How to Make Wine from a Wine Kit - Perfect Wine Every Time - Wine Kit Tutorial - Part I

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look what we're making today white zinfandel from California a wine kit [Music] Daddy's day I got something special for you today we're gonna show you how to make wine out of a kit that anybody can do it all the additives are in here for you I'm gonna unbox this thing and show you what's inside this box here will make five to six gallons of wine that's like 25 to 30 bottles of wine look at this White Zinfandel wine I tell you it's gonna be a beautiful color now these wine kits come in all kinds of flavors and I've turned to the professionals to give us something the best ones to make all right we're in Bailey's in York Pennsylvania I live real close to here we have everything from Chardonnay to a pink moscato Trinity red from Spain we have grapes from Chile so it's we cover a pretty good selection here you said you've got a place right right over here yeah Stony Run brew house we make all our beer in-house make sure you're supporting your local brew supply store but look here you even got all kinds of juices now these don't come with the supplies normally so you got to buy them additives so besides some of the uh everything that's included in this box it says you're going to need some extra so I'm just going to read it off the Box you need an 8 U.S gallon bucket for a fermentation bucket a bunch and airlock you need a hydrometer a siphon to Rack your wine to get it into a Carboy you need a test jar a thermometer large mixing spoon and that's it and remember I'm going to put links to all this stuff in the description of how to use this kit wine which is going to be way easier for some of you beginners that want to see if you like the hobby first so let's get this box opened up and see what is actually included in here there we go you got obviously some juice here classic white zinfandel Reserve that's some of the juice looks like we got a couple different packs of that here's all our additives oh Bentonite that's my favorite filtering agent I love that the only thing left is another bag of juice which is what we want so let's go through we're gonna follow these instructions very carefully because I just want to show you how easy this is and thanks to Homebrew Ohio a lot of the links that I provide in my Amazon links go to them to support them they're a great company there's all kinds of different wines like I said that you can make some are more expensive than the others and that is because it more has more juice to water ratio some actually have Oak flavoring in them and then some actually have the grape skins included which again that's going to give you a full body wine the higher the price most likely the better the quality I know somebody that's made this and they said it's excellent my first time making this white zinfandel so I can't wait to try it either let's get started so we're getting ready remember you gotta sanitize your equipment if you're new to this hobby it's a must I use star sand and what I'm going to do is add a half ounce to two and a half gallons of water I'm not going to go into the entire process but just know I got a whole separate video of how to do this let's get our equipment sanitized here the first thing I like to do and you'll see me use this is I want to get a squirt bottle filled up this will come in handy each day as we stir some of this wine up so I'm going to get that going I've got my stir pad I'm going to put that in our airlock and our bunch and this is what we'll use to measure our specific gravity you gotta have a hydrometer you want to see what your ABV alcohol by volume is going to come out to so one of the first things it says is you get your primary fermentation bucket and you grab the Bentonite package and we're just going to dump this in here this is a little diff bit different the way I do it when I'm making my fruit wine but again we're just going to follow the instructions then it says to add eight cups of hot water and then we're going to stir that Bentonite in see if I can get an overhead shot here you can see the Bentonite at the bottom of the bucket you're just going to stir this in break it in we're going to stir this every now and then so you're going to have a little bit of clumps but just do the best you can to break it up at this point that's what this Bentonite is going to do is draw some of that the particles out of your wine and bring it to the bottom of your bucket so when you rack this it's going to make it clear that's it that looks pretty good for right now now step two is you take the larger bag and you just dump it in our bucket here so let me see this is where I put this in the sink because I've had mishaps before there we go I got it opened up oh my goodness if you could smell this we're just gonna add this large bag of juice in here oh man this is smells amazing this is gonna make a five to six gallon now what it says it says to fill this bag up to rinse it so I'm gonna put some water in here because we want all that juice now a lot of this there's no exact science at this point when we check our ABV alcohol by volume that's where we're going to get this to exactly the level we want there we go so now some of these kits come with Oak chips if you like that flavor I don't care for Oak flavor or wood flavor in my wines but that's what it would stay to do here in the next step now what it's saying is to fill your bucket up to the six gallon level for me that's going to be pretty close up to the top up to this Rim here and then we're going to check the specific gravity the starting specific gravity so let me get water added thought I'd just rinse this out make sure I get all that juice I'll just use my faucet to top it off here it says to make sure you're using good clean drinking water so whatever you're drinking if you're drinking out of your faucet or tap water that's just fine thought as a Magnus water I'll try and stir some of that Bentonite in so I filled my bucket here to about the five and a half gallon mark because I might want a bolder white zinfandel so what we have here is the hydrometer I'll get close-ups on this but we have a potential alcohol level and I usually for a wine I want to get it somewhere maybe between 10 and 15. uh you know not much less than ten but I just want