Does a Manual Machine Work? - 15 Days of Progress

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today on van gaal a few weeks ago i had a mountain bike lesson by joe and i was told how to mini manual after two hours of lesson i could get to close a tiny puddle but i couldn't lift up my front wheel until my balance point now i knew the proper manual technique i just needed to practice after 20 days of practice i know i should be able to manual like a pro well i still sucked i must do something to keep myself motivated after 20 days of failure i'm a bit broken so i decided to build a manual machine i believe a manual machine is gonna help me how to lift up my front wheel i really want to go high there are so many videos about how to build a manual machine but if we want to know which instruction i used there is a link down below now my manual machine is done that's too long the first tip of using a manual machine is to use a leash oh we don't have to worry about looping out you can't huh so we can press harder and kick harder it's safer let me see this is good how do you do it no oh it's scary the second stabilize the machine my manual machine moves forward and backwards it's good i should go back though but also it could move side to side my tire fits perfectly in the machine but eric's spike has a little bit narrower tires so eric's spike is a little bit wobbly and if it's not stabilized our energy we put into the bike goes somewhere else and it makes a little bit harder the third it's good to take the chain off too actually take off the chain i started with a chain on and i think it was easier because the pillow doesn't move forward but it feels much different from riding a bike outside so to not grow a bad habit take off your chain the fourth a smaller bike is easier if the bike is smaller it's easier to go back however i have only one bike to make it easier for the first time i turned my bars around i don't have to use my brake with the leash in this case my boss came closer so it's easier to go back yes now i got a little bit of tip from mania machine so your back movement is standing up and try to scrub your butt from the tip of your saddle to go back into the tire that's your butt uh path and go back just like but bump into eric i didn't know how low we can actually go until then and surprisingly this method worked great my body is still rocking forward but i'm gaining more muscle for the first place straight back and straight shoulders and press speeds facing up a good body position with a butt bump makes a huge difference but my shoulders were sore every morning you can tell that from my face right and somehow my manure machine stopped moving forward but start moving backwards so it's time to switch my twisted stem to a shorter stem this time i didn't put it backwards if you want extra workout try on a bigger bike it's good practice you can have more power on a harder bike so what's next now my focus moved on to how long my front wheel can be in the air [Music] five second no no no yeah i was counting it was like you're counting a lot faster when you're doing it when i try to do a manual i feel the 4th 30 degree is the hardest to get over this cost 30 degree zone drop your heels if the timing is perfect when i press straight down with awkwardly open knees and kick with my feet and drop my heels with the perfect body position the front wheel goes up [Music] effortlessly so in the end what joe or other people had been telling me was the all i need to do straight down also when you're doing it going down and then you stop for a moment go down and back like fast but sometimes we have to take so many detours to find a goal two is shaking so now i practiced on a manual machine every day for 15 days has my manual skill being improved now i can do manual on the vanilla machine and i wonder if i can do it on the street [Music] oh it's so weird my bike is moving oh my god it's so light but so weird okay this is feels different because my bike is moving it seems like i still suck feels much better than before though however if we can't maneuver on a manure machine i don't think we can manual outside just it doesn't mean if we can monitor a manual machine we can manual outside if we're comfortable in this bike it helps to go straight down for some reason i need to go down it's hard work this is my friend jasmine this is how fast i'm trying a manual machine how do you do it l shape right yeah l shape oh god because of the fear of looping out her hip didn't want to go back first so i gotta go very low is that oh do you want me to hold it in the hot wheels you can feel how the how what how how do you feel like oh my god oh my god oh my god that's so like lifted exactly oh my gosh oh good oh yeah after 10 minutes yes oh yes yes oh yeah this is only also this was her first time on a manure machine [Music] so you go down and go back yes something like that she has the same tendency as mine to rock forward with her knees moved forward i'm straight i'm straight yeah after 20 minutes however an unfortunate happened later that day make sure if the leash is on when your friend is trying to do it nice yes it's working and this is chris you can still fall no all right oh my god oh nice it's really good actually yeah it's fun as you can see a manure machine definitely gives us how it feels like to do manual and if you want to learn manual you should build one i believe this was the second steps to rolling down the street with one wheel [Applause] first time now i just need to go outside and keep practice [Music] thank you for watching and see you next time i'm getting better again yes
Channel: Van Girl Yuka
Views: 380,576
Rating: 4.8322935 out of 5
Keywords: van girl yuka, mtb girl, bcpov, female mtb riders, mtb, mtb couple, mtb trail riding, van life, full time mtb rider, van life couple, mtb van life, mtb vlog, van life vlog, travel vlog, female van lifer, trail reviews, Forbidden druid, bc trails, NOBL wheel, manual machine, how to manual MTB, Does a manual machine help
Id: lWnqRTNB80o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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