How to get started in Starbound 1.0: Beginner's guide

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welcome to our brief guide to getting started with Starbound one point not and this guide is intended for people who haven't played the game before or maybe doubled a little with the early access version and Starbound does have a tutorial these days so we'll cut this stuff the tutorial doesn't really cover and this game is still getting patched so be aware things may change by the time you actually watch this video ok so when you're starting a new game and do be aware that there are currently no real differences between the playable races you can choose other than cosmetic so don't stress too much about this if you're a nervous beginner though do choose casual mode down here and this means you don't have to worry about hunger which we'll talk about later and when you die you won't drop anything you'll just reappear on your ship to be honest most people shall get on with survival mode you do drop some items when you die which is a bugger if you died deep inside a planet but you do get to keep your seneschal stuff such as weapons and food right so I've just switched over to one of my pre-existing characters spoiler ape now a Starbound used to have ten one-handed slots and one two-handed slots up here on the hotbar but for one point not you get twelve two-handed slots which does sound better but it does have a few quirks that you should be aware of first of all you only see six slots at once one two three four five six and with your matter manipulator stuff in the middle and so you need to press X and it'll flip over to the second set of six and both abound to the one two six keys so just switch between them like that and secondly some items are two-handed and others are one-handed a weapons such as bird swords like this one up here this will take up both left and right hand so it appears twice but you can also get weaker one-handed swords and things like daggers which leaves the right hand free for shields torches or even a second one-handed weapon here I've got a dagger in my left hand and a shield in the right so you can use both at the same time right as well as all that building material takes up two slots where stuff like flashlights don't your experiment you'll find useful combinations such as two different types of medicine and to cover both minor scratches and more major emergencies finally they no longer function as bonus slots separate from your main inventory there now just short cuts so for instance the cobblestone appear in slot 4 is pointing to this stack right here and so you could actually have two slots with which both point to the same item stuck and that might sound a bit pointless but it doesn't mean that you can put medicine in slot 6 like I have on both sets of slots 1 & 2 1 & 2 so no matter which set you're looking at at the current time you know slot 6 is definitely going to be your healing slots right so let's talk about food here on a different character now this should go without saying but your ship does have a storage locker and the tutorial doesn't point this out and don't think of time of writing so be aware that the locker contains foods and a few other supplies for your first planetary expedition Pressey when your mouse is hovering over it as you can see here's some food and here are those supplies I'm shift and clicking these so it automatically puts it into the right place into the right tab in my inventory there's the torches and there's all that food so unless you're on casual mode you do have a hunger bar and the orange one in the top-left you will die if you reach a zero but you do get plenty of warning when you're hungry and put we replenish hunger you can either eat raw food or prepared food now as you know we've also already got some prepared food in our inventory so I'm putting into my slot although I think you can just um do this as well I'm just left click anywhere outside the ship and I've eaten alternatively I could have selected my 4 and slot and then left clicked and there but that's a bit of a slower way of doing it as you can see now I'm eating my hunger bar which was only really near the top is now fully at the top so I'm completely satiated but I won't be able to eat any more food until that goes down so do be aware of that so anyway raw food can be found growing on many planets and you can harvest them with E and eat some of them to restore your hunger bar just a little ok so I've picked up some corn and some eat and also some seeds I'm just ignore him and as you can see there's the corn and there's the wheat now and you can eat the con let's put that in my inventory up there and but you can't eat the wheat because that's a cooking ingredient you can't eat cooking ingredients let me just show you this just put that into there so the corn eat the corn hunger is only replenished in a tiny amount of fashion might not be able to see that but trust me so it's it's not much as for wheat no you cannot eat that and but you can and say cook with it and make bread and stuff like that cooking and cooking food is a far more efficient way to restore hunger there are a few ways to cook and but really at this stage of the game your options are very limited and you may as well stick to just the raw stuff and your ship supplies ie these tinned goods are best though you can cook hunted meats on a campfire and it's all very well all there's some food stuff but it is worth pointing out that both raw and cooked food spoils after a while and becomes useless junk in your inventory so you should only really prepare a small amount of food at any one time just anything that you actually are going to use and later on you'll be able to craft things like fridges but keep your food fresher or longer ok so your first quest accessible here in the quest tab is to explore the orbital planet and we can check out active quests here if