to see where it's at before I fill this all the way up to the six gallon and then it's I'm less than 10 percent so I just want to double check all right the kit is right on it's got a potential right now 25 obviously that's way too high so we're gonna add the water to the six gallon left we got it to about that rim and that's probably close to six gallons so I'm just going to give this another stir get some of the water that might be laying on the top mixed in with the juice but one thing that's so nice about these kits if you watch my other videos I'm not mixing any sugar water or any of that that's already in here so again they make it easy on these wine kits that anybody can do it or it's still right around 19 so I'm gonna add a little more water we may have to go up here pretty close to the top probably should have had a bigger bucket so you can see I got my hydrometer floated in here and I'll show you a close-up but we're right around 11 and a half to 12 percent that's where I like it so the next step is where I think we're on step four you see how easy this is going usually if you see me make fruit wine I'll put Camden tablets in this and you won't put the yeast in for 24 hours but again we're dealing with juice so this has been prepared for us so we don't need them Camden tablets and we can just put the yeast right in it's just sprinkle on the top that's how easy it is this will turn into wine very shortly oh it smells so incredible so we're going to get the the lid on here and the air lock and then I'm going to come back in about 24 hours and show you what we want to do next now I think this is over the top here remember I showed you the big juice thing here but they actually once we rack this into our cardboard we're gonna have some headspace they give you extra juice to top it off that right there just goes to show you how far ahead they thought on this they give you topping juice this is where the squirt bottle comes in handy anything you can't get to on the lids you want to do both sides let that on there for about a minute and then we'll put it on same thing with the airlock I've had that sanitized so we're good to go with that so there we go flip this over get it on here and if you have this kind of airlock you want to fill it up about halfway hopefully you can see that it's about halfway put this on here and what we're gonna do is come back in about 24 hours and I'll show you the next step this hopefully we're going to see bubbling in 24 to 48 hours now wine experts also has in the beginning of the first quarter of the year they come out with more limited edition kits and everything I read about those is you can't make a bad batch of wine with these kits so if you want to start out this is the way that you can try and get into the hobby before you jump to some of my fruit wines which are excellent by the way too it's been 24 hours and I wanted to show you what I did here remember I said that bucket was a little bit too small really should have had an eight gallon I separated about a gallon of wine into this other bucket I have and use now this is not in the instructions but I'm a professional your wine needs oxygen in the primary fermentation stage you can see it already started to Bubble here but I like to stir it because because adding oxygen in these first five days is going to make this yeast blue so we're not going to see much foam yet but we will in a few days so I've got my lid off here you can see how the top is like that that's the yeast working that's what we want so I'm just gonna stir this for the next five days and if you could smell this it smells incredible right now and we're introducing oxygen now the directions stay to let it alone for 14 days but for the first five to seven days I'm gonna stir this because I want to make sure oxygen is getting in here I got a whole Oxygen video make sure you watch that because it's important that you know when to add oxygen and when not to so that's it we stirred it we're just gonna let it sit for another 24 hours and I won't bore you with all this there we go remember I got this paddle sanitized that's what it looks just like the other one give it a gentle stir and put the lid back on the airlock has really slowed down and we're at day 14 according to the instructions so the next thing it says is to test your specific gravity because we want to make sure all that sugar was converted to alcohol so I'm just going to take this lid and set it aside and I got my sanitized hydrometer here we're just going to drop it down there is a specific gravity on this side and it's right in here hopefully you can see that if not I'll get a close-up but we're hoping it should drop down to this 1.0 that way we know when we started this wine and we had an 11 and a half to 12 percent ABV if we get to 1.0 that's what the ABV will be 11.5 to 12 percent I'm looking at this and it's really close to the 1.0 so that's what we're trying to get to we're ready to get this rack I'm going to start by racking this smaller one so that's what the instructions say rack into your car boys I don't again like big car boys so I'm racking this into two smaller three gallon carboise because they're just easier to manage so we got our sanitized hose I'm gonna put it down in one of my car boys here you want to get that hose down in there as much as you can then we're just going to start this siphon we don't want to get anything that's on the bottom which could be dead yeast or sediment wasting wine in this stage is okay there we go it's going down into our three gallon carb well just sit this there so there you can see I got the hose going down in this is the one gallon batch so we'll probably come up to about a third of this then we'll get the big one and get it into that secondary which if you watch my last video I'm making all precautions I got these sitting in a plastic bin in case of any mishaps because this is the first time I'm using these two new car boys that I got I'm gonna slowly tilt this bucket a little bit because I want to get as much juice out as I can I don't know if you can see in this bottom of this bucket here but do you see all that sediment in there you don't want to get that in when you're racking your wine so we're wasting not much here maybe a half a glass of wine so we got the one gallon batch now we got the big bucket and I'm just gonna start