it we can stay seated and turn it towards us which provides the perfect opportunity to plant the bundle of cash making it look like they were trying to smuggle it this dirty trick gives us an insurance policy if we guess wrong and saves us from having to pay such a huge fine we won't be able to use it often because the other team will catch on and use the strategy against us but if it's a close game and one wrong guess makes a difference between winning and losing it's definitely worth a try the girl points out that if the trunk is empty but the inspector doubts and tries to guess how much is inside then she'll receive half of what he guessed in cash with no risk the others aren't impressed with their strategy but with no better ideas they decide to let her go first the girl stumbles into the customs room acting like the case is too heavy but as soon as she sits down the man lets her pass her plan failed and she returns to her team as the thief points out everyone else had the same idea it was an obvious strategy but they're all scared to lose money and decide to keep playing it safe the game continues but after several rounds the other team has already managed to smuggle 200 million yen and the players are terrified they're going to lose if they keep playing like this akiyama knows knowsley have to be more aggressive and volunteers to be the next inspector but he doesn't realize his worst enemies on the other team and is already one step ahead inside the customs room the con man waits for the smuggler to get himself seated when he tells his opponent he drops something on the ground is a bundle of cash and the old man panics thinking it might have fallen out of his case but the con man suddenly stands up he reveals that he intentionally left it there as a trick and now he knows for certain that the man is smuggling cash hitting the doubt button he predicts there's a hundred million yen inside and akiyama opens it up to find that he's exactly right the game continues and in the next round the team reverses roles but this time when the inspector doubts the smuggler he discovers it's completely empty water country has changed the momentum of the game and it makes the other team nervous terrified of going into debt the old man runs away but this stranger isn't worried he already has a strategy to win it'll soon prove to be the biggest threat in the entire game inside the customs room yokia walks in and approaches the table without fear he's clearly up to something and the men start talking to each other but nobody can hear what's being said suddenly the inspector chooses pass but the smuggler opens his case to reveal its vote with a hundred million yen afterwards now here volunteers to go next and the thief has a clever idea suggesting she take 50 million and 10 000 yen he points out that so far the inspectors have only made three choices they've either let people pass or they've doubted choosing to guess 100 million or 50 million yen he realized that if their cash is higher than the inspector's guests they have a 67 chance of winning but things are about to go horribly wrong confident the girl walks into the customs room and finds yokia has been waiting for her as they sit down the man reveals that he's actually psychic and already knows what's inside the case she can't tell if he's lying but that's when the man predicts there's exactly 50 million and 10 000 yen now here is shock and he makes it clear they stand no chance of winning okay this guy is full of if he had psychic powers there would be no point for his other team members to be playing because he could read our minds and win on his own the fact that he didn't start participating until the fifth round means that this isn't a superpower it's a super strategy and we have to find out what it is so we can beat him now the smartest thing to do is simply prove that he doesn't have psychic powers by making him guess what number i'm thinking of from one to a hundred million this might seem like a pointless strategy but this actually hurts him a lot more than you might think the reason he's telling people he's psychic is to make the other team too afraid to smuggle any more money by asking him to prove that he can read your mind this will weaken his gambit because even if he says no it gives enough for the other players to doubt his claim we have to show our opponent we have the balls to not only smuggle money but also to call their bluff and risk paying the penalty we're guaranteed to get some of the guesses wrong but by taking the risk the enemy will be much less confident in their decisions and it helps even the playing field at the end of the day if they know you're too scared to play then they'll walk all over you and that's why being aggressive is the best strategy right now now fukunaga here had an interesting strategy pointing out that the inspectors are only choosing one of three options they will either pass guess 50 million or a hundred million his theory is that if we put a few extra bills in there we'll only lose when he guesses the third option what's interesting is that this actually reveals a serious flaw in the game in order to successfully smuggle money through customs the inspector has to guess the same or higher than the amount you have that means if i put one 10 000 yen bill inside the case and the inspector doubts me and says i'm carrying 100 million he would still win the round and the money would be confiscated it's kind of unfair and that's why i would consider trying to hack this problem to take more money than the other team would be expecting according to the dealer this case could only carry 100 million yen but clearly there's room to fit one more bill if we slip another 10 000 yen between the cracks then our opponents are guaranteed to make a wrong guess because we're carrying more to the maximum capacity of the suitcase we could even repeat this strategy by changing how many bills we're adding and it forces the inspector to be much more accurate when they try to color bluff now the game might not let us put more cash into the suitcase because if the players were required to count it to confirm the amount each round would take forever that's why this strategy might be discouraged but it's definitely worth trying because we should always test the parameters of the game to see what we can get away with after all this is called the liar game and finding clever ways to cheat the system is proven to be the best way to get ahead the team are groups terrified of losing any more cash but that's when this geek ono volunteers to be the next inspector in the room he immediately doubts the smuggler and the others watch as he opens up the case revealing 100 million yen