How To Insert Logo In CapCut - Full Guide

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we'll guide you through how to insert a logo in cap cut if you find this guide useful then please consider subscribing and liking the video first of all open up the project you wish to go and add the logo to and then make sure you don't have anything selected if you do just press the back button in the bottom left and go and click on overlay at the bottom like so and click on ADD overlay you'll need to go and select photos and make sure you've got your logo which you wish to insert saved your camera roll you can then select it by going to the top right of the image and pressing on the little check boox and then go to the bottom right and click on ADD so there's my logo there you can then pinch it to go and resize it and what you can also do is adjust how long it's in the video for by using the end points and the start points in the timeline so you can use these points to go and make it longer or shorter and if you wish to go and remove the background then what you can do is make sure you've got it selected and then in the bottom scroll along until you see remove BG or remove background you can then use Auto removal custom removal or chroma key because I've just got a white background I'll click on chroma key and you can then choose the color you wish to go and remove in my case I'll select the white then you can go to intensity and you can start to increase it and that will go and remove the background you can go and use Shadow if you like as well I'm not going to I'll just press the tick and there we go so I'll reposition it and now when I play the video the logo is there
Channel: GuideRealm
Views: 22,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: insert logo in capcut, how to insert logo in capcut, how to insert logo on capcut in a video
Id: dDrSZSHswvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 22sec (82 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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