the siphon on this and we're putting in where I put that one gallon batch of wine so we're going down there and I'm going to stop this when it gets to about two inches from the top and you'll see what I mean as we get done here this is fun isn't it we're making homemade wine from a kit it doesn't get any easier than this you just follow them directions and you'll be as successful wine maker then when you get that mastered check out all my fruit videos because we do all kinds of fruit wines made from real fruit so you can see it coming up the top here I want to stop the siphon when I see it get up so far and then I can top it off regular so there we go now we'll just put the rest in this other one so the next step it says now is when you add your potassium sorbate again we're on day 14 of making this wine you can see after I racked I just temporarily put these airlocks on there I'm just going to take these out and what it says to do is you just pour this into your container so what I'm going to do I'm just going to split this evenly between my two three gallon car boys here and again all we're doing is simply following the directions that this kit came with you can see the gas coming out of there right so after we do that now it's it says you need to degas your wine you can see some of that gas coming out I got my sanitized paddle here and again I got this in a container of case of any mishaps like last time but we're just going to stir this for it says 10 minutes I don't know if you need to do it that much but this you can see all the bubbles coming out here which you don't want in your wine so it says to reverse directions and we'll just do this for the next 10 minutes to each one of these so after degassing your wine it says to use this other container here it's good again we're just following the directions on this we're just gonna open these back up and we'll put half in one and a half in the other there we go we'll get our air locks back on but I always like to sanitize the corks because again sanitizer you've got to sanitize in this hobby I'm going to put these down on the floor over there in my container in case again any mishaps you want to just be prepared so it says to come back in 24 hours and then we're going to add something else and then we're gonna let it all Settle Down You're Gonna Be Amazed how crystal clear this is going to get at 24 hours see you then now one thing that's fun about the wine making hobby is don't be afraid to test your wine at different stages here I had a little bit extra in my fermentation bucket and here it is the white zinfandel the color is incredible I can't wait to see it once it clears out but let's just taste it wow I can tell you that is going to be excellent now remember when we got that specific gravity down to 1.0 it should be pretty dry wine it is fairly dry but it's got some sweetness to it when we get to the sweetening stage we may not need to back sweeten it's not recommended in the instructions you just when it racks and you're ready to bottle it no sweetener needed and maybe it's not going to need it all right look at this it's been 24 hours since we added that chemical and now I'm going to add the second according to the instructions I kind of wanted to show you the color here with the lights shining through but do you see all that sediment at the bottom I'm some impressed after just 24 hours so now we're on day 15. it says to add your extra juice this wine kit thought of everything we've got extra juice to add if we were not up to the proper level but I feel like we're at a very good spot here now as we rack this if I do an additional racketing this doesn't get clear like I want you could see from that sediment we're going to have to add juice at that point so I'm going to save that for later but the next step is it says you take this chitosan which hopefully again I'm saying this right Now's the Time you add your top off juice and we add this remember we added the element yesterday did a little bit of research on this I think I'm going to do a whole video because I can't believe how it pulled out just on the very first it's a two-part additive but the way I understand it's comes out of quartz rock so Bentonite same thing it's Clay based but I'm going to do a whole video in this two-part stuff because I've been impressed with it but let's just get into adding this to this wine kit so I'm just gonna snip this off and I'm going to add half to each one of these and hopefully not make too much of a mess again I probably should use a funnel and then you just want to stir this in again I got my sanitized already sanitized my paddle here and we're just going to stir that in and everything that's down below we're getting a little full here I might take a little bit of that out now it says for the next I think it said two weeks to four weeks we're just gonna let these things pull all of the sediment out and take it to the bottom so we'll put this airlock on and get these to a dark basement so I decided not to take it out because I like where the level is so we're just going to sanitize these air locks again and we're just going to sit them on top you don't want light hitting this that's the key and don't miss part two we're gonna rack this and get it bottled and taste tested I can't wait to show you this because that's what we're trying to get to again these wine kits I've got links to all of them all the good ones in the description this brand here wine expert is a great one to start with try it out it takes all the thinking out of wine making it gives you everything you need and then some it's gonna be a great wine white zinfandel [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: HowToDoneRight
Views: 16,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wine kit, wine kits, Carboy, how to, fruit wine, making wine, home winemaking, wine, juice wine, diy wine, homemade wine, home made wine, how to make wine at home, wine from fruit, wine recipes, wine from juice, wine recipe, how to make fruit wine, wine recipe from fruit, howtodoneright, wine expert, how to make wine from fruit, make wine, wine making, how to make wine, wine kit review, home wine making, winemaking, making wine at home, how to make homemade wine, Easy
Id: 6Qcdu05wVF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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