How to MASTER COLOR with COLOR BALANCE Tool in Capture One 20

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this lesson will focus entirely on color grading and on color balance tool so the color balance twill can be found here under the color tab and if you scroll down you have the color balance tool visible here so in general the color balance tool is all about color and intensity but before we dive deep into all the features of the tool I want to show you how you can improve the workspace when you are color grading your images so first of all I would select the image that you want to color great and then hit command B to get rid of the browser next you can pull out your color balance tool and you can enlarge it so that way when you will be working on the selected luminosity range you will have much better precision so for example now I'm in the mid-tones and I have much more precision because I can see clearly what I am doing here I can work in a really precise way so I can manipulate with the color wheel I can access the sliders and simply when the tool is larger it is easier to do this and alternatively you can create dedicated workspace for color grading and I would encourage you to do so so I will quickly show you how to do this so we are going to right click here inside the tool top area and let's pick add tool table and select the last option custom tool top so we will create a new custom tool top so let's quickly renamed it and let's hit at the top so with the default width it is not visible I need to make it a little bit wider so now I have access to my custom tab and it is empty I'm going to quickly add here the layers tall at the very top and four times the color balance tool to do this you need to right-click inside the tab and select add tool first layers and now four times we are going to add color balance so now the second one color balance third one and the fourth one it doesn't matter where you click in as long as you right clicking inside the tub so we have 4 times color balance and 1 layers at the top so now let's move all the color balance tools into scrollable area so let's set this for the first one for the second for the third so now we have 4 color balance tools in the scrollable area and we can open layers it is in the paint area which means that this one will stay fixed while we will have easy access to our 4 tools and the reason why I have created four color balance tool is that now I can access independently shadows mid-tones and highlights at the same time and I can set the last tool to master so now it gives me a very quick overview I can see clearly how I have affected the Chou's and luminosity range and this is really helpful when you are working on color grading with color balance tool once you have the workspace ready you can move over to window and in workspace you can save your workspace so it will be available in the future if you want to color grade your images and if you don't want to repeat all these steps again so now let's take a closer look and toll itself so the color balance tool has been separated into the three components of the image based on luminosity ranges so we have shadows we have mid-tones and we have highlights and in each of the tools you can intuitively adjust hue with the color wheel saturation with the slider position to the left and lightness with the slider position to the right ok so let's see how the color balance all is working in action I'm going to create a color grading for this image and I will be doing this on a layer so I'm going to add new fields layer and I will rename it to color grading so when it comes to color grading the most classic color grading is based on injecting cool shade in the shadows and warming up the highlights so that way we would create a color contrast in the image and we would create a sense of depth but I'm going to create a warm color grading for this image so I will be working mostly with warm tones so let's first add a little bit of warm tone inside the shadow luminosity range so to do this I need to just click inside the hue Aria and drag the circle cursor towards the shade that I'm after so this is very intuitive if you can play around you can check how selected color selected hue is affecting you image so since I want to go for warm look I will be going towards adding some red some color between the red and magenta into the shadow range so to add a color tint or in other words to adjust hue in your images work with the color wheel notice that the more I go towards the edge of the color wheel the stronger is the saturation of the selected few and if I go in the opposite direction towards the middle of the circle I'm decreasing saturation if you want to be super precise once you have selected the little circle course or you can operate with the arrow keys on your keyboard so now I'm using the upward pointing arrow on my keyboard and I'm increasing saturation or if I go the other way I'm decreasing saturation so we can do this either by moving the circle inside the huge tool inside the color wheel or you can do this just by using this slider and the same going upwards will be increasing the saturation level and if you go downwards you will decrease saturation level of the selected hue and the right slider is responsible for lightness so if you would like to affect lightness or brightness inside the selected luminosity range now we are working with shadows you can push the handle upwards so this will brighten the shadows in my image and if I move it downwards this will darken shadows in my image this is very important to remember that these sliders are designed in a way that they are affecting the selected luminosity range so when I'm adjusting the hill inside the selected color range shadow range in this case the algorithm is blocking the adjustments from other luminosity ranges so it is blocking mid-tones and highlights if I would be working with the highlights then I will be limited to the highlights luminosity range so that way you can super precisely work with color inside selected luminosity range okay so we have added some red into our shadows let's now move over and warm up a little of the mid-tones so I'm going to select the circle and push it towards the yellows so let's observe the image in the viewer and let's select some pleasing tone I think something around here will be fine I don't want to over saturate it so let's just pick the hue and then we can find you on the saturation with the slider that is responsible only for saturation and when it comes to the highlights I'm going to experiment and add a touch of a cool color to create a nice color contrast so maybe something between the science and greens okay so we have created our warm look for the image we can now take a look and have a preview before and after either by switching off the layer remember if you will now assess that the adjustment is a little bit too strong you can now manipulate with the opacity