Colour Grade Your Photos with Capture One (Capture One Tutorial) | Tutorial Tuesday

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last week we did a little impromptu you getting start of the Quechua on video just just out of the blue now if you haven't seen it I'll pop a link down in description so you can get started with capture one because today we're diving back in when we talk about color grading this tutorial today what about the authorities they were each and every week each and every Tuesday we bring you a brand new flash photography tutorial though this week we're diving back in to capture one you can check out our full getting start with capture on video or pop a link down the description so you can check that out but with diving back in we're talking all about color grading there's actually loads of ways you can affect the color in your in your photo there's a few different tools and it actually gets really deep and really really quite powerful within the program so we're gonna dive in I've got a photo here let's just get into it so I've got this photo of the pier was taking the sunset now before we get into the color gradient actually effects of the colors a few things I just wanna sort out which is mainly the exposure it's a little bit underexposed and I want to just boost the shadows so we can see exactly what we're doing now we might then come back to the exposure by the end of the video because we might decide that we want to change that up again but for now let's just stir let's just fix this a little bit so first things first we got our menus over here on the left I kind of develop menus if you want to talk about kind of similarities to Lightroom we've got a developer the kind of stuff over on the left here we've got these little sub menus at the top the one we're gonna start with here is exposure which gives this little symbol of kind of like a histogram now we're gonna come down here to the actual exposure kind of sliders and I just want to boost the actual exposure I wanna boost the contrast a little bit well leave the brightness and saturation alone a number in the see the actual highlights down so we keep that that that detail in the sky and I'm gonna boost the shadows a little bit of it as well now again we might come back to it we might come back and actually darken the shadows a little bit dark and everything maybe but for now I want to see exactly what we're working with so that we can actually color this the way we want to depend as you can see straight away this looks a little bit blue it looks very cool the color temperature and we're probably gonna warm that up so that's one of the big ways of course that we can affect color so let's come up here to the top of the exposure menu where we've got white balance and we can just we can just bring that Kelvin up until start much much warmer now if you don't do it that way if you don't have just eyeball it and kind of kind of go with what feels right you can get a good starting point by using this little eyedropper tool here to pick the whitebalance now when you click that for the turn orange you can then mouse over any part of the image where there is white and just left-click so these parts of the pier that should be white that's left click there and it's going to adjust the color temperature the white balance until that part of the image is actually white so that it's not too warm or too cool that always gives me a good starting point you know that's roughly what it looked like when I was there anyway I could then warm it a little bit more I could add some magenta or some green but I'm gonna leave it as that for now because I think I think that looks good now going forward let's move over to the color menu so we can actually get really into the proper coloring of this photo so up here the submenus we're on exposure at the moment we're gonna go to color and this is where we're really gonna get started so you've got white balance here as well because of course that is gonna affect the color massively and the next thing we're going to actually use here is the color editor now the color is a little bit like the HSL tab in Lightroom it allows you to affect different colors with hue saturation and lightness as well so you can affect kind of how what the exact color is the saturation of them how rich they are and then of course like too dark within that color so you've got red orange yellow green let's start off with with orange here I'm gonna bring that hue down a little bit just to kind of rich in the orange up and I'm definitely gonna pop the saturation like this I'm gonna leave alone yellow and do the same sort of thing just a tiny bit down towards the oranges and boost the saturation I want to keep mostly keep the gold and kind of tones though green there's nothing really there so I go I'm gonna come over just bring it towards the blues boost the saturation a little bit and the blues just a little bit sort of towards the aquas boost of saturation a little bit and that's basically the color and stir not like HSL not like how you would work with that in lightroom it allows you to finesse the little hues and these are the different colors in your photo but there is more to it it does go a lot deeper so we've been working with it in the basic mode here but there is of course as you can see the advanced mode right next to it so let's left-click that and immediately the menu changes now there's a little pick color correction kind of eyedropper tool here let's left-click that that's gonna make it turn orange and we can come over here the photo and we can select any color in the photo now this particular instance a lot of this photo is orange it's warm but we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna pick the the cloud over here so it's just left click there and as soon as we do that you can see this color wheel appears in the color editor when it shows us exactly what color we've selected on the color wheel and you can adjust things from there so for example I can actually click and drag how many colors within the color wheel will actually be affecting when we go in and alter this I'll actually press ctrl-z twice to just bring that back to how it was but you can see there's sliders underneath here that we can use to affect this so for example the hue slider I can affect that that color across the whole photo I can affect quite massively with the hue slider now I'm not going to do that because I like the color that they are but I'm gonna boost the saturation that's gonna boost the