Bifrost Basics: Pouring Water in Maya 2022

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hey guys it's monica at academic phoenix plus and welcome to another video tutorial and this time we are going to be talking about by frost this time we're going to be talking about how to pour some water from this mug into this glass and if you recognize this mug this is a 3d model of the mugs you can purchase with the links below so just a little plug there but i thought it was a nice message to make sure to keep creating all right so let's go ahead and get started so we have this mug and what we want to do is animate it so that it pours and the water will fall into this glass so the first thing i'm going to do is place it above the glass and i am going to move the pivot point over here to the handle which is where usually people hold mugs and therefore how it will have a little bit more accurate animation so just to confirm that this will actually go in i want to make sure that the cup actually is slightly above the glass and then it will pour in so again i'm just kind of making sure that i get the right placement and i can always change it all right so i'm going to give myself a little bit of time about 250 frames and this is the ending position so i'm going to go to about frame 30 and hit s on my keyboard which is going to keyframe the animation then i am going to start around frame 10 and put it back into maybe this neutral position so the animation is going to look something like this okay as you can see it's flying by and i need to go to play speed make sure that it plays every frame max real time much more accurate all right next this is going to be a container this is also going to be a container but we also need some sort of liquid we need a piece of geometry that's going to be emitting particles which is going to create our liquid i'm going to start off with a cylinder and i'm going to go to the side view here hit the number for my key keyboard so i can see what's going on and just kind of shape it a little bit like the mug this isn't going to have too much fluids i just want to make sure that it it has enough so just a little bit of fluids the more fluids you have the longer the uh the animation so this is going to be my fluid just make sure that's actually inside the mug and i think that should be good so let me call this my emitter geo don't forget to center the pivot delete the history of freezer transformations and we are ready to rock and roll so i am going to go into wireframe mode so i can see a little bit more of what's going on it's a little hard with all this geometry but i'll be able to see my particles i want you to select your emitter and we're going to go to fx and let's go to bifrost and turn this into a liquid and let's increase our point size to about two and if you need to you can increase it to 2.5 so rewind if your particles you know start to slide off uh go ahead and rewind now the next thing we need to do is treat this like a container so grab that fluid shift select the container which is the mug and then go to bifrost and treat it as a collider so when i rewind and press play the liquid which are these particles are now going to settle and then they're going to start pouring out there he goes not very much going on and then i'm going to press stop because i know what's going to happen the particles are going to keep sliding off so let's rewind and we need to make this into a collider so i'm going to select the fluid i'm going to shift select the glass and we're going to go into bifrost collider so now if i press play oops i keep clicking the wrong one rewind press play you can see the fluid you can see that's colliding and now because of gravity is going to start to pour and as it goes and goes it's going to hit the base and then it's going to splash around in there and you can see that all the liquid is slowly happening now as you'll notice also some of the particles have missed and are falling down into the ground and past the ground and these guys will continue going on forever so i'm going to give my uh create a kill frame or a kill plane a kill plane sounds very dramatic but what it is it's if the particles touch this thing uh they will die therefore the simulation will continue just around this space and not actually simulate anywhere past the bottom and simulate forever and causing it to slow down so you want to select your liquid and let's go to bifrost and do kill plane so now when i rewind and press play and we watch the liquid or the particles the bifrost any of these particles you see how they're wandering off by themselves they're no longer simulated cool so this is looking kind of fun i'm going to press stop what i'm going to do next is take the geometry of the emitter geo and hide it because i don't really need it it already exists and it's contained into this space the other thing i want to do is um see what it looks like when render it i want to show what it looks like and i'm going to stop right around here when most of the fluid hits so something around here now we can do at this time is take a look at it as a mesh so in your bifrost liquid shape scroll down you're going to see bifrost meshing and turn that on and you're gonna see a relatively high not that high piece of geometry and i'm gonna give myself a light so arnold light physical sky and let's see what that looks like so it's a little hard to see because of the sun is placed and the mug is actually covering it but i'm gonna rotate that light actually so let me grab this light and i am going to rotate it so we can see a little bit better of that um render so let me go ahead and hit pause i don't need you guys to watch me render this so i'm going to hit pause and i'll be right back all right so i like the way it looks but i feel that i need to have more distance between my mug and the water so i'm going to rewind and i am going to grab my glass and the kill plane and just kind of scoot it down so i can see the dynamics happen in action so just going to bring this down a little bit i'm going to rewind and i am going to go back into my liquid and turn off the meshing for now all right that's kind of fun let me enable it and you can see that we're getting some cool fluids an interesting mesh and let me render it so the good news is working but i feel like it's a little chunky so i want to have a much more accurate animation so i'm going to go ahead and press stop on my render and let's go i'm going to turn off the geometry and what i'm going to do is go to the master voxel size and change this to about 1.15 now this is going to increase the amount of particles as you can see here and change the shape so that the point size are just