of the layer so you can make the effect a little bit more transparent or you can still get back and adjust either shadows mid-tones or highlights when it comes to all the three aspects you can adjust hue you can adjust a curation and luminosity to get a preview you can as well alt click on the reset arrow remember to hold the Alt key because this will give you the temporary preview without resetting the adjustment okay let's now for a contrast quickly create a cool look for the image so I'm going to switch off this layer and add another one new fields layer and this one I will call color grading tool so in this case I will go for cool colors and let's start from the shadows I'm going to add a touch of a blue to the shadows let's go for a value around here maybe less magenta let's adjust saturation let's now move over to the mid-tones and here I will add a little bit more blues but more towards the cyan shade so something around here to really call the mid-tones to call the skin tones okay so let's go for this value and when it comes to the highlights I will call the highlight so let's go either for more cyan or maybe something in there more greenish maybe at lower saturation so let's now adjust it with saturation slider so this is a strong saturation value and this is a lower setting and if you like you can go for a stronger look and manipulate with the master tab the master tab will simply adjust all luminosity ranges so if I still add a little bit more of cyan this will be injected into all luminosity ranges and in a way I will be adding a color cast so this will flatten the image injecting different colors different hues into a different luminosity ranges I'm creating more depth in the image so now if I add with the master tab the same hue across all luminosity ranges it will simply subdue the contras that I have created so sometimes it works you can of course experiment you can quickly check and you can decide if your image is benefiting from operating with the master tab or not I think in case of this image I won't use this so I'm going to reset the hue tool okay so super quick we have created a second look for our image and we cannot a quick preview this is the image before the adjustments and this is the image with the first warm look this is the image with the second look the cold look now we can activate the first color grading and now both of the sides were mixed together so let's get back to our browser and I'm going to simply create clone variant and on this one I will be switching off the first color grading let's create another clone variant on this one I will activate the first one and let's create quickly another one and on this one I will switch off all my color grading so let's display that we images one beside another I hope that after watching this quick exercise on color grading and image with the color balance tool you can see its beauty I hope you are convinced by now that this tool is really super effective super intuitive and you can work in a fun way when you are adjusting color and its intensity and to finish this video on color grading with the color balance so I would like to say a few words on finding inspiration for color grading so I would recommend using tools such as Pinterest so you can type in something like color grading inspiration you can scroll down and you can search for images that you like so let's say I would like to take a look at this one and here I can see more color grading ideas so if I like let's say this sort of color grading so now I can right-click on the image and save it to my hard drive and once the image was saved on my hard drive I can display it in capture one so I have found the image on my hard drive I can display it in my viewer and I can move it into the session album where I was working on color balance so now I can have the image displayed at the bottom once the image is sitting inside my session I can now take a look at one of my color grading variants beside the means that I have found online so let's maybe hide the tools to have a little bit more of space and that way you can just simply have a preview for experimenting you can investigate colors you can take a look at the color readouts visible here and you can for example compare the numbers for the shadow range so here you can see that the shadows are on a cool side we have five four greens eight for the blues and let's say I want to compare with this one so I have zero for greens and four for the blues so that way you can work with images found online and you can get some inspiration some ideas when it comes to color grading when you are working on your own photos I want you to remember about one more tool that is easily accessible online I'm talking about the color wheel that you can find at Adobe's website I'm going to paste this link inside the description of this lesson so here with this super useful and free tool you can experiment with different color harmonies so if the middle circle you can pick your selected color so this will be your target color the one that is displayed here in the sample in the middle and then you can change different color harmonies so now we are working with the first analogous this is monochromatic triad complimentary so if we get back to the image that we have saved from the internet we can see that it was based the color grading of this image was based on the complementary color harmony because we have science those grey science cool tones against the yellows and those nice beautiful warm skin tones so we got a bit of a yellow we have a bit of cyan and this creates this beautiful harmonious effect so if you combine the Pinterest with the color wheel you can create really powerful and really beautiful artwork so as always it takes a bit of experimenting but playing around with this color wheel is a really fun you can explore the website so here you can take a look at some different color teams at some different color harmonies created by other users okay so in this clip we've been talking about color grading images with the color balance tool I hope you feel inspired and I hope you can see how powerful are those tools related to colors in capture one and how easily and intuitively you can work when it comes to color grading and applying it to your own artwork
Channel: Kasia Zmokla
Views: 1,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digital photography, Kasia Zmokla, photo editing, photography tutorial, Digital Art Classes, capture one 20 tutorial, capture one 20, color grading, color balance tool, color adjustments, capture one tutorial, capture one 20 tutorials, capture one pro 20, capture one pro, capture one workflow, color grading in capture one, color grading in capture one pro, capture one 20 color balance, capture one pro 20 color balance, color grading techniques, best color grading techniques
Id: 5U20JEtFZvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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