saturation really of all of the clouds are they're all within that kind of color that I've just picked now if I wanted to be a little bit more picky about it I could actually reduce the color I've picked right down to just that so you so you now are really just picking the color that I actually literally clicked on it's a really great way of getting really exact about your color correction and I think that's a big part of me yes you can use this for color grading and getting the exact kind of look you want to go for but you can also use it for color correction where you're actually just going to make sure that colors are exactly as you want them to be you're gonna be able to go in and pick very specific colors in the photo to change now you'll also notice that next to the Advanced tab here is skin tone and now we don't have a person in our photo so we can't really use this one but this would allow us to again use the the eyedropper tool here to actually select the skin in the photo which then tells capital on what color the skin tone is it'll appear here on the on the color wheel and we can make very subtle adjustments to it so we can color correct we can add or reduce the amount of magenta the amount of yellow things like that to really get the skin tone to be perfect and it is such a powerful tool it means you're protecting your skin tones it means you're getting them to be exactly as they should be they're not going to be looking crazy really really powerful powerful tool especially for portrait photography obviously now that's the color editor kind of in a nutshell we've done a little bit with it we haven't gone too crazy but the next thing I want to talk about is the color balance tool which is just below the color editor now this allows you a little bit like in Lightroom where you can add a color to the shadows and it counts the highlights this allows us to add a three-way color so there's a few things we can do we can do we can add master color so we can become out of add a color to the whole photo so for example we can really warm things up by adding a bit of orange business or the yellow bit of red bring it down to the blues you know really effects it that way or we can go into the three way color where we can add a color to the shadows and colors the mid-tones and a color to the highlights and that's the way that I like to work so in this photo for example we're gonna bring the shadow color wheel we're gonna just click and drag this circle in the middle out towards the sort of tealy blues I quite like that yeah I like that then let's bring the mid-tone just click and drag this little circle in the middle out towards the sort of oranges there and the same of the highlights and they drove out to the oranges as well and you can see that that has really made quite a significant difference that's warmed up the photo but the pier has a little bit of color contrast where it's just a little bit more sort of sort of blue now if you ever want to see how the the color balance for example over color editor has one specific thing how much it is affected the the photo you will see before and after of one specific tool like this you can absolutely do that you just hold alt on your keyboard and let's say we wanted a color balance we come up here to where it says reset we hold alt we left click and hold and you can see what it looked like before the color balance and then release to see what our sort of like afterwards so you can see before was this and after is this so we've really warmed that up but there's a little bit of color contrast with the pier and me and the sky now if you want to see the entire picture before and after you can do same sort of thing hold alt and then come up to the top here where it says reset right at the top left left click and hold and that will show you the before of the whole picture and then release to see the after so that's where we're at now now the next thing we use to color the photo is actually back in the exposure to have where you wanna talk about levels and curves and for me the curves adjustment in capture one is superb it is so powerful it just feels like it works on a different level to other programs that I've used it it just it just it just adds a lot it's it's perfectly reasonable to be very subtle with it because I see it can be quite powerful and quite overwhelming but wait we're gonna dive into a little bit but before we do that I want to play around a little bit with the exposure of the photo because I think it's starting to look a little bit bright so where are you gonna come back to the exposure tab up here in the top left when they come down to the levels adjustment now you could use this for color as well but I'm really just gonna use it for the overall exposure I'm gonna bring the mid-tones kind of value here I'm gonna bring it over to the right which has been dark and everything a little bit I think that actually was really quite nice I'm gonna bring this this kind of shadows the the blacks value right over and the left I'm gonna bring that up a little bit too to wreak rush those blacks you know get a very rich look to things and then similarly over here on the right I want to bring this down a little bit so actually gonna just add a bit of contrast by brightening the sky now next we're gonna come down to the curves adjustment where we've got the ability to use is an RGB curve where we can affect it basically the agile exposure values and things like mid-tones highlights and shadows which I'll go over and then of course we can affect individual color channels so red green and blue let's start with RGB now if you're not familiar with the curves adjustment it allows you to plot points on this kind of this graph here and then adjust it from there so let's start off by plotting three points let's plot one in the middle of the line there so we're trying to add them to these kind of intersections here let's plot one right here which is gonna give you kind of the the highlights area of the image and let's plot one right here which is gonna give you kind of the shadows area of the image now a generally equality equality that people do with the curves adjustment is with the shadows point here you can then left-click and drag that around as you see as I move that around that's gonna go crazy so you want to be really quite subtle with this but you might want to bring the shadows down a touch just a touch and then maybe up here the highlights just push those up a little bit that's generally a great way of creating a bit of contrast that's