How I Setup My Capture One Workspace

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hey everybody welcome back to studio builder my name is kevin patrick robbins everybody calls me kpr though today what i want to do is i want to walk you through my workspace setup in capture one pro there's a link in the description below where you can download a 30-day trial check it out if you do end up getting a subscription you'll save 10 but i'll also get a small percentage on that as well even if i wasn't a capture one affiliate i would absolutely recommend it 100 it's what i've been recommending to photographers and friends of mine for about seven years now it's the only thing that i recommend to photographers now i highly recommend checking out capture one and migrating over to capture one as soon as you can sooner the better your work will improve significantly so let's uh take a look at the workflow okay so looking at capture one uh we have three main spaces right here we have the viewer where the images show up we have the tools panel here right off to the left and we have the browser off to the right now the one thing that you need to know is that everything in capture one is completely customizable if i wanted to move the browser to the bottom i could do that very easily very quickly change it to more of a film strip if i want to move the tools to the right hand side super simple if i want to get the browser back off the bottom if i just want the browser you know i just hide the viewer it's that simple everything is really simple really great but this is how i like to work i like to work left to right so i keep my tools on the left my viewer in the middle my browser on the right if i want to i can turn the tools off at any time i can turn the browser off at any time turn the tool back on browser back on just a couple keyboard shortcuts and makes life super simple across the top we have the toolbar now the toolbar is different than the tools panel this is more of a stationary you can customize it and add different things to the toolbar right now i have it set up very simply import export capture if i need it rotate this just rotates the variants auto adjustments and proofing previews the standard set of tools that you might be using within the viewer and then i have i'll just turn on i'll go down to one image here here we have the before after so you can easily see this is the original shot out of the camera and this is after applying all my adjustments in capture one then we have the focus mask it shows which areas of the image are in focus you can see her face is in focus i have a grid i can put the grid on i have guides i can put the guides on i have exposure warnings i have apply to all selected variants or not and then just copy and apply adjustments where you can really customize it is in the tool tabs so you can simply add tools or add tool tabs there are some built-in ones i use a number of custom tool tabs first one we have the library and this is the session folders we have session albums those are smart albums and we have favorites favorites are folders that you can create within the session and move the actual raw files into so i can take uh this file and i can drag it into one of these folders and it will actually change where it is on my hard drive then filters filter by rating color tag date keywords places um you can filter by iptc data things like that and filter by camera filter by lens focal length whatever you want to filter by easily done there hey before i go any further if you're new to this channel please consider subscribing if you're a professional photographer or an aspiring professional and you feel that these videos can be helpful next i have the metadata tab and this is a standard tab but i have rearranged it so i have the keywords at the top so i like to see what keywords are there then i have the metadata and you can make the adjustments here to the metadata then a keyword library if you have keyword libraries installed you can use that and then you can just search down through your keyword library and then you'll notice i also have the filters tool here again so that way if i want to filter by keyword i can do that the next tab i have set up is a custom tab i call this baseline and this gives me sort of an overview of all the images and and the characteristics so i have exposure evaluation here at the top this doesn't change if i change the exposure this isn't going to change this is showing me exactly what the raw file consists of then i have the base characteristics i can set an icc profile this was shot on a canon eos 6d so here i'm using the generic profile i could change that to a pro standard profile the curve is to auto and then right now the engine on this image because i processed it five years ago it's using capture one nine if i wanted to upgrade it i could simply hit upgrade and now this image is being rendered using the current version of the capture one engine the next tool is lens corrections lcc you can create lccs you can add your own lcc's here i'm dealing with purple fringing and dehazing so i want to deal with all the sort of the base characteristics of the images across the entire set of images my next tab is the composition tab at the top i have the grid tool and i can turn the grid on or off i can customize the grid if i only want this to be a two by two grid so sort of center point single point perspective you can change it to a golden ratio and you can change it to a fibonacci spiral and then just make those changes however you see fit and you can go back to uh 3 3 or you know 30 by 30 if you want um let's reset that and turn that off crop there are standard uh crop sizes you can also customize your own crop sizes i have one customized here for youtube thumbnails rotation and flip and keystone the keystone tool and capture one is phenomenal the next tab i have is the exposure tab this is a