How to manual your bike for 'days' #mtb #emtb #gopro12

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[Music] no more excuses Riders 25 kilo E Bike let's get those [Music] manuals [Music] welcome to the channel Riders thanks for watching there are tons of good videos about how to manual your bike on YouTube the reason I'm making my own is for me there's one thing that haven't seen on any of those videos that really helped it click for me so if you keep watching I'd like to share that and hopefully it helps you get your manuals a bit sweeter all the better one key thing with learning to manual for me it's taking days weeks months constant practice and when you're learning to practice it's basically hours of just ping the front up and you're coming down again uh so it doesn't look that great it'll look like this quite a lot and that's the point get used to that cuz that's the practice it's hard but that's what makes it so rewarding so you got to persevere and it's not going to be half an hour practicing in a car park for me it's taken just constant practice and find every opportunity you can so when you're riding between Trails any flat bit any slight down slope where it's smooth have a crack at a manual and just keep that practice the more you do the easier they'll get and the more comfortable you get in the manual the great thing about the manual is it's the same technique whether it's a BMX a dirt jump bike full suspension mountain bike the only specific thing about an ebike is the weight it is heavier so it takes more energy to pop it get the front up and to some degree more strength to hold it for prolonged manuals but whether it's 20 M or 200 M you're manualing for just being able to pop it control it and hold it feel comfortable and implement it in certain trail conditions I think that's a really enjoyable skill um and that's what this video is trying to get across one thing to think about with the manual when you've got full suspension bike is are you going to have it locked out or in the open position I would recommend learning and practicing in the open position for me it seems to be a bit easy cuz it seems to kind of sit in the SAG a bit but also if you're riding trails and you want to bust out manuals the open position is how you'll be riding the trails rather than locked out so you're already kind of comfortable and used to it in that situation uh so that's my first tip if you have a full suspension if you have a hard tail completely ignore this you don't care I know what you're thinking Riders it'd be really helpful to have a poorly drawn diagram explaining the kind of physics of the manual well as it happens and here is your poorly drawn diagram didn't disappoint stoked about the helmet though smash that anyway point with this diagram is when you're getting that front wheel up you've got a margin like an arc of where the balance point is and it's okay for it to kind of be a bit up and down as as long as you keep within that Arc of the balance point the point of no return there is where the front wheel's too low and there'll be a point where it gets so low that's it it doesn't matter how much you pull or lean back you've lost it and then you've got the other way which is probably a bit higher than I've drawn and yeah but point is if you go too far up you're going to Loop out go off the back but you've got your rear Brak as the safety net so always keep that covered because that can protect against that and if you're struggling with the manual most likely it's because you're keeping within this range which is safest cuz then it just drops but you need to get comfortable with going up a bit higher and slam in the rear brake if you then go a bit too much the other way um and that's your kind of that's how I see the balance point as that sort of Arc effectively and you will notice slightly bent knees and leaning back a bit and straight arms as best as I could draw with my awful diagram when you're learning and practicing the manual my best of would be find the smoothest surface you can and it needs to be flat or ideally slightly down sloped not too steep cuz when you get that front wheel up you will pick up a lot of speed um and that's your friend it actually easier to balance the faster you go but you want to approach with a moderate speed not too slow otherwise you're just going to it's not really going to carry um but you really want the smoothest surface you can find when you're practicing cuz that will just help make it easy um fire roads Etc will be a bit harder cuz they're going to have all this kind of camber and little bits that you'll notice more when you're on the back wheel than when you're on two wheels what's that forest mountain biker no slow-mo well it's coming Riders it's coming and that leads me on to getting the lift on an ebike cuz that's specific in terms of a manual on a 25 kilo or heavy ebike um you've got to get that front up um and it's not just pulling with the arms and shifting your weight back you've got to kind of Pop down to pop up so kind of push down a bit for a bit of preload let the front forks kind of spring it up a bit for you to get you into the what ideally the balance point that's the first key step and here's the slowmo so you've got your pop and lift to get the front wheel into position and even if you feel that balance point for a second or two that's it but this is my what really helped me or the key secret or advice I can give anyone trying to sort of perfect your manuals is what you do when you're in the balance point and you do nothing you relax um the more chilled you feel it's like leaning back in the sofa you want to have straight arms constant pull but you relax your body try and almost see that front wheel as a fixed thing it's you know that height is going to stay the same and you relax and move your body so of micro adjustments and balance around around the front wheel to make sure it's kind of keeping a constant pull so it's not going to dip but also you're not pulling too hard that you're just going to go over the back and then hit the rear brake if you get too high that's always your safety um but relax chill like see it as sitting in a sofa almost almost um and the more I think that was what the hardest bit for me cuz I get to the balance point and your instinct is almost to Panic or overthink it blank your mind just relax imagine you're satting an armchair and see yourself cruising um and that's the best advice I can give in terms of actually getting that balance point and holding you wind isn't ideal so get your saddle down nice smooth surface pop it relax you got a gentle pull on the arms you may pick up speed it's okay keep cruising oh don't want that stuff oh no I should have probably started this video by stressing manuals are so fun they're hard and take loads of a practice and at first they don't you know they don't look that great but just hang in there cuz they're so rewarding and so fun when you get them but also for trail progression once you get the manual and you're comfortable with it you can start implementing it in your trail riding so you can kind of do a manual and maybe do a little trick out of [Music] it you can also manual along and then pop into things which feels really satisfying interestingly I was just watching the new Brandon seronok edit um after life that's got world's first Mountain bik tricks in there but there's still a Manny tap if you watch closely just before the monster curve War ride to tail whip um he slips in a little Manny tap seminex style just saying the goat knows love a Manny tap to end the video I love manuals and I'm not going to apologize for sharing this cuz they're they're great um and if this if anyone's watching this and this has helped you get into manuals or of you found some of the tips useful do let me know have you really stoked you know if that can help even one Rider that' be awesome um or if you've got any techniques on how to manual you want to share get them in the comments i' love to hear them thanks for [Music] watching
Channel: Forest Mountain Biker
Views: 63,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: e bike, e mtb, mtb trails, mtb racing, enduro mtb, mtb, mtb enduro, mtb fails, mtb downhill, mountain biking, mtb cycle, biking, Forest of Dean mountain biking, mtb review, sam pilgrim, matt jones, Fabio wibner, farmer johns mtb park, winter mountain biking, extreme mountain biking, canyon mountain bikes, mountain biking for beginners, gopro mountain biking, mountain bike trail riding, YouTube mountain biking, canyon sender CFR, bike park Wales, best trail bikes 2024
Id: 0u2vU22VsqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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