called an s-curve because it kind of snakes a little bit I mean this one's very subtle but you can see it is added kind of a bit of contrast there with the brightness of the sky and then the pier I think that looks quite nice but let's dive into the individual color channels now this is a crazy way of doing so much to your image as a crazy way it's just a very very powerful way of coloring your image and it's all about what you add and take away so if you take away some of the the red and the green for example from the shadows you're gonna be left with more blue in the shadows so the blue is gonna be emphasised similarly do the opposite the green and the blue from the highlights you're gonna be left with more red in the highlights so someone look at this quickly so let's take away some of the red and the green from the shadows now let's plot three points for the red the green and the blue I'm gonna go back to the red here I'm gonna pull that down a tiny bit in the shadows I'm gonna come over to the green I'm gonna do a similar sort of thing and you can see as I do that the actual color of the shadows is changing a lot we've now got much more blue in the shadows means the pier has this kind of blue look to it we could come over to the greens we can pull them down in the highlights as well although you can see in the histogram behind there's not really much green in the highlights anyway so it's not gonna make that much of a difference the same of the blue there's just not that much blue in the highlights so pulling it down the highlights isn't gonna make a huge amount of difference but even just with these very very subtle changes we've made if I hold alt and then left click and hold on the reset button you can see how much of a difference that has actually made to the image actually really quite significant even though it looks or is like nothing on the it's made a huge difference overall now you might be thinking okay well this is great I like the look of this but I think we've gone a bit too far with things well that's no worries we can actually come back up here to the saturation maybe pull that down just a touch - something like - that's 10-8 and we could actually bring the brightness up a little bit as well and one final thing that I'd like to do to the image as well which is something nice about about capture one is we can have a new layer or we can bring a gradient mask in from the right so let's add a new layer so I have at the top of either the exposure menu or the color menu we can add a new layer by pressing this little plus icon here that has layer 1 so we can then make some adjustments to the layer 1 so there's bring the exposure up a little bit and that's bring the the color temperature up a little bit as well as make that really quite quite golden and you might think well nothing's that absolute nothing is happening that's no wise we just haven't told capture 1 where this layer is gonna be applied to on the image we haven't selected any mask for it to actually be applied to so let's go ahead and use the gradient mask here let's left-click that and just drag it in from the top right if you've used Lightroom at all you probably be somewhat familiar with this and that's kind of giving me the look of kind of sunlight coming in from the top right now I really like that you come then with the layers you can adjust opacity and things like that and actually if I was doing this properly and and this what we'll talk about in the next video I might actually have used some of these different settings on different layers so for example the curves adjustment I might have put on a different layout so I could then reduce the opacity later if I thought it was too much similar with with things like color balance and and the the color editor as well I might have done them on different layers so I can come back to them really easily going forward I will talk about that in the next video I think this looks really good I think it I think it shows how powerful capture one can be you know this is probably this is probably a little bit over the top in terms of coloring but I think I think it proves the point of how much you can do in this this particular photo it's very kind of standard in terms of because it's very orange it's very warm very golden but if you had a photo with lots of different colors you know portrait made with a very colorful background there is no real limit so how much you could color grade and get the exact look you want to go for you know we didn't even play around with the idea of kind of muting out certain colors like sometimes we want to mute out the blues and just have the oranges in there but that can look amazing there's all kinds of things you can do to desaturate certain colors boost others loads and loads of stuff now I'll pop a link to the actual capture one software down in the description so you can check it out for yourself I think it's I think it's definitely worth have a look at especially if you're you know if you think about switching from Lightroom if you don't pay the subscription fee for a room I think capture one is a great alternative I love using it the sorry about it that just feels more natural the end result looks kind of more natural yeah big big big fan I also pop a full list of all the kit use the photos down in the description so you can check that out for yourself as well if there's anything you've ever seen in a future video about Capital One pop it down in the comments and we'll do our best to accommodate that I've got some ideas we're going to talk about working with layers when you talk about using the different masks and stuff like that but anything else you want to see absolutely pop it down there because we'll do our best to accommodate make sure to LIKE and subscribe if you enjoy the video I will see you in the next video and of course as always thanks for watching
Channel: Park Cameras
Views: 8,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: capture one tutorial, colour grading in capture one, color grading in capture one, how to adjust colors in capture one, how to edit in capture one, how to edit photos, photography, editing, Capture One Pro, Park cameras, tutorial tuesday, how to use the curves tool, how to use the color editor in capture one, how to use color balance in capture one, capture one, capture one pro, photo editing software, switching from lightroom, capture one vs lightroom
Id: It3mXlJ2194
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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