Bunny Hop: Mountain Bike - Flat Pedals, YES you can!

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this is not your classic Bunny Hop tutorial this is a bunny hop revelation after watching this video you'll understand the Bunny Hop like you never have because we cracked the Bunny Hop coat the Bunny Hop almost drove me into despair I'm serious I almost quit mountain biking because I was unable to learn to Bunny Hop this is me seven years ago and this is me today although I have progressed a lot still today I struggle with increasing the height of my Hops and that's because I committed a huge error when I started learning the Bunny Hop you'll find out about this era today I'm sharing it hoping that it will help you and many many riders out there avoid it so if you watch this video all the way through you will find out about how to avoid the error you'll know why you do not need a high manual to Bunny Hop and why you do not need to be able to perform a rear wheel lift either before we begin dissecting The Hop let's talk about terminology first because there's a huge amount of misunderstanding about this term bunny hop in this video we will briefly look at a move often referred to as a bunny hop which is this move which in this video I will be calling a bunny hop Landing front wheel first and sometimes also a bunny flop because that's what many people also call it but mainly we will be looking at this move which many people and even instructors think it's the same but actually it's not it's a bunny hop Landing both wheels at the same time or even slightly rear wheel first this is the Bunny Hop we will be looking at in detail in this video because it's the real deal you will also find out more about why this is the real deal in the course of this video today I have brought my partner Bernie with me hi because Bernie is not only an amazing bunny Hopper but also he's an engineer and he has a history of Pro riding in another discipline which is why he brings extremely good analytical skills and kinesthetic finesse in other words he feels what tiny body movements do to the move and he has this amazing ability to immediately adjust and readjust so he's a perfect guinea pig for the bunny no seriously he's perfect to analyze deconstruct and reconstruct movements so both Bernie and I have been professional in other words full time coaches and international instructor Trainers for many many years and while we were preparing this video we were pretty shocked at how many flat out wrong and flat out dangerous tutorials we found out there for the Bunny Hop many tutorials claim a strong hip movement a high manual and a necessity to be able to lift the rear wheel by scooping it well bear with us to find out why these beliefs actually screw up your bunny hops so what we did is we used Bernie as an engineer to do reverse engineering so we deconstructed the Bunny Hop and we created a highly effective Bunny Hop course a course that has already taught dozens of writers of all ages to Bunny Hop many people who had actually been struggling with the move for years reverse engineering in case you don't know what it means is taking a finished product or in our case a skill and dismantling or deconstructing it into smaller chunks to then rebuild it in our case we looked at bunny hops in various bike disciplines like BMX mountain bike slope style Etc we then analyzed and identified the movement sequences that were the same with each bike then we compared these findings with what most of the mountain bike skills industry in YouTube promotes and found that honestly there are not too many parallels that's why we built the Bunny Hop course from scratch to make it possible for anyone to learn a bunny hop and it works see here for example Dita who aged over 60 learned to Bunny Hop within a few weeks with his e-bike and our course so let's take a look at the movement in detail now the first part is a Mini manual why Mini manual because it's only a very small manual to make this clear I have brought a manual into the picture here to compare here I have a manual on the left side and here on the right side the first part of a bunny hop looks very similar at first but if we look closer you will see that on the left side on the manual move the hips are much further back and the front wheel is high on the right side you see that the hips are not as far back although the front wheel is just as high how come well let's reverse engineer this so let's back up a little bit right here you'll see that Bernie's hips do not move any further back but the front wheel is still Rising how does this happen no it's not magic although for years I actually saw that that's because the opening move of the Bunny Hop I.E the manual is already interrupted by the next partial move of the Bunny Hop the next partial move is not however as most claim bringing the hips forward or upward or whatever instead the next move is bringing the arm towards like it or not bunny hops are made by the arms not the legs so never skip aren't they so what are the arms doing the arms now pull the handlebars towards the thighs which brings the front wheel higher and creates the pop so the height of a real bunny hop and if you combine this movement with a springing up motion the rear wheel now lifts so now the arms come into play once again the next step is now lifting the bike up with the hands and then pushing the handlebars forward and then bending the legs which aligns the bike in the air and allows four around ending over both tires and here by the way this is an e-mountain bike weighing over 25 kilograms yep that's over 50 pounds and the height of the Hop is easily 45 centimeters which is about 18 inches yep that is what makes a real bunny hop if that was too fast rewind and re-watch it again which is one of the biggest advantages of online learning you can watch and re-watch and allow your brain the time to digest in our Bunny Hop course you will get this movement divided into even smaller digestible chunks find the course here in the link and also in the description below and in the pinned comment you will get precise and structured realistic drills step-by-step progressions and also common errors and how to correct them to easily turn this knowledge into real skills because you know what we've been doing this for over 13 years full time and precisely because this is our full-time profession we never be able to give away all of our knowledge on YouTube for free work with us online or in person and we will gladly share all of our knowledge with you you will get proven and simple exercises and if you supplement the course with personal coaching you will get individualized exercises and feedback because everybody everybody and everybody is unique and everyone needs a small but crucial adjustment of the technique and this brings me