inside it seems like a stroke of luck but when he goes again he catches another player and proves that there's a way to tell if someone is smuggling cash he returns to the room and the others ask the geek to teach them his secret method but the man refuses instead he demands they make him the team leader if they want to win but akiyama knows there's something else he's hiding that's when the dealer announces the round 10 has ended fire country is winning by 550 million yet but when it ranks the players by the amount of money they've confiscated ono has earned the most impressed the others agreed to make him the leader but soon they'll discover this man cannot be trusted in the next round the gig heads out to take his turn but suddenly collapses from a stomach ache he begs the woman to take his place as the inspector and quickly runs away to the bathroom but akiyama realizes that ono just made his biggest mistake the con man talks to the girl in private revealing that he's figured out how ono has been so successful and it's the same strategy as yokia's psychic powers akiyama predicts that when the man returns he'll instruct the next player to take in some money and his ono comes back he orders the woman to smuggle 99 million 990 000 yen that's when akiyama interrupts explaining that yokya isn't psychic and he's written down a special way to trick him taking the piece of paper she heads inside the interrogation room where the man is waiting but he wastes no time and quickly presses the button predicting exactly how much money is inside he stands up to open it but the man is shocked to find ten thousand more than he predicted and for the first time the entire game he's failed as an inspector the woman returns to the group celebrating her victory but that's when akiyama accuses the geek of working with yokia and the others are shocked the comment points out that these two players made a secret plan telling each other how much is being smuggled from their own teams and have made them both rich with his plan revealed the geek confesses it's true but it was all yokia's idea the man is extremely clever and his next strategy is going to be even more vicious continuing the game now goes next and finds yokia already waiting for her in the customs room suddenly he stands up and presses the intercom button to talk to the con man directly the smuggler reveals that he used to run a pyramid scheme for the liar game agency but akiyama destroyed it after his mother got scammed out of all her money as punishment yokio was sent into the tournament but he used now here to trick akiyama into joining the game he knew the con man would want to help her and now he can finally get his revenge akiyama is furious and tries to break through the glass wall but the agents hold him back this man destroyed his mother's life but now he's going to instantly regret it okay this has gone too far yokia just revealed that he's trying to get payback on akiyama for exposing his pyramid scheme but this man's revenge plot is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard first he had to bribe someone and force him to pretend to be a police officer in the same area that the girl lived in then manipulate the liar game agency to choose now here as a player expecting that she's going to immediately take the cash to the fake cop once she does the cop will send her to find his arch nemesis akiyama who just so happens to be getting released from prison on the same day and agreed to help this way several months later you can wait for him to beat three and a half dead games so you can finally reveal your master plan it's the most impractical revenge plot i've ever heard in my life putting this many variables in the way of getting payback is a recipe for failure and that's why if it were me i would have just asked the fake police officer to beat him up or burn his house down now as for the geek he was working with akiyama's enemy to make himself rich and i can't blame him as shady as it sounds there's actually a pretty good reason to do this because we have to remember that if our team loses we all have to pay back 500 million yen that we don't have that's why it's smarter to protect yourself so that even if your team does lose you're still earning money for the agency to help pay off the debt we also have to appreciate that if we don't accept yokia's deal he's going to approach someone else like fukunaga who has always looked out for his own self-interest over everyone else that's why taking the man's secret offer was a good decision the one mistake this guy made however was to brag that he figured out a solution because it made him look suspicious by doing this he automatically put himself in a position where his team was forced to work against him for their own survival it would have been a lot smarter if he never said anything to the group and just pretended like every time he stopped a smuggler it was a lucky guess that way would have taken akiyama a much longer time to figure out his secret strategy and once we've earned enough cash we can redirect our focus into helping our team win losing is cool akiyama throws himself into the tournament deciding to act as both the inspector and the smuggler when he's making more mistakes than ever before they're losing the game and he desperately forces everyone to give up their atm cards to keep playing the con man has become too emotional but has no idea this was all a part of yokiya's plan after 20 rounds it looks like the other team is going to win but that's when the leader sees akiyama smiling through the cameras and realizes something's wrong the dealer announces the results and the man is shocked to discover that his team has somehow lost over 2 billion yen panicking he walks into the room to confront akiyama but that's when the con man reveals his master plan he was pretending to be angry this whole time but secretly convinced the members of the other team to work with him promising to help them escape the game with no debt they switched atm cards so that whenever the players withdrew money it came from their own bank which means it was never smuggled in the first place the players were essentially stealing from their team for personal profit which is why they're losing by 2 billion yen it's a brilliant plan and since yokia doesn't have enough to win akiyama will do everything he can to drown him in debt the con man returns to his team and gives back their bank cards insisting they drop out once the game is over but he's got no idea that this girl will destroy his plans by the 24th round their team only needs to smuggle the rest of now's money to win and the con man offers to help but she insists on finishing the job herself in