How To Mod Starbound From Gamepass Fixed For 2022

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what is up my fellaini dwellers couch command here and today we're doing something a little bit different by different i mean we're actually redoing something that i did a long time ago that a lot of you liked and a lot of you were asking questions on so starbound with all the changes to game bass obviously what i was doing before it no longer works well it still works it just doesn't function how it was during that period you can skip a lot of steps anyways i'm also going to do something i've not done before which is basically you're going to see the whole process from installing the game snagging the mod adding the mod running the mod basically all in cut i'm not going to actually edit out anything you're going to get a screen change in here when i switch from this intro zoomed in to my normal but that's about it let's go again and get started by clicking install and install and we're going to go ahead and do a little bit of a fast forward thing here this is still all happening it's just sped up a lot but hey if you want to drop it down to like one percent speed you probably can see it as a at a normal rate okay i got bored of waiting so let's go ahead and actually do this so i've already found my mod i want this is uh nekophi by juni we're gonna go ahead and snag this by the way the reason you saw that was because i of course like any intelligent person do all this once before i actually make the video because i don't like to be wrong being wrong sucks anyways steam workshop downloader download the mod we've got a downloads folder hooray neck if i did this great thing where she labeled her mod content pack which is one of the worst names for a mod ever call it neckify pack make life easy right right yeah whatever anyways so we're done with this stuff i'm going to put it over here because i'm going to have to link to it in the description we've got our star bound here let's go ahead and go manage real quick notice manage no enable mods enable mods is gone congratulations welcome to 2020. instead we just go files we can browse and we actually have full access to our files now if i want to delete something remove something whatever i can do it however starbound doesn't actually mod via its mod folder instead it mods me of its documents folder now i actually deleted my documents because of course i had starbound before which is how i made the video let's go ahead and see if i can't get starbound notice no starbound let's go check my other documents i have two thanks to the glorious thing known as onenote one right one yeah and let's go ahead and see if it'll generate those files for me when it first runs let's go ahead and allow access little chucklefish logo all right we going to create character all these characters are normal human florian novocaine glitch whatever all right so if we successfully modded it we should be good to actually have different characters i'm gonna go ahead and skip intro mission and just create this character because i primarily just wanna make sure that it actually loads the files i want and we're just gonna save and quit all right now that that's done let's go ahead and exit out yes i know my bar's stuck i'm not going to redo the video because of it so anyway all right let's go back to documents do we have starbound no documents do we have starbound yes here's our starbound well we don't have our mods folder which is what we need so a new folder bots easy peasy right we're going to copy the content pack by the way this isn't a zip file so downloads necify zip you got to open it and grab this stuff from inside the zip file is compressed and you can't just use it we're going to go and paste them on in here i'm going to change this to nekifi primarily because label your mods people just label your mods it makes life easy if everybody labels their mod contents pack you just overwrite the mods whenever you drag the other one in and it's a pain in the butt so just label your mods but still thank you juni for the mod anyways turban play starbound because it's annoying me graphics borderless bye back back all right star gown let's go ahead and see what we got available here so avian we now have a nike human hey nicky nova kid normal glitch nicki florian but we do have our next neckie class which means we've successfully mod the game so it's just that easy lots fewer steps than before anyways you guys all have a good night great tomorrow amazing rest of the week i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: CouchCmd
Views: 5,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ugxfAjnvSf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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