about one so you can see that it's starting to uh give us some interesting reactions i'm going to rewind and we have a lot more particles they're just a lot smaller and we're going to get a lot more accurate splash another thing that i'm going to do is assign a new material an arnold ai standard surface shader and i am going to make this into a glass shader so i'm going to crank up my transmission so we can see what's going on inside the space i'm also going to change my ior to like around 1.1 so that the refractions aren't too dramatic let me go ahead and hit play let's watch the dynamics happen with a lot more particles there it goes they're splashing away now this white area doesn't mean that this is foam it's just an example of water of the simulation so you can see we're getting a lot more accurate there's a lot more splashing going on it's pretty dramatic and i'm just gonna let it simulate a little bit longer so i can get some cool splashes at the bottom and notice that all the kill plane is working beautifully all right i'm going to press stop again now that i've increased the voxel size that means that my mesh is going to be a lot higher quality so let's go to bifrost machine enable and you're going to notice that it's super thick so let me press the number five and you'll see that the mesh is in fact really significantly denser so let me render it and see what that looks like so you can see how nice the water is pouring down you can see how uh you can see the glass and we can actually see what's going on in the water and there's a little bit of splashing around but we're getting some really nice looking mesh so the next thing i'm going to show you guys is that i actually want to see it's actually kind of fun seeing this in a lambert and rewind dark dome is distracting so i'm going to go to show show up here and turn off the lights here's the mesh i'm going to double check to make sure that i assign the existing material which is going to be a lambert one so it's not going to have that beautiful transition but i but i also want to see the play blast so what i'm going to do next is hide this liquid now it doesn't do anything to the geometry itself the mesh but this will help me see what the mesh is going to look like before i render it so i'm going to do a play blast right click play blast go to the options and if you want to save this i recommend that you increase your quality to 100 and your scale to 100 and don't forget to click on this little button now sometimes most of the time you have to kind of drag this down click on save and then browse browse will take you into the movies so this is the folder that i created earlier which you guys didn't see but i always make a project before i do anything so go to project new create a project it will save it in the bifrost movies mug water playblast save and then i'm going to hit play blast i am going to pause the recording you guys don't need to see the playblast because it's going to take some time but i will be right back all right so this is what it looks like looks pretty cool but then you'll notice that it looks like the particles stop simulating when it hits a certain plane that's the kill plane and grab this and what we're going to do is lower this kill plane and i'm going to make it bigger so that it hits just below the mug [Music] but the effects really cool so if we take a look at the movie section let me find it really fast but as you can see the dynamics is looking really nice which is awesome i just want to make sure that the water actually goes inside the space all right so i moved the kill plane down and i'm going to rewind again i'm gonna hit play blast and i'll be right back [Music] all right let's take a look at the playblast so you can see how great the detailing is you can increase the voxels even more if you wanted to but you can see how the water kind of accumulates it's still kind of getting killed by the plane but at least the water particles stop uh once they hit this kill plane which is great and i'm also going to double check on a different view to make sure that it is not intersecting too close to the geo so that we get a little bit more of the accumulation all right so now that we know what the play blast looks like i am going to render it so i'm going to grab this mesh and assign the actually i'm going to assign a new material and it's going to be an arnold ai standard surface so i'm going to go into the presets and choose clear water which is going to change the transmission and a couple of other things here which will make it look clear and then i am going to label this fluid shader just to keep things organized so let me save next i'm going to click on this to make sure that i get a view of what i'm going to be seeing so something like this would be good this is the resolution gate it shows me what i'm going to see i'm going to go to my render settings i'm actually going to change this off camera because you guys are here to see the final results you don't need to see everything but if you guys want to know what i'm going to be changing here uh there's a video tutorial that goes over render settings on how to make your movie i will be taking care of all this you guys don't need to watch that and i will be right back with a render all right it is finally complete let's take a look and there you have it took a long time to render it's a heavy duty file but you can see that you get some really spectacular results there are some things that need to be tweaked like some of the water actually pours out of the glass but the keel plane is working the geometry is working the refractions are working the fluids are working and you're getting some nice quality dynamics so hopefully you guys found that helpful it was very fun to create let me know if you have any questions by leaving a comment below or if you have if you want to see more of these bifrost video tutorials let me know by leaving a comment below again thank you so much for watching i really appreciate it if you would like to see more of these videos and keeping these videos free please like share and subscribe it's a message from you to me letting me know that you're interested in watching these types of videos and you want more so please like subscribe and share again thank you so much for watching keep creating and i will see you next time
Channel: Academic Phoenix Plus
Views: 16,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bifrost, introduction, waves, maya 2022, autodesk maya, dynamics, basics, fluids, water, 3d, cg, fundamental, how to, video, tutorial, particles, mesh
Id: UqFy_vc7mwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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