the customs room the girl faces off against yokiyah and with only five rounds remaining now begs them to end this in a draw insisting they don't have to betray each other akiyama is shocked but can only watch as the girl ignores his strategy yokiya is touched by her honesty and agrees to give her his card but asks for her card in return as a sign of trust even though it's suspicious the girl hands it over to him but suddenly the man reveals she just fell for his trap he explains he convinced another teammate to give him his card and ask the agents to transfer all his own money to it just before walking into this room that means the card she's holding is worthless and now he has what he needs to beat them but offers akiyama a choice if he gives him the three cards that were taken from his teammates then yokia will return the girl's card but there's one catch the three players will end up in debt as a result and the con man is guaranteed to lose okay now mess this up big time akiyama's strategy was already working but the girl insisted on doing things her way and now everyone on her team is about to lose 500 million yen honesty is definitely a good thing but i would tell as many lies as necessary if it saved my team from a lifetime of crushing debt this guy should have known better than to let the girl into the room when the stakes were this high and if it were me i would make sure to keep now and fukunaga as far away from the cash or the customs room as humanly possible akiyama definitely could have won with his strategy because he managed to strike a secret contract with three players from the other team telling them that he can guarantee they won't go into debt even if they lose all they have to do is give him their atm cards so they can't withdraw their earnings until the plan is finished then when it's their turn to smuggle money akiyama gives them his team's cards so that this time they can take a water country's money from the bank instead that way when they bring into the customs room he can let them pass making it look like they're winning but the money is just recycled back into the same account the second part of his plan has to do with him operating as a smuggler he refused to leave his room insisting that he played the rest of the game on his own but it was only so he could follow through on a secret plan after the players of the other team finished their turn they gave back the atm cards to akiyama so that he could withdraw more money from it the only difference is that this time he would intentionally lose letting the other players guess the correct amount and have it confiscated according to the rules if the inspector successfully confiscates money then those funds go directly to the player not to the team with both of these strategies working together he found the perfect way to drain as much money from the other team's bank account as possible without anyone noticing until it was too late it might sound like they're betting the rules but as they figured out in the previous games lies and secret deals are pretty much encouraged by the agency and they'll let you do almost anything to get ahead this is exactly why if i were these other players here i would accept the man steal without blinking because akiyama and fukunaga are the smartest players in the game and i would want to have an insurance policy before we lose making his decision the con man heads for the customs room and sits down before laying the three cards on the table iokia accepts the exchange confident that he's just won the game but that's when he realizes akiyama is laughing the con man tells him that he's fallen for his trap and reveals a duplicate set of cards in his hands he explains that before entering the customs room he damaged the original three cards and asked the agency to replace them but kept both copies that's when the dealer announces that the old man has returned to the game and as a result all the money yokia had collected has just been transferred back to his original card akiyama leaves the room and tells now to never sabotage them again but as he's walking away he sees the members of the other team on the balcony after hearing the girl's suggestion they refuse to play by his rules and all agree to make it a draw nobody wants to end up in debt and even the girls teammates like the idea but fukunaga here is about to ruin everything the two teams work together to make sure this game will end in a draw but that's when the thief approaches now curious he asks the girl to check if the card has been damaged but she doesn't realize this is a trick suddenly he grabs it out of her hands and runs straight through the door leading to the customs room fukunaga is going to betray them just like he did in the other games and there's nothing they can do to stop him stepping into the room yokia reveals that he's been secretly working with the thief and now that the score is tied he has a chance to win the game he leaves to withdraw money and comes back inside with a hundred million yen taunting the girl for thinking she could trust the thief but he's going to instantly regret it hearing this fukunaga remembers that now saved him in the last game and has a sudden change of heart pushing the doubt button he decides to betray the man by declaring exactly how much is inside the suitcase and in one move he's given them the opportunity to win back the game akiyama takes the last turn and walks inside the customs room to meet his enemy telling him there's a hundred million yen in the case but it's his choice to believe him nervous yokia takes a risk declaring that there's money inside and as soon as he opens the lid he's shocked to discover that akiyama was telling the truth the man now has exactly enough money to pay off his debt and the game ends in a draw against all odds now's plan is a success and they can all move on to the fourth round but as terrifying as it was to play the girl learned a valuable lesson trusting others is always worth the risk when your boyfriend is a genius but what do you think how would you be liar game part 2 let me know with a comment down below thank you so much for watching leave a like and subscribe and check out the how to be playlist for more videos like this until next time have a damn good day
Channel: How To Beat (formerly Cinema Summary)
Views: 772,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to beat, explained, review, death game, battle royale, high school, highschool, among us, trailer, trap, traps, liar game, liar game 2
Id: RnvrmFoQC_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 37sec (2077 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 10 2022
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