How to Mixdown a Multitrack File in Adobe Audition

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hey guys this is Aiden wolf in dark corners studios and just a bit of a follow-up to the editing in multitrack video that I did I got a few messages from people saying dude how do you mix down well I mean there it's a pretty simple process I left it out thinking you know maybe didn't realize people were having an issue trying to figure this out but it's pretty quick stay tuned and we'll let's get right to it so the easiest way you can mix down let's say this is your track here that you've got and you just want to turn this into one file one single audio file all you got to do is right click on anywhere here and just mix down session to a new file an entire session it mixes it down and there's your whole file including all of the audio from the whole multitrack it's just that simple now of course if I were to see this I would be a little worried about some of my levels here namely they're a little bit in here I'd take down some of these high high peaks but you get the gist that's how you export a full file now you can have a little more control over your mix down by going to file export multitrack makes down an entire session now what this brings up is a little more of just ability to be able to define what's going to be mixed down so if you look in here with your mix down options of course you have your wave PCM you've got your sample type how 16-bit forty-four one and then wave uncompressed to 16-bit integer all this fun stuff that you can change up probably shouldn't just leave that all as is unless you want to go to mp3 and then the mix down options here this is the important one you can change so you can mix down mono stereo 5.1 with and the tracks so you can mix down each track separately at the same time it exports all of the files so you've got the main mix down this is all of the files put together but you'll also have each individual file just as one so if you look in the original file here you'll notice all these breaks in between each it will mix down this whole thing as one audio file which that's track one right here perfect a lot of people like to do this if you're editing for a podcast for somebody that kind of wants to export their own they kind of they all they want you to do is take out the UM xenos this one comes in handy that's where I use it the most I just mix it down with one two and three separate then I send those to the client and they're happy thanks for watching if you like this video hit like hit the subscribe button you can even do the bell icon if you like lots more coming out about how to edit for podcasts or general all-around audio so if you're learning Adobe Audition this is a great place to get it so thanks for watching have yourself a great day [Music]
Channel: Dark Corner Studios
Views: 14,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Multitrack, Export, file, Adobe, Audition, Mixdown, How to Export a Multitrack File in Adobe Audition, multitrack mixdown audition, Adobe Audition, adobe audition tutorial, audition multitrack mixdown, exporting multitrack in Audition
Id: 4tqHXLl4MZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 15sec (195 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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