How To Mod My Time At Portia From Gamepass

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what is up my phone uh dwellers couchman here the teddy bear who teaches you out of my different games today we're looking at another game from game pass this one is my time at Portia it's a stardew S type of game crafting farming whatever anyways let's go ahead and jump right into it all right let's go ahead and start off by doing the same thing we do every time installing the game now my time at Portia is a unity game however we will not be using Batman for this one vepin if you know from watching my subnautica video my uh what was the last one I did potion craft several others beppin tends to be one of the preferred ways to mod a Unity games this one actually just has a Unity mod manager that's usable for it anyways let's go ahead and enjoy the time Jump well I get this installed all right so first up we're going to be using Unity mod manager this is just a tool you can get out from Nexus as always links are down in the description this just allows you to go ahead and actually modify the game there's a variety of different rods requiring it but this is just the preferred way to install many of the mods for my time at Portia now to install this now to install this all we got to do is go out to downloads because I already downloaded it so Unity my managers are in my downloads so what you're going to start off with doing first is just extract files and I just pick my download folder you can pick wherever you don't need mod manager YouTube mod manager installer and we're gonna have to actually run that installer for this so run run as administrator that's going to want to know hey what game am I installing and where am I installing it to we're going to go to manage files and browse then we're going to go down to my time at Portia in content we're going to be using this folder location for the install come back to Unity mod manager go ahead and select my time at Portia my time at Portia select folder vocal C disk Xbox app and then my time at Portia and content okay and then install once you install it when we're looking at here we'll now have a mods folder inside of my time at 40th this is where we're going to put our mods for this game for the first two mods we're going to do easy ones that lend themselves to the list method the first one is insta kill this lets you basically hit backspace and delete any of your enemies on the map that are close to you and storage size this bumps your basic wooden storage size from I think it's like 10 15 I don't know to 30. 30 for wooden storage 60 for metal 90 for safety box so those are the two mods and again I've already got them downloaded so over in my downloads folder you'll have insta kill and storage size all we have to do is open mods here go into here click and drag insta kill over click and drag storage size over now let's go ahead and launch the game and whenever you launch the game and you've successfully set up Unity you'll actually get this mod manager thing here where you can toggle your mods on and off it'll show active status for them and whether they're working and they have updates and all that stuff so we can go ahead close out of this continue my game because thank goodness it didn't get rid of my save I've been really slow getting back up to the point I can make a wooden box what up I don't know I'm not sure but either which way let's go ahead and test wooden box first so here is wood storage from before you'll notice I only have 20 slots available if I create a brand spank a new wood box [Music] apparently I do not have enough room in my inventory for it I'll just move random stuff then we need to move this down below to the quick bar select drop now this wooden storage should be modded and there's 30 slots instead of 15 so we can fit all the stuff pretty easily in here all right next mod to test is the mod for just basically hitting backspace to delete our enemies I have no weapon out I'm not gonna attack at all we'll just hit backspace and they're dead you also get experience for them so and last one up is Boop so now we've successfully modded Portia you can now use any of the mods designed for the unimon manager to be able to play the game just click drag them in you're good to go but before I go ahead and log off let's go ahead and actually get the other mod in place so the other mod up is going to be Minecraft tools this is another one I did a short on this one's a little different this person tried to create an exe that got flagged because of how it does stuff they made it so you can just download the files well just download the asset data and all that to replace it where you could use a extra or some type of Editor to be able to access the files for the game to be able to actually replace the textures themselves or you can just straight up replace the files so Minecraft tool set for just straight up replacing the files just uses file replacement and that's the one we're going to do because that is really easy so just like before we're gonna go manage files and browse and then we're going to open up our downloads as well now this is a RAR this is a relatively large file uh I say relatively large it's like a grand total of 600 megabytes so almost a full gig there so we're going to extract the files to my downloads location wait forever for it to finish extracting because now we've gone from 600 megabytes to probably more uh 1.4 gigabytes for one file an additional 100 megabytes for another so relatively large we're going to go into my time at Portia the contents Portia data streaming assets asset bundles I believe and there should actually be items in here already called this so we're going to order by name and we're looking for item system yep we can see I'd assist in there so we're just going to copy these files straight over and we're going to replace the files in the destination so we just basically eliminated the original textures for the game and overrode them with Minecraft textures normally when you do this you'll probably want to back up the original texture so you can revert if you want to for me reversion is going to require me to uninstall and reinstall the game anyways let's see if it worked by launching this thing wait for it to go through its bill you'll notice that's not showing up here in our mod manager when it pops up that's because that mod not a mod it's just a flat file replacement basically but if we go continue and we actually pull out our pickaxe or whatever tool we want to use we actually pull out our tool you'll notice here we've got a pixelated Minecraft tool so successfully mod that that is how you mod my time at Portia this was capture band you guys all have a good night a great tomorrow and amazing rest of the week I'll see you next time [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: CouchCmd
Views: 2,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fWczi8SwWw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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