you want more than one you can choose to stop tracking this one and choose a different one and you can also look at any completed quest that you've got but we'll stick with this one I'm so just quit out of that and this term this involves going down to the planet which you've already glimpsed in the food section but let's have a proper old go with it now your first planets will always be a lush planet with monsters that should be killable in just a few hits with the broken sword that you're given at the start notice that all these two-handed weapons have a secondary function if you press the right mouse button like that but that does use up your green bar quite quickly that does come back fairly quickly as well though so yeah here are some bodies within tonch and there are some yellow li P things which can be taken down in just a couple of hits and there's a nut midge which takes a bit longer like this and also does a little bit of charge e thing come back and once you kill it it'll also split into several things and there we go some reason it didn't seem to be hurting me although Mike our health has gone down anyway so I think you've got another one but anyway yeah the landscape erm this first planet won't be too extreme but you will find places oh come back I was gone oh you'll find places where the jump might be a bit too high for you so when you first beam down I recommend using your matter manipulator and shortcut is our to mine a lot of dirt so let's just quickly do that and get into our venturi doo-doo-doo don't go too far down otherwise you won't be able to get back very easily grab some of that inventory drag this into our hot bar boarded got some weird you put it in automatically so now you can just play stuff down and there you go you can easily and jump up or you can also use it in this cheating fashion yeah if you don't fancy killing you can do that is a little squirming but handy for a breather if you are surrounded and what well art that was a mistake and also I strongly recommend from early on harvesting some trees so he just left click with your matter manipulator enabled and because you are going to need a lot of wood very soon so you may as well make a bit of a start earnest now there you go I have found some words which is a material with a great many uses ok so you could continue to explore the planet but I've got a better idea and because early on you have to face set events that require you to fight good now is a good time to craft yourself a better sword and three bits of armor now your first crafting tables are best built on your ship away from danger so we're going to start with an inventor's table so impressing see two of my crafting or you could click up here and so what we need is an inventor's table it may be grayed out on yours and because we need to turn words into timber we this screen tells you that you need four bits of wooden log and twelve bits of timber to great timber you go further down and you and you do it here and you can turn wooden logs into timber and you can if you press the left thing you'll get the most you can possibly do out of the materials you've got but you won't quite need that much so let's start with say ten and ten logs will translate into 50 bits of timber see that was very quick to craft there that was good and once you've done that you'll definitely have enough word for the inventor's table hover over anything and you will get the ingredients I will absolutely loads of everything for the purposes of this video now we need to grab the inventors table so we only to do one now do you bear in mind when you press craft for these slower things it'll take a bit of time to actually craft so don't breast up and don't click the X otherwise it'll cancel the crafting so do be aware of that right so now we're going to place Liam inventors table and I've gone into our inventory in the furniture section there it is I've already got one and so now you can either put this in your hot bowl and place it like that or you can just kind of drag it out of you inventory into the world and so long as you place it close enough to your character it'll be okay there we go in it lovely so now you've actually place your inventor's table you have access to the other crafting stations that we need an anvil primitive furnace and a spinning wheel you can just hover over and see what you need and that translates to a bunch of iron bars which is made from iron or some word some cobblestone I'm submerge a campfire and a little plant fiber to craft into rope using a basic crafting menu so make a note of all that and by hovering over and making writing stuff down with pen and paid paper review if you're that way inclined and then we can actually beam down to the planet and if we press the light button so the wood mud and cobblestone can be found on the surface and we can even find the odd campfire too or you can craft that with basic materials and for the INR and plant fiber though you'll need to explore some of the natural caves close to the surface so you ready to go deep though so for instance here I found some plant fiber and plant fiber tends to be hanging from the ceiling do-do-do-do-do get some of that and we also need to find that got this stones really small use your matter manipulator of course to do some mining and you can put the imaging fine two pickaxes later which will make this a bit quicker oh here we go found some really close to the surface that's what it looks like so just minor tarts now if you want to skip ahead a bit and make sure that you get a lot of INR and plant fiber something like fifty or so and otherwise and you won't be able to make the armor and weapons so do spend a bit of time if you want to do that now anyway so yeah let's go back to the ship once you've done everything I'll just just whilst I'm down here if I'm you in a cave and you want to get out quickly and you're not too far from the surface