Deep Scratch Removal Without Spraying

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hi guys today we're going to be repairing a scratch on this uh jaguar f-type it's on the bonnet and it's a d-bond it's quite nasty really it's quite a wide scratch so what we're gonna do in this video is we're gonna first key it up then we're going to lay some paint in it um let it dry sand it polish it and hopefully it looks a million times better than what it does now whenever you're doing any kind of chip repair on a car or any scratch repairs on a car the first thing probably piece of advice what i'd give anybody is make sure that your expectations are realistic every chip's different every scratch is different there's various methods what we can use and i'm going to be doing a series of videos on it over the next few weeks so hit subscribe like the page like the channel and uh hopefully you get some value from it so first thing i'm going to do is key up the scratch just to soften any of the rough edges and also it it does actually key up whatever applications of paint we put in afterwards so you can either use a piece of gray scotch or a piece of 2000 paper i'm just going to rough it up like i say all the 2000 paper instead it's just going to take all the jagged edges off it and add us a little bit of additional key we don't want to be sanding too much at this point because we're going to be sanding later on down the line so in this particular video i'm going to be using the paint gear chip and scratch repair system from paint gear products it comes in a handy pack like this now you don't have to use this system and it's entirely up to you what paint and lacquer and stuff you use we're going to be using solvent paint so i suggest you use solvent paint rather than water-based because it just won't work in that method um and that's it really so with the paint gear kit you get your color matched base coat color which is based on your wrench when you when you're putting into the the website to order it it finds your paint and it color matches it on the system you also get some gloss enhancer which is a unique product but it's pretty much the same as using lacquer so i'll talk about that shortly and also you get some reducer for cleaning the brushes up you get three brushes in the pack five stirrers five stirring pots so you can do your mixing in that and you also get a microfiber with every kit as well okay so we're going to pour a little bit of the base coat from the kit into this little pot about that much i'm going to get the gloss enhancer just a very small amount of that one of the stir is provided with the kit just mix that together now what that does that gloss enhancer solution the additive it obviously adds shine and gloss to the base coat it also adds bulk to the base coat and it also makes it rock hard once it's dry so very much the same as lacquer if you're not using the kit that's absolutely fine you can still use your own solvent base coat and if you just mix in exactly the same manner a small amount of lacquer with your base coat probably about 10 to 20 ratio then it should act in exactly the same way okay so now we're going to apply some paint to the scratch it's up to you how you apply the paint obviously with the paint gear kit you get three amazing brushes um a really tiny one a general use one and then a long a long tipped one like that which i like to use for scratches i've seen many methods of touching in the scratch i've seen many methods of how this is done i'm just going to show you this method and i think this method works the best okay so we're going to apply some paint to the brush okay so it's fairly loaded up and then we're going to just neatly line that in there we go so i'm just gonna let that dry now for about 15-20 minutes temperature at the minute is about 19 degrees so obviously in winter and colder climates it's going to take a little bit longer perhaps but i like to usually leave it about 15 or 20 minutes okay so i've left that about 15 minutes now and what we can see is the paint has sank into the deeper parts of the scratch which is absolutely fine and absolutely expected so what we're going to do is put a bit more paint in there try and build it up okay so one of the good things that that gloss enhancer solution does if you've bought the paint gear kit it tends to thicken up the paint which comes in handy when you're trying to fill a deep chip or a deep scratch like what we're doing here it tends to settle less inside the scratch so obviously you can get more build out of it which is what we want the same can be done with lacquer when you add lacquer to it that's why i always say don't just use base coat mix some lacquer up with it because it adds a bit of bulk to it and when it starts drying it will it'll naturally thicken up as well as go completely hard and also sandable once it's completely dry so i'm just going to leave that again for another 15-20 minutes we'll have a look at it see if it needs any more paint pulling in it but looking at it now i think that might be it for paint but i'll just give it a check back shortly so with the paint gear kit if that's what you've purchased or you're about to purchase you also get some brush cleaner as the kit's completely reusable so if you want to clean up your brushes i don't recommend doing it on the bonnet not just for demonstration purposes you know that'll clean the brushes up so as you can see that's all cleaned up that can be packed away now in the storage case ready to use another day okay so the scratch has been filled and just for demonstration purposes and because i've got some equipment here i've actually dried it with the heat lamps for about 20 minutes if you're doing it at home which most likely will be i suggest you know you leave it perhaps overnight come back to it the next day just to make sure it's completely dry uh if you're mixing it with lacquer you need to give the obviously the lacquer clear coat time to uh time to completely cured so i've just got a piece of sanding paper 1500 i like to wrap it around a block and we're just going to flat the top of that try and level that paint out of it make sure it stays wet at all times we're not putting too much pressure on this either we're just literally whipping over the top it always makes sense to do regular checks in it when you're doing this just to see what progress you're making nice and steady okay i'm quite happy with that now it's leveled it off nice uh still a bit more to take off but i'm gonna move on to 2000 grit now okay so i've got some 2000 grit wrap around the block make sure it's wet exactly the same we're just going to remove the 1500 wet sanding marks with the 2000 grit that's all we're doing here now and while it's doing that it's also leveling the scratch out as well you want to just make the area a bit wider each time that you're sanding it keep checking it make sure you've removed all those marks okay so that's nice and level now okay so now it's been sanded and dried we've had a look at it it's ready for polishing now i'm going to be using a rotary polisher for this stage you can use in exactly the same manner a a drill with a polishing pad on it again paint gear sell these so it converts your drill into a polishing machine that works really well it will take you longer with the drill um but you do eventually get the same desired effect okay so plenty of polish [Music] [Music] oh so okay that's all been sanded back as you saw polished uh i also used a bit of finishing polish and all after the after the compounding stage so let's have a look okay so we're done with the repair and if you remember at the start of the video i said that you know you've got to be realistic about what what you're going to achieve um you know if you want it perfect you're going to probably have it resprayed it'll be very colour dependent how good it looks i've seen a lot of videos on youtube different methods and a lot of the guys always seem to go for the easy option where i've shown you this on you know it's british racing green jaguar it's got loads of metallic in it um it was it was a wide scratch so not the best case scenario you know things like flat whites and that you can get away with a lot more which i've seen a lot of videos on youtube so i've tried to keep it as real as possible and i'm gonna just try and get as many angles as possible just to show you exactly what's been achieved okay so we're going to zoom right on the scratch now um you're probably going to catch it by your eye a little bit so we'll have a lot so the scratch was there if you catch it at the wrong angle you can still see it it's a hell of a lot better than what it was and it's it's cost relatively nothing as well so it's amazing what can actually be achieved that's really close up now we're gonna be doing plenty more content over the next few weeks um loads of touch-up stuff chip repair stuff people have been asking a lot about that kind of thing so i've got some awesome content coming soon so 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Channel: CVR POV
Views: 374,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: respray, scratch, chip, touch up, keyed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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