standard capture one tab but i have again customized it again i want to keep the exposure evaluation at the top because this is different than the histogram so the histogram you'll see if i move and change the image the histogram changes as well but the exposure evaluation is never changing the exposure evaluation is a graphic representation of the raw data then i have a layers tool and i just have that minimized in case i need it and need to switch layers while i'm in this tool tab then white balance exposure dynamic range clarity levels and dehaze so my process here is to work from right to left across the tabs so i start with calling my images sorting them color tagging them then i'll add the metadata then i will go to make sure that everything is set from a standard baseline then i'll change my composition then i'll change my and adjust my exposure settings and then next we have the color tab and in the color tab what i do is i have the histogram again so i can see if i'm making color changes how that's reflected in the histogram i have the layers tool because often if i'm working on specific aspects of the image then i just want to focus on those things and i want to see the changes i'm making you will notice when you click on the layers tool and you click on a layer and the mask comes up there is a little brush beside some of these tool names in this tab it's beside all of the tool names because that's how i have it set up then again color i have white balance and then the two main color tools that you're going to use in capture one the skin tone tool and then i have the advanced color editor i don't have one for the basic color editor because i don't use it if i'm making color adjustments it's going to be very specific color adjustments so the next tool tab i have is layers so i have the layers tool here because this is where i will work on everything when i'm building up an image underneath that i have the style brushes and capture one comes with a number of built-in style brushes such as an iris enhance a teeth whitening red skin reduction then again white balance and then i have normalized normalize it allows you to normalize the white balance across a set of images then here i have exposure high dynamic range clarity and sharpening and those are the tools i tend to use when i'm working on layers so my next tab is the details tab and i have again the layers tool at the top i keep it minimized it's there in case i need it then spot removal i do most of my spot removal in capture one if i can help it it's very good at it and it does it very quickly clarity sharpening noise reduction and moire these are the tools that deal with cleaning up the details in your image the next tab i have set up is what i call finishing tab this is a custom tab i created again i have the layers tool right at the top here because if i'm doing color grading i like to do it on its own layer the next tool i have in here is the black and white tool and this allows me to do black and white conversions and split tones if i was doing split tones and then under here i have three separate instances of the same tool this is the color balance tool i have this one set to highlights this one the midtones and this one the shadows this allows me to do my color grading and see all of the adjustments i've made to the grade at once in the color balance tool there is a three-way but you can see these circles are really small so i like to have three copies of the same tool so that i can see it nice and big and make fine adjustments then i have the film grain and vignetting and that's what i do in these the last tab i have here is adjustments and this is just where i have my styles set up and i have some presets set up it's just there in case i want to come in and see what's this what would this look like uh punchy black and white and uh it's pretty dramatic and dark so not for this image and so that's how i have my workspace set up and what's great about this is you can create multiple workspaces and switch between them if you're doing different things i can create a workspace specifically for color grading and then i can create a workspace that's specifically for culling but i've created one workspace that works for my entire workflow just moving left to right across the tool tabs i hope this video was helpful definitely get into capture one check it out download the 30 day trial from the link below i guarantee you if you try this for 30 days you will be hooked if you're a professional photographer especially a commercial photographer editorial photographer you really should be working in capture one and i process everything in capture one from an editorial shoot like this to an ad shoot to my headshots wedding sessions family sessions i do absolutely everything in capture one because the image quality is unparalleled if you thought this video was helpful please give it a thumbs up and hit subscribe i'm gonna be doing more videos on capture one more tutorials on capture one also if you like the content of this video so far please give it a thumbs up i'd really appreciate that it really helps me out a lot i think it's just a small thing to ask in in exchange for the information that i provide in the video thank you you
Channel: Studio Builder
Views: 1,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography, learn photography, business and photography, freelance, photography business, business of photography, how to run a photography business, photo tips, photography education, photo tutorial, capture one pro, capture one 21, capture one 21 tutorial, capture one workflow, capture one tutorial, capture one vs lightroom, photo editing video, photography editing, photo editing, capture one, learn photography for beginners, how to edit photos, lightroom alternative
Id: ShhhaNo5yzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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