and you might not be able to beam out unless you're on em casual mode so if you want to be able to beam out without actually going to the surface and get your matter manipulator right click on the background and you'll create and you'll punch through the wall creating a hole to the outside if you stand at that hole you will actually be able to beam up that doesn't work if you go too far down so this is not too difficult and so let's whip through this quite quickly right okay so first of all make the furnace wait there we go and just place that down that'll enable us to create iron bars there we go and I have 107 or so I'm going to do the full amount smelt that it'll take a little bit of time again and there we go lots of iron are fantastic stuff now and we can't build a spinning wheel yet but we can build an anvil now we've got some iron bars so let's do that the anvil is the thing that I'll allow us to make the armor and weapons array there we go now we can build that put it there see there's not much space on this ship at the moment and once you've done that and the one thing that we need to create the spinning wheel and we need some rope so in the basic crafting you see and convert it from some plant fiber we don't need much of this so I'll just do that this is what the reasons where we got so much plant fiber and there we go now we can build a spinning wheel Tom Tita place that where you want I want it there and that unlocks the ability to make some fabric and so let's go to the anvil and what you'll need is there's going to be on your armor tab there's going to be to lots of things this is iam in this case because I'm playing a human I've got the scavengers instead of armor and the Scouters and the scavengers requires tungsten which is for a bishop for later on in the game so we want the Scouters the names will be different depending on which race you play so do watch out for that you'll want the three bits of armor that are craftable using iron so the chest plate requiring five iron bars and some fabric and some string and the Greaves require iron and fabric and so does the visor so what you can see we need some we do need some fabric and some string which is where this comes into the spinning wheel you'll need a lot of fabric and that's some converting from plant fiber so let's could theoretically do 38 but you don't want to do that many let's do say 15 I think that's more than enough once it's done that and craft one bit of string that's all you need again that uses a little bit of fiber right hopefully and go back to the anvil yes then I'll it up because I've got all the material we need so Scouters chess guard it'll take a while again and afraid oh yeah if you click off it and yeah it stops it and as I've said earlier but if you click on anything that happens so be careful so forge the Greaves which is yep I'm two iron bars into fabrics and finally the visor which is three and five dududududu and there you have it and finally the iron broadsword which requires six iron bars in the rope you're just enough rope and there we have it just swap I'm going to go to the inventory and we'll swap the swords around but that'll buy one slot it's also replicated my three slot for reasons that we discussed earlier but never behind and the armor won't automatically equip middle for some reason it'll put the in the visor on but the rest of it we can take off so now we are a bit nude we can put on a chess guard and we can put on that those are your social slots by the way which will override the armor visually but you'll still get the armor and benefits there we are I'm looking rather cool link so now when you'll be upgraded enough to face all threats on a lush planet and also the earliest missions which is nice blimey um this planet has a mushroom village on it anyway this should be enough to get you going and the game does gently guide you on words if you see in the top right the current quest has a little compass and it's telling us to go east to find the archaic energy source I mean the first thing you will be doing and these quests is finding a giant gate on the planet's surface somewhere which will get you to start finding core fragments so this is the gate you'll be looking for on this planet it's to the east of the mushroom village but that will be different for yours because all the planets are procedurally generated and this is where you get some told to collect cloth fragments as you can see my mission thing has actually already updated those core fragments can be found either in the mine on the near the planet's surface or rightly curved the planet if you fancy a bit of a dig down either way you're going to have to fight quite a few enemies and avoid a lot of platforming drops so be careful out there and then beyond that you'll end up teleporting to this mysterious outpost full of ships and quests and at the very right hand end of this you'll find the Ark where the real plot of the game begins so good luck with that and if you want to see me play and Starbound one point properly check out my new series where I play the game from the beginning on hardcore mode a mode where you get one life making it seriously nerve-wracking experience okay subscribe to be notified about future Starbound videos and a lot of other stuff as well and thanks for watching bye bye
Channel: Randomise User: The Best Indie Games
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Keywords: randomise user, starbound, starbound game, starbound gameplay, starbound guide, starbound tutorial, starbound beginners guide, starbound tips, starbound how to start, starbound starting, starbound how to get started, starbound 1.0 guide, starbound 1.0 tutorial, starbound 1.0 beginners guide, starbound 1.0 tips, starbound 1.0 how to start, starbound 1.0 how to get started
Id: kYarHD3wnbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2016
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