back to my error and the reason I struggle so so much with this move and why I still struggle more than I should I'm serious this is not me whining I've had breakdowns over this skill and those who took the bicp level 3 recertification with me in Las Vegas no I literally broke down crying because of my inability to Bunny Hop so why was ISO crap learning this and which error did I commit well I actually committed two errors one I started learning the bunny hop too early I started practicing right when I started to even ride a mountain bike with no solid foundation whatsoever ingraining my foundational errors with every session why because I repeated them over and over again and what did this do well every practice session actually took me further away from my goal era 2 was I trusted an ex-pro writer who still coaches but has no coaching qualification whatsoever and takes no coaching courses yes he has been doing it for years but he's a coach who teaches the one and only way to do things and every time someone claims a technique to be the only right one be cautious so his one and only um his one and only technique was his way and apart from the fact that now I know that these movement patterns are totally limiting they just didn't work for me because I'm petite he for example taught me a manual with a complete leg extension and taught me a quick forward hip thrust and a scooping motion afterwards which actually both will screw up your bunny hops for real so no you do not need a scooping motion and no you do not need to actively bring the hips anywhere unless the maximum Bunny Hop height you ever want to reach is about 20 centimeters which is about six inches so what you really need is the motion we described in the detailed analysis before which you will really learn by structured practice which you will get in our Bunny Hop course a real Pro coach has one job to make you learn skills easily not to teach you his or her way of doing things a pro coach knows the interrelation of strength mindset bike geometry movement phases and much much more and we'll find solutions that work for you and that's what Bernie and I have been doing for years and we both love it it's our job to make you learn the skills easily and to find a technique that works for you and here's some bonus info so why do we think the bunny hop with an even Landing over both tires or a landing slightly over the rear wheel is better than a bunny hop where you land over the front wheel well first of all a bunny hop with a landing over the front wheel is not wrong and it is still a bunny hop even though it's often referred to as a bunny flop but you will always be limited if this is the only technique you know so let's look at the two moves side by side bunny flop left and Bunny Hop right the initiation of the move looks similar but then left you can see a forward hip movement and right you can see the front wheel still rising and the hips moving upwards the maximum height of your hips is what marks the maximum possible height of lifting the bike and here it's visible that the technique with the hips moving forward on the left aka the bunny flop technique therefore limits your possible overall Bunny Hop height and it adds a forward spin to the move hence if you can only perform a bunny hop with a landing over the front wheel it becomes very dangerous if you want to use this bunny hop for example to jump down from obstacles to jump up to a large obstacle or if you increase the height of the Hop also if you use this bunny hop motion with the forward spin for jumps which is totally legitimate to use a bunny hop motion for some jumps or to increase the height of a jump it is super dangerous because the forward spin becomes an over the handle bus spin very quickly in addition it is impossible to learn Advanced Maneuvers like a bunny hop to manual if you can only perform a bunny hop with a landing over the front wheel but again I'm not saying a bunny hop with the landing over the front wheel is wrong and it does of course have its uses and we also teach it in our course but it simply has its limitations so it's not the real deal so if your goal is to jump only small obstacles and that's your final goal and you never want to use this technique as a foundation for air time then of course it's perfectly adequate to learn a bunny hop with the landing over the front wheel I also often use it on the trails but the real deal is to master both types of bunny hops so you can actively influence the angulation of your bike in every situation is it possible to learn a bunny hop in a few days probably not unless your final goal is to learn only a bunny flop with limiting movement pair returns it may also be possible for you if you have a history as a very active probably almost pro athlete and why is that well Bunny Hop requires muscle groups that we almost never use in this way in everyday life the skill is not only about technique so about using the right movements in the right order at the right time it's also about strength and coordination however since we almost never need these muscles in this way in everyday life your body needs time to develop this strength and coordination you probably acknowledge that if you go to the gym every day for a week this will not build a huge biceps you're not going to build huge muscles and impressive strength within a week right well therefore when practicing the Bunny Hop be just as realistic in your goal setting you will not learn the Bunny Hop within a few days coordination and strength do not develop within a few days it's neurologically and anatomically impossible in our online course we therefore have specific strength and coordination exercises and the lessons built on one another in a systematic and methodical manner over weeks to give you and your body and brain the time they really need to change and adapt oh and the course which is here works for everyone no matter your size age experience or gender so did you like the video then give us a thumbs up and of course subscribe to the channel sending you much love I'm Roxy and this is Bernie goodbye and drop us a comment [Music]
Channel: Roxy's Ride & Inspire - Roxybike Coaching
Views: 66,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bike jump, bunny hop flat pedals, bunny hop mountain bike flat pedals, full suspension mountain bike bunny hop, global mountain bike network bunny hop, hardtail mountain bike, hardtail mountain bike bunny hop, mountain bike, mountain bike bunny hop, mountain bike bunny hop tutorial, mountain bike tricks, mountain biking, mountain biking bunny hop, mountainbike bunny hop lernen, mtb bunny hop, mtb motivation, mtb skills training, roxybike bunny hop, bunny hop breakdown
Id: